Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Preview Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-38

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 1 of 2

PUBLIC LAW 96-537 (S. 27281 ; December 17, 1980

For Legislative History o f this and other Laws, see Table I , Public




Sec. 2. (a) Section 4(a) is amended by striking out "Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare" and inserting in lieu thereof "Secreta of Heaith and Human Services" Section 4 0 is amended by striking out ''composed of urban Indians" and inserting in lieu thereof "governed by an Indian controlled board of directore". (c) Section 4 is amended by adding the following new subsections a t the end thereof:

25 USC 1603.

under title V of this Act. governed by a board of directors controlled by rural Indians and providing for the maximum participation of all interested Indian groups andindividuals, which body is capable of legally cooperating mth other public and private entities for the purpose of performing the activities described in section 503(a).".

" k 'Rural Indian organization' means a nonprofit corporate body ()

94 STAT. 3 173


Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-38

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 2 of 2

Dec. 17


P.L. 96-537

~rban Indians tl community rural Indian

vices to such . set forth in ent public o r ~teror rural other than


the activiter or rural n,or a rural: ties:set forth le.Secretary ation in the health and.

"SEC.505. For each fiscal year during which an urban Indian organization or a rural Indian organization receives or expends funds pursuant to a contract under this title, such organization shall submit to the Secretary a report including information gathered pursuant to section 503(a) (7) and (8), information on activities conducted by the organization pursuant to the contract, an accounting of the amounts and purposes for whick Federal funds were expended, an6 szch =the; k f ~ i i i & i O i i as the secretary may requeat. The reportsand records of the urban Indian organization or the rural Indian organization with respect to such contract shall be subject to audit by the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United

% USC 16%.

Ins or ~ r a l

accordance that, in the ted without the Act of itle may be d in such ems necesitrary, the n organizaty contract lis title as
i, however, ral Indian

"SEC. (a) There are authorized to be approp&td for contracts 506. with urban Indian organizations under this title $18,750,000 for the f s a year ending Se tember 30,1981, $21,500,000 for the fiscal year icl ending September 38, 1982, $24,725,000 for the tiscal year ending September 30, 1983, and $28,500,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30,1984. '(b) The* are authorized to be appro riated for contra& with rural Indian organizations under this ti& $3,OOp,OOO for the fiscal ear ending September 30,1981, $3,000,000 for the Lptember 30.1982, $3,000,000 for the f s a year icl 30,1983, ahd $3,000,000 for the fiscal year ending


USC 1656.

" E 5 7 Not later than the date sin months &r September 30, EbmiMal to SC 0. 1983, thersecretary, acting through the Service and with the assistance of the urban and rural Indian organizations that have entered i t contracts under this title, shall review the program established no under this title and submit to the Congress an assessment thereof and recommendations for-any further legislative efforts the Secretary d e e m necaauy to meet the purpose of this title.".


~ycontract dl become 2 than one s t by the reed to by this title, or a rural t,existing ecretary's reed upon nd regula: to assure ~fservices

SEC.8. (a) Section 704 ia amended by adding the following new sentence a t the end thereof: "Property leased by the Secretary from an Indian tribe may be reconstructed or renovated by the h t a r y pursuant to an agreement with such Indian tribe.". (b)Title Mi amended by adding the following new sections a t the s end thereof:


X 1674.

"SW. 706. Within one year from the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary shall eubmit to the Congress a resource allocation plan. Such plan shall explain the future allocation of seriricea and funds among the service po ulation of the SxVice and provide a schedule for reducing Beficienciea in reswlra, of h@esand nontribal specific entities.

Submittal to





"SEC. 707. (a) The Secretary and the Service shall conduct, in Study. coojunction with other appropriate Federal agenciea and in cowulta- 25 U w 1 6 ~ 7 . tion with concerned In&a tribes and organizations, a study of the


94 STAT. 3179