Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Preview Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS
i02o CON(;RYS,S

Document 60-45

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 1 of 4

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The Committee on Interior ~ n fnsuiar Affairs. to whom was red &:-red the btl! iW.H 37241 tci amend the Indian Health Cart- Improvement Act to authorize appropriations fbr indian health programs. and far other purposes, having considered the same, report..; favorably thereon with a n amendnittilt a n d recommends that t h e bill as amended do pass. The amendment is as f'ol1ow.1;: Strike out all after the enacting cl>iu.-;ea n d i n s e r t ir-I lie^ t.hereof' the following:
Tllis Act m,): be cited as the "lritliari f ic-a1tl.i ;\~nctndrnc:r~ts i?!!i?" (,I
Except as otherwise spccitically provitletl, i r i this Act ; s e c t ~ o r:;r r:!hc.r: ~ prrJtision is arnendcd or rep:afcd, stic-h arn6:r;dtnent or rr-fic:il shall h(: c~irlsiderc.dto he made 10 :hat section or 'ozher prcivi~ion(;I the Indiarl 1-i?:al:n ?arc Irrlprr,vc.rn:!rrl A c t 1;);)C.S.C. 1601 et seq.,.
S&:(., 3. &'1S[Jl>.(;S; POI.14'Y: 4x1) llfYi.VJTi(JSS.

Act 12-5 U.S.(I. lg;Oli ir zr,ii(:ndcd11 in paragraph id!, by striking ou: the second sentence; and !21 by striking out paragraphs: !el, If!, and ( ~ 1 . Section 3 of the A c t 65 tj.S.(;. iij(l21:it !b? L)F:C:..;\HATION OF POL.IC.Lread as f ~ : i o \ h ~ :

;a1 Fixni~cs.-Sectior~ of rhc: 2

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"SF:C. l a i The C;ongress liereby rlcc!ares thst It is the pcJlirry c;f' !.hi. I'i:lt;cjr~. in :$. . ~:i~~ luiiiirric:it of it.< special :-espc~nsihiliriej: arld iega! ~ ' ~ l i ~ < c * t i t j f?~~ I G > ? ~ r z ~ r i !T~C~~;-~:I

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In Support of ~ l a i n t i r s Opposition to Motion to Dismiss1on TPA & IHS Samish v. U.S., No. 02-13831.

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-45

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 2 of 4

Itt 1'.1$:<. the i.'r:)!isttcrt>vidcd a!l otl\t:r- ,%r~~c~r*icnrl *,(.I Irrdirtr~s.Sptbcitiwlly, <;i It;rimiira~ car~ilrriscld t 0'2- uf t.he n;~tic>ri;ktI t f S set-uici.! poyuliitiott :tnd ytyi. rc:* ;~ppric~xirna ' : ; irl- t ht: L-ur~cis. tely "r 'l'i-~t? r i c t ( 'our-t [list t a g t h i d c h i t . fE3S it->$ rcytlircrcl. to ytovidc. t,~!zrItft c:rc-a ttr C:uliti!r.r\ia tr~di;rri.i. c!srt\p;br.shlr. t.t> spr~ic-t.s offt:r-t.d hy If IS t o Indii~ns t*lst.whr:l-c tx t i t , . E ' r i i c i - . c i St:ttt.?s. 'l'trt: rulitlpl wcis i t ! ~ t \ t l < tit? t.!~c- Ninth (:irc?tit. f ; t i ( : . t . v t f i c t ~ : ~ l i V ! i ~ : i i ! ~ ~ l ~ l ~ ! ~ ~ zV~ t /-fi~t-r.i.s. ! X F.2~1 ;!I cs,f [r . s & -?[. t!btIt (-.?ir. i;r!+tJ< t 'iart$t*.;+ucit~t)'.. hpprupriatiotls C.c~r~\rrtit.ttrc*s c?st;~t)lishc(itt-rc i-ili$lt? i. it,;tt~h+:~rc. t i+'ittrdt t ~ r t ~ u gf h i o ~ t t fit' I!))iOs t o pri)vid~' ~ oL' I-(,>~t\trct* ::lic*<veI~. rtt: i:r.f t o estiairlisl~ murc f~:r.iiiut~t.r\t. u t\\od1;) tit::~l \sith r l ~ t .rce~t.wrzidt.ticirtrc:i pr~oblttrr~. < in I!)SS ttst.:~tjlishc.di t t si:hix..*tictrr :(ti . Furids t*.-eretii tit: :itlcit.iited put: 4'

rii: C:c,rt\rr:itti:t. Anic-r~dri~t-nt [)l-os~dc-.i ttlitr. t h i s sy~t<:in ; l l l o ~ : ; l ! ol' i r q t!ie I'tirtd shsl! i.en.t;cir? in place: f i ~ r at\!itlit-I-tt-irtlc yeitr-s. ILr,~vf-v? I . , during t h a t :tirc:t: yt13r irlterirrl rhc. (lori~rnittc:~ ctnpec-ru tht. Sf:rvIci. ~ c ibeg;n, ttlrijugt; 1t5 P;liidc.rnir,icigy cc:tItcrr.s, rht: c o l l c c t i o ~ i of. ,, dut;t rc.r;;ui:.t.d urkciet- the .;!i hetilth t r r t u s i)tjjclciivc-~. h e ( . : i t r i ~ r r i i c ~ c : l ! I :i~i-~;:atfi;it.tit. i : l rc-cjuir-t- the Ii-lS t ( i t.ttrn.t!ti:.itr: 1t5cut-r-trr~t w sy:-;t.r:l.rl (jl'



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Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-45

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 3 of 4


i i R ~ ~ c isrt ? Z { ~ I Y > I J < : I ; fV i ' ~ ~ ~ f ~ ! z / ~ ~ 'Tt:is sectio~lntz:t.!lcl-;. ..'l'iilit 1 ot' the Act by i l d c i i ~ l g:I new sectiorl IfS8iI. ~ v h i c hp w v i d i . ~tor- t t ~ t .t ~ s t t ~ t ~ l i s h tol. ta scl~oltirshi~?~ ~ c l tl :t loan r t r p ~ r ~ :.(\cover>-f'iiltd. It provides t t ~ ; ~;ill atllout~tcqu;if to l~~~~f i the i ~ ~ ? ~ Oc ~ )i i k b~~ it t~~ iY tF l t t ~ ~ - ( k t - :~l ~ \ ' ~ ' ~ I ~ p tI i ~ . C~~~ ~kIit; t . l ~ b < i O I ! s i ~~ ~ individu;~:'~ breach tht' t f l e i r - ser.vic.e :)hligatior?s uncitar. scc-tion \(,)-I 01. sc.rtic~tl I(!+ c~i' tiltb Act st:;~lI tie ;t!)prupri;ift~(l l.)tr t l r h p ( i ~ i t t - d i l t t llc. to SchvTarst~ip ;inc{ i .c,:.kfi R e l ~ ; t ~ t ~ \t t ~t i tl. ~ o v c . t - . ~ ~ I I I C ~ . r F I.'\1t1<15is1 t l ~ t : 5.-I.!..tfsh'p ..l!ld t.;c~:tc-~ t { c ~ ) ~ l \ ' f l i ~ tI&*i:c~vc~r.v t 1 . t ~ ... ; tt b'trlld si!:dl bt* i t v : t i lal~lt. ti> r:~;iktl ~chntac-~flii, - ; i t . d s yi1rsu;krlt ;l~ stsction 1(1;1 ;111~1 !0;1r1 1.1.i>r.lynr~:!\i;tit,;tt-d..;ir!tdi-r-5c.c.t i o t l FiCq trf i f ~ t :'l i . t .
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[ i t ! pt-ogr.uftf( t f l f f l 111 i . s f f - c ~ t ; , , t l
t t ~ c b

Act tc) d t i i i 11c-x spctioli i 2 l that t h e Seer-ct:tt-_v shall iirovide t r . a i r ~ i r i n t h t ! ;it!l~ mini~tr81iort tind jjfacinir~c01- tri1,:tl hi.:ii!i~ prcJg,'r.:ims.
nnit:t~d:i'ritlt- [ o l

This st-crion

ul~ict~ iirovidtis

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r(>lof(;(I ) r - ( , ~ ; . t ~ r ~ ~ j T h i s secriori, arrlrrnds st*i.iiori : : : ! ) (if' the I3ublic 1I~::rlth Sc-rvicc. (!{a -4i.r :o gis.c ri priorit! to tl!iplic.ations fi)l- a s ~ l ~ ~ l r l ! (of. Sationai ?~lt Heair h Scrv ice Corps pc:rscirl net\ t . ( i riier:t thi. of' t h e I r l < i i ; i r ~ Ht~ttithService a n d t-ritii~l health pr-ogr:trxl.;;ec~-r-n~ir:;;lt I ~ L . ioi:

p r o / > s s i ~ ~ r t1( i j~rlort [ivs it[

.Sect~c~rt 1.3 ---L4tlt .h~;~-izu[io/l u/)prop-l(tI lo!t.~ 1 (I/t.itrN1 s(-(:tioli This st.~tiuriiir~ie-nds 'l'itlt. I of' thr. Acdhy cr-c; i;' wi~ict-I ;luthorizt:.i tipprojirihticins through Iistral year :'~)O(J.

Sec.!icirz O l - - - - f i o l i ixtcr tcls artd rc:.sotrrcr dtr/ic:icr/c:js i ( l l 1 l . s ~ ?'his section amends section 20; of' the Act to providt: t h i i ~~ t l c : Secretary is authorlzc-d to expend funds tcj elitrlinuttt delicierlcies in health s t a t u s and resources: of' all tribes. 'Tbis section amends t h e definitiorls to include health status and resource deficiency which means the extent t-o which national health ohjGct:ves =c. n o t ht?ir,x achieved and a t.ribe lacks t h e health resources it needs. Subsection c b ~provides that the current definitions of' health s t a t u s and resource deficiencj: shall rernain in ef'fect fi)r three years for t h e date of enactment at which time t h e amendments u n d e r this section shall become efrective. f t amends subsectiorl i e ) of the Act. to rf:(~uirc: thc Str(:rc:tarv t,o report LO t h e (:longress o n t h e current twalth status a n d resource

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-45

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 4 of 4

deticierrcy within : years of the date of the enactment of these i Amendments. The repart shalt inctudc the extent of health status arid resource detlciencies foi- each tribe as well as t h e arnount of funds necessary to diminate the l~ealthstat us aild resource deficiencies of nll tribes. spcljo,i i)/li)-&alth pmrnol iorr r.1 rr d discc~se pr-c.i~enion l. Section 2tX; of' the Act is amended to state that the provision of hcait h pron~otionand disease pr-event ion services thr-ough the IHS shail be designed to achieve the nat.ion:tI tlealth objectives under

this .Act.
3'cc.t run ,'ii.E--ii;(~h~t~s; pi-cilen tiorr. ! r t * c z / r ~ ~tc .ctrtti con t r ~ i r~ .%?ctior~204 of .he Act. is amended to require the Secretary to continue to ntaintain through the year- 2000 each rnodel diabetes project c-itrrently in existence. The Secretary is authorized to estab1ish new rmodel diabetes projects and to evaluate t h e effectiveness of the services provided by the model diabetes projects. Sectiors 204 amends section 209 of the Act to incl-ude a new1 subsection which provides that any person employed as a psychologist a clinical psychologist o r working under t.he m u s t be licensed direct supervision of a licensed clinic~tl psychologist to provide mental healttr services under this Act. It further provides that a n y person emplsyed as a social worker must be licensed as a social worker or under the direct supervision of a licensed social worker. f t also provldes that a n y person employed as a marriage al;d family therapist rr~ustbe licet~sedas a ~ n rriage a n d family theraa pist or under the direct supervision of a licensed marriage a n d family therapist. Subsection 1.m) provides that the Secretary is authorized to make grants to Indian tribes and tribal organizations to provide intermediate mental health services to Ir-tdian children and adolescents. These services may include inpatient and outpatient services, emergency care. suicide .prevention and crisis intervention. Funds provided under this section may be used to corlstruct or renovate a n existing health facility, to hire mental health profession=lls, and to staff and operate a n intermediate mental health facility, group home, or youth shelter where interrnediate merltai health services a r e being provided. This subsectiorl also requires g r a n t recipients t o coordinate Intermediate mental health services with existing services or1 t h e t-eservation. There a r e authorized to he appropriated 510,000,1300 for each of t h e fiscal years !if9::-20Oli to carry out the provisions of' tnis section.
Section ~ O . j - - X e w stuciies

This section anrends sectiorl 'LO-, ;,f' the Act to authorize the Secreta;y ro conduct a study to determine ?he feasibility of' providing hospice car-e to terrninal!~ Indianrj a n d to det(:rmine the most efill ficient. nleans of' providirrg s u c h care. 'fht: Secret;iry shall report, to t h e Congress within I2 months from the dat-l: of- c:rractment. the findings o!' silch stud.;.