Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: May 2, 2007
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Preview Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-47

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 1 of 2

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Zd Session







JUNE18. 1 9 9 6 . 4 o m m i t t e d t the Committee of the Whole Mouse on the State of a the Union and ordered to be printed



from the Gornnlittee o n Appropriations, submitted the following

together with

lab accompany H.R. 36621

The Committee on Appropriations submits the following report in explanation of the accompanying bill making appropriations for the De artment of the Interior and Belated Agencies for the fiscal year en`fl 'ng September 30, 1997. The bill provides regular annual a g propriations for the Department of the Interior (except the Bureau of Reclamation) and for other related agencies, including the Forest Service, the Department of Energy, the Indian Health Service, the Smithsonian Institution, a~:d the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities.

Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management ............................................................ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ........................ . . .............................. National Park Service ......................................................................... U.S Geological Survey .................................................... .. . ........ . ............................ Minerals Management Service ......................... . . OEce OF Surface Mining Fkciarnaticlt and Enfc-rct:tnent ................. Bureau of Indian ARairs ......................................................-........... Departmentat OEces .......................................................................... General Provisions ..............................................................................

In Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Motion to Dismiss on TPA & I HS Samish v. U.S., No. 02-1383L

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-47

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 2 of 2

centers, 4 s c h ~ shealth centers, 62 health stations, and 171 Alaska l village clinics. The IHS, tribes and tribal groups also operate 7 regional youth substance abuse treatment centers and more than 2,OW unita of st& quarters. The Committee recommends $1,779,561,000 for Indian Medth Services, an increase of $31,719,000 above the fiscal year 1996 enacted level and $119,380,000 be!ow the budget estimate. The Cornm i t k d s recommendation for the Indian Health Sewice assumes that no new initiatives will be hnded in fiscal year 1997. However, the Committee is providing an increase to accommodate staffing at four new facilities: Kotzebue, AIC, Alaska Native Medical Center, AM; Shiprock Hospital, NM;and Hays Health Center, MT, and in-creases for p e w m e 1 costs. It is the Committee's intent that all tribes, including those compacting or contracting under Indian self determination or Indian self governam, should share equitably a s a result of any reductions from the budget request. The amount recommended by the Committee as compared to the 1996 enacted level by activity is shown in the following tabIe:
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1d. nln health p r i l . e r l n n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tribal unsg-nt. .............................. O l r n l om.r-tIon* ................ . . . . . . . .



Hospitals tznd Health Clinics.-The Committee r e c o m e a d s $878,568,050 for hospitals and health elinics which includes increases of $16,633,800 for staffing and operations s t new faciiities, and $9,100,000 for personnel related costs above the fiscal year 1996 enacted level. Dental Health.-The Commitbe recommends $62,134,000 for dental health services, including increases of $1,544,000 for stafiing and operations at, new facilities, m d $910,000 for persoxlnei rehted costs above the fiscal year 1996 enacted level. i"bgenta&Health.--The Commitbe recorn-mends $38,500,000 for mental health services, including increases of $549,000 for staffhe and operations at new facilities, and $390,000 for personnel related costs above the fiscal year 1996 enacted level.