Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: May 2, 2007
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Preview Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-48

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 1 of 2

Calendar No. f 22


JULY22. 1997.--Ordered to be printed

Mr. GORTON,from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following

{ o accompany H.R T

(H.R. 2107) making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30,
1998, and for other purposes, reports the same to the Senate with amendments and recommends that the bill as amended do pass.

The Committee on Appropriations to which was referred the bill

Amounts in new budget (obligational) authority, fiscal yehr 1998 Amount of bill passed by House .............................. $12,952,829,000 .......... Amount of increase by Senate ................... . . 803,521,000
Total of bill as reported to Senate ................... Estimates considered by House ............................... Estimates considered by Senate .............................. Below the budget estimate, 1998 ..................... Above appropriations, 1997 (including emergencies) ........................................................... 13,756,350,000 13,099,946,000 13,799,946,000 43,596,000
24 1,915,000

In Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Motion to Dismiss on TPA & IHS Samish v. U.S., No. 02-13831.

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-48

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 2 of 2

F -L~ LLES and enuircnrnentai health slrppovf.-The Committee ,..l.f. L recornmer~ds$102,794,000 for facilities and enr;lronrnmtal health support. This amount includes increases over the fiscal year 1997 enacted level of $3,065,000for fixed costs, $90i,OOU for staRing new facilities, and a transfer of $7,800,000froin the seelvices account to consolidate utility costs. Funds provided for the facilities program are t t ~ distributed in be accordartce with a xethodology that addresses the fluctttatirig annual workload and maintains parity among f H S areas and the tribes as the workload shifts. N~:~nhursablt~s~-The Committee has pr~videdlanguage that t ~ c tt~orixcs the lndian Ilealth Sewice to pmc-ide goods sad services oti a rt.irnbtrrsahle basis in a manner cur~sistentwith the c h a n ~ ei r i law enacted in the 1997 Emergency Supp!emental Appropri ;~rtons tAct iPublic Law 105-181. Alcrska 12'utive hieciical Center--The Cornnittee bas inc?t!&r! !2nglage in tide ill. general provisions regarding the govcrnar:ce o f the Alaska Native Medical CenterC:)nlracfirrglarid cornpacling in Akasko-.-The Camm ittee has provided langitlage in titie 111, general provisions regarding the submission of a GAO report on the regional health care systern in Alaska. Futzding prrrily--The GmmiLtee is aware that there are a number of tribes whose funding is well b e k w their level of need, including the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewas. The Committee urges the Indian Health Service to work within i t s alleation to begin to rectify funding inequities. The Committee requests that I I I S prepare in a timely fasbion a repart on I H S progress in bringing parity to those trIber;kwhcse level of need is funged below 60 pereent a d what a d i o n s inight be possible to address such situztions, including associated costs. : ........-.....-.....................................

t\pitropria ticmi. 1'997 ......................

Rttdget estitnate. 1998 ............................................................................ tlouse aliowance ............................... Corntnittir- rec~~mrneridatiun ............................................................

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The Committee has w v i d e d $2681501,000 fo,r lndian health fzcilities, a decrease-of $ L 18,034,000 11elow the budget request,, a decrease of $88,809,000 below the f-louse,and $7Y,t:!fI,t)OCi heiow the fiscai year 1997 enacted tevt!l. The amount:; recr,mrnend$:d by ihe Coxmiitee a compared to the budget estirnatt:, in ~ h c s fr;l!r-iwirigk~hlc:
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