Free Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: May 2, 2007
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Preview Response to Motion [Dispositive] - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-26

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 1 of 3

JUWE 24,1993.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of
the Union and ordered to be printed

Mr. YATES,from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the followrislg

The Committee on Appropriatione a d m i t s the following report in explanation of the accompanying bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sepbmhr 30, 1994. The bill p~ovidesregular annual appropriations for the Department of the Interior (except the B m a u of Reclamation) and for other related agmciea, including the Forest Service, the Department of Energy, the Indian Health Service, the Smithaonian htitution, and the National Foundation on the Arta and the Humanities.

Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management ............................................................ U S Fiah and Wildlife Service ........................................................... .. Nationai Biological Survey ................................................................. National Park S e ~ m ........................................................................ U.S.Geological Survey ..................................... .. ............................... Minerale Management Service .................................... ..................... . Bureau of Mintw .................................................................................. MCB of Surface Mining Reclamation and E n f o m e n t ................. Bureau of Indian AfFairs ................................................................. Territorial and International Affairs ................................................. Departnaental Oi3ice8 .......................................................................... General Provieione ..............................................................................

Related Agencies:

Forest Service, USDA ......................................................................... Department of Energy Clean G d Technology ....................................................................... a F o i l Energy Rsaearch and Development ........................................ Alternative Fuele Production ............................................................. Naval Petroleum and Ol Shale Reserves ....................................... i .......................................................................... Enew C o a ~ a t i o n Economic Regulation ...........................................................................

In Support of Pl$ntiff's Opposition to Motion to Dismiss on TPA & IHS Samish v. U.S., No. 02-1383L

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-26

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 2 of 3



the needed reclamation projects in the AML inventory to be addressed with AML State grant h d i n g . Bl Language. The Committee has recommended continuing bill il language, carried in last year'a Act, maintaining the Federal emergency reclamation program and limiting expenditures in any one State to 25 percent of the total appropriated for Federal and Staterun emergency programs. The total recommended for fiscal y e a . 1994 is $20 million. --Bill language alao. is recommended to maintain 16 FIEs at the anthracite program office in Wikes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The FIX requirement has been reduced from 23 in previous years to reflect current requirements and presidentially-mandated staff"mg reductions. The Committee has recommended discontinuing bill language, carried in previous years, limiting administrative costs for the rural abandoned mine program and providing for Secretarial denial of 50 percent of a State's AML grant when- the State is systematitally failing to implement its regulatory program.


The Committee has not recommended continuing bill language, carried in last year's Act, Limiting the expenditure of funds to one Deputy Director position in OSM. The Committee will not hesitate to reinstate this language in the future if necessary.
Appropriation enacted, 1993 ................................................................. Budget estimate, 1994 ........................................................................... Recommended, 1994 .............................................................................. Comparison: Appropriation, 1993 ........................................................................ Budget eetimate, 1994 .................................................................... $1,342,385,000 1,473,306,000 1,492,650,000


The amounts recommended by the Committee for fiscal year 1994 compared with the budget estimates by activity are as follows:

Case 1:02-cv-01383-MMS

Document 60-26

Filed 05/02/2007

Page 3 of 3

1rlb.t P r l o r l t y A l L o c * t l m a Tr1b.l w m m t M*m wica... Ldvcatlon.. Publlc s a f a t y a n d J u 8 t l c a C a w n l ty d n n l o p m t Rs uc8 .a r. hagcl.nt -1yL.t .iivlcam..' O.n.r.l .hlnI.trotion T r l b a l @ r l w l t y g nr1 a .. Lncm8.


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*on-Racurrlw Pm9r.r..


H u .arvic om.. u n W t l e sbfaty and j u a t l c a C a n u n i t y davelowmnt


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O f f i c e (k.r.tlon.





A M ~M f l c a Op.r.tlon8 Tribal gw.rmnt M l u n sarwlcom. Publlc .af.ty m d justlcr -i*y dewelo-nt Ramourca8 r r r g r m t . . Trust rrls.. OnrL . .. .d.llnlstretIon

................................... ..................................... .......................... ............................... ............................ ....................................... .............................. Subtotal. AT.. O f f i c e ( k . r * t i o n a ................ 99rol-I Progerm and Poolrd hrkd H v u n 8.wic.a ...................................... Elusetion .......................................... Public s d e t y and justice ........................... C s w n l t y d e u t o ~ l u l ............................... t ................................
R**ourc.. O.n.r.t ~ m a g w n t & i n i 8 t r a t i an



Spmci8l P r o g r r n and PooLrd Dvarhaad..

Total. Op.ratlon of I e d l a n e a . r .


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------ ---- -1 . 4 7 1 . l.4~1.650


Tribal priority allocations.--The Committee recommends an increase of $5,000,000for tribal priority allocations. These funds will be added to the $10,000,000general increase included in the budget request, to be distributed to all tribes for their highest priority programs. Based on the requests received from tribes, it is expected that a large percentage of these additional funds will be used for tribal law enforcement and tribal courts programs. The Committee is aware that one of the b t - t i e r self-governance compact tribes, Mille Laca, inadvertently received a reduction in shortfall funding in fiscal year 1993 due to establishment of base funding levels for four other first-tier tribes. In addition, the Southeast Alaska signatory tribes also received a reduction in shortfall