Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Preview Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-27

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 1 of 4

Calendar No. 572

7'he (:orrimittee on Appropri;ctiurls, tc; which w a s referred the bill (1I.H. 550;31 making appropriatior~f; t h e Oepartment of the InteSi~r rior a n d related agc-nciw for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, anci far other purposes, r e p o r t s the: s a m e to Lhe Senate with various amencimerlts anti prt;st.lits hrrrc:with information relative to the chitngys rc:ccimmc~~
Amount o f h i l l pris.l;crtl t)y I I r , u ~ ( r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $I2,649,152,00t~ ilmouric c;f (ji.i-re-;i~t ) S':n;ltc t ~ ............................. - 6,205,600 .----

'Fotiil of !>if 1 i i j rrr:)cirt~cl St:riiit (. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?(, . Estimates con5idf:rctf by 1 i o u t ; ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimates consic!ere C~vcr he t


h u < l ~ c :i!stini;itc:, l!i'~:I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Over npproprrai.ic;ris, l!)!~?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12,224,546,000 -:. 4 18,401,000


In Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Motion to Dismiss on TPA & IHS Samish v. U.S., No. 02-1383L

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-27

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 2 of 4

State reclamation program grants.-T're Committee recommends a n appropria1;ion of $135,000,000 for State reclamation program p a n t s , a n increase of $4,500,000 above t h e budget e s t i m a t e a n d t h e s a m e as the tiouse allowance. In agreement with t h e House, t h e Committee is recommending t h a t each minimum program State is to receive $2,000,000. In further a g r e e m e n t with t h e House, t h e Committee h a s not included t h e administration's proposal to consolidate the Federal emergency program a n d t h e rural abandoned mine program with t h e S t a t e g r a n t s program. Feederai reciamation programs.-The Committee recommends a n appropriation of $49.01 1.000 for Federal reclamation programs, a n increase of $30,750,00@ above t h e budget estimate a n d $3,000,000 above the 1-Iouse allowance. T h e recommended increase includes $15,000,000 for t h e Federal emergency prsgrarn, $756,030 For high priority projects in nonprimary S t a t e s a n d on tribal a n d Federal lands, a n d $15,000,000 for t h e rural abandoned mine program. General drninisfralion.-The Committee recommends a decrease of $360,000 in general administration for costs associated with converting t h e OSM accounting system to the FFS. Bill language.-The Commi tte,e agrees with bill language added by t h e House t h a t limits t h e amounts t h a t may be obligated in emergency reclamation projects, including t h e a m o u n t t h a t m a y be s p e n t in a n y one State. As a result, t h e Committee recommends providing $22,000,000 for S t a t e a n d Federal programs, of which no S t a t e may receive more t h a n 25 percent a n d no more t h a n $15,000,000 m a y be used for Federal emergency programs. T h e Committee's recommendatiori allows OSM to reprogram funds from t h e Federal emergency prop-am account to t h e State AML g r a n t s account a s needed for State-administered emergency programs, provided t h e 25 percent limit per S t a t e is not exceeded. T h e Committee, however, h a s not included t h e remaining bill language provisions proposed by the House. Those provisions relate t o monitoring t h e Wilkes-Barre, PA, field office, deleting provisions relating to t h e administrative costs o f the RAMP program a n d t h e denial of 50 percent of a State's AML g r a n t for failing to properly administer its regulatory program, a n d a n administrative provision prohibiting t h e use of appropriated funds hy OSM to create more t h a n one Deputy Director position.

The Committee reconmends a n zppropriation of .43 1,335!944,000 a n increase of $79,46!,000 above t h e budget esrirnate, a decreaxe of $18,207,000 below the I-iouse ailowance, 2nd $6!,622,0'30 ahovr. t h e fiscal year 1992 level.

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-27

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 3 of 4

The following table provides a con~parisono f the budget estimate with the Committee recommendatiot-rs: -

Trbal p ~ m albaranz y






mhl govemmam Kcnan s a w t e ~
Edutal~on Pl&ic salely ard ]usrce Cornmunny dewlwmeni iiasowcfi rnara~rcenr O h ( 1 SQNCQS 1 &%fa! adnmslca?on %t?v3! d~s!rbUI~~-s Stbrolai Irbal profii) a i t m

154,975,000 69.Y)l.OOO 35.168.000 81,139003 4.~51.000 65.29.020 43O C 0! C 16.610.CCO

365.;90.oOa 71.146.000 33.eOI.cOO 81.065.cOO 4,195,530

3864.030 26.762.000
- ~-

S65.790.000 72.605.0GO 33.801 .WO E6.565.000 4.l95.000 85.0684@3 3.864.XXI 26.762.0E 1 1.000.~100 395.6~0.0~ 6.664.000 107.024.000 31 4.%.COO 73.394.003 23.1 /?.000 360.953.000 65.814.000 31,103,000 4.547.0W 562.105.300
10 531GOO 23.748000 I .%3.030 1 I 251,OCO 33.l80.000 17.1%.OiX,

.. ..


. l ?.000.00(!



3C6 934.00 33M.OCO 161 4IIIXiO 294.136.M)O 23.394.WO 23 592.000 361 tie000
65 579.000
5a.9oc.000 4 &i 300

377 693.000 3.157000 1M.924 GOO XE.882.000 23 394 GOO ~.1?1.000 352.453.000 fX.3J4.203

11 . 9 5 7 . ~ 3.501.000


Qb: recurcrg DroCrams
!fibdl govsrnmem

Ltlima:: w.rvcn FC.Jcar'oo %roc! operaions

cox mil:^ e d u t o n
J o h m n OMalby

- I.00O.W . 7.500.MM
.. .... .


Szio~oral. eb;ral~cn
Communny develwmem

. 8.500.000
5.810.000 8.136.0;X,

R m ~ ~ c rnanag;.men: es Dte; lr-&l XWCS

4 547C00

S&lotaI other crtcurnrg o m 9carr.s Flonrecilrrl~program Tribal gwernmem Eduaeon P&!L safetya d j ~ l c e Cornmumy deveiopmenl Resources managemem Ok %v&l srtnces ;r Sroro!al grams mnmcurring


. .-

549 -152 M;O ..

. 32953.000 . 2.300.C00
+ 10.370.000


19 748.G50 1.983.00G 1 1 &49 000 33l92)oO 1I.% O W
169 946 000

65 Y O O lO 21,448 00(1 I ,583.WO 4 251.000 ?2 810.000 7.4S3.000
123.% 3 . ~ 3 ~

. 5.000.000

9.716.MX) 3t.336.WO


157.835 000
3. 720,00~,
1 3% O W 7.011GOO i -452,GOO 5.743 0rd


-Cearal oPce operaions

3.723 OOrj : 362 930 2 883x0 W,WO 5 712GX 935.53 31 1 1 S O



lr!b31 govern.csni & m a n wtrvzes Pmic ralecy a w i ]vslce Comm~rnnydevdopmenl Resoucn management Qter rrlal wrvces Giwra! admnriiraton

3 120 iKM

358COO 3,0t'l,CC,O 1 952 r C K 5 ?*TOC)G
904 COC 795:em


934 Or%

39.5 3 Coo0
j 7G

450 !Xi)

Soixo!al, central once q x r . aIlOM
b.rea oiicce .*arcom


53 o?z 2 1 x 2 372 3G; 1 252 A :G : a 2 X; 3 3 372 Ws5 2&;02 $.5

i 3

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:% 33


Trtbal governneci
% m a n XWCB P:~lc wlely a r r j i l . ~ l ' ~ e


: 626 3.;C :7

331 G J W 1,655 3im 81 4 r G %

Communny devei~menr

..a >'

Resources m a m ~ m a n r a t e l i r i 1 rz-cvres
Qwral aGm1~6l~rllon


?a 514 ,xC,

6.623 3.X 4 r ; ~ ; ,r j j ~ :$ X/j 6 -

: :J2CCZ 5 62: C m
4 r f i j
-%C, ;:$ .f

0 s

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-27

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 4 of 4

Neorgu nirufilrr( .-Thtt Chrnrni t ~ t : c hils ul;.rc:cd t o a r e s t r u c t u r i n g of . the budget, whtch is reflected iri t h e tahlc: above. The r e s t r u c t u r i n g was proposed by the joint reorganization t a s k force in a n effort t o m o r e clearly identify t h c arnounts which are included in t h e tribal budget s y s t e m and t h e arnou!lts provided t o B u r c a u operations. Tribal p r i o r i ? ~allocations.-?'he Cornm ittee recorn mends a n i n crease o f $17,957,000 for tribal p r ~ o r i t yallocations. T h e C o m m i t t e e recommends a n increase of $1,457,000 for t h e Irldian Child Welfare Act. Wiihin t h i s a m o u n t , t h e Navajo child sexual abuse project a n d the Hopi child sexual a b u s e projctct should be continued a t t h e i r c u r r e n t level of' funding. The C o m m i t t e e recomrrwrlds rr dccrense of $500.000 for public safety a n d justice to reduce t h e fundin - for juvenile d e t e n t i o n c e n ters, because n o t all of t h e juvenile ieterltion c e n t e r s for which f u n d i n g was requested will he operational in fiscal y e a r 1993. The C o m m i t t e e recommends a n increase of !$ t7,000,000 for special distributions for individual tribal budgets. T h e C:ornmittee expects t h e iJureau to d i s t r i b u t e t h i s funcling to zll tribal hutigets according t o t h e i r base. Within ttic: total provided, $1,OOO,(i00 is reco m m e n d e d as a n increase for t h e base of t h e Michigan tribes. 'I'hct C a m m i t t e e is a w a r e of t h e difficulty hat srnall trihes have in m e e t i n g t h e i r f u n d a m e n t a l needs. Special cor~siderationsho\ll