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Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN 01-1004

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Page 1 of 14

Roof Requirements Contract

F.E. WarrenAFB, Wyoming Sohcitadon NumberF48608-01-R~0001 Contract NumberF48608-01-D-0008


PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. B, PrecoatedGalvanizedsteel roofing, associated integral flashings, and underlayment. WSA Galvanized steel roofing, associatedintegral flashings, insulation, integral gutters and downspouts, and integral fascias.


RELATED SECTIONS A. B. Section 07620- Sheet Metal Flashing, Trim, and Accessories. Section 07631 - Gutter and Downspouts.


REFERENCES A. B. C. D, ASTM A446- Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated, (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical) Quality. ASTM D2178- Asphalt Impregnated Glass Mat for Roofing and Waterproofing. ASTM D4586- Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free. SMACNAArchitectural Sheet Metal Manual- Fourth Edition. -


SUBMITTALS A. Submitall Submittals in accordance with Section 01000, 1.11,

ProductData: Provide data on metal types, finishes, characteristics, and all related integral parts. (Metal Submittal #25) C. D. E. Submitspecified trade association installation instructions. (Metal Submittal #26) Submitone sampleillustrating metal finish color. (Metal Submittal #27)

Submitmanufacturer's warrantyto initiate a material warranty of not less than fifteen (15) years and a labor warranty of not tess than two (2) years. (Metal Submittal #28)


QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in acco[dancewith standard details and requirements.



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Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN 01-1004

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Page 2 of 14

Roof Requirements Contract

F.E. WarrenAFB, Wyoming

Solicitation NumberF48608-01-K-0001 Contract NumberF48608-01-D-0008 Fabricator and Installer: Company specializing in sheet metal roof installations with minimum three years documentedexperience. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Stack performedand prefinished material to prevent twisting, bending, or abrasion, and to provide ventilation. Slope metal sheets to ensure drainage. -~ Prevent contact with materials which maycausediscoloration or staining.

B. 1.8

WARRANTY Provide standard warranty to include coveragefor degradationof metal finish, water tightness, and integrity of seals.


Pre-Coated Galvanized Steel: ASTM A446, Grade A, minimum G90 zinc coating; 24 gaugecore steel, pre-coated Colonial Red(or equivalent). The selected product must approved the ContractingOfficer prior to installation. by Pre1CoatedGalvanized Steel Panels: Minimum G90zinc coating; 24 gauge, pre-coated Colonial Red (or equivalent). The selected product must be approvedby the Contracting Officer prior to installation. WSA Metal Roof Panels: Varco-Pruden Standing Seam Roof (VP SSR), 24 gauge,: Shop coating to match existing color. '. .. SSR panels will be painted with 1 coat vinyl wash, 1 coat latex metal primer and 2 coats acrylic finish. .


Paint Materials for Sheet Metal Roofing Paint: Fiber-reinforced aluminum. Color: Matchexisting


ACCESSORIES Fasteners: Galvanized steel, same material and finish as flashing metal, with soft neoprene washers. B. C. D. Underlayment:ASTM D226, No. 30 asphalt saturated roofing felt. Plastic Cement:ASTM D4586, Type I1. Eave(Ice Dam)Protection: ASTM D226, No. 30, non-perforated asphalt saturated felts. Drip Edge: Galvani~ed~24 gauge, minimum (152 mm)stretchout under roof material. 6" Reglets: Surface mounted type, galvanized steel. G. WSA Sub-Purlins: Z-shape, 2" x 4" x 2" (50 x 101 x 50 mm) 01700-49
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Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN 01-1004

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Page 3 of 14

RoofRequirements Contract

F.E. WarrenAFB, Wyoming Solicitation Number F48608-01-K-0001 Contract NumberF48608-0 l-D-0008

WSA Insulation: 3" (76 mm) Batt insulation. WSA Seaming Machine: Machine to seam SSRpanels closed. WSA Rake Closure: Prefinished, 24 gaugesheet metal, fastened as per manufacturer's recommendations. K. L. -- WSA Downspout:Prefinished, size and gaugeto match existing. WSA Ridge Cap: Preflnished, fastened as per manufacturer's recommendations to ensure watertight seal. WSA Fascia: Prefinished, fastened as per manufacturer's recommendations ensure to watertight seal. WSA Fasteners: #10 x 1" (25 mm)Self-tapping sheet metal screws with large neoprene coated washer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. B. InSpect roof ~eck to verify deckis clean and smooth,free of depressions, waves,or projections, properly slopedto drains, valley, or eaves. Verify deck is dry and free of snowor ice. Verify joints in wooddeckare solidly . supported and fastene& : : ..~ ¯ ,-. : ..... ,- . ..

C. D. 3.2

Verify roof openings,~u~bs,pipes, sleeves, ducts, or vents throughroof are solidly set,, ,;, " . regrets are in place, and nailing strips located. Verify roofing termination and base flashings are in place, sealed, and secure.

PREPARATION A. B. C. Install starter and edgestrips, and cleats before starting installation. Install surface mounted regrets true to lines and levels. Seal top of regrets with sealant. Replace damaged sheathing whererequired to increase the structural capacity for the newroofing material. Replacewith similar thickness of CDX plywood.


INSTALLATION- F_.AVE (ICE DAM) PROTECTION A. Place eave edgeand gable edge metal flashings tight with facia boards. Weatherlap joints 2" (50 mm) and seal with plastic cement.Secure flange with nails spaced6" (152 . mm) o.c. B. C. Apply lap r_ate recommended manufacturer. by Extend eave protection membrane minimum (609 mm)upslope beyondinterior 2' exterior wall. face

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Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN 01-1004

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Page 4 of 14

RoofRequirements Contract

F.E. WarrenAFB, Wyoming Solicitation NumberF48608-01-R-0001 Contract NumbcrF48608-01oD-0008


INSTALLATION A. B. Conform drawingdetails included in the manufacturer'sinstructions. to Apply underiayment single layer laid perpendicular to slope; weather lap edges2" (50 in mm) and nail in place. Minimizenail quantity. Staggertransverse joints of roofing sheets. provide integral gutters, downspouts, fascias, and flashings. Sheet metal roof areas shall be painted in accordancewith paint manufacturer's recommendations


WSA - STANDING SEAM ROOFING A. B. C. Remove and replace damagedpanels. Replace and refasten sub-purlins as needed. Weld4' (1219 ram) o.c. Place 3" (76 mm)Batt insulation. Ins.tall all tootling andintegral parts in accordance manufacturer's with instructions.




Conform manufacturer's to instructions.for.installation of all flashings, fascia, and gutter. Secureflashings, ridge cap, fascia, gutters, and downspouts place using concealed' in fasteners: - ¯ .. Fit tight in place, Make comerssquare, surfaces true and straight in planes, and lines accurateto profiles. Seat metal joints watertight.


WSA- QUICK FIX A. For loose panels that have not yet beenremoved from building, place self-tapping screws at 2 per sub-purlin per panel in unfastened area. Ensure all screws have neoprenewashersto form a watertight seal. PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Donot permit traffic over unprotectedroof surface.


EXECUTIONREQUIREMENTS Attachment 3 Page 51 of 59


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Soli, ion Number F48608-0l-K-0001 Contract Number F48608-01-D-0008

Page 5 of 14

SECTION 07620 SHEETMETALFLASHING, TRIM, ANDACCESSORIES PART1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTIONiNCLUDES A. B. 1.2 Galvanized SheetMetal Flashing andAccessories. Copper Metal Flashing and Accessories.

RELATEDSECTIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. Section07311 AsphaltShingles. Section07320 Roofing Tiles. Section07510 Built-Up RoofingSystems. Section 07530 Single-Ply Roofing(EPDM). Section 07611- Custom SheetMetal Roofing. Section 07631 Gutters and Downspouts. ¯ : .....



ASTM - Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated,(Galvanized)by the Hot-DipProcess. A446 ASTM - Copper B370 Sheetand Strip for Building Construction. ASTM D4586 Asphalt Roof Cement,Asbestos-Free. SMACNA - Architectural SheetMetal Manual.


SUBMITTALS A. B. Submit Submittals accordance Section01000, all in with 1.11. Samples: Submit sample (609mm) length of eachtype of flashing, illustrating one 24" in typical materialandfinish. (Flashing Submittal #29)


QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform workin accordance standardindustry details andrequirements. with


QUALIFICATIONS A. FabricatorandIr~aller: Company specializing in sheetmetalflashing workwith 5 years documented experience.


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Solk ion NumberF48608-01-K-0001 Contract Number F48608-01-D-0008

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PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SHEETMATERIALS A. B. C. D. 2.2 Copper: ASTM B370,cold rolled 16 oz; natural finish. Galvanized Steel: ASTM A446,Grade minimum commercial A, G90 finish zinc coating; 26 gauge steel, 0.90oz per square core foot (total of both sides). . ._ RidgeCap:Screw fastened, 2-t/2 inches(63 mm) Dia., 26 gauge. -

Drip Edge:24 gauge,minimum (152 ram) extensionunderroofing material, 1-1/2 6" inches(38 mm) minimum, to matchexisting. but

ACCESSORIES A. B. C. D. E. Fasteners:Same material andfinish as flashing metal, with soft neoprene washers. Underlayment: D226,No. 30 asphalt saturatedroofing felt, where ASTM required. Plastic Cement: ASTM D4586,Type 11. Mortarfor Unit Masonry: ASTM 270, ProportionSpecification TypeS. C Pre-Compressed Expanding-Foam Sealant 1. Pre-compressed expanding-foam sealant shall havethe following properties: Property In-place Density Apparent Thermal Conductivity Tensile Strength Elongation ShearStrength FlashPoint Te~t Method ASTM D-816 ASTMC-518 ASTMD-2406 ASTMD-3574 ASTME-96 Value. 9-10 pcf .34 BTU*in/(h*ftZ*°F) 21 psi minimum 140%+/- 20% z 8N/cm minimum 590°F (310°C)

Soffits andfascia materialsshall be chosen match to existing materials. One-partPolyurethane Sealant: Exceptas otherwiseindicated, provide manufacturer's standard,non-modified, one-partsilicone-rubberbased,air curing, nonsag, elastomeric sealant; complying with either ASTM c920, type S, Class 25 Grade or FSTT-SNS 001543A, Class A type, nonsag. Porous-B0nd Type: Where sealant-bondsurfaces are porous or noncompatible with acid-typesealant, providemanufacturer's nonacid,"tow-modulus" type; with fully curedmodulus elasticity not exceeding of 40psi, Shore hardness 15 to A of 25, minimum elongation of 400% minimum and tensile strength of 75 psi (ASTM 9412)


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Solk ion NumberF48608-01-R-0001 ....... ContactNumber F48608-01 -D-0008

Page 7 of 14


Nonporous-Bond Type: Where sealant-bond surfaces are nonporous and compatible with acid-typesealant, providemanufacturer's acid-typewith "mid-tohigh" full curedmodulus elasticity not exceeding psi, Shore hardness of 75 A of 25 to 35, minimum elongationof 500% minimum and tensile strength of 150psi (ASTM D412);with adhesionin peel of 20lb. per inch and 10% maximum loss bondsubstrate(ASTM C794) tear resistanceof not less than 30 lb. per inch and (ASTMD624)

H. - RodfVents:Size and spaceby codeto allow adequate ventilation. Premanufactured to replaceexisting when approved Civil Engineering the Contracting by and Officer. 2.3 FABRICATION PROCESS A. B. C. D. Form sectionstrue to shape,accurate size, square,andfree fromdistortion or defects. in Fabricatecleats of same material as sheet, interlockablewith sheet. Form piecesin longest possible lengths. Hem exposed edgeson underside1/2 inch (12 mm);miter and seam comers.

Fabricatevertical faces with bottomedgeformed outward1/4 inch (6 mm) hemmed form drip. and to 2.4 FABRICA'FION - PAR3"S G.I. A. Valley Flashing: Minimum (609 mm) 24" wide, 26 gauge,standard"V" shape.

B. Comer and Eave: 26 gauge, minimum (152 mm)extension under roofing material. 6" C. D. E. F. G. 2.5 Step Flashing: 12" x 8" (304 x 203 mm),26 gauge. Wall Mounted Reglet: 26 gauge,6" (152 mm) face, mechanically fastened. Ventilator: 18 gauge galvanized metal, 2' (.61 m)tall, 4'x 5' (1.22 x 1.52 m)base only). Crickets:Construct fit each to individual usage. Two applications:Upto 3' (.914m)in lengthand 3'to 6' (.914- 1.829rn) in length. Roof-Penetration Flashing:26 gauge, constructed fit eachindividual usage. to

FABRICATION COPPER PARTS16 OZ UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE A. B. Crickets:Construct fit each to individualusage¯ Two applications:Upto 3' (.914 m)in lengthand3' to 6' (.914- 1.829 in length. m) Valleys: Minimum (609 ram) wide, standard"V" shape. 24"

I. Cornerand Eave: Minimum (152 mm) 6" extensionunder roofing material. D. E. SurfaceMount Fla.s_hing:6" (152ram) face, mechanically fastened. Step Flashings: 12" x 8" (304 x 203mm).


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Solk ,on NumberF48608-01-K-0001 ConwactNumberF48608-01-D-0008

Page 8 of 14

PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION Verify roof openings, curbs,pipes, sleeves, ducts, or ventsthrough roof are solidly set, regretsin place,and nailing strips located. B. 3.2 Verify roofing terminationandbaseflashings are in place, sealed,andsecure.

PREI~ARATION Install all flashingsandaccessories flush andsecure the roof deck to and/orfascia prior to installing starter and edge strips. Install surfacemounted regretstrue to lines andlevels. Sealtop of regretswith sealant.



Secure flashings in place using concealed fasteners. Useexposed fasteners only where permitted,by Civil Engineering the contracting and officer. Apply plastic cement compound between metal flashings andfelt flashings. Fit.flashings tight in place. Make corners square, surfaces true andstraight in planes, andlines accurate profiles. to Sealmetaljoints watertight. Walt(Surface) Mounted Reglet:Insert flashingsinto reglets to formtight fit. Seal flashingsinto regretswith sealant. Valley Flashing: Centered over openvalleys andcrimpedto guidewater. Weather lap joints minimum (50 mm).Nail in place minimum (457 ram) o.c., 1" (25 mm) 2" 18" edges. RidgeCap:Screw place minimum (609 mm) in 24" o.c., both sides. CornerandEaveFlashing: Nail in place minimum (609 mm) 24" o.c. Step~tashing:Fasten a minimum 24" (609ram) o.c., with concealed at of fasteners.


Crickets: Placeandseal to provideadequate watertightseal. RoofVents: Space code.Place prior to flashing workso roof vents canbe adequately by sealed watertightness. for Ventilators:Lift into placewith crane.Fasten securely locationandfunctionality of for ventilator. MetalFasciaon L~_w Parapet Flat Roofs:Metalfascia installed on the exterior of parapet walls or as fasciaaround exterior of flat roofs shall be securelyscrewed placeas the in directed by the Contracting Officer at a minimum 24" o.c, of


Roof-Penetration flashing shall be sealedandclamped pipes penetratingroof. to



Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

Solk. ion Number F48608-01-K-0001 Contract Number F48608-0l-D-0008

Page 9 of 14

Duringthe tooling of masonry joints, enlargevoids andholes, exceptweep holes, and completely with mortar.Point-up fill joints, includingcorners,openings, adjacent and construction,to providea neat, uniformappearance. Prepare joints for the applicationof the sealant. Installation of pre-compressed expanding-foam sealant 1. Prepare surfaces the installation of sealantby removing deleterious all for all materialssuchas loosedebris, oil andgrease. Install pre-compressed expanding-foam sealant in accordance with manufacturer's instructions Soffits andFascia shall be installed to match existing Install polyurethane joint sealant in accordance manufacturer's with recommendations

SECTION 07631 GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTIONINCLUDES A. Pre-coatedGalvanizedSteel.and Aluminum Gutters and Downspouts. FabricatedGutters and Downspouts. C. D. 1.2 EPDM gutter liners. Accessories other items required. and

RELATEDSECTIONS Section07311 -Asphalt Shingles. B. C. D. E. F. Section07320 Roofing Tiles. Section07510 Built-Up RoofingSystems. Section07530 Single-Ply Roofing(EPDM). Section07611 Custom SheetMetal Roofing. Section07620 SheetMetalFlashing, Trim, andAccessories. -





Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 62-9

FiledSo[it ¯ !on NumberF48608-01-R-0001 04/22/2005 Page 10 of 14
Contract NumberF48608-01-D-0008


ASTM A446- Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated, (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical) Quality. ASTM B209 - Aluminumand AluminumAlloy Sheet and Plate. FS TT-C-494- Coating Compound, Bituminous, Solvent Type, Acid Resistant.

D. 1.4

SMACNA Architectural -

Sheet Metal Manual.

SUBMITTALS A. B. Submitall Submittals in accordancewith Section 01000, 1.11. Product Data: Provide data on prefabricated components. (Gutter Submittal #30) Samples:Submit one sample, 24" (609 mm)long illustrating any fabricated component design, finish, color, and configuration. (Gutter Submittal #31)


REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform applicable code for size and methodof rain water discharge. to

PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Pre-Coated Galvanized Steel: ASTM A446, GradeA, zinc coated; 26 gaugecore.steel, shop pre-coated with coating of color as selected by Civil Engineeringand Contracting officer. . : ¯ -:. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B209, 0:02 inch (0.5 mm)thick; shop pre-coated with coating color as selected by Civil Engineeringand Contracting officer. Factory Painted "K" Style Galvanized Steel Gutter: 5 inch (127 mm)26 gauge. Factory Painted Box Style Galvanized Steel Gutter: 8 inch (203 mm)24 gauge. Factory Painted 1/2RoundStyle Galvanized Steel Gutter: 5 inch (127 mm)26 gauge. Factory Painted Downspout,Square, Corrugated: 2" x 3" (51 x 76 ram), 26 gauge. Factory Painted Downspout,Square, Corrugated: 2" x 4" (51 x 102 mm), 26 gauge. Factory Painted Downspout,Round,Corrugated: 3" dia. (76 ram), 26 gauge. Factory Painted Downspout,Round, Corrugated: 4" dia. (102 mm),26 gauge. Factory Painted Downspout,Open-Faced,Non-Corrugated, vadous sizes, 26 gauge.

B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 2.2

COMPONENTS A. B. Gutters: SMACNA-pr~file match existing. to Downspouts:SMACNA profile to match existing.

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Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005

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Solk ~on NumberF48608-01-R-0001 Contract Number F48608-0 l-D-0008 Gutter liner: Uncured EPDM, mil, UV 60 resistant, adhered with splice adhesive. Gutter guardmesh: Galvanized welded wire (hardwirecloth) with ¼ inch openings coverall gutters. E. 2.3 Accessories: Profiled to suit gutters anddownspouts.

ACCESSORIES Anchorage Devices: Typerecommended fabricator. by Gutter Supports:Brackets C. D. E. F. G. Downspout Supports:Bracketsor Strapsto match existing. Fasteners:Match gutter or downspout material. Spacers: Metalspacers angledfascia. for Sealants: Silicone rubber. Solder:One-halfpig lead andone-halfblocktin (new metals). Plastic Cement: Blackplastic asphaltic cement reinforcedwith fibers. Compatible with adjacent materials. EPDM PatchingMaterial: Non-cured EPDM properties conforming provisions of with to Section 07530 Seam Splicing Cement: recommended supplied by membrane As .and manufacturer Screws rivets: Same and material as flashing sheet, or other rust-resistant; compatible.... material as recommendedmanufacturer flashing sheet. by of FABRICATION-WHENREQUIRED A. B. Form gutters anddownspouts profiles andto match of existing conditions. Fabricatewith requiredconnection pieces. Form sectionssquare,true, andaccuratein size, in maximum possiblelengths, free of distortion or defectsdetrimentalto appearance performance. or D. Fabricategutter anddownspout accessories, where reqUired;seal watertight. : }~ ~ ~

PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION Examine substrate and conditions under which work is to be performed.Donot proceeduntil unsatisfactory conditions a[_ecorrected. 3.2 PREPARATION Remove do not usedamaged, and deteriorated, rusted, or otherwiseunsatisfactorymaterials.


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Document 62-9

Filed 04/22/2005F48608-01-R-0001 Solk :on Number Page 12 of 14
Contract Number F48608-01-D-0008


INSTALLATION A. Install gutters, downspouts, accessories accordance manufacturer's and in with instructions. (1) (2) B. C. D, E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Manufacturer's printed instructions anddetails. Shopdrawings. .,

Install materials rigid, secure, plumb, level, aligned,square straight wi~hsuitable and fasteningdevices. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions wherever possible in exposed work. R~vet, so~der, caulkor assemble joints as required. field Sealwork necessary watertightinstallation. as for Separate dissimilar metals with thick bituminous coating, asphalt-saturated or other felt acceptable material. Attachgutters with existing strap anchors approximately o,c. (Fastened crown at 24" to molding). Install EPDM gutter liner onall gutters. Install gutter guard mesh all gutters. on Install downspout strap anchors near top andbottom,at 8 if. spacing,maximum, at and offsetsin wallplain. Slopegutters 1/8 inch per foot (10.4 mm/m) minimum.


ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR A. B. Patching EPDM of Gutterliners: Install patchingmaterialsin accordance with manufacturer's recommendations Correct nonconforming work. Repairwhen possible, otherwisereplace.



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