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Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-19

Filed 07/18/2005

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Army Regulation


Army National

Guard and Army Reserve

Enlisted Personnel Management

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 1 September 1994


Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-19

Filed 07/18/2005

Page 2 of 26

AR135-205 Enlisted Personnel Change o Management 18. This change-that HQDA, ODCSPER, Provides 1-6)


to the regulation (para

may approve


Requires ARNGUS soldiers serving on AGR status under title 32, U.S. be considered under the Qualitative Retention Program (pare 4-3). Reduces the years of service for USAR soldiers for qualitative retention (para 4-4). Specifies that a flag will not be in the record by a qualitative retention board (pare 4-5). Requires qualified Provides that the CSM assigned to Special and possess MOS 18Z (para that AGR CSM will be stabilized PERSCOM will convene in the zone

Code, to


of consideration


of a soldier

being considered





be airborne

o o

in position

for 4 years

(pare 6-6). annually

Specifies that (para 6-11a). Specifies Requires normally that

the USAR

CSM Selection


o o

CSM vacancies

will be projected

for 12 months



CSM vacancy announcements to include conducts scheduled training assemblies

days on which the command (pare 6-11 c).


Specifies that the DOR and PEBD for a ISG or MSG is based on the ist day of the month in which the USAR CSM board is convened (pare 6-11 b). Permits an NCO to apply for more than one CSM vacancy (pare 6-14 d).

o o

Requires body fat content worksheet be enclosed with statement contained in the records packet (para 6-15). Permits USAR CSM management authority to retain beyond stabilization term (para 6-22e). Permits HQDA, ODCSPER, (para 6-28b) Makes minor to consider exceptions a CSM

the commander's


for up to 24 months


to the CSM reappointment


o o



and changes. compatible with the

Renames figure 4-4 as table 4-2 to make this publication Army electronic publishing database.


Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-19

Filed 07/18/2005

Page 3 of 26

Headquarters Departmentof the Army Washington, DC 1 September1994 Army National

ArmyRegulation 135-205
Effective 1 October 1994 Guard and Army Reserve

Enlisted Personnel Management
personnel, the Individual ReadyReserve DARP-ZPO, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. By Orderof the Secretaryof the Army: Enlisted Personnel Management System, Louis, MO63132-5200. the Qualitative Retention Program, and GORDON SULLIVAN R. the U.S. ArmyReserve Command Ser- Interim changes. Interim changes to this regulationare not official unless they General, United States Army gc~mts Major Program. Chiefof Staff Applicability. This regulation applies to are authenticated by the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. all enlisted membersof the ArmyNaUsers will destroy interim changes on Official; tional Guard (AP..NG) and the USAR. their expiration dates unless soonersuperProponent and exceptionauthority. seded or rescinded, The proponent of this regulation is the DeputyChief of Staff for Personnel. The Su9gested improvements, Users are MILTONH. HAMILTON DeputyChief of Staff for Personnel has invited to send comments suggested and Administrative Assistant to the the authority to approve exceptionsto this improvements to DAForm 2028 (RecomSecretary of the Army regulationthat are consistentwith control- mended Changes to Publications and ling law and regulation. The DeputyChief Blank Forms) directly to ODCSPER, PolOffice, ATTN: History. This publication was originally of Staff maydelegate this approval au- icy Coordination thority, in writing, to a division chief DARP-ZPO, 9700 Page Boulevard, St, printed on 15 May1978. Since that time, permanent Changes I through 17 have under their supervision within the propo- Louis, MO 63132-5200. nent agencywhoholds the grade of colobeen issued. As of 1 June 1990, those nel or the civilian equivalent. Distribution. Distribution of this publichanges remain in effect. This UPDATE control process. cation is madein accordancewith the reprinting incorporates those changesinto Army management the text. This UPDATE printing also This regulation is subject to the require- quirements on DAForm 12-09-E, block number2559, intended for command level publishes a Change The portions being ments of AR11-2. It contains internal 18. and revised by this changeare not highlighted. control provisions but does not contain 13 for Active Army, A for ARNG A internal control for USAR. This publication has been reorganized to checklists for conducting make it complatible with the Army reviews. Thesechecklists are containedin Circular I1 series publications. electronic publishing database. Nocontent the DA has been changed. Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation and establishment of comSummary. This regulation prescribes and policies, responsibilities, and procedures mand local forms are prohibited withfor Special DutyAssignment (Proficiency out prior approval from the ODCSPER, Pay) (SDA(PP)) |br U.S. ArmyReserve Policy Coordination Office, ATTN:

Contents (Listed by paragraph pagenumber) and Chapter 1 General Information, page 1 Purpose ¯ I-1, page 1 References ¯ 1-I.1, page I Explanation of abbreviations and terms ¯ 1-2, page ] Policy ¯ I-3, page I Responsibilities ¯ l~J~, page 1 Employment and volunteer work of spouse of military personnel ¯ 1-5, page

_~,~ - ~ ~eptember 1994


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Contents--Continued Chapter 2 Special Duty Assignment Pay(SDAP) for USARPersonnel, page General ¯ 2-I, page 1 Individual eligibility criteria ¯ 2-2, page 1 The award level and monthly amount of SDAP¯ 2-3, page 2 SDAP entitlement for drill sergeant ($QI X) duty ¯ 2-3.1, page 2 SDAPentitlement for reenlistment (retention) NCO (MOS79D) duty ¯ SDAPentitlement for Total Army career counselor duty ¯ 2-3.3, page SDAP entitlement for staff recruiter (MOS00E) duty ¯ 2-3.4, page 3 SDAPentitlement for guidance counselor or recruiter (MOS00E) duty Constructive credit ¯ 2-4, page 3 Termination of SDAP¯ 2-5, pag;e 3 Requests for orders ¯ 2-6, page 4 Chapter 3 Enlisted Personnel ManagementSystem-- U.S. Army Individual Purpose and scope ¯ 3-1, page 4 Responsibilities ¯ 3-2, page 4 Operational procedures ¯ 3-3, page 5 Implementation ¯ 3-4, page 6 Chapter 4 Qualitative 1

2-3.2, 2 ¯ 2-3.5,

page 2

page 3

Ready Reserve, page 4

Retention Program, page 6

Mtroduction, page 6 Qualitative Retention Program (QRP) objectives QI~ responsibilities ¯ 4-2, page 6 QRPapplicability ¯ 4-3, page 6

¯ 4-1, page 6

Section H Qualitative Retention Program Procedures, page 7 Zones of consideration for qualitative retention ¯ 4--4, page 7 Soldiers not to be considered under the QRP¯ 4-5, page 7 Scheduling of retention boards ¯ '4~, page 7 Procedures required to support QRP¯ 4-7, page 7 Section III Composition and Conduct of Qualitative Retention Boards, page 8 Appointing authority ¯ 4-8, page 8 Board composition ¯ 4-9, page 8 Instructions to board members ¯ 4-10, page 8 The board oath ¯ 4-11, page 8 Conduct of the board ¯ 4-12, page 9 Board recommendations for retention ¯ 4-13, page 9 Board reports ¯ 4-14, page 9 Protective markings - 4-15, page I0 Section IV Approval, Disapproval, and Disposition, page 10 Approval or disapproval of board recommendations ¯ 4-16, page 10 Safeguard against premature separation from unit membership ¯ 4-17, page 10 Disposition of soldiers not selected for retention ¯ 4-18, page 10 Reassignment policy ¯ 4-19, page ll


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Contents--Continued Chapter 5 The Reserve Components Command Sergeants Major Program (RCCSMP) (Rescinded), Section 1 This chapter has been rescinded., Chapter 6 The USAR Command Sergeants page 16

page 16

Major Program, page 16

Section l httroduction, page 16 Scope ¯ 6-I, page 16 Mobilization or order to active duty ¯ 6-2, page 16 Management of CSMs and CSMdesignees ¯ 6-3, page 16 Objectives ¯ 6-4, page 16 Section II Assignment and Utilization, page 17 General assignment policy ¯ 6-5, page 17 Routine assignment procedures ¯ 6-6, page 17 Nominative selection and assignment procedures ¯ 6-7, page 17 Appointment of acting CSM¯ 6-8, page 18 CSMvacancies and projected vacancies ¯ 6-9, page 18 Section III Selection q/ CSMDesignee and Appo#tmtent as CSM, page 18 General ¯ 6-10, page 18 Determining and reporting TPU and IMA CSMrequirements ¯ 6-11, page 19 Eligibility for selection board consideration ¯ 6-12, page 19 Soldiers not eligible for selection board consideration ¯ 6-13, page 20 Acceptance or declination of CSMconsideration ¯ 6-14, page 20 Preparation, composition, and submission of personnel records packets ¯ 6-15, page 21 USAR CSMSelection Board composition and procedures ¯ 6-16, page 2I Appointment or reappointment to CSM¯ 6-17, page 22 Authority to appoint ¯ 6-18, page 22 Appointment orders ¯ 6-19, page 23 Posthumous appointment ¯ 6-20, page 23 Certificate of Appointment to CSM¯ 6-21, page 23 Section IV Stabilization, Removal, and Tetwdnation, page 23 Stabilization on assignment to a CSM position ¯ 6-22, page 23 Removal from CSM Program to perform tours of duty or to attend the U.S. ArmySergeants Major Academy¯ 6-23, page 24 Removal from CSMProgram (for cause) ¯ 6-24, page 24 Abolished, redesignated, or reorganized CSM positions ¯ 6-25, page 24 Voluntary withdrawal from CSM Program other than for retirement ¯ 6-26, page 25 Termination of CSM appointment ¯ 6-27, page 25 Section V Reappointment to CommandSergeant Major; page 25 Reappointment authority ¯ 6-28, page 25 Reappointment policy ¯ 6-29, page 25 Appendix A. References, page 27


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Contents--Continued Table List Table '4-1: USAR qualitative retention zones chart (Rescinded.), page I1 Table 4-2: Sample format for the Qualitative Retention Board statistical report filed as an enclosure to the board report, page 1l Table '4-3: USAR qualitative retention zones chart (NOTE:This table is effective on or after 1 Jul 93.), page 12 Figure List Figure 4-I: Sample memorandum with endorsement of notification, page 12 Figure 4-2: Sample memorandum instruction for the qualitative retention board-continued, page 13 of Figure 4-2: Sample memorandum instruction for the qualitative retention board, page 14 of Figure 4-3: Report of qualitative retention board, page 14 Figure '4-4: Sample format for the Qualitative Retention Board statistical report filed as an enclosure to the board report.(Figure 4-4 has been changed to table 4-2.), page 15 Figure 4-5: Selection memorandumformat, page 15 Figure 4-6: Nonselection memorandumformat, page 15 Figure 6-I: Format for outline of qualifications, page 26 Index


AR 1:



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Chapter 1 General Information 1-1. Purpose This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and proceduresfor-a. Special Duty Assignment(Proficiency Pay) (SDA(PP))for U.S. ArmyReserve (USAR) personnel. b. The Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Enlisted Personnel Management System. c. (Rescinded.) d The Qualitative Retention Program (QRP). e. The USAR Command Sergeants Major Program. 1-1.1. References Requiredand related publications and prescribed forms are listed in appendix A. 1-2. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations special terms used in this regulation are explainedin the consolidated glossary at the backof this and volume. 1-3. Policy Effective management evaluation of ARNG USAR and and enlisted personnel resoumesis necessary for successful mission accomplishment.It is Departmentof the Army policy to-a. Utilize soldiers in positions equal to their military qualifications and personal attributes, and b. Promotean atmospherewhichwill motivate each soldier to attain his or her full potential as a soldier. 1-4. Responsibilities a. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER),Headquarters, Department of the Army(HQDA), general staff responsibility for the formulation, management, evaluation of manpower personnel policies, and and plans, and programsfor all componentsof the Army. b. Withintheir areas of jurisdiction, State adjutants general and area commanders responsible for the personnel are management programsoutlined in this regulation. c. The term "area commands" "area commander" used throughout this regulation are defined in the and as consolidated glossary at the back of this volume. 1-5, Employment and volunteer work of spouse of military personnel Neithera soldier's marital status nor the employment, educationalpursuits, or the volunteer service activities of the soldier's spouse maybe considered in the qualitative retention process (chap 4) or the Command Sergeant Major selection process (chap 6). Informationin personnelfiles regarding such factors will not be consideredby commanders, board members, others involved in the retention selection process. or

Chapter 2 Special Duty Assignment Pay(SDAP) for USAR Personnel 2-1, General This chapter applies only to U.S. Army Reserve(USAR) soldiers. It prescribes policies and provides instructions for the administration of Special Dnty AssignmentPay (SDAP).Tbis is a monetary incentive designed to encourage soldiers to qualify for and serve in the following assignments: a. Recruiter (MOS OOE). b. Reenlistment NCO (MOS 79D). c. Drill Sergeant(Special qualification identifier (SQI)--X). d. Specialty Designated USAR personnel. USAR soldiers whoconverted from the Active Armyunder the AGR ArmyTransition/Conversion -- ArmyReserve (ATCAR) Program and are performing in a specially designated position, will continue to receive the same level of SDAP they were receiving as a member the Active Army. of 2-2. Individualeligibility criteria Anenlisted member the USAR a special duty assignmentis eligible to receive SDAP all of the following of in if conditions are met: a. Entitled to basic pay and serving on(l) One or more days of--



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Filed 07/18/2005

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ARPERCEN, ATTN:DARP-EPO, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132-5200. FORSCOM installations or organizations will furnish an infomaatinn copy to Commander,FORSCOM, AFOP-RCM, McPherson, GA A~: Fort 30330~5000,not later than l Augusteach year. 3-4. Implementation Continuation or expansion of the EPMS-IRR programis contingent on fund availability.

Chapter 4 Qualitative Section I Introduction

Retention Program

4-1. Qualitative Retention Program (QRP) objectives A continuingprogram qualitative retention is essential to provide for progressionof qualified enlisted personnelat of proper intervals in their careers. The QRP will-a. Ensureonly the best qualified soldiers are retained in a troop unit beyond20 years of qualifying service for retired pay. Thesesoldiers will be retained for continuing assignmentto the comparativelyfew senior noncommissioned officer (NCO) positions. b. Providefor career incentive. c. Ensure an opportunity for advancement the higher grades at the peak years of a soldier's effectiveness. to d. Satisfy the continuing requirement for senior NCOs the appropriate commands. by e. Provide the command a tool to control enlisted personnel inventmyand manage with career progression. The QRP not designed nor intended to be used in lieu of separation or removal procedures authorized by other is regulations (that is, unsatisfactoryperfurmance, unsatisfactory participation, failure to meetbodyfat standards, and so forth). 4-2. QRP responsibilities a. Chief, National GuardBureau (CNGB) will monitor and support the QRP the Army for National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS). b. Chief, ArmyReserve (CAR)will monitor and support the QRPfor the USAR. c. The following officials will implementand administer the QRP wifuin their areas of jurisdiction: (1) State adjutants general for ARNG soldiers. (2) Area commanders glossary) for USAR soldiers. QRP (see TPU responsibility maybe delegated to the following commanders, maynot be further delegated. but (a) A commander of an ARCOM GOCOM soldiers subordinate to the ARCOM GOCOM. or for or (b) The first general officer command subordinate to the area command soldiers under the general officer for command,when there is no ARCOM GOCOM or subordinate to the area command. (3) (Rescinded.) 4-3, QRP applicability This chapter provides policy and proceduresgoverning the selective retention of soldiers in ARNGUS and USAR units TPUs. also prescribes the composition function of qualitative retention boards. TheQRP It and policy containedin this chapter applies tea. ARNG soldiers with 20 or moreyears of qualifying service for retired pay including those serving on Full-Time National GuardDuty (FTNGD) under title 32, use. The procedures provide for a biennial review of the military personnelrecords of all soldiers with the required service. Thepurposeof the reviewis to determineretention potential and acceptability for reenlistmentor extensionof enlistment. It does not apply to soldiers serving on active duty under title I0, USC . b. USAR soldiers assigned to TPUs the Selected Reserve. It does not apply to soldiers serving on active duty in of an AGR status. QRP provides for a review of a soldier's military personnelrecords to determineretention potential. This reviewis required for all soldiers who will have20 or moreyears of qualifying service for retired pay at age 60, and are within the zones of consideration prescribed by paragraph ~ a(3). c. Proceduresgoverningqualitative retention are without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


AR ~g


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Section II Qualitative Retention Program Procedures 4-4, Zonesof considerationfor qualitative retention a. Qualitative retention boards will consider all unit soldiers wboare ~vitbin the followingzonesby the date the board convenes, with the exception of those listed in paragraph 4-5: (I) ARNG . (a) Have least 20 years of qualifyingservice for retired payat age 60 as verified by a notification of eligibility for at retired pay at age 60 issued per AR135-180, paragraph 2-3. (b) Wbere previously selected for retention, however,the commander referred themto the boardfor revalidation has of their retained status. (2) (Rescinded.) (3) USAR.Haveat least 20 years of qualifying service for retired pay at age 60, and(a) ls a SFC/PSG below and has completed 21 years of total military service. or (b) Is an SFC, PSG,MSG, ISG and has completed 25 years of total military service. or (c) Is a MSG, ISG, or SGM has completed 27 years of total military service. and (d) Is a SGM has completed 29 years of total military service. and (e) Werepreviously selected for retention. However, commander referred themto the board for revalidatien tbe has of their retained status. b. ARNG qualitative retention boards will examinerecords of ARNG soldiers in the zone of consideration every 2 years unless, based on recommendation the board, the conveningauthority approvesthat an soldier's record be of reviewed the following year. c. USAR qualitative retention boards will be convenedto examinethe records of USAR soldiers in the zones of consideration listed in a(2) and (3) above. d A chart wbich displays the USAR zones of consideration is shownat table 4-3. 4-5. Soldiers not to be considered under the QRP Qualitative retention boards will not consider soldiers who--a. Are assigned to the(l) ARNG have not beenissued a notification of eligibility for retired pay at age 60 per AR135-180,paragraph and 2-3, on the date the board convenes. (2) USAR have not completed20 qualifying years of service for retired pay at age 60 on the date the board and b. Are within 9 months of reaching age 60 on the date the board convenes. c. Are notfidly qualified by grade and military occupationalspecialty (MOS) continued membership the unit. for in (Not applicable to the ARNG.) d Havea bar to reenlistment or extension in effect. (Not applicable to the ARNG.) e. Areunder suspensionof favorable personnelactions (AR600-8-2), unless the suspensionaction was initiated for failure to meet the bodyfat standards per AR600-9, or for failure to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) per AR350-15. However,in such cases a flag will not be present in the military records of a USAR soldier being considered by a board under the best qualified selection process. ./~ Are USAR soldiers in the following categories: (1) SSGand below (unless pending promotionto SFC)whohave cmnpleteda total of 25 years' military service. (2) SFC/PSG (unless pending promotion to MSG) have completed a total of 27 years' military service. and (3) MSG/ISG (unless pending promotion to SGM) have completed a total of 29 years' military service. and (4) SGM (unless selected for CSM) have completed a total of 31 years' military service. and (5) Command sergeants major. g. Are ARNG State Command Sergeants Major. h. Are USAR personnel previously not selected for retention by a board. Basedon their Army ReserveTechnician (ART)status, they were authorized retention in their current USAR assignmentuntil age 60 (pare 4-18 d(2)). 4-6. Schedulingof retention boards Qualitative retention boardswill be convened annuallyduringJanuary, February,or iVlarch. Theauthorities specified in paragraph 4-2 c will convenetbe boards. 4-7. Proceduresrequired to support QRP a. The boards will examine record of each soldier within the zoneof consideration(pare 4-4 a). The boards will the provide a report of personnel recommended continued unit service (para 4-14). for b. Commanders specified in paragraph 4-2 c will-7


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(1) Ensurethat soldiers" records are maintained to permit an accurate and equitable board appraisal. (2) Announce time and site of the annual qualitative retention board to all subordinate commands. tbe (3) Select and appoint board members publish orders. and (4) Issue instructions to subordinate units for submittingrequired records and information. (5) Refer personnel records to the board. (6) Providerequired administrative support. (7) Approveor disapprove the board's report. (8) Issue selection or nonselection memorandums within 30 days following approval of the board's report. These memorandums be issued over the convening autlmrity's signature (fig 4-5 and 4-6). will (9) Be sure that soldiers not recommended retention are discharged or reassigned as appropriate (para 4-18). for c. Unit commanderswill(l) Identify unit soldiers whofall in the zone of consideration for qualitative retention (para 4-4 (2) Ensureall soldiers in the zone of consideration (pare 4-4 a) are notified. (Use the samplememorandum at 4-I as a guide.) (3) Ensurepersonnel records are current, correct, and audited by the soldier. (4) Include with the records any comments recommendations or deemed pertinent to retention consideration. (5) (ARNG only) Include a statement justifying the retention of a SGT below if considered appropriate. or (6) Sendthe required information and personnel records to the conveningauthority (para 4-2 d. The enlisted soldier, whennotified of pending board consideration, will(l) Indicate by endorsement (fig 4-2) the option preferred, if not selected for retention. Theseoptions are follows: (a) Reassignment the Retired Reserve. to (b) Reassignmentto Control Group(Reinforcement) of the Individual ReadyReserve (IRR). (c) Honorablediscbarge. (2) Completethe endorsementon the notification memorandum '-I-2). Return the memorandum the (fig to commander within I0 days after receipt. Soldiers reNsing to complete the endorsementor failing to respond in a reasonable period will be reported to tbe unit commander. commander The will send the soldier's record and a statement of the facts to the convening authority. If not selected for retention, the soldier will be discharged. (3) Audit his or her military personnel records to ensure they are current and correct. (4) If desired, include with the records any comments regarding the pending board consideration. Suchcomments mayinclude, but are not limited to, the unit commander's comments recommendations. or Section III Composition and Conductof Qualitative Retention Boards 4-8. Appointing authority Authorityto appointandconvene qualitative retentionboards rests with the autborities specified in paragraph 4-2. 4-9. Board composition a. Boardswill bc composed three command of sergeantsmajor (CSM) and two commissioned officers for all enlistedpersonnel officer in the grade colonel(or lieutenant One of colonel,if necessary) serve president the will as of board. b. Anadditional officer, warrantofficer (WO), NCO be appointed recorderwithout vote. or will as c. Oneof the boardmembers be femaleif females considered.One must are member be a minority. Orders must appointing the board will identify female and/or minority members, d. A person being considered by tbe board will not serve as a member the board or as a recorder. of 4--10. Instructions to board members a. A rnemorandum instruction will be issued to each board member the convening authority (fig 4-2). of by b. Boardswill be briefed by a designated representative of the conveningautbority. This briefing will cover the importantfeatures of the letter of instructions and this chapter. It will also give boardmembers opportunityto ask an questions. 4-11. The board oath a. The following oath will be administered by the recorder to the members the board: "You(identify each of member grade and name)do solemnlyswear (or affirm) that you will without prejudice or partiality, and having by viewboth the special fitness of individual soldiers and the efficiency of the (Am~y National Guard)(Army Reserve), perform duties imposed you, and further, that youwill not divulge the proceedings results of this boardexcept to on or proper authority." (Eacb member will respond, "I do." 94


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b. Thepresident of the hoard will administer the followingoath to the recorder: "You (identify by grade and name), as a recorder of this board, do solemnlyswear(or affirm) that youwill perform duties imposed youby the president on of the board, and further, that youwill not divulgethe proceedings results of this boardexcept to properauthority." or (The recorder of the board will respond, "I do.") 4-12. Conductof the board a. Boardswill evaluate the future benefits that can be expected to accrue to the ARNG USAR appropriate) or (as from the continued memberahip status of each person. The board should consider the following factors: (I) Demonstrated performance attested by evaluation reports, review of the Military Personnel RecordsJacket-as U.S. Army(MPRJ), and other evidence~ (2) Medicalcondition and physical fitness are such that there are no significant assignmentlimitations. (3) Anyother factor having a bearing on a soldier's future performanceand contribution to a unit. b. ffthe boardvote is not unanimous, dissenting member(s) prepare a minority report to support his or her the may position. A copy of this report will be attached to each copy of the board report. 4-13. Board recommendations retention for a. ARNG qualitative retention boards recommend soldiers in the zoneof consideration may ARNG (pare 4--4 a (1)) for unit retention. b. USAR qualitative retention boards,by considering soldiers within the zoneof consideration (pare4-4 a(3) table 4-3), mayrecommend soldiers for unit retentionUSAR (I) In the rank of SSG below completion 2I yearsof total military service andhavebeendetermined or on of best qualified for retention. Unlessseparatedunderother authority, these soldiers may retained until completionof be 25 years" total military service. (2) In the rank of SFC/PSG completionon (a) Of 21 years' total military service and have been determinedas best qual(fied for retention. Unless separated underother authority, these soldiers maybe retained until completion 25 years' total military service at whichtime of their records will be reviewedagain; (b) Of 25 years" total military service and have been determinedas best qualified for retention. Unless separated under other authority, these soldiers maybe retained until completionof 27 years' total military service. (3) In the rank of 1SG/MSG completionon (a) Of 25 years" total military service and havebeen determined best qttalified for retention. Unlessseparated under other authority, these soldiers will be retained until completion 27 years' total military service at whichtime their of records will be reviewed again; (b) Of 27 years' total military service and havebeendeterminedbest qualified for retention. Unlessseparatedunder other authority, these soldiers will be retained until completionof 29 years' total military service. (4) In the rank of SGM, completionon (a) Of 27 years' total military service and havebeendeterminedbest qual!Tiedfor retention. Unlessseparated under other authority, these soldiers will be retained until completionof 29 years total military service. (b) Of 29 years' total military service and havebeen determined best qualified for retention. Unlessseparated under other authority, these soldiers will be retained until completionof 31 years' total military service. c. USAR soldiers whoare retained under b .1 above will not again be considered for retention unless(l) Promoted a higher grade. Zones of consideration in the higher grades are outlined in paragraph 4-4 a(3). to (2) The commander recommended has revalidation of their retained status. (3) Theyarc pendingpromotionto a higher grade. In this case, they must be considered for retention under the criteria prescribed for the higher grade. "Pendingpromotion"is defined as a soldier whohas been recommended for promotionby a promotionselection board; the board proceedingshave been approvedby the conveningauthority; and the soldier has been placed on an order-of-merit listing pending a unit vacancy. 4-14. Board reports a. Beforeadjournment, boardwill completea report of the board proceedingsin the format shown table 4--2. the in Table 4-2 showsa sampleformat for the qualitative retention boardstatistical report of qualitative retention board deliberations which is an exampleof enclosure 8 of figure 4-3. b. The recorder will prepare a signed statement indicating the number soldiers considered by grade and racial of categoryand the number soldiers not retained by grade and racial category.This will be attached to the boardreport. of c. A copy of the board report with all enclosures will be routed through the agencies shownbelowto arrive at HQDA, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, ATTN: DAPE-MPE, DC2031(~0300, not later WASH than 15 June of each year. (1) For ARNG reports, send through the Chief, National Guard Bureau, ATTN:NGB-ARP-E, WASH 203 I0-2500.


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b. Tbe president of the boardwill administerthe followingoath to the recorder: "You (identify by grade and name), as a recorder of this board, do solemnlyswear(or affirm) that you will performduties imposed youby the president on of the board, and fi~rther, that youwill not divulgethe proceedings results of this boardexceptto properauthority." or (The recorder of the board will respond, "I do.") 4-12. Conductof the board a. Beardswill evaluate tbe future benefits that can be expected to accrue to the ARNG USAR appropriate) or (as from the continued membersbip status of each person. The board should consider the following factors: (1) Demonstrated performance attested by evaluation reports, review of the Military PersonnelRecordsJacket-as U.S. Army(MPRJ), and other evidence. (2) Medicalcondition and physical fitness are such that there are no significant assignmentlimitations. (3) Anyotber factor having a bearing on a soldier's future performanceand contribution to a unit. b. If the board vote is not unanimous, dissenting member(s) prepare a minority report to support his or her the may position. A copy of this report will be attached to eacb copy of the board report. 4-13. Board recommendations retention for a. ARNG qualitative retention boards mayrecommend soldiers in the zone of consideration (para 4-4 a (l)) ARNG for unit retention. b. USAR qualitative retention boards, by considering soldiers within tbe zone of consideration (para 4-4 a(3) table 4-3), mayrecommend USAR soldiers for unit retention(l) In the rank of SSG belowon completionof 21 years of total military service and have been determined or best qualified for retention. Unlessseparatedunderother authority, these soldiers may retained until completion be of 25 years' total military service. (2) In the rank of SFC/PSG completionon (a) Of 21 years' total military service and have beendeterminedas best qualified for retention. Unlessseparated underother autbority, these soldiers maybe retained until completion 25 years' total military service at whichtime of their records will be reviewedagain; (b) Of 25 years' total military service and have been determinedas best qualified for retention. Unless separated under other authority, these soldiers maybe retained until completionof 27 years" total military service. (3) In the rank of 1SG/MSG completionon (a) Of 25 years' total military service and havebeendeterminedbest qualified for retention. Unlessseparatedunder other authority, these soldiers will be retained until completion 27 years' total military service at whichtime their of records will be reviewed again; (b) Of 27 years' total military service and havebeendeterminedbest qualified for retention. Unlessseparatedunder otber authority, these soldiers will be retained until completionof 29 years' total military service. (4) In the rank of SGM, completionon (a) Of 27 years' total military service and havebeendeterminedbest qual(fied for retention. Unlessseparatedunder other authority, tbese soldiers will be retained until completionof 29 years total military service. (b) Of 29 years' total military service and havebeendeterminedbest qualified for retention. Unlessseparatedunder other autbority, these soldiers will be retained until completionof 31 years' total military service. c. USAR soldiers whoare retained under b .I above will not again be considered for retention unless(l) Promotedto a higher grade. Zones of consideration in the higher grades are outlined in paragraph4-4 a(3). (2) The cmnmander recommended has revalidation of their retained status. (3) Theyare pendingpromotionto a higher grade. In this case, they must be considered for retention under the criteria prescribed for the bigber grade. "Pendingpromotion"is defined as a soldier whohas been recommended for promotionby a promotionselection board; the board proceedingshave been approvedby tbe conveningauthority; and the soldier has been placed on an order-of-merit listing pending a unit vacancy. 4-14. Boardreports a. Beforeadjournment,the board will completea report of tbe board proceedingsin the format shown table 4-2. in Table4-2 sbowsa sampleformat for the qualitative retention boardstatistical report of qualitative retention board deliberations which is an exampleof enclosure 8 of figure 4-3. b. Tbe recorder will prepare a signed statement indicating the number soldiers considered by grade and racial of categoryand the number soldiers not retained by grade and racial category. This will be attached to the boardreport. of c. A copy of the board report witb all enclosures will be routed through the agencies shownbelowto arrive at HQDA, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, ATTN: DAPE-MPE, WASH 20310-0300, not later DC than 15 June of each year. (I) For ARNG reports, send through the Chief, National Guard Bureau, ATTN:NGB-ARP-E, WASH 20310-2500.

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(2) For USAR reports, 20310-2415.

send through HQDA, Office of the Chief, ArmyReserve, ATTN:DAAR-PE, WASH

4-15. Protective markings All copies of the board's report will be markedFOR OFFICIAL ONLY. USE This is to prevent premature disclosure of board recmnmendations.These markings will be removedon approval by the convening authority. Section IV Approval, Disapproval, and Disposition 4-16. Approval or disapproval of board recommendations a. Tile conveningauthority will review the qualitative retention board reconamendations. Within30 days following adjournmentof the board, the convening authority will(l) Approvethe report as submitted. (2) Disapprove wholereport and require the board to reconsider all cases. This will occur if the board's report the contains substantial administrativeerrors or proceduraldeficiencies that adverselyaffect those considered.Theconvening authority will give supplementalguidanceto the board to correct the deficiencies. (3) Modifythe board's report to movea soldier's namefrom the not recommended to the recommended list list. Justification for any such modificationmustbe attached and made part of the board's report. The convening a authority is prohibited from movinga soldier's namefrom the recommended list to the not recommended list. (4) Require board reconsideration of any individual case in whichmaterial error in the record as reviewedby the board is established. The conveningauthority maydo this at any time during 90 days following adjournment the of board. b. Some the reasons for disapproving a board's report are as follows: of (1) The board did not have the proper members. (2) The instructions to the board were materially different from the prescribed fomrat (fig 4-2). (3) The board oath was not properly administered. (4) Improperboard format or content whichcannot be corrected administratively. 4-17. Safeguardagainst premature separation from unit membership Nosoldier will be separatedfromunit membership this chapter until notified of eligibility to receive retired pay under at age 60. This does not apply to soldiers whodo not qualify for retired pay because they lack wartimeservice (AR 135-180, parr 2-1). 4-18. Disposition of soldiers not selected for retention a. Soldiers whowerenot selected for retention are consideredfidly clual~fied for continuedparticipation in the USAR assigned IRR soldiers. This is provided they have not reached 60 years of age. as b. Soldiers not selected will be processed for discharge or reassignmentaccording to the option selected under paragraph 4-7 d(1) and indicated by endorsement(fig 4-1). However, USAR mayrequest continued retention a ART in his or her current assignment per paragraph d below. c. Separation must be completed within 60 days following approval of the board's report. (I) lfa menmrandum certifying a USAR soldier's eligibility for retired pay has not been issued, separation will completedwithin 60 days after the certification is issued. (2) Shouldissue of the certification be delayedmorethan 90 days after approvalof the board report, authority for continued retention of a USAR soldier must be approved by(a) (Rescinded.) (b) Tile commander (para 4-2 c ) that convenedthe QI~ which resulted in the soldier's nonseleetion. (69 (RescindetL) d. AnART has not been selected for retention maysubmit a request for retention in his or her current who assignmentper AR140-315,paragraph8 i. Within15 days after the announcement the board's results, the request of may be sent through Cdr, ARPERCEN (DARP-PAT-I)to the Office, Chief Army Reserve, ATTN:DAAR-PE, WASH 20310-2418.The ART's DC military status or assignment will not be changed while the request is pending final determination by the CAR acting for Secretary of the Army. (1) If the CAR does not approvethe request, the soldier will be processed for discharge or reassignmentaccording to the option selected under paragraph 4-7 d(1) and indicated by endorsement(fig 4-2). (2) If the CAR approves request, tile soldier will be retained in his or her current assignment the until they attain age 60 unless removed cause. The soldier will not again be considered by later retention boards. However, for since the soldier wasnot best qualified for military retention by a board, but retention wasapproved provide for civil service to annuity eligibility, the soldier will not be eligible for later promotionconsideration (AR140-158,parr 1-14 q).




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Army Regulation 350-10


Management of Army Individual Training Requirements and Resources

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 14 September 1990

Unclassified 1023

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~ 350-10 Management This o of Army Individual Training Requirements revision-for managing Army Amends policy and procedures requirements and resources.

and Resources individual training

o Covers the system used to idenitify individual training requirements and programs, and the resources required to support the Total Army individual training. o Identifies charter of input to Training Committee (GOSC) (para 1-5). Management General Officer Steering


Updates policy and procedures for the management of Army Individual Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) (paras 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3). Clarifies (ARPRINT) the scope and purpose (para 2-4). of the Army Program for Individual Training



Describes the procedures for establishing training baselines (para 2-4e). Details the Total (para 2-6). Identifies 7)~ Identifies Army Centralized

and maintaining









the Structure

and Manning







the Training







o o o


the Quota





3-1). System (MPS) (para 3-2). (para

Comprensively Details 3). Clarifies


the Mobilization Trainee Management


the Student




the Training






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Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 14 September 1990 Training

*Army Regulation 350-10
Effective 15 October 1990

Management ArmyIndividual Training Requirementsand Resources of
to manage Army individual training requirements and resources. It covers the system used to identify individual training requirements, programs, and resources required to ByOrder the Secreta~/ol Army: of the supportthe Total Army individual training. It CARLE, VUONO updates policy and procedures for the manGeneral, United StatesArmy agement of the Army Training Requirements Chief Staff of and Resources System (ATR~S).Unless specifically identified for mobilizationplanning or mobilizationoperations, these policies and procedures refer to peacetimeoperations. MILTON HAMILTON H. Applicability, This regulation applies to the Adtninistralive Assistant the to Total Army~to include the Active Army, Secretary the Army of Army Nfiti0hfii Guard~U.S. Army Reserve, D~partment Army of civilian force, and other Government agencyand civilian users of the History. This UPDATE printing publishes a ATRRS. revision of this publication. Because the Proponent and exception authority. publication has beenextensively revised, the Not applicable changedportions have not been highligbted. Army managementcontrol process. This publication has been reorganizedto make This regulation is not subject to the requireit compatible with the Armyelectronic merits of AR 11-2. It does not contain interpublishing database. Nocontent has been nal control provisions. changed. Supplementation, Supplementation of this Summary. This regulation revises the poliregulation and establishment of command or cies, responsibilities, and procedures required local formsare prohibited without prior approval from HQDA (DAPE-MPT), WASH DC 203104300. Interim changes. Interim changes to dds regulation are not official unless they are authenticated by the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. Users will destroy interim changeson dteir expiration dates unless sooner supersededor rescinded. SuggestedImprovements. The proponent agency this regulation is the Office of of the DeputyChief of Staff for Personnel. Users are invited to send comments sugand gested improvements on DAForm 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to HQDA (DAPE-MPT), WASHDC 20310-0300. Distribution. Distribution of this publication is madein accordancewith the requirements on DAForm 12-09-E, block number 3291, intended for command level D for Active Army,ArmyNational Guard, and U.S. ArmyReserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph page and number) Chapter 1 Introduction, page l Purpose ¯ I-1, page 1 References ¯ 1-2, page I Explanation of abbreviations and terms ¯ 1-3, page 1 Responsibilities ¯ 1~., page 1 Input to Training Management General Officer Steering Committee ¯ 1-5, page 3 Policy ¯ 1-6, page 4 Chapter 2 Army Training Requirementsand ResourcesSystem, page 4 Introduction ¯ 2-1, page 4 ATRa2.S subsystems ¯ 2-2, page 4 ATRRS reports ¯ 2-3, page 4 ARPRINT report ¯ 2~-, page 4 Development training requirements ¯ 2-5, page 5 of Soficitation of training requirements¯ 2-6, page 5 Structure and ManningDecision Review ¯ 2-7, page 5 Training Resource Arbitration Panel ¯ 2-8, page 7 Scheduling of classes ¯ 2-9, page 9

Interservice Training ReviewOrganization ¯ 2-10, page 9 Chapter 3 Army Training Requirementsand Resources System Subsystems,page 9 Quota Management System * 3-I, page 9 Mobilization Planning System ¯ 3-2, page 10 Student Trainee Management System--Enlisted ¯ 3-3, page 10 Chapter 4 Training Attrition Management, page 11 Introduction ¯ 4-1, page II Historical attrition computation¯ 4-2, page 11 Adustedattrition computution¯ 4-3, page 11 Attrition rates ¯ 4-4, page 11 Appendix References, page 12 A. Glossary Index

"This regulation supersedes AR 350-10, July1984. 1 AR 350-10 ¯ 14 September 1990


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Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1. Purpose a. This regulation prescribes Army policy, responsibilities, and proceduresfor the management all individual training throughthe of ArmyTraining Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) for the following(1) The Total Army(Active Army(AA), ArmyNational (ARNG),U.S. Amty Resen, e (USAR), Department of the (DA)civilian, od~er Government agencies and civilian users). (2) U.S. ArmyTraining and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). (3) Forces Command(FORSCOM) Noncommissioned Officer Academies. (4) U.S. ArmyMateriel Command (AMC). (5) U.S. ArmyHealth Services Command (HSC). (6) Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC). (7) Defense Information School (DINFOS). (8) DefenseIntelligence College. (9) Departmentof Defense (DOD) ComputerInstitute. (10) Defense Mapping School (DMS). (11) Defense Systems Management College (DSMC). (12) Other military services. (13) National Cryptologic School. (14) Federal Bureauof Investigation Academy. (15) PolygraphInstimte. (16) USAR Forces Scbools. (17) ARNG Schools. (18) Other schools established under Armyauthority during mobilization. (19) Civilian schooling. b. The objectives are to-(l) Formalize the use of the Army Program Individual Trainfor ing (ARPRINT) within-(a) DOD schools for which DAis executive agent. (b) Major Army commands(MACOM) agencies. and (c) Army schools and training centers. (d) Noncommissioned officer academies. (e) Other military services and Government agencies. (2) Establish standard proceduresto identify and display individual training requirementsand programsand to report student input and output. (3) Ensure that training requirement programsare developed part of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBES)cycle. (4) Establish annual training baselines during the ARPRINT developmentprocess. (5) Ensurethat input to training is conducted accordingto statutory requirements. (6) Provide guidance for tfie developmentof the ARPRIN;f and scheduling of classes to support training programs. (7) Establish standard procedures to report, analyze, and manage training attrition and attrition from the Army wbile in a training status. (8) Provide guidance and planning information for development of the Mobilization ARPRINT ARPRINT) for transition (MOB and to mobilizationtraining operationsupondeclaration of mobilization. 1-2, References Related publications are listed in Appendix A, 1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary. 1-4. Responsibilities a. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER) will(l) Establish policy and procedures for developingand verifying

training requirements the Total Army for (military and civilian) for the following categorles(a) Initial entry training (lET). (b) Special qualifications indentifiers (8Ql). (c9 Additionalskill indetuifier (AS1). (d) Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES). (e) Officer andenlisted functional or transitional training. 0') Professional development. (g) U.S. Military Academy (USMA). (h) USMA Prep School. (i) Officer Candidate School (deS). (/) Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). (2) Incorporate training requirementsidentified and validated the ArmyEducational Requirements Board into the ARPRINT. (3) Design, document,resource, operate, and evaluate ATRRS. (4) Develop overall guidance for and approve the annual ARPRINT. (5) Arbitrate, negotiate, and allocate available training seats based on the approved training programfor IET militar~ occupational specialty (MOS). Coordinatewith the followingwhenallocating training seats(a) Office of rite DeputyChief of Staff for Operationsand Plans (ODCSOPS). (b) U.S. ArmyTraining and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). (c) National Guard Bureau (NGB). (d) Office of the Chief, Army Reserve (deAR). (e) U.S. Army Health Professional Support Agency,Office of the Surgeon General (USAHPSA, (]) U.S. ArmyRecruiting Command 0JSAREC). (g) Health Services Command (I-ISC). (h) DIvIS. (0 Other services and Government agencies, (6) Developmethodology computingArmy for training attritions rates, and provide Army training attrition rates (by course or MOS) to Total ArmyPersonnel Command (PERSCOivl) (TAPC-PL), ARNG (NGB-ME), and HQDA (DAAR-TR). Develop methodology and conduct quarterly ana|ysis of training show-rates. (7) Assume principal Army staff responsibility for training attrition mangement. (See chap 4,) (8) Managethe following programs(a) The USMA Program, (b) The AA Officer Candidate Program. (c) The Artuy ROTC Program. (9) Develop affordable training baseline levels during the ARPRINT development process that are consistent with end strength and force structure allowancelevels. (10) Serve as the DA proponent for the Stracture and Manning Decision Review(SMDR) Training Resources Arbitration Panel and (TRAP) processes. (I 1) Approve establish the selection criteria for entry and MOS training. (12) Display the trained manpower shortfall on whichthe thne phase incremented mobilization training base output requirements are founded PERSCOM,(TAPe-MOP), and provide to TRADOC development of fiscal year (FY) MOB for ARPRINT course input requirements. (13) Conduct quarterly input to training general officer in process review (IPR) on major input to training issues, (14) Act as Army Executive Agentfor Total Arnty Centralized Individual Training Solicitation (TACITS). (15) Act as DAmain point of contact providing and receiving training requirments,training program allocations, reservations, and class schedules to or from other sevAces. b. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS) wilI~ (I) Determine in coordination with PERSCOM, ARNG,and deARthe U.S. ArmyWar College and equivalent level training requirements and submit them to HQDA (DAPE-MPT), WASH 20310~300. (2) Cohost the SMDR participate in the TRAP and processes. (3) Determine intermediate level training requirementsexcept for 1

AR 350-10 ¯ 14 September 1990


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Command General Staff College and submit them to HQDA and (DAPE-MPT), WASH 20310-0300. DC (4) Determine in coordination with PERSCOM, ARNG,and ArmyReserve Personnel Center (ARPERCEN) training requirements for Army personnel at foreign service schools and submit them to NQDA (DAPE-MPT), WASH 20310-0300. DC (5) Determine in coordination with PERSCOM, ARNG,and OCAR training requirements for the U.S. ArmySo,cants Major Academy and submit them to HQDA (DAPE-MPT), WASH 20310-0300. (6) Determinepolicies, plans, and resources to accomplisbthe post mobilization training base output requirements. (7) Ascertainmobilization training base capability to sustain the force required for conflict scenarios associated with various operations plans (OPLANS) the Defense GuidanceIllustrative Planand ning Scenario. (8) Evaluate M013ARPRINT to determine impact on costs dam of operating the training base. (9) Participate during the ARPRINT process in the development of affordabletraining baseline levels that will providequafity training and readiness levels. (I0) Prioritize training allocations for constrainedcoursesduring the year of execution and during the program objective memorandum (POM)years. c. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) will(1) Participate in tbe SMDR validate equipment to constraints, (2) Establisb policy and proceduresfor developingforeign military training requirements Army at schools and training centers, and for developingmobiletraining teams for foreign countries. These requirements are to submitted to Commanding General (CG), TRADOC ATTN:ATFA-P, Ft. Monroe, VA23651-5000. (See AR 12-15, chap (3) Establish policy and proceduresfor the development logisof tics-unique training programs other than initial skill training, for (4) Participate in and provide input as required for the SMDR and TRAP processes based on the Logistics Master Training Plan. d. Tiae Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB),will(l) Developthe ARNG MOS, IET specialty skill identifier (SSI), NCOES, in-service training requirements for ARNG and officer, warrant, enlisted and civilian personnel per guidance from ODCSPER. (2) Managequotas allocated to the ARNG ensure maximum to seatfill. (3) Review ARNG input, graduate, and attrition data for courses attended by ARNG personnel, (4) Participate in and provide input as required to the SMDR and TRAP processes. e. The Chief, ArmyReserve (CAR), will(l) Develop USAR MOS IET training requirements and estabfish policy and procedures for the development the USAR of in-service training requirements. (2) Managequotas allocated to the USAR ensure maximum to seat fill. (3) Review USAR input, graduate, and attrition data for courses attended by USAR personnel. (4) Part/c/pate in and provide input as required to the SMDR and TRAP processes. f The Chief of Engineers (COE) wilt(1) Establish policy and procedures for the developmentof the Total Army engineer-uniquetraining programs other than initial for skill training. (2) Participate in the SMDR validate facility constraints. to g. The Judge AdvoeataGeneral (TJAG) will establish policy and procedures for the development Army of professional legal training requirementsfor officers, enlisted personnel (other than IET), and civilians. g. TheChief of Chaplains(CCH) will establish policy and procedures for the developmentof AA officer chaplain requirements. i. The Surgeon General (TSG) will(l) Establish policy and procedures for tbe development

professional educationand training programs officers, enlisted for persnnnel, and civilians of the ArmyMedical Department (AMEDD). (2) Manage and control input to the AMEDD Long-Term Civilian Training (LTCT) Program to the Professional Post Graduate and Sbort Course Program (PPSCP). (3) Direct, control, andsupervise all security assistance training provided by the AMEDD AR 12-15. per j. The CG, PERSCOM, will(l) Act as the principal agent for DCSPER determining AA in peacetime (TAPC-PL)and mobilization (TAPC-MOP) training requirements. (2) Manage flit MOS training quotas for all inputs (AA, ARNG, and USAR) during peacetime and mobilization as follows-(a) Obtain class schedules from ATRRS Army-taughttraining for and lET training taugbt by the other Services, Mako sure thta class seats are loaded on the Recruit Quota System (REQUEST). Upon MOB, class schedules and seats will be loaded on AT1LRS the by appropriate school within 72 hours and passed by ATRRS the to Request Mobilization System (RMS). (b) Support, to the greatest extent possible witbin the training schedule, the component seasonality of accessions reflected in the ArmyComponents Military ManpowerPrograms (ACMMP). (c) Manage control (during botb peacetimeand mobiliztaion) and Army execution year input for both officer and enlised lET courses. (d) Makesure thta any adjustments to allocated lET seats are coordinated with the appropriate component, USAREC, MACOM concerned with the training, HQDA (DAPE-MPT), and ODCSOPS (DAMO-TRP). Adjustments to all IET seats used by other than Armynonprior service individuals will be posted to ATRRS. (e) Ensure maximum of available training seats. use 09 Participate in and provide input as required for the SMDR and TRAP processes. (3) Apply the ODCSOPS approved methodology to compute the AAresident NCOES requirements for the Noncommissioned Officer Academies and service school NCOES courses. (4) Manage control quotas for all non-IETtraining AAtrainand ing requirements(to include ASI, SQI, Nnctional, skill level V.vo and above MOS courses, and officer courses). (5) Manage control input for bofll officer and enlisted skilland producing professional development courses. (6) Ensure the posting to ATILRS class schedules, and input of and graduation data of Total Armyinput for non-lET in Navy and National Security Agency courses. (7) Act as ODCSPER operator for TACITS biannually disand tribute solicitation letter to all users of Army training (conducted both by and for the Army) include other services, civilians, and to foreign military. Thesolicitation will include at a minimum all courses and all modes of training per DAPam351~h k The CG, TRADOC, will~ (1) Assign all TRADOC course numbers. (2) Approve all Course Administration Data (CAD)and grams of Inslraction (POfa) for all TRADOC courses. (3) Add,delete or change (as appropriate) all courses ATRS R for whicb TRADOC the proponent. is (4) Publish TRADOC 350-1, Schedule of Classes. (this Pare pamphlet may be obtained from HQTRADOC, ATTN:ATOM, Monroe, VA23651-5000. (5) Provideguidanceand ensure class schedulesare appropriately entered into ATRRS according to deadlines established by ODCSPER TRADOC for schools and those schools for which TRADOC general staff proponency. has (6) Manage quota allocation for all non-lETtraining courses TRADOC schools and DOD schools for which TRADOC genhas eral staff proponency. (7) Ensure posting the ATRRS input and graduation data Army components,other services, Government agencies, and civilians attending training in TRADOC scbools and those scbools for which TRADOC general staff proponency. has (8) Participate in and provide input as required for the SMDR and TRAP processes. 190


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(9) Update DAPam 3514, incorporating changes from 611-201, AR 611-101, AR 611-112, and Memorandum Apof proved Change (MOAC) appropriate for TRADOC as schools and those schools for whicb TRADOC genera[ staff proponency. has (10) Receive requests from non-DOD agencies for attendance TRADOC service schools for those agencies not covered under TACITS. (11) Assist in development of ATRRS programs, displays, reports, files, and proceduresrelated to mobilizationtraining. (12) Act as DAExecutive Agent for development of the Mobilization ARPRINT and(a) Convertthe mobilization training base output requirements (MTI3OR) produced by DCSPER, into course input requireDA, ments and establish in ATRRS. (b) Solicit and coordinate development mobilization training of requirements from U.S. Navy(USN), U.S. Air Force (USAF), Coast Guard (IJSCG), and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) for courses. (c) Developinput requirementsfor all mobilization courses for which DCSPER,DA, does not produce a MTBOR example, for basic training (BT), reception battalions, functional courses, and noncommissioned officer (NCO) courses. (d) Maintainmobilization course administrative data and route or path data in ATP, a2.S. (e) DeveIop procedural guidance by whichschools or U.S. An'ny Training Centers (USATCs) conduct tile MOB ARPRINT training capability analysis and enter resulting data into ATRRS input capability and resourceconstraint files. (/9 Coordinate and supervise the annual MOB ARPRINT training capability analysis and ATRRS entry by TRADOC data schools and USATCs. (g) Assist other MACOMs MOB in ARPRINT development matters. (13) Developand manage security assistance training requirements for all IET MOS,Area of Concentration (AOC), NCOES, warrant officer, and commissioned officer courses. L The CG, FORSCOM, will(l) ManageFORSCOM civilian quotas to ensure maximum seat fill. (2) Ensure posting of input and output data intu ATRRS for FORSCOM conducted NCOES courses. m. The CG, HSC,",viii(l) Assign all HSC course numbers. (2) Add,changeor delete (as appropriate) all courses ATR S R for which HSCis proponent. (3) Makesure class schedules are appropriately entered into ATRRS deadlines established by ODCSPER HSCschools IAW for and those schools for which HSC general staff proponency. has (4) Manage quota allocation for all non-IETtraining courses for whichHSC responsibility. has (5) Ensure posting to ATRRS input and graduation data of Army components, other services, Government agencies, and civilians attending training in HSC scbools and those scbools for which HSC has general staff proponency. (6) Participate in and provide input as required for the SMDR and TRAP processes. (7) Update DAPam 3514 on ATRRS system incorporating changes from AR611-201, 611-101, AR 611-112, and MOAC as appropriate for HSC schools, and those schools for whichHSC has general staff proponency. n. The CG, AMC,will(l) Assign all AMC course numbers. (2) Add,change, or delete (as appropriate) all courses in ATRRS for which AMC proponent. is (3) Provideguidanceand ensure class schedulesare appropriately entered into ATRRS deadlines established by ODCSPER IAW for AMC schools and those schools for which AMC general staff has proponency. (4) Manage quota allocation for all training courses for which AMC responsibility. has

(5) Ensure posting to ATRRS input and graduation data of Army components, other services, Government agencies, and civilians attending training in AMC schools and those schools for whichAMC has general staff proponency. (6) Update DAPam 351~I on ATRRSsystem for AMC schools and those schools for which AMC general staff propencncy. has (7) Update Defense Management Education and Training Catalog, DOD 5010.16-C. (8) Participate in and provide input as required for the SMDR and TRAP processes. (9) Receive requests from non-DOD agencies for attendance AMC colleges and schools for those agencies not covered under TACITS. (10) Provide facilities, equipment,and technical expertise and assistance as required to facilitate training of personnel. o. Tbe Commander (CDR), ARPERCEN, will(l) Act as the principal agent for the CAR determining the in USAR peacetime requirements for formal non-lETresident school training required for the ReadyReserve. Tbis includes troop program unit (TPUs), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), and Active Guard and Reserve (AGR). (2) Manage control all in-service quotas allocated to the and USAR ensure maxintumseat fill. to (3) MonitorUSAR input, graduate, and attrition data for courses attended by USAR personnel to enforce the provisions of DA Pam 351~! and AR 600-9. (4) Participate in and provide input as required to the SMDR and TRAP processes. p. Army School Commandants Directors, Army or Training Center Commanders,and Commander,ARPERCEN. These individuals will(l) Enter class schedules and scheduled input into ATRRS and make schedule changes from TRAP other actions within I0 or workingdays of notification. (2) Post actual inputs within 10 workingdays of the start date and the actual outputs widfing10 working days from tbe end date of eacb class as announced class schedules. Losses from a course in must be posted within 10 workingdays of notification to ensure adjusttnents in any fofiow-ontraining for whichan individual may have reservations. Actual input and output data must be posted for all courses of instruction. q. Commandersof MACOM Proponent School Systems will(l) Report accurate and timely information in ATRRS. (2) Monitorthe data provided by their subordinates. (3) Enforce this regulation within the MACOM. *: Commanders Armytraining MACOMSagenci