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Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-10

Filed 07/18/2005

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Pe rs onne 1--General Enlisted Personnel Management

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC I March 1997

Implementing Draft This revision-o Changes verification of USAR non-unit instead of NGB Form 60 (para 2-30d). o o o o Deletes fl~_e Sunset rule (para 2-45). Coosolidates and renumbers tables 2-I through table 2-13. Adds US Navy and US Marine Corps RLE5, RE6, and R~ 7 codes to table 2-6. Revises the list of CASPMOSs available and updates the prerequisites for file various CASPMOSs. current grade must be verified and members in the IRR to use of ARPERCEN gain/loss tape (GPAM-R70)

o Emphasizes that alflmugh soldiers documented (parr 4-9). o o

are no longer reduced to enter IADT,flleir

Adds Glossary NPS to NPS (parr 4-4). Raises expenses from $25 to $50 (parr 4-6(k)). for DAForm 4187 for Split Training Option soldiers advanced bet~veen phases 1 and 2 (parr

o Adds requirenrent 4-6(11)(7)). o o o

Raises expenses from $25 to $50 (parr 4-13). Changes AR 135-200 to AR 135-381 (parr 4-16). Deletes authority to a~vard MI & MPcriminal investigation to award MOSsto AGR Title military occupational MOSs (parr 5-12), (para 5-4d).

o Adds CNGB authority

10 tour personnel

o Adds career progression o Clarifies


(CPMOS) (para 5-8).

the meaning of substitutability

(parr 5-23), transfers (parr 5-37),

o Adds guidance for uncoordinated interstate


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o AddsCNGB tbe authority to grant exceptions to policy for conditional release prior to completingAIT (para as 5-46a). o o Deletes chapter 6 which was rescinded on 31 December 1996, and reserves it for future use. Clarifies that immediate reenlistment as well as extension is authorized uponETS(para 7-3).

o States that final waiver disapproval authority is any commander soldier's chain of command; waivers in that disapproved by NGB be submitted to NGB reconsideration whennew information is provided that was not may for providedin original request; and that even when waiver is disapprovedfor a soldier xvith eighteen but less than a twenty qualifying years of service for retirement the Chief, NGB approveseparation (para 7-10). must o o Addsprocessing requirementsfor soldiers with 18-20 qualifying years service for retirement (para 8-2). Clarifies that ARNGUS soldiers without an MOS ~vill not be transferred to the IRR (para 8-3c).

o Specifies that entry level status discharge will separate soldiers from the ~GUS as a Reserve of the and Army(para 8-70. o Addsprocedures for preparing discharge order, reenlistment order, and SIDPERS coding whenexecuting an immediatereenlistment (para 8-13b). o Changes policy to allow 1~ 4 if soldier has positive HIVtest during entrance physical (para 8-26b).

o AllowsRE3 if soldier does not meet APFT,. heightlweight (body composition) standard or has positive urinalysis action pendingat ETSand deletes the requirementfor a bar to reenlistment or extension to issue RE3 (para 8-26i). o States the paragraphto cite for discharge of PS or transfers whotest positive for drags during entrance physical (para 8-26j). o Allows discharge from ARNGUS Reserve of the Armyas a result of State military code or laws and and proceedings (para 8-26j). o Allows concurrent discharge from the State A~G as a Reserve of the Army several reasons (para 8and for 27). o Provides for RE4 for soldiers the Active Army discharges as a Reserve of the Army with less than honorable characterization (para 8-27z). o Addsauthority for RE3 for soldiers whoare eligible for assignmentto the Retired Reserve but whoare being separated for misconduct(para 8-27bb). and retention of soldiers o Addsguidance for commanders separation boards to consider whenrecommending who test positive for drugs (para 8-29). o Addsdocumentary requirements for involuntarily separating a soldier witb at least eighteen but less than twenty qualifying years of service for non-regularretirement (chapter 8, section VII). o Addsrequirementfor a board for soldiers with eighteen or moreyears of service creditable for retired pay at age 60 (para 8-3 I). o Addst~vo exceptions ~vhere a board is not required for soldiers with 18-20 year: whenthe soldier is an unsatisfactory participant; and ~vhenthe soldier is not eligible for reenlistment or extension without a waiverand the waiver has been denied (para 8-32).


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o Addsthe definition that denial of extension or immediatereenlistment is an involuntary separation; sets waiver denial appeal process and approval autbority as the next higher level of a soldiers chain of command that which thnn denied the waiver; waivers denied by NGB be submitted for reconsideration if new information is provided may which was uot in the waiver request which was disapproved by NGB (para 8-33). o Focuses the CSM selection and nontinafion process on the State Adjutant General (para 9-1 and 9-5).

o Addsa requirement that ISG and MSG ~vbo are not graduates of the Sergeants Major Course be eligible to attend and completethe course, and describes disqualification (para 9-3b). o Deletes the age 54 prohibition for selection for promotion to SGM appointment to CSM,and adds an and objective age of 51 for selection for original appointment CSM to (para 9-3e). o Alters the nominationprocess and focuses on State-level management (para 9-5).

o Clarifies packet procedures, specifies originals and copies, deletes the requirementfor certified true copies, specifies the composition of the packet, requires all Academic Evaluation Reports (DAForm1059) for NCOES courses, changesAPFT requirementfromlast 6 or 3 tests to all tests in the last 3 years, replaces the requirementto submit a current medical examination with an Initial Medical Review- Annual MedicalCertificate (DAForm7349R), and includes a newchecklist (para 9-6 and figure 9-2). o o Changesconvening autlmrity from Chief, National GuardBureauto Director, Army National Guard (para 9-7). Provides for the president of the CSM board to be a major general or brigadier general (para 9-8a).

o Clarifies whomaybe assigned to CSM positions, sets a limit on details for CSMs clarifies background and for initial CSM assignments(para 9-15). o Clarifies voluntary and involuntary removals, removalfor cause, records entries, and the conditions under which reappointmentis allowed (para 9-20, 9-21 and 9-22). Provides separate instructions to appoint CSMs under a call or mobilization (para 9-23). o Resen,es chapter 10 for future use.

o Adds provision to continue chapter 11 in effect for soldiers called or ordered to active Federal sen, ice for less a than one year (para 11-1e). o CIarifies that retroactive effective dates are used primarily to correct errors in lieu of corrective boardaction (para 1 I-7). o Addsthe requirement to have the USPFO the final determination of de facto status for the purpose of make retaining pay and allowancesafter revocation of promotion orders (para 1 I-I I). o Provides for special advancement promotionduring and after training programs(para 11-18. I). and

o Clarifies the basic computationdate for advancement PV2flzcough SPCfor prior sen, ice soldiers (para I 1to 23). o Clarifies eligibility and disqualification for soldiers removed frompromotionlists fltrough adverse action, and for soldiers enrolled in officer and warrant officer producingprograms (para 11-27). o Encourages states that share elements of organizations to coordinate policies and procedures(para 12-27e).


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o Deletes the age 54 prohibition for selection for promotion to SGM appointmentto CSM; and adds an objective age of 51 for selection for original appointmentto CSM; establishes disqualification from the U.S. Army and Sergeants Major Course as a disqualification from consideration for SGM CSM or (para 9-27fand g). o Incorporates forms and procedures to use DAForm4187 to enroll MSG 1SGwhoare not graduates in the and U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course based on selection for promotion (para 11-28a(12)) and for CSM (para o AllowsAGR soldiers whostarted NCOES courses in M-Day status to complete those courses (para 11-28b).

o Clarifies that CSM nominees and selectees maybe conditionally promotedonly after selection by the DA(NGB) ARNG Selection Board (para 11-28c(2)). CSM o Addscertain USMC courses to the primary level for NCOES credit (Para 11-29).

o Clarifies the Personnel Officer's responsibility to determinecredit, availability, and equivalencyfor NCOES courses (para 11-29 tbrungh 11-30). o Cbanges application of prior NCOES the credit for soldiers reduced (para 11-3 lb).

o Clarifies the discussion of the requirements for, and relationships between, phases I and II of the BNCOC and ANCOC (para 11-28b and 11-31 f). o Clarifies the policy that fl~e Promotion List is the only meansto determinewhichsoldiers ~vill attend NCOES courses (para I 1-33c). o Clarifies that all eligible soldiers will be considered,fl~at those formally denied considerationwill not be, and tbe prohibition on local standards to recommend not other~vise eligible soldiers (para 11-33). or o Explains the role of tbe CPMOS its application (para 11-33c(2)(a)). and

o Clarifies that fl~e CSM portion of the sergeants majorlist is in MOS and that individuals are listed by fl~e OOZ type of organization or specific organization for whichnominated selected (para 11-43e). and o o Allows, but does no(require, MPMOs publish periodic updated promotionlists (para 11-43f). to Clarifies the eligibility and availability of soldiers witha service requirement (para 11--45b).

o Resla-icts assigunaent and promotion against projected losses until fl~e incumbent actually is reassigned (para 745c). o Directs administrative removalfrom promotion lists soldiers whoenroll in a commissioned warrant officer or producing program(para 11-48j). o Clarifies fl~e effective date of reduction fromgrades to whichconditionally promoted (para 11-56e).

o Addsauthority to reduce soldiers so they mayenter training programsfl~at require a lower entry grade, and for failnre to meet a criterion of a conditional promotionother than NCOES training (para I 1-58e and f). o Clarifies certain rights to counsel for soldiers being consideredfor reduction (para I 1-64).

o Makesminor revisions to figure 11-2: in section III, deletes Good ConductMedalsand RCequivalents; in field 24, describes the training year; in field 25bdescribes scoring for waivedevents; in field 26d clarifies credit for certain NCOES courses; in field 27b clarifies eligibility for flae 5 bonuspoints; in field 28 clarifies that AGR soldiers must count ACcourses in the NCOES field versus field 26; and, in field 29 recording of civilian education and duplicate credit.


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Addssample DAForm4187 to apply for the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course as figure 11-6.


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Headquarters Department of the ArmyWashington, DC02310-2500 1 March 1997 *National Guard Regulation (AR) 600-200 Persormel - General Enlisted Personnel Management

By Order of the Secretary office Am~y: EDWARDD. BACA Lieutenant General, USA Chief, National Guard Bureau Official:

DEBORAH GILMORE Chief Adntinistrative Services Summary. regulation prescribes the criteria, policies, proceduresand responsibilities to recruit, enlist, reenlist This or extend; classify; provide initial entry Iraining; assign; promote,appoint and reduce in grade; bar to extension or immediatereenlistment; select and appoint to and from Command Sergeant Major; and to separate from service enlisted soldiers in the Army National Guardof the United States (ARNGUS). Because the regulation has been extensively revised the changedportions have not been highlighted. Applicability. This regulation applies only to the Army National Guard (ARNG) Army and National Guard office United States (ARNGUS) not in the service of the United States. Certain provisions of this regulation may when continuein effect after individuals and units are called into active Federalservice as may stated in the call, order, be or administrative instructions of the Department fl~e Army. of Proponent and Exception Authority. The proponent of fltis regulation is the Chief, National GuardBureau, Army National Guard Deputy Director, Personnel and Manpower. proponent has the authority to approve exceptions The to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulation. Proponentsmay delegate fltis approval authority, in writing, to a division chief undertbeir supervisionwithin fl~e proponentagencyin the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Internal Control Systems.This regulation is subject in part to fl~e requirementsofAR11-12. The checklist for enlisted promotions, appointmentsand reductions for chapter 6 was madeobsolete whencbapter 11 xvas published in the previous edition of tiffs regulation. When newchecklist is developed chapter 1 i, it will be publishedin a for appendixB by a cbangeto this regulation. Supplementation. Supplementationof this regulation and establislwnent of command local forms are prohibited and without prior approval from Chief, National Guard Bureau, ATTN:NGB-ARP-PE, 2500 ARMY PENTAGON, WASHINGTON, 20310-2500. DC Suggested Improvements.Users of this regulation are invited to send comments suggested improvementson and DAForm 2028 (Recommended Changesto Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Chief, National Guard Bureau, NGB-ARP-PE, 2500 ARMY PENTAGON,WASHINGTON, 20310-2500. DC *This regulation supersedes NGR 600-200, 1 July 1989 Contents (Listed by paragraph title and numberwith page number)


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Chapter 1 Introduction Purpose, 1-1, page 1-1 References, 1-2, page 1-i Abbreviations and terms, 1-3, page i-1 Statutory authority, 1-4, page 1-1 Equal opportunity, I-5, page 1-1 Responsibilities, 1-6, page1-2 Chapter 2 ARNG Enlistment Program

Section I Introduction Purpose, 2-1, page 2-1 Forms, 2-2, page 2-1 Explanationof terms, 2-3, page 2-1 Responsibilities, 2-4, page 2-1 Recruiting objectives, 2-5, page2-1 Authority, 2-6, page 2-1 Penalties for violating this cbapter, 2-7, page2-1 Eligibility, 2-8, page2-i Determination eligibility, 2-9, page2-2 of Enlistmenteligibility for special units or branches,2-10, page 2-2 Position vacancy, 2-11, page 2-2 Assignment restrictions, 2-12, page 2-2 Definition of ARNGUS service and valid enlistment agreement, 2-i3, page 2-2 Statutory and contractual obligations, 2-14, page 2-3 Referral of applicants to l~igher headquarters, 2-15, page2-3 Persons receiviug disability pensions or compensation from Deparm~ent Administrative instructions for of Veterans Affairs, 2-16, page 2-3 Personsrequiring special authority for enlistment, 2-17, page 2-3 Special programsand procedures, 2-18, page 2-4 Section II Basic Qualifications and Verification for Enlistment, Nonprior Service (NPS) Applicants General, 2-19, page 2-4 Basic eligibility standards for all NPS service applicants, 2-20, page 2-4 NPS auti~orized enlistment periods, 2-21, 2-4 NPS grade and date of rarfl~ (DOR), pay 2-22, page 2-5 NPS paid drill status eligibility, 2-23, page2-5 Split Training Option, 2-24, page 2-5 Section III Basic Qualifications for Enlistment, PS Applicants General, 2-25, page 2-6 Try One in the Guard, 2-26, page 2-6 PS authorized enlistment periods (applies to GNPS), 2-27, page 2-7 PS audmrized enlistment pay grades and DOR, 2-28, page 2-7 Section IV Verification and Qualification of PS Applicants General, 2-29, page 2-7


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Verification of PS, 2-30, page 2-7 REcodes, 2-31, page 28 Determination prior service eligibility, 2-32, page 2-8 of Section V Enlistment Waivers (NPS and PS) Moraland administrative disqualification waivers, 2-33, page 2-8 Listings of disqualifications, 2-34, page2-9 PS applicants with disqualifications, 2-35, page 2-9 Submission requests for waivers, 2-36, page 2-9 of Waiverdisapproval authority, 2-37, page 2-9 Validity periods of waivers, 2-38, page 2-9 Administrativeinslractions for requesting waiver approval, 2-39, page 2-9 Waiverapproval procedures, 2-40, page 2-10 Exceptions to policy, 2-41, page 2-10 Section VI Waivers for Civil Offenses Standards, 2-42, page 2-10 Waiversof moral disqualification, 2-43, page 2-10 Rules governing processing of moral waivers, 2-44, page 2-10 Waiting period, 2-45, page 2-12 Requiredinvestigations, 2-46, page 12 Pending charges -- civil restraint NGB Fom~ 22-3, Request for Waiver, 2-48, page 2-13 Section VII Processing Applicants Importanceof applicant processing, 2-49, page 2-13 Processing elements, 2-50, page 2-13 Orientation of applicants, 2-51, page 2-14 Prohibitions, 2-52, page 2-14 Sharedresponsibilities, 2-53, page 14 Preparation of records and forms, 2-54, page 15 Requiredforms and documents responsibilities for initiation, 2-55, page 2-15 and Composition numberof enlistment packets and disposition instructions, 2-56, page 2-15 and Verification documents,2-57, page 2-15 DDForm1966/1 through DDFormi966/6 (Application for Enlistment -- Armed Forces of the United States), 2-58, page 2-15 Section VIII Mental and Physical Testing Part 1. Administration of Mental Test General, 2-59, page 16 Retesting with ASVAB series and use of PS ASVAB ACB-73 or scores, 2-60, page 2-16 Part 2. Administration of Medical Examination General, 2-61, page 2-I8 DA Form1811 in lieu of additional medical examination whenthere has been no change in physical condition, 2-63, page 2-19 Section IX


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Processing of Special Personnel Part 1. Enlistment Processing of Former ArmyPrisoners of War General, 2-64, page 2-19 Processing applications for former Amay PWs,2-65, page 2-19 Part 2. Special Processing lbr Members Reserve Armed of Forces of the United States (does not include USAR)and Members of Delayed Entry/Enlistment Program (DEP) Policy, 2-66, page 2-19 Request for discharge or clearance from an RC(ANG,USAR,USNR, USMCR, USAFR), 2-67, page 2-19 Notice of enlistment, 2-68, page 2-20 Part 3. Special Processing for Enlistment of USAR Soldiers into the ARNGUS General, 2-69, page 2-20 Basic eligibility standard, 2-70, page 2-20 Enlistment periods, 2-7 i, page 2-20 Processing procedures, 2-72, page 2-21 Section X Injuries, lllness or Death of Applicants, Movement Applicants, and Processing Proceduresfor Applicants of FoundPositive HIV Part 1, Applicants Injured or Ill DuringProcessing General, 2-73, page 2-21 Determinationof entitlements, 2-74, page 2-21 Casualty reports, 2-75, page 2-21 Instructions to recruiters, 2-76, page2-2I Part 2, Movement Applicants or Enlistees to and from MEPS of Processing Geueral, 2-77, page 2-22 For~varding enlistees, 2-78, page 2-22 of Part 3. Applicants FoundPositive HIV Procedures, 2-79, page 2-22 Section XI Pre-MEPSProcessing


Part 1. General Information Actions required of the recruiter before sending an applicant to the MEPS MET, or 2-80, page 2-23 Actions required of MEPCOM persormel before applicant has seen the ARNGUS Guidance Counselor (GC), 2-81, page 2-23 Part 2. GuidanceCounselor (GC) or State Representative Processing Phase General, 2-82, page 2-23 Procedures, 2-83, page 2-23 Part 3. MEPS Adnfinistrative Processing Phase Responsibilities of MEPCOM personnel, 2-84, page 2-25 Part 4. DDForm4-Series Preparation of DD Form4 Series, 2-85, page 2-25 Actions before signature, DDForm4-Series, 2-86 page 2-25 Correction of errors on enlistment/extension forums,2-87, page 2-25


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Correction of enlistment grade, 2-88, page 2-26 Claims of erroneous entries, 2-89, page 2-26 Part 5. Administration of Oatll of Enlistment and Related Matters Orientation before administration of onto, 2-90, page 2-26 Administration of Oath of Enlistment, 2-91, page 2-26 Actions required after administration of the oath, 2-92, page 2-27 Predating and postdating an enlistment, 2-93, page 2-27 NGB Form 21 (Annex A-DD Form 4 Enlistment] Reenlistment Agreement--Army National Guard), 2-94, page 2-27 Returnto recruiter, 2-95, 2-27 Post MEPS processing, 2-96, 2-27 Section XII Reserve Component Transition (RCT) Policy, 2-97, page 2-27 Procedures, 2-98, page 2-27 Enlistment, 2-99, page 2-28 Distribution ofDDFom~ 4-Series, 2-100, page 2-28 Disposition of enlistment packet and soldier's MPRJ, 2-101, page 2-28 Dual Component Enlistment Option (In service Recruiting), 2-102, page 2-28 Failure to Report, 2-103, page 2-29 Simultaneous MembershipProgram (SMP), 2-I04, page 2-29 Table 2-1. Basic eligibility standards and verification procedures for enlistment or reenlistment, page 2-30 Table 2-2. Trainability and minimumASVAB requirements (NPS), page 2-62 Table 2-3. Enlistment pay grades for NPSpersonnel, page 2-63 Table 2-4. Enlistment pay grades and DOR PS personnel, page 2-66 for Table 2-5. Accessing DMDC Information, page 2-68 Table 2-6. ArmedForces RE Codes, page 2-66 Regular Army ~ codes, page 2-72 US Navy and US Coast Guard RE codes, page 2-73 USAir Force REcodes, page 2-75 US Marine Corps RE codes, page 2-77 Table 2-7A. Typical minor traffic offenses, 2-80 Table 2-7B. Typical minor non-traffic offenses, page 2-81 Table 2-7C. Typical misdemeanors, page 2-82 Table 2-7D. Typical felony offenses, page 2-84 Table 2-8. Preparation instructions for NGB Form 22-3 (Request for Waiver), page 2-85 Table 2-9. Instructions for completing tbe DDForm 1966-Series, page 2-87 Table 2-10. Instructions for completing the DDForm4-Series, page 2-106 Table 2-11. Forms used in enlistment processing and activities/personnel responsible for preparation, page 2-I07 Table 2-12. Compositionof enlistment packet and distribntion, page 2-i I3 Table 2-13. Personnel Security Investigations and Security Clearances, page 2-116 Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3. Figure 2-4. Figure 2-5. Figure 2-6. Information about reinstatement rights, page 2-121 Referral to local State Employment Office for training and job assistance, page 2-122 Sampleletter requesting documents from applicant's physician, page 2-123 Sampleformat for request for approval of enlistment waivers, dependents, page 2-I 24 Instructions for use and preparation of DDForm 2246, page 2-125 Sample PMS (ROTC)certification, page 2-129



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Civilian Acquired Skills Program Section I Introduction Purpose, 3-1, page 3-1 Objectives, 3-2, page 3-1 Responsibilities, 3-3, page3-1 Eligibility, 3-4, page3-1 Eulistmentperiods, 3-5, page 3-I Table 3-1, Skills and criteria to qualify for CASP, page 3-2 Section II Training Requirements Enlistment trainiug options available rudder CASP, 3-6, page 3-17 BTreqnirement, 3-7, page 3-17 Requirement prerequisite training, 3-8, page 3-17 for Requirement unit proficiency training, 3-9, page 3-17 for Section III CASP Personnel Management Detemaination f qualifications and enlistment grades, 3-10, page 3-17 o Awardof MOS accelerated promotion, 3-11, page 3-17 and CASP enlistment control, 3-12, page 3-18 ATrestrictions, 3-13, page 3-18 Mobilization readiness and deployability, 3-14, page 3-18 Section IV Enlistment Processing Procedures Processing procedures, 3-15, page 3-18 Recordentries, 3-16, page 3-19 Table 3-2, Arm' Bands Enlistment Option, page 3-19 3 Table 3-3, ARNGUS Enlistment Training Options, page 3-22 CASP Figure 3-1, Sample Memorandum, page 3-24 CHAPTER Initial Active Duty for Training (IADT)/Initial Entry Training (lET) Section I General Scope, 4-1, page 4-I Responsibilities, 4-2, page 4-1 Section II Policy Personnel ordered to tADT,4-3, page 4-1 Requiredentry period, 4-4, page 4-2 Failure to report for or completeIADT, 4-5, page 4-2 Section 11I Special Programs Split training option, 4-6, page4-2 Buddyplatoon policy and procedures, 4-7, page 4-3


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Section IV Processing Orders and related details, 4-8, page4-4 Pay grade upon entry on IADT,4-9, page 4-4 Recordsscreeuing, 4-10, page Physical and moral screening (prior to departing for IADT),4-I I, page4-5 Compositionof enlismaent packet, 4-12, page 4-5 Soldier infomaation, 4-13, page 4-5 DDForm 220, 4-19, page 4-6 Section V Processing During IADT Processing defects, 4-14, page 4-6 Complaints, 4-15, page 4-6 Hospitalization and/or medical care, 4-16, page 4-6 UnifomaCodeof Military Justice (UCMJ),4-17, page 4-6 Rights and benefits, 4-18, page 4-6 DDForm 220, 4-19, page 4-6 DDForm2 i4, 4-20, page 4-6 Chapter 5 Personnel Management Section I Introduction Purpose, 5-1, page 5-1 Effective management, 5-2, page 5-1 Section lI Classification and Reclassification in MOS Code (MOSC) General, 5-3, page 5-I Authority to award and redesignate MOS, 5-4, page 5-i Initial class and utilization, 5-5, page5-1 Awardof MOS, 5-6, page 5-2 Award of SMOS AMOS, and 5-7, page 5-3 Awardof 3-character career progression MOS (CPMOS), 5-8, page 5-3 Determinationand awardof skill level, 5-9, page 5-4 Special qualification identifier (SQI), 5-10, page5-4 Additional "kill identifier (ASI),5-i i, 5-4 s Language identification codes (LIC), 5-12, page 5-5 Reclassification of MOS, 5-13, page 5-5 Reclassification due to physical profile, 5-14, page5-6 Orders and records, 5-15, page 5-7 Section III Reclassification Boards Appointingauthority, 5-16, page 5-7 Membership,5-17, page 5-7 Waivers, 5-18, 5-7 Proceduresfor reclassification boards, 5-19, page 5-7 Action by appointing authority, 5-20, page 5-8 Section IV


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PersonnelUtilization Objectives, 5-21, 5-8 Responsibilityfor personnelutilization, 5-22, page5-8 Substitatability, 5-23, page5-9 Utilization controls, 5-24, 5-9 Utilization of certain designatedpersonnel, 5-25, page 5-27 Section V RC Overstrength Policy (Rescinded), 5-26, page 5-i Wartime required strength (125, 110 and 100 percent) (rescinded) 5-27, page Section VI Assignment and Transfer General, 5-28, page 5-11 Assignment female soldiers, 5-29, page 5-11 of Assigm-nent to CSM,SGM, and MSG 1SG positions, 5-30, page 5-12 Reassignment position vacancies, 5-31, page 5-12 and Mandatoryassignment, 5-32, page 5-12 Change residence to a bordering State or foreign cotmtry, 5-33, page 5-12 of Section VII Interstate Transfer General, 5-34, page 5-13 LosingState actions, 5-35, page 5-13 GainingState actions, 5-36, page 5-13 Uncoordinated interstate transfer, 5-37, page 5-14 Conditional release, 5-38, page 5-15 Failure to report, 5-39, page 5-15 Transfer between file ARNG USAR, and 5-40, page 5-15 Section VIII Attachments General, 5-42, page 5-I5 Authority, 5-43, page 5-15 Administration, 5-44, page 5-15 Relief from attaclmaent, 5-45, page 5-16 Section IX Enlistmentin other Armed Forces and Orderto Active l~'Iilitary Service Enlistment in another USArmed Force, 5-46, page 5-16 Order to special tours for training and special work, 5-47, page 5-16 Active GuardReserve (AGR)status, 5-48, page 5-16 Order to active duty as individuals, 5-49, page 5-I6 Assigningsoldiers to units being called or ordered to active duty, 5-50, page 5-I7 Section X ArmedForces Classification Test (AFCT) Use of AFCT, I, page 5-17 5-5 AFCT adn'dnistration, 5-52, page 5-17 AFCT retesting, 5-53, page 5-18 CHAPTER 6 Reserved for future use.


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CHAPTER 7 Extension, Immediate Reenlistment, and Bar to Reenlistment/Immediate Reenlistment/Extension Section I Introduction Purpose, 7-1, page 7-1 Objectives, 7-2, page 7-I Terros, 7-3, page 7-1 Section II Reserved Section III Extension of enlistment General, 7-5, page 7-1 Dateof execution of extension of enlistment, 7-6, page 7-1 Periods of extension of enlistment, 7-7, page 7-2 Table 7-1, Autborized periods of extension, page 7-2 Retention beyondETS, 7-8, page 7-3 Dependency marital status, 7-9, page 7-4 and Table 7-2, Basic eligibilit T standards and waiver authority, page 7-4 Extension document,7-I 1, page 7-5 Table 7-3, Preparation Instructions for DAForm 4836 (Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reeulistment), page 7-5 Disposition instractions for DA Form4836, 7-12, page 7-7 Corrections of errors on extension forms, 7-13, page 7-7 Section IV Immediate Reenlistment General, 7-14, page 7-7 Periods of immediate reenlistment, 7-15, page 7-7 Preparation of records, 7-16, page 7-7 Table 7-4, Instructions for completing tile DD Form4-series for immediate reenlistment, page 7-7. Disposition of the DD Form4-series, 7-17, page 7-9 Certificate of Appreciation, 7-18, page7-9 Ceremonies, 7-I9, page 7-10 Section V Bar to Reenlistment/Immediate Reenlistment or Extension General, 7-20, page 7-10 Standards and guidelines for bar to reenlismaent, immediate reenlistment or extension, 7-21, page 7-10 Criteria, 7-22, page 7-10 Procedures, 7-23, page 7-11 Discharge, 7-24, page 7-13


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CHAPTER 8 Discharge Section I Introduction General, 8-I, page 8-I Authority, 8-2, page 8-1 Guidelines for discharge, 8-3, page 8-i Notification action and administrative discharge boards, 8-4, page 8-1 Droppedfrom the Rolls (DFR)of the Amay,8-5, page 8-2 Section II Characterization of Service, Description of Service Discharge Certificate, and Order Typesof characterization or description, 8-6, page8-2 Typesof administrative discharges and character of service, 8-7, page 8-2 Character of service upon discharge from the A1LNG transfer to the ItS, 8-8, page 8-3 and Reductionin grade, 8-9, page 8-3 Recoupment unearned Selected Reserve Incentive Programpayments, 8-10, page 8-3 of Preparationof dischargecertificates, 8-i i, page8-4 Amendments corrections to NGB and discharge certificates, 9-12, page 8-4 Discharge order, 8-13, page 8-4 Anrendments, revocations, rescissions, and corrections to discharge orders, 8-14, page 8-4 Effective date of discharge, 8-15, page 8-4 Disposition of proceedingsand records, 8-16, page 8-5 Section II.1 Transfer to the Retired Reserve and Retirement Eligibility, 8-16.1, page8-5 Application, 8-16.2, page 8-6 Retired grade, 8-16.3, page 8-6 Orders, 8-16.4, page 8-6 Sectiou III Report of Discharge and Record of Service (NGBForm 22 and 22A) Preparation and distribution of NGB Fore122(Report of Discharge and Recordof Service), 8-17, page 8-6 Amendments corrections to NGB and Form 22, 8-18, page 8-7 Section IV Security of Forms, Lost or Destroyed Records, and Notification of Discharge Security of fomas, 8-19, page 8-7 Lost or destroyed discharge records, 8-20, page 8-7 Notification of discharge, 8-2 i, page8-7 Section V Appeals and Application for Review Appealsto a denied request for discharge, 8-22, page 8-7 Appealof discharge, 8-23, page 8-8 Amay Board for Correction of Military Records, 8-24, page 8-8 Section VI Codes, Reasons and Procedures lbr Discharge Reenlistment codes, 8-25, page 8-8 Table 8-1, Definition of the reenlistmeut code, page 8-8


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Discharge from the State ARNGUS and/or Reserve of the Army,8-26, page 8-8 State ARNG discharge, 8-27, page 8-11 Drag abuse processing procedures, 8-28, page 8-12 Section VII Iuvoluntary Separation of Army National Guard of the United States Soldiers with Over 18 but less than 20 Qualifying Years of Service for Retirement Authority, 8-29, page 8-13 Requirements, 8-30, page 8-13 Separation boards, 8-3 I, page 8-13 Exceptions to board policy, 8-32, page 8-14 Involuntary separation, 8-33, page 8-14 Figure 8-2, Preparation of NGB Form 22, Report of Discharge and Record of Service, page 8-15 Chapter 9 ARNG Command Sergeant Section I General Objective, 9-I, page 9-I Special terms, 9-2, page 9-1 Prerequisites, 9-3, page 9-1 Section 11-4 Nomination General, 9-4, page 9-1 Nominations, 9-5, page 9-2 Packet procedures, 9-6, page 9-2 Section llI Selection Board Appointment,9-7, page 9-3 Composition, 9-8, page 9-3 Instructions, 9-9, page9-3 Communications,9-10, page 9-3 Evaluation, 9-11, page 9-3 Selection, 9-12, page 9-3 A~mouncement, 9-13, page 9-3 Section IV Appointment and Assignment Appointment,9-14, page 9-3 Assignment utilization, 9-15, page 9-4 and Reappointment, 9-16, page 9-4 Posthumousappointment, 9-17, page 9-4 Active duty reporting, 9-18, page 9-4 Section V Termination Notification, 9-19, page 9-5 Voluntary removal, 9-20, page 9-5 Involuntary removal, 9-21, page 9-5

Major Program


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Removal cause, 9-22, page 9-5 for Mobilizationor Presidential Call, 9-23, page 9-5 Figure 9-1, Nominating Memorandum, page 9-6 Figure 9-2, Nominee Checklist, page 9-7 Figure 9-3, Biographical sketch, page 9-8 CHAPTER 10 Reserved for Future Use CHAPTER 11 Transitional Promotionand Reduction Policy Section I General Purpose, 11-I, page 1 i-I Convening promotionauthorities, 11-2, page 1 I-I and Promotableand nonpromotable status, 1 i-3, page 11-1 Delayof promotiondue to suspensionof favorable personnel actions, 11-4, page i i-2 Precedenceof tank, i I-5, page 11-2 Date of rank (DOR) effective date, 11-6, page 11-3 and Establishiug retroactive effective dates, I 1-7, page114 Computing time in grade (TIMIG),time in service (TIS), and cumulative enlisted service (CES), 11-8, page Security clearance requirements, I I-9, page11-5 Service remaining obligation, 11-10, page 11-5 Erroneous promotion de facto status, 1 I-1 I, page 1 I-5 and Acting noncomn~ssioned officers, 11-12, page 1 I-6 Frocking, 11-13, page 11-6 Promotioninstruments, 11-14, page I I-6 Promotionceremoniesand certificates, 11-15, page 11-7 Lateral appointments, 11-16, page 11-7 Section II Special Advancements, Pronmtions, Appointments, and Restorations General, 11-17, page 1 I-8 Promotionto enter training programs, 11-18, page 11-8 Advancement promotionas a part of training programs,11 - 18.1, page i i -8 and Advancement based on Civilian AcquiredS "kills Program,11-19, page 1 I-9 Advancement based on Stripes for Buddies, I 1-20, page I I-9 Promotion critically ill soldiers, 11-21, page11-9 of Posthumouspromotions, 11-22, page 11-10 Section llI Advancementto PV2, PFC and SPC General, 11-23, page 11-10 Advancement PV2, 11-24, page I i-I0 to Advancement PFC, 11-25, page 11-11 to Advancement SPC, 11-26, page 1 I-I 1 to Section IV Promotion to SGT through SGM Criteria, 11-27, page11-I 1 NCOES requirements for promotion, 11-28, page 11-12 Courses creditable for NCOES, 11-29, page 11-13


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Availability of NCOES Phase II courses, 11-30, page 11-14 Constructive credit for NCOES, 11-31, page 11-14 Promotionactions, 11-32, page 11-15 Section V Promotion Selection Boards General, 11-33, page 11-16 Announcing promotion selection boards, 11-34, page 11-16 Section VI Processing Soldiers for Promotion Consideration Process soldiers for consideration, 11-35, page 11-17 Individual soldier actions, 11-36, page 11-17 Correspoodence ~vith the board, I 1-37, page 11-I 8 Denyingsoldiers consideration for promotion, 11-38, page 11-18 Section VII The Evaluation Process General, 11-39, page 11-19 Evaluate soldiers for promotion, 11-40, page 11-19 Section VIII Approve and Publish Promotion Lists Approvepromotion lists, 11-41, page 11-20 Determinepromotion status, 11-42, page 11-20 Publish promotionlists, 11-43, page 11-20 Section IX Select Soldiers from Promotion Lists Geoeral, 11-44, page 11-21 Selecting soldiers from promotionlists, 11-45, page 11-22 Declining promotionand assigrtraent, 11-46, page 1 i-2 Hardship affecting promotion and assignment, 11-47, page 11-23 Section X Removalof Soldiers form Promotion Lists Adn~nistrative removal, 11-48, page 11-23 Command Initiated removal, 11-49, page 11-23 Section XI Integrating Soldiers into PromotionLists General, 11-50, page 11-24 Interstate transfers and in-service recruiting, 11-51, page11-24 Soldiers reclassified xvhile on promotion lists, 11-52, page11-25 Standby Advisory Board, 11-53, page 11-25 Section XII Reductions in Grade General, 11-54, page 1-26 Voluntary reduction, 11-55, page 11-26 Failnre to completetraining, 11-56, page 11-26 Reductionuponreturn from active duty, 11-57, page 11-27 Other reasons for reduction, 11-58, page 11-27 Enlistment in lower grade, 11-59, page 11-28


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Reductionfor inefficiency, 11-60, page 11-28 Reductionfor misconductor civil conviction, 11-61, page 11-28 Reductionnotification procedures, I 1-62, page 11-29 Reduction board procedures, 11-63, page 11-29 Rights of the soldier, 11-64, page 11-30 Appeals, 11-65, page 11-30 Restoration of grade, 11-66, page I 1-31 Reductionand restoration orders and records, 11-67, page 1 I-31 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 11-1, 11-2, 11-3, 11-4, 11-5, 11-6, SamplePromotion Eligibility Roster (PER), page 11-32 Instructions for NGB Form 4100-1-R-E, Enlisted Promotion Point Worksheet, page 11-33 Sample Board Memorandum Instructions (MOI), page 11-37 of NGB Form 4100-1-R-E, Enlisted Promotion Point Worksheet, page 11-39 NGB Form 4101-I-R, Enlisted Promotion Appraisal Worksheet, page 11-40 DAForm 4187, Application for U.S. ArmySergeants Major Course, page 11-41

Appendix A, References, page A-1 AppendixB, Internal Controls Checklist, page B-1 Appendix C, Forms, page C-1 Glossary Section I - Abbreviations. page G-1 Section 11 - Terms, page G-4 Index, page I-1


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8 FEB 2002

MEMORANDUM THE ADJUTANTSGENERAL OF ALL STATES, PUERTO FOR RICO, THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, GUAM,AND THE COMMANDING GENERALOF THE DISTRICT QF COLUMBIA SUBJECT: Enlisted Promotion System 1. ReferenceAll States Log Number P00-0082, Redistribution of PromotionPoints in the Enlisted PromotionSystem,dated 26 January2001. 2. Uponadvice from NGB-JA, have decided to keep National GuardRegulation we (NGR) 600-200 oneregulation, andnot subdivideit into three. Previously released as draft versions dated in July 2001, sent out for staffing as NGRs 600-200,600-201,600202, but never approvednor adopted, must be destroyed. Any state adopted changes or guidance, which wereissued basedon these three drafts, mustbe immediately rescinded. 3. Reference1 abovechanged enlisted promotionsystemfound in Chapter11, the NGR 600-200(March 1997) from a promotion point spread of 750/250 to 600/400. The attached Figure 11-2 (Instructions for NGB Form4100-1-R-E) your policy guidance is for enlisted promotion boardsbeginningin 2002.This figure will be incorporatedin the updated version of NGR 600-200. 4. The automatedversions of NGB Forms4100-1-R-Eand 4101-1-E are under development NGB-ARP-S conjunction with contractor support. Thefielding of by in these forms should take place by October2002. In the interim, states maydevelop manualor automated systemsto conduct 2002enlisted promotion boards. States that are unable to conduct2002boardsusing the newcriteria maysubmit a request for exception to policy to NGB-ARH-S consideration. for 5. All other regulatory guidancefound in NGR 600-200(March1997), to include the enlistmentcriteria in Chapter (Appendix ECM 2 A, 2001), will remainin force until the updated 2002 NGR 600-200 is approvedand published. 6. This memorandum expire 30 September will 2002, unless sooner supersededor rescinded.


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NGB-ARH-E SUBJECT: (All States Log NumberP02-

) Enlisted PromotionSystem

7. Point of contact for enlisted policy is SGM Frank Yoakum, 327-3446,703-607DSN 3446, e-mail: [email protected]. of contact for enlistment criteria and Point waivers is SFCPaul Grimes, DSN 327-3402,703-607-3402,e-mail: [email protected]. FOR THE CHIEF, NATIONAL GUARDBUREAU:


Colonel, GS Chief, Human Resources ArmyNational Guard

CF: NGB-IG NGB-PL NGB-ARZ-T Cmdt, NG PEC(NGB-PEC-T) Cmdt, NG PEC (SMTC) Each State IG Each State Command Sergeant Major EachState Military PersonnelManagement Officer


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Figure 11-2 Instructions for NGB Form 4100-1-R-E, Enlisted Promotion Point Worksheet The field numbers this table are keyedto the field mtmbers NGB in on Fotwl 4100-1-R-E. This will help completethe form manually e-vplain entries to soldiers. and Section I - Personnel Systems Data (maximum-150 points) Field 1: Last and first namesplus middleinitial and any suffix. . Field 2: Social Security Number. Field 3: Rank title (no pay grades). Field 4: Unit name (maybe short title, UIC,or payroll sequence code). Field 5: Promotion MOS (primary or career progression MOS). IfCPMOS different from PMOS, is enter CPMOS handwriting. Field 6: Physical profile (PULHES). (Enter date in YY/MM/DD sequence). Field 7: DOB (date of birth). (Enter date in YYfMM/DD sequence). Field 8: DOR (date of rank). Use DOR compute to TIMIG 5 points for each full year up to 15 years in grade (75 points at maximum). (Enter date in YY/MMIDD sequence). Field 9: PEBD entry basic date). Use PEBD compute at 3 points per full year up to 25 years of service (75 points (pay to TIS maximtun). (Enter date in YY/MMLOD sequence). Field 10: BESD (basic enlisted service date - enter for SSG above). Use BESD determine cumulative enlisted and to service (CES)for eligibility for promotionto senior NCO ranks. (Enter date in YY/MM/DD sequence). Field 11: ETS(expiration term of service). (Enter date in YYfMM/DD sequence). Field 12: Active status program codethat sho~vsif the soldier is on any form of active duty or Full-Time NafionalGuard Duty (FTNGD). Field 13: Technician/Selective Service Code that showsif the soldier is a Military Technician. Section II -Awards (maximum-75 points) Fields 14-23:Enter eachissue of eachaxvard,up to a total of 10 entries, in decreasingorder, the points for each award,and the total points. This field includes only individual decorations, the POW Medal,and certain badgesrequiring someformof performance test except for the Cfi3 and CMB. does not include unit citations of any degree, the Good It Conduct or comparable equivalent medals, nor Federal or state service or ~'aining medalsand ribbons, and most badges. The campaign RC stars in g below are for the KSM, AFEM, and SWASM recognize service in designated Hostile Fire Pay areas. VSM to Determine sequence,point values, and relative value of comparable awardsfromother services and States. For example,for a soldier with three commendation medals,one from the Army,one Navyand one State, list themin descendingorder of precedenceand award20 points for each awardfromthe fullo~ving paragraphs.States may awardcredit for any or all State awardsat equivalent levels as discussed here for other Armed Services' a~vards. For awardsnot included here, State MPMO will determinerelative precedence, place themin sequence, award and credit to all soldiers in the state with that award. However, xvill not include categoriesor types of awards listed below this not (includingcredit for state awards that are not decorations),such as skill or identification badges,or any other type of service or training awards whether state, federal or foreign. See also section V/dat the end of this figure. a. Soldier's Medaland higher awards- 35 points each award. b. BronzeStar Medaland Purple Heart Medal-30 points each award. c. Meritorious Service Medals(DMSM, State MSM-equivalents 25 points each a~vard. MSM, d. Air Medal Commendation Medals (JSCOM, ARCOM, other services and State commendafion-equivalentmedals) 20 points each award. 1


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e. Achievement Medals(JAM,AAIVl,and other Services and State achievement-equivalentmedals) - 15 points each award. Do not include award of the Army Reserve Components AchievementMedal (ARCAM). f POW Medal, CIB, EIB, CMB EFMB 10 points each award. Effective with the I996 board cycle or the first and board cycle the state implemented, Good Conduct Medalsand RCand state equivalents weredeleted from this field for promotion point credit. g. Driver and Mechanic Tomb and GuardID badges, and campaignstars to service medals - 5 points each award. For the KSM, and SWASM basic award includes a campaignstar; for the AFEM VSM the award 5 points for the basic medal and 5 points for each campaign star. Section III - Training and EducationData (maximum-375 points) Field 24: Weapon qualification (maximum-75 points) Enter the soldier's latest qualification level with individual xveapon. Conunanders TDA of units, and units with soldiers who must qualify with t~vo or moreweapons, specify whichweapon may assigned and attached soldiers will use for qualification. For promotion purposesonly, effective 1 January1996,qualification is valid only for twotraining years. (For this purposeonly, a training year is 1 October- 30 September).Useminimum score for Marksman all re-fires, ~vherethe soldier makes for an initial attemptat weapons qualification, doesnot achievea m/nlmum passingscore, and then, after remedialtraining, re-fires to qualify and is successfulon the secondattempt. Level Marksman Sharpshooter Expert Points 25 50 75

Field 25: Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) (ma:dmum-75 points) a. Enter the soldier's latest total score on the mostrecent APFT current within the last 18 months months AGR). (8 for b. For soldiers with permanent physical profiles for the pushup sit-up events, grant 60 points for each strength event or waived.Usethe actual score for each strength event taken. Thesoldier mustqualify on the 2-milerun or alternate aerobic event per FM 21-20to receive any promotionpoints. Award soldiers whoreceive a GO the alternate aerobic event an on administrativescore in the aerobic event that is the averageof the other events. For example, a soldier with a profile against for pushups,who scores 80 on the sit-ups, and doesthe 2 1/2-milewalk,enter 60 for the pushups,80 for the sit-ups, 70 for the aerobic event, and a total of 210, for 23 promotion points. Donot enter any of this administration informationon theDA Form 705 under any circumstances per FM 21-20, chapter 14. Recordit only on NGB Form4100-1-R-E. c. For soldiers with temporary physical profiles on DA Form3349, use the soldier's current APFT score providedit is not morethan 18/8 monthsold (a above). However, soldiers whoseprofiles are extendedby Army for medical officers and signed by the soldier's commander the DA on Form3349, awardpromotionpoints based on their latest APFT beyondthese timelines. d. Soldiers xvhofail to take or pass the latest APFT other than valid physical profile on a completed Form3349 for DA will not be awarded promotion points in this field. Fable 11-2 APFT APFF SCORE POrNTS 220- 222 223- 225 226-228 229- 231 232- 234 235- 237 238-240 241- 243 244- 246 247 -249 250- 252 253- 255 256-258 259-261 36 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 59 60 61

SCORE 0- 179 180- t83 184-186 187- 189 190- 192 193- 195 196-198 199 -201 202- 204 205 - 207 208-210 211- 213 214-216 217-219

POINTS 0 5 6 8 I0 12 14 16 I8 20 23 27 30 33

SCORE 262- 264 265- 267 268-270 271- 273 274- 276 277- 279 280-282 283 - 285 286- 288 289 - 291 292- 294 295- 297 298-299 300

POINTS 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 2


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Field 26: Otherresident training (maximum points) 75 a. Enter 5 points per full weekfor all other military resident courses, other than the required NCOES courses, or civilian equivalent funded by the Army ARNG, or recorded in DA Form2-1, item 17. Courses must be successfully completed and be five days, one week 40 or morehours to be recorded. When course is listed only with the total academic or a hours, determinethe actual number days covered. For instance, ifa soldier attended die Phase II of an MO$-producing of course that contained 132 academichours, and the DA Form1059stated the course was conducted1-12 May that is a t~vo-week 98, course. Donot divide the total hours by 40 or the total days by 5 to determinecourse length for promotion points purposes; you mustdeterminethe actual days that the course coveredto determinepromotion points. Donot include in any computation for promotionpoints purposes the remaininghours or days from basic computations,or one-day, two-day,three-day or four-day courses. Theselast courses are not authorized for entry on DA Form 2-I, item 17, per AR600-8-104, table 2-2 and, thus, cannot be used to awardpromotionpoints. b. Convert days, and RCcourses conductedin IDTmode,into weeks: each day on whichtraining is conductedin IDT modeequals one day. For instance, UTA and MUTA-2 I day; MUTA-3 MUTA-4 2 days; MUTA-5 MUTA-6 3 = and = and = days; etc. For courses conducted IDTmode,divide the number days by 5 for total number weeks,and count only the in of of full weeksin each course. Donot add the days "left over" fromthe courses. For example,for a 2-weeks,4-days course, award 10 promotion points for the v, vo weeks,Donot add the four remainingdays to the days fromany other course to award promotion points. Also, for promotion points purposes, a course that runs 14 or 17 straight days is a ~vo-week course. One that runs 21 straight daysis a three-week course. c. Include MOS reclassification courses after the soldier's f~rst AITor comparable school in another Armed Service. d. Do not include BT, the first AITor OSUT, officer basic course, USMA School, any service academy officer Prep or course whichearns equivalent credit for NCOES, die required course for each of the four levels ha the NCOES and formula. e. When soldier has completedmorethan one NCOES a course at a level, credit the soldier here with the weeksfor the additional NCOES courses at each level. For example, an AGR soldier with a RC-BNCOC an AC-BNCOC count the and will RCcourse here. Include here other service NCO coursesthat are not creditable per the policies in paragraphst 1-28 through 11-31of this regulation. Donot awardpromotion points for partially completed coursesof any type unless that wasthe soldier's total training requirement that level. Donot award at promotion points for parts of courses fromwhichsoldiers are eliminatedfor any reasonother than completion, such as a phaseof a course;vhen die soldier failed a requiredphaseof that f. When soldier fails to completean NCOES a course within the prescribed time limits and muststart over, do not award credit in any field of thrs figure for any portionof the incomplete course. Field 27. Self-developmentcourses (maximum points) 75 a. Enter all Army Correspondence CourseProgramand other service subcourse programcredits (including Federal EmergencyManagement Agency[FEMA] courses through the Emergency Management Institute [EMIl) which are documented in the IvIPR.I (on DA Form item 17) or throughindividual course completionnotices providedby the soldier, except 21, subcoursehours that an part of AC-or RC-NCOES courses. For example,do not include credit for aubcoursesin Phase I-B of ArmyBand RC-BNCOC RC-ANCOC, the U.S. ArmySergeants Major Course (USASMC) and or Nonresident Course. b. Award promotionpoint for each 5 credit hours (or EMI 1 study hours) completed.Award extra points for each 5 diploma,completionnotice, or comparable document that showcompletionof a subcourseser/es designedfor enlisted soldiers (and those whichenlisted soldiers require for their positions), such as an Enlisted ProfessionalDevelopment Courseor Basic LevelSustainment Training TechnicalCourse.Tobe eligible for the extra 5 points, a subcourseseries musthave at least 5 subcoursesor 25 credit hours and be entered in DA Form 2-1, item 17. Absenta diploma,soldiers mayproveeligibility for the 5 points throughletter or memorandum the training institution, completion from notices of all subcourses listed in a service catalog dated at the time the soldier took the courses showing the subcourses,similar documents, Academic all or Evaluation Report (DAForm1059) or other service equivalent, including webbased systems. c. Donot awardextra points for coorses designedfor officer programs that are closed to enlisted soldiers. d. To determinepromotionpoints whenthe only available record of subcourse credit hours is the NGB 23 from Form the RetirementPoints AccountingSystemor Model comparablerecords from other Armed (or Services), multiply the sum the retirement points for die subcoursesby 3 and divide by 5. For example,18 subcourseretirement points x 3 = 54 divided by 5 equals 10 promotion points. Donot round-upor carry remainingpoints to other courses, and do not award5 bonuspoints for completionofa subcourseseries unless the soldier has a document b above. per Field 28: Post-secondar.',, semesterhours(civilian education)(maximum-75 points) Enter the total number creditable post-secondary of hoursfromtranscripts acceptedby a collegeor tufiversity listed in the AccreditedInstitutions of Post-secondaryEducation,whichis publishedannually by the American Council on Education (ACE). AR600-8-104,table 5-2, item 17.1.a(4) and NGP See 25-10 to determinehowto record civilian education. a. Award points as follo~vs: 3


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(/) Highschool diploma, GED alternate credential is the minimum or essential for promotion. Donot awardpoints for this level. (2) For I to 60 semesterhours, awardone point per semesterhour at a business or trade school, vocational or technical institute, or college. (Theassociate degree level, approximately SH, is the Army AR_NG for noncoramissinned 60 and goal officers.) (3) Award points for a baccalaureate or higher degree. For 61 or moresemesterhours, but less than a baccalaureate 75 degree, no additional points will be awarded. b. Basis for points: (1.) Usetranscripts (including student copies), machine-produced slips or reports that include the schooltitle or grade name,the number hours (such as semesterhours) creditable for the hours listed, and fmat grade. Soldiers whouse the of evaluation systemto gain ACES credit for military education, training and experiencemay only one college transcript that use includes this credit. Transcriptswill not include duplicate credit for any military education,training or experience compute to promotionpoints under this criterion. For example, the Evaluation Report given with DD Form295 using the ARNG METEC or METEC-II programmayshow"0-3 (L.) Note 1: This is a duplicate catalog item. Mostschools awardcredit for only one item." Donot awardpromotionpoints for course recommendations based only on their listing on DD Form295 or similar documents. Theseare recommendations credit basedon ACE for evaluations, are not official transcripts, must be accepted by an accreditedinstitution, and mustbe placedon an official transcript withraised seal before they may earn the soldier promotion points. See AK 600-8-I04, table 5-2, item 17.1a(4) for enlry of post-secondaryeducationin DA Form2-1, item 17. For business, trade or vocational schools, completioncertificates maybe used providedthe number course hours of are listed. (3) Hourconversions: to awardpromotionpoints, one semester hour equals one promotion point. l: (a) Method Oneand one-half (1.5) quarter hours equal one semester hour. Method 2:16 classroomor clock hours equal one semester hour. (4) Examination credits: Award points for any satisfactory examination results obtained underthe DefenseActivity for Nontraditional Education System (DANTES) sponsored examination programwith credit recommendations (College Level Entrance Program[CLEP] general and subject examinations, DANTES Subject Standardized Tests [DSST], AmericanCollege Test Proficiency Examination Program [ACTPEP], National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence [ASE],etc.) Soldiers whocompleteall five parts of the CLEP general exam(equivalent to one year of college or 30 semesterhours) will be awarded 30 promotion points and consideredto haveearned the equivalent of 6 semesterhoursfor each of the five parts satisfactorily completed. Soldiers whosatisfactorily complete CLEP subject exams, DSSTS, ACTPEPs be awardedpoints based on or will the number semesterhours recommended the ACE put onto a transcript by a college or university listed in the of by when AccreditedInstitutions of Post-secondary Education.State EducationServicesOfficers and active installation education centers can help determinethe number hours or credits. of (5) Business and lrade schools: awardpoints for any type of post-secondaryschool (beyond12th grade level) accredited by the ACE listed in AccreditedInstitutions of Pnst Secondary and Education. c. Foreignschools: awardpoints for credits earned at foreign schools providedtheir credentials havebeenevaluated and acceptedby one of the following: (1) Astate university or recognizeduniversity or college listed in AccreditedInstitutions of Post-secondary Education. (2) International Education Research Foundation, POBox 66940, Los Angeles, CA90066. (3) WorldEducation Services, Inc., Old Chelsea Station, POBox745, NY,NY10011. (4) International Consultants, Inc. of Delaware,107 BarksdaleProfessional Center, Newark, 19711. DE (5) Education Credentials Evaluation, Inc., POBox 17499, Milwaukee,WI53217. (6) Educational RecordsEvaluation Service, Senator Hotel Office Building, 1121 L Street, Sacramento,CA95814. (7) Consulting Engineers/Education Specialist, International Transcript Evaluation Division, POBox19576, Houston, TX77224-9576. (8) Center for Educational Documentation,POBox 325, Boston, MA 02130. (9) Education Evaluators International, Inc., POBox 5397, Los Alamitns, CA90721. d. TheState MPMO at any time, require a soldier to obtain additional informationwhen validity or legibility may, the of a formor transcript is in question. They also may establish a generalrule requiringall soldiers to havean official transcript maileddirectly to the State MPMO the school registrar. from e. Do not award promotionpoints for Basic Skills Education Program(BSEP),Advanced Skills Education Program (ASEP),English as a SecondLanguage (ESL), GTImprovement, any similar course. or Section IV - Verification Thesoldier will markan Xin one blockin field 29 ("I do[ ] or "I do not [ ]") to verify accuracy informatinn sections of in throughIII and to accept or decline considerationfor military educationand promotion, sign and date the form.States will and include here, or on a supplemental form, the options they devise for their soldiers per paragraphs11-34a(2)and 11-35cof this regulation. Soldiers whoelect consideration for promotion NCOES and training will chooseat this time the option or options that will determine their availability for vacanciesthat occurduringthe life of the promotion list. When soldier is not a 4

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available to reviexvthe form, select or decline consideration, and chooseoptions due to temporary duty or absence,whether military or civilian related, the commander delegate) maycontact the soldier by telephone,facsimile transmission,or mail (or (includingemail), reviewthe form, obtain the soldier's choiceof considerationand option(s), and sign, date, and annotate formon the soldier's behalf. Section V - Appraisal The Recorder (designatedpersonneltectmician, specialist, sergeant or officer) will enter scores fromeach evaluator's NGB Form 4101- 1 -R and attach.the evaluations to the form. This maybe doneelectronically or manually.Regardlessof how is it done, each boardmember have 400points available for each soldier evaluated. Add scores of all the voting board will the members' evaluations for each soldier. Divide this sumby the number voting board or panel members determineeach of to soldier's board promotion points (0-400). Enter this in the soldier's NGB 4100-l-R-E,field 30-34. This scoring system Form will not be altered as is stated in paragraph 11-40a this regulation. of Section VI - Total Score andVerification a. TheRecorderwill verify field totals, ensure that documents supportchangesto preprinted informationare that attachedto the form,if allowedby the state, and sign anddate the form. b. Theindividual designatedto verify the formwill ensure that it is correct, complete,and will sign and date the form. c. Theaverage leader evaluation score and the total score ~dll be computed the State MPMO for Title 10 AGR at or, soldiers, by NGB-ARZ-T~ maybe done electronically and integrated to the NGB This Form4100-1-R-E. d. The State MPMO NGB-ARZ-T Title 10 AGR (or for soldiers) will verify that all promotionpoints are computed per the instructions in this chapter and the policy document announced board. Theonly option allowedper this figure is to that the devisepoints for state decorationsthat are within the limits for the types of awards individual award and limits as well as the 75 points total forfields 14-23.Thereare no other options, and any other computations will void the boardaction.

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ENLISTED PROMOTION POINT WORKBHEET (For use of this form, see NGR600-200, The proponent agency is NGB-ARH-E] Section I) Name: .................... I - PERSONNEL SYSTEMDATA 3) Rank: 6) PULHES: ......... l ] 10) BESD: ......... Service code:

2) SSN: ................ 5) PMOSD: ............. [ l 9) PEBD:.....

4) Unit name: ................. 7) DOB: ........ i i} ETS: ........ 8) DOR: ........

12) Active status

program: ....... Section II

13) Tech/Selecfive - AWARDS Award Award Award Award ........... ........... ........... ...........

14] 16] 18) 20) 22)

Award Award Award Award Award

............ ............ ............ ............ ............

{ [ I {

l ] l ]

15) 17) 19) 21)


llI l ]

23) Award ...........



[ l


Section 24} Weapons qualification ......... 26} Other resident training weeks . 28) Post-secondary semester hours

25) APFT score ................ 27) Self-development course hours . .

[ [



a. I have verified this information. 29) I do [ ] I do not promotion. b. {For state use to insert advance declination of positions.)

] want to be considered for military

education and

Soldier's Section 30) Board Member ............... 32) Board Member ............... 34) Board Member ............... Section a. Field 8: b. Field 9: Fields 14-23: Field 24: e. Field 25: f. Field 26: g. Field 27: h. Field 28: i. Fields 30-34: [ [ ] V - APPRAISAL


and date

31) Board Member ................ 33) Board Member ................

[ [

l ]

VI - TOTALSCOREAND VERIFICATION 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 400 000 points maxn'num points ma~amum points maximum points maximum points maximum points mammum points mammum points mammum points mazcumum points maximum

Time in grade ..................... Time in service .................... Awards ......................... Weapons qualification ............... AFFF .......................... Other resident courses ............ Self-development courses .......... Post-secondary courses ........... Promotion Board Score .............. Total score ...................



and date



and date

NGBForm 4100-1-R-E/1

Jan 02

Previous editions of this form are obsolete.

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ENLISTED PROMOTION APPRAISAL WORKSHEET (For use of this form,See NGR 600-200. proponent The agencyis NGBoARH-E)



Areas of Consideration Military appearance and Bearing

PERFORMANCEPOINTS Allowed Awarded 0 - 15


Responsibility and Accountability

0 - 25

0 - 30


0 - 35

0 - 70


0 - 20

0 - 30

Professional attributes

0 - 20

0 - 30


0 - 25

0 - 30

Technical and tactical proficiency

0 - 35

0 - 35




NGBForm 4101-I-R/1

Jan 02

Previous editions of this form are obsolete.



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1 March 1997 NGR(AR) 600-200 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Section I General Purpose a. This regulation establishes standards, policies, and procedures for the management Army of National Guardof the United States (ARNGUS) enlisted soldiers in the functional areas of: (1) Accessionand retention. (2) Civilian acquired skills. (3) Initial active duty for training and voluntaryactive duty. (4) Mental Testing, RCOverstrength, Classification and Reclassification, Personnel Utilization and Controls, Assignments, Transfers and Attachments. (5) Promotion, appointment, and reduction. (6) Extensions, bars to reenlistment, immediatereenlistment and extension. (7) Discharge. (8) Command Sergeant Major Program. (9) Qualitative Retention. b. Local supplementa