Free Reply to Response to Motion - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-13

Filed 07/18/2005

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1 March 1997 NGR(AR) 600-200 Chapter 11 Transitional Promotionand Reduction Policy Transition guidance. Implement policies and procedures in this chapter one or more grades at a time from CSM the through SGT the schedule set by each state with full implementationin 1996. Publication of each promotionlist on sets the implementation for all soldiers in the state in that grade. States may chapter 6 until the day before date use implementation select soldiers for promotioninto actual vacancies. At the sametime, prepare soldiers for to consideration using this chapter to allow continuousfill of vacancies. The date of the SGT promotionlist also marks the date of transition for all lowergrades in the state, and implementation the remaining of provisions of this chapter, completelyreplacing chapter 6 for use in that state. Authorityto use chapter 6 will expire with its rescission on 31 December 1996. Selections, assignments and promotions madeusing policies and procedures fi'om the test program development phase through the implementation date of this chapter in a'stute are valid. This includes guidancein state memoranda instructions for boards being processed, providedthat all soldiers in the state in that grade are of treated the same. Section I General 11-1. Purpose a. This chapter prescribes policy and procedures for advancement,promotion, lateral appointment, reduction and restoration for all Army National Guardof the United States (ARNGUS) enlisted soldiers. A soldier who advanced, protnoted, laterally appointed, or reduced in the ARNGUSconcurrently advanced, promoted,laterally is appointed, or reduced in the Reserve of the Army. b. This systemis designedto help fill authorized enlisted vacancieswith the best-qualified enlisted soldiers whohave demonstratedthe potential to serve at the next higher grade. It provides for career progression and grade in line witheach soldier's potential. c. For the noncommissioned officer grades, it prescribes the Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) requirements for promotionand that soldiers on a promotionlist will attend the course required for promotionto that grade. d. Use this chapter in concert with NGR 600-5 and NGR 600-10 for AGR soldiers, and with regulations that govern Military Technicians. e. Use this chapter to administer advancements, promotions, lateral appointmentsand reductions for soldiers called or orderedto active Federal service for less than one year as describedin instructions issued for the call or order. f This chapter grants formal promotion selection boards the authority to recommend unproductive soldiers for removalfrom active stares. 11-2. Conveningand promotion authorities a. Chief, National GuardBureau (CNGB) convening and promotion authority for AGR is Title 10 enlisted tour soldiers attached to NGB active duty installations per NGR and 600-10. The Deputy Director, ARNG (DDARNG) delegated the authority to administer this program for the NGB Title 10 Tour Management is AGR Program. b. State AGsare convening and promotion authorities for all promotion boards to SGTthrough SGM. They maydelegate their authority to their Assistant State AG(Army)or Deputy STARC commander. They also may delegate promotion authority to subordinate commanders follows: as (1) Commanders command in positions authorized grade of MG promotion to SGM. for (2) Commanders command in positions authorized grade of COL higher for promotion to SFCand MSG. or (3) Commanders command in positions authorized grade of LTCor higher for promotion to SGTand SSG. (4) AR other commanders for advancement to PV2through SPC. c. All convening and promotion authorities maydelegate the conduct, management signature authority for and this programto their Director of Personnel, Military Personnel Management Officer (MPMO) comparableofficer. or


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d. Commanders active Army of units to which soldiers are attached for training mayadvance and promote ARNGUS soldiers per AR600-8-19. 11-3. Promotable and non-promotable status Soldiers maybe advancedor promotedonly while in a promotablestatus. Soldiers under suspension of favorable personnel actions maybe considered for promotionas discussed in paragraphI 1-27a. Ira soldier is accidentally or intentionally promoted whennot in a promotable status, the promotion lacks an original basis of authority and, therefore, is voided. Revoke orders effective on the day the error is detected. The rules in paragraph1 I-11 below mayapply. A soldier is in a non-promotable status and will not be promoted,advanced, appointed to a higher grade, or laterally appointed to CPL,ISG or CSM when: a. The subject of proceedingsthat mayresult in administrative elimination. b. A written recommendation been sent to the promotionauthority to reclassify the soldier for inefficiency has or disciplinary reasons. c. The soldier does not have the security clearance or favorable security investigation for promotionto the grade and MOS. d. Ineligible for immediatereenlistment or extension ofenlistmant per chapter 7. e. A Bar to Reenlistmentor Extensionof Enlistment has been approvedor initiated per chapter 7. f Ineligible to reenlist or extend to meet the remaining service obligation for advancement promotionin or paragraph 11-10. g. A written recommendation been submitted to removethe soldier from a promotion list. has h. A State Medical Duty Review Board (MDRB) NGR per 40-501 or a Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) determinesthat a soldier is no longer qualified for service. i. Declared an unsatisfactory participant per AR135-91: (1) Paragraph 4-9, for 9 or moreunexcased absences from scheduled training assemblies. (2) Paragraph 4-13, for unexcased absence from annual training or AWOL during other period of active duty (AD)or full-time National Guard(FTNGD) of less than 30 days. NOTE: retained in service, promotable duty If status is regained, provided otherwise eligible, whenthe soldier has fewer than 9 unexcused absences per paragraph 411, punishmentis completed and suspension of favorable personnel action is removed. j. Absent without leave (AWOL) AR6008-10 until punishment is completed and suspension of favorable per personnelaction is removed the soldier is separated fromservice. or k. Selected for elimination by Enlisted Qualitative Retention Board (EQRB) AR135205, chapter 4 per NGR 600-200, chapter 10. l. The soldier is a Military Technician selected for mandatoryremoval for maximum or by EQRB, age but allowedby law to remainto qualify for civil service retirement. m. Failure to qualify or apply for, be entered into, or to successfully completerequired NCOES training due to Wore meet standards for entrance, failure of standards to complete, or through voluntary withdrawal. This does to not apply for hardship, emergency cases in whichthe soldier is ill or injured. or n. Undera suspension of favorable personnel actions (SFPA)(flagged) per AR600-8-2 or have circumstancethat requires an SFPA whetheror not it is actually initiated and completed,such as failure of APFT, body composition standard, completion of processing and punishmentunder Article 15, UCMJ (except for summarized proceedings imposedaccording to AR27-10, paragraph 3-16) or comparablestate law, etc. See also figure 11-2. o. Assigned to the Inactive National Guard(ING). 11-4. Delay of promotion due to suspension of favorable personnel actions When soldier's promotion or advancement delayed because ofsuspeasion of favorable personnel actions per a was AR600-8-2, and the final DA Form268 has been prepared, use the following rules to determinethe soldier's promotion status. When final report is closed -the a. "Favorable", whenthe soldier wouldhave been promotedwhile the suspension was in effect, and the soldier has been assigned, promotethe soldier. Establish effective date and DOR if no delay in promotionhad occurred. as The earlier effective date must be approvedbefore the promotionand under the procedures in paragraph 11-6c. b. "Unfavorable", and the soldier wouldhave been promotedwhile the suspension was in effect, provided otherwise eligible, promotethe soldier with effective date and DOR the date of removalof SFPA of unless action has been initiated to removethe soldier from the promotionlist before the closing date of the DA Form268.


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c. "Other" (applies to the Army Weight Control Program and the APFT,and the soldier would have been promoted while the suspensionwasin effect, provided otherwise eligible, promotethe soldier with an effective date and DOR the date of removalof the suspension of favorable personnel action or date of assignmentand of qualification, whichever later. is Precedence of rank 11-5. Among enlisted soldiers of the samegrade in active status (paid drill status, AD,or FINGD, precedenceof rank will be determined: a. According to DOR-b. By length of total active status regardless of component, whendates of rank are the same. c. By date of birth whena and b are the same, older is moresenior. 11-6. Date of rank (DOR)and effective date a. The DOR the date specified in file advancement, is promotionor reduction instrument. b. The DOR effective date are normally the same. The effective date of an order or DAForm4187 and cannot be earlier than the first day the soldier becomes fully qualified. Theeffective date is alwaysthe sameas the date of the order or the authentication officer's signature respectively unless: (1) A future date is specified for a valid reason. (2) It confirms verbal orders previously issued under rare and unusual circumstances. c. An earlier effective date normally must be approvedby a higher promotionauthority unless the State AG has retained promotionauthority. However, maybe earlier than the effective date because of flagging action DOR per AR600-8-2, after completionof training per paragraph11-45c, restoration of grade, or whenearlier effective date is approved. d. See NGR 614-I for DOR transfers from the ING. on e. DOR remains unchanged upon lateral appointmentbut will be specified in the orders. f Soldiers promotedto formerly held enlisted grades, after having been reduced one or more grades under paragraph11-57, 11-58bor l 1-58c, receive an adjusted DOR gives credit for time previously served in the that grade, or a higher grade, to whichpromoted. g. Soldiers reduced involuntarily for lack of grade vacancywhenleadership or compatibility waivers expire will receive an adjusted DOR whenpromotedto their formerly held pay grades. h. Soldiers reduced for inefficiency per paragraph 11-60 do not receive adjusted DOR later promotedto if higher grades. i. Soldiers reduced voluntarily per paragraph 11-55 will not receive an adjusted DOR whenpromotedagain to their formerly held grades. j. DOR soldiers reduced for (1) For inefficiency, at their own request, for failure to completea course, to accept a commission warrant or appointmentfor whichthey were promoted a higher grade, and involuntarily reduced for loss of a position to vacancy,is the sameas that held in the grade to whichreduced. If reduction is to a grade higher than held before appointmentto a special grade, DOR the date the soldier wouldhave been eligible for promotionto that grade is underthis regulation. (2) For action per Article 15, UCMJ, comparableState code, will be established according to AR27-10, or chapter 3. (3) For any reason other than in (I) and (2) above will be the sameas the date ofthe order announcing reduction. (4) Upon promotion to formerly held grades will be the newdate of promotionunless an adjusted DOR is specifically authorizedin this chapter. k. DOR soldiers restored to higher grade is the DOR for before reduction for -(1) Successful appealofreduction. (2) Successful appeal, setting aside, mitigation, or suspensionof punishmentunder UCMJ State code. or (3) Entry on tADT. (4) Entry on ADT, any combinationof IDT and ADT, qualification training. or for l. Adjust DOR soldiers voluntarily reduced to enter active duty in contingencyoperations: for (1) To include all service in the grade to whichreduced and any higher enlisted grade. (2) Who were not promotedto their previously held grade while on active duty, as of the day after release from active duty plus all previous time served in the sameor a higher enlisted pay grade.


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m. For formerofficers whoenlist or reenlist in a grade determinedper chapter 2 of this regulation, adjust the DOR they had in prior enlisted service in the sameor a higher enlisted grade to excludeall officer service and that periods during whichthey did not have military status. For those awardeda higher grade than they held during prior enlisted service, DOR the date of enlishnent or reenlistment is n. Use the following proceduresto establish effective dates and to corcect erroneous effective dates of previously completedpromotionactions. Promotionactions that were denied or not favorably considered are excluded. (1) The effective date of promotionis normallythe samedate as the approvingauthority's signature on the DA Form4187or the date of the orders. (2) Aneffective date cannot be established earlier than the date a soldier becomes fully qualified for advancement best qualified for promotion. For promotions to SGTthrough SGM effective date cannot be or an earlier than the date the selection board proceedingswere approvedby the conveningauthority. (3) When promotionauthority's investigation determines that, had certain facts been known ira the or promotionaction had been processed correctly, the soldier wouldhave been promoted an earlier date, and the on oversight wasnot due to the fault of the soldier, then the proceduresin paragraphI 1-7 belowapply. o. For soldiers selected and assigned, but whohave not yet completed required NCOES training, promote themwith effective date and DOR of the day after graduation. See also paragraph 11-45c. as 11-7. Establishing retroactive effective dates Theseprocedures have been developedfor cases that previously were submitted to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records(ABCMR). Thesepolicies and procedures apply generally to cases for soldiers in service, and specifically to cases of soldiers with situations that occur while governedby Title 32, U.S. Code. The ABCMR has directed that these issues be handled by States with the guidance of the National GuardBureau. Use the following policies and proceduresto establish retroactive effective dates. Theseproceduresapply to all current, former and pending cases since the effective date of 1 Oct 90 when implementedthrough NGB policy memorandum. a. Promotionauthority for the affected soldier submits DA Form4187 through channels to the next higher promotion authority, requesting that the soldier be advancedor promoted with a retroactive effective date, or if already promoted,that the current effective date be corrected. Since retroactive promotions affect receipt of back pay and allowances,a detailed explanation of the specific reasons for the delay or correction must be shown the in request. Documentation supporting the basis for the request should be enclosed with DA Form4 t 87. b. The next higher promotionauthority approves or disapproves the request by first endorsement citing this paragraphas the regulatory authority, and indicates the approvedretroactive effective date. Return a copy of the DA Form4 t 87 with first endorsement through promotionauthority channels to the unit commander, file a copy in and the soldier's MPRJ. c. The promotion authority publishes or amendsthe promotion instrument showing the DOR approved and retroactive effective date. The neworders or amendment state that the earlier or corrected effective date of must promotion has been approvedby the next higher promotion authority per paragraph 11-2b. d. The promotion authority fonvards the DAForm4187 or orders with the supporting documentationto the SIDPERS Interface Branch (SIB). The SIB completes a Grade Change(GRCH) transaction that indicates retroactive effective date of grade. In cases wherethe soldier has already been promoted the effective date, and DOR, both, are being corrected, the SIB completes a Grade Abbreviation and Code(GRCD) or transaction to correct the effective date, and a DOR transaction to correct the DORe. The SIB fop, vards the completed action to the Military Pay Branch, USPFO process back pay and to allowances. f. To complete the following procedures, the promotion authority must, except for promotions after completing NCOES courses or obtaining an AGR controlled grade (E8 or Eg) allocation, obtain approval from the next higher promotion authority which mayinclude CNGB (NGB-ARP-PE), example, when establishing for retroactive effective date for promotion SGM. approvalauthority establishes the official retroactive effective to The date to be used for promotion,for correcting military records, and for computationof back pay and allowances. g. CNGB ~GB-ARP-PE) the approving authority for cases for which the State AGis the promotion is anthority and whichare not otherwise provided for in this paragraph. h. Forward questionable cases, with supporting documents and recommendations, through channels to CNGB (NGB-ARP-PE) evaluation and determination of entitlement for i. CNGB (NGB-ARP-PE) the approval authority for all actions for Title l 0 soldiers. is


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11-8. Computing time in grade (TIMIG),time in service (TIS) and cumulative enlisted service (CES) TIMIG from the soldier's DOg the current grade. in a. Compute b. Compute from the soldier's pay entry basic date (PEBD).Include all service for pay computedunder TIS DOD Military Pay and Allowances Entitlements Manual(DODPM), part l, chapter 1. ComputeTIS for personnel who entered AP~NGUS the Civilian Acquired Skills Program (CASP)or whowere promoted under the Stripes under for BuddiesProgramfrom Basic Enlisted Service Date (BESD).Use AP~600-8-104, table 5-2, item 20, to establish BESD. section llI of this chapter for roles on nonprior service cnlisteas to compute from date of original See TIS entry on active duty. c. To qualify for promotions to SFC, MSG SGM and soldiers require specific amountsof cumulative enlisted service (CES)computedfrom BESD which excludes time served as warrant and commissioned officer. If all service has been in enlisted status without a break in service (to the ING completedischarge from military status), the or BESD the same as PEBD. is 11-9. Security clearance requirements The following security requirements are prerequisite for advancement promotion: and a. Promotion to MSG SGM and requires at least a favorable National AgencyCheck (NAC)unless the promotionMOS requires a final security clearance of Secret or higher per AR611-201. b. Promotion to SFCrequires the clearance for the promotion MOS whenrequired in AR611-20 t. c. Advancement SPCand promotion through SSGrequires the clearance required by AR611-201 for the to promotionMOS an interim clearance at the same level. or 11-10, Service remainingobligation a. The following service remaining obligations from date of promotion are required for promotion to SGT through SGM: (1) To SGTand SSG, 1 year. (2) To SFCthrough SGM,2 years. b. Service will be obligated from the effective date of promotionand soldiers must extend or reenlist in order to accept the promotion. However, soldiers are exemptfrom this requirementif they are: (1) Eligible throughprior service for a higher pay grade at time of retirement. (2) Ableto serve at least 6 monthsin the grade but will be involuntarily separated due to reaching their maximum years of service by grade or maximum age. c. Individuals whoaccept promotionswill fulfill the service remainingrequirementbefore transfer to the Retired Reserve, voluntary retirement for active duty length of service, or ETS.If they do not they will be separated in the next lower grade unless granted an exception to policy by CNGB ~GB-ARP-PE) the good of the service. for NOTE: When soldier incurs morethan one obligation, such as one for training and one for promotion,set the date a as the one farthest in the future; do not add them. d. Soldiers ~vhoare otherwise eligible for promotion,but if they extend or immediatelyreenlist wouldlose their SRIPentitlements such as a Retention Bonus,maydefer extension or reenlistment and accept a conditional promotionper paragraph 11-14euntil they are in the three monthsbefore their currently scheduledETSsas required byAR 135-18. Soldiers in this category whofail to extend orreenlist as a condition ofthe promotionwill be reduced upon such failure without board action or appeal per paragraph11-58d. 11-11. Erroneous promotion and defacto status A promotionis erroneous whenthe soldier was not legally or administratively eligible for the promotion.When the soldier was not in a promotablestatus on the effective date of the orders or DAForm4187, the unit commander or the promotion authority will immediatelyrevoke the order or DAForm418% This does not apply to conditional promotionswherethe soldier is reduced for failure to completetraining (paragraph 11-56e). a. When erroneous advancementor promotion is detected, service in the higher ~ade mayhave been in de an facto status whenthe soldier was not at fault, but the promotionwas erroneously accomplished.Eventhough the promotionorder is revoked, the promotionauthority or higher commander, after legal review by the servicing SJA, maydetermine de facto status exists when: (1) The soldier accepted the promotionor advancement good faith. in (2) A promotion order or DAForm4187 was issued. (3) The soldier received pay at the higher grade. (4) Therewas no absolute statutory bar to receipt of military pay.


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(5) The soldier actually dischargedthe functions of the higher grade. b. If the soldier attained promotion eligibility prior to determinationthat the promotion invalid, and is in was promotable status, advancement promotionto current rank maybe made, and DOR or administratively adjusted to the date the soldier first became eligible for promotion. Effective date will not be earlier than the date of the orders or DA Form4187unless an earlier date is approvedper paragraph 11-6c. c. Thefinal determinationof whetherthe soldier served in a de facto status for the purposesof retaining pay and allowances received must be madeby the USP&FO, receipt of the reduction order. on d. De facto status will be documentedby memorandum filed permanently in the soldiers OMPF with a copy processed to the State MPMO support pay entitlements. to 11-12. Acting noncommissioned officers ARNGUS not appoint acting noncommissioned does officers. 11-13. Frocking ARNGUS soldiers on promotion lists who are assigned to SFCDetachmentSergeant positions, 1SGor SGM positions before they can be promoted (generally due to lack of controlled grade allocations for AGR soldiers) may be frocked. State AGs authorize frocking by informal memorandum the soldier is assigned to the position may when and CNGB (NGB-ARP-F) denied allocation of a controlled grade for that soldier. Frocking wilt not has approved provide an interim fi!l for these positions. Donot issue orders or newidentification cards, nor change to official records to showa frocked rank. Donot issue DA Form4872 until the soldier is actually promotedto MSG, I SGor SGM. Frocking to CSM authorized only at~er selection by the ARNGUS board per paragraph 9-15a: is CSM contact CNGB 0~GB-ARP-PE) issue of DAForm 4873 (Certificate of Appointmentto Command for Sergeant Major)for presentation at an appropriate ceremony the effective date of frocking. NCOs removetheir on will frocked insignia of grade uponreassignment from these positions whenthey are not yet promoted.Frocking does not entitle the soldier to time in grade, pay in the gradeto whichfrocked, or credit for the gradeon the retired list until actually promoted the grade. to 11-14. Promotion instruments a. Normaladvancements PV2,PFCand SPCwith effective date the first day of eligibility, except for to soldiers flagged or barred from reenlistment, will be executed automatically by automatedadvancement eligibility reports. Reports will list all soldiers eligible for advancement PV2,PFCand SPC.When to possible, soldiers should be listed on the report 30 days prior to their dates of advancement eligibility. Donot use DA Form4187for automatic advancements unless required to document action for soldiers advancedwhile awaiting lET (special the advancementsand Split Training Option - Phase II.) The commander must annotate on automated advancement reports by each namewhether "yes" to advance or "no" to deny advancement.The commander will verify the effective date of advancement sign the report. The MPMO advancesoldiers based on this report. Soldiers and may not advancedbased on this report will be monitoreduntil advanced.See paragraph 11-23f for actions on soldiers not recommended for advancement. b. DA Form4187 maybe prepared up to 30 days before date the soldier is eligible for advancement ensure to promptprocessing of pay and allowances. c. Promotions to SGTthrough SGM announcedonly on orders. For conditional promotions, see are paragraph 11-28cand 11-I4e(l) and (2) below for additional required remarks. d. Orders and DA Forms 4187will cite the appropriate paragraph of this regulation for advancement and promotion,tfa retroactive effective date is approvedby a higher promotionauthority, cite paragraph11-7 also. e. Additional Instructions: Include in promotion orders and DAForms4187 one or more the following statements as additional instructions as required: (1) "Promotion not valid and is not effective if the soldier is not in a promotable is status on the effective date of promotion." (2,) "An earlier effective date has been approvedper NGP~ 600-200,paragraph11-6c", if an earlier effective date is approvedunder paragraph 11-6c. (3) Include in orders one of the following remarks for conditional promotions:For conditional promotionto SGM enter "The soldier must complete the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course as a condition of this promotion. Failure to meet the condition will cause reduction per NGR 600-200, paragraph 11-56e." For all other conditional promotions, enter "The soldier must complete the NCOES course prescribed for the grade to which promotedas a


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condition of this promotion. Failure to meet the condition will cause reduction per NGR 600-200,paragraph I 1-56e." 11-15. Promotionceremonies and certificates a. Promotion ceremonies should be held on the effective date of promotion. Early promotion ceremonies may be held when effective date of the promotionis on: the (1) we kend orholiday. e (2) The last duty day or training assembly prior to the soldier's transfer to a newunit in conjunctionwith promotion. b. The promotion order is the official instrumentfor promotion.It also is the source for grade, effective date, and DOR all record and pay purposes. The promotioncertificate, DA for Form4872or 4874, is not the official instrument of promotion, DA Form4873 (Certificate of Appointment)for CSM discussed in paragraph 9-14 is this regulation. c. Promotioncertificates will not be retroactively issued for promotions before 1 November 1980. Promotion authorities mayissue DA Forms4872and 4874to soldiers only for their current grades. d. Promotion authorities maysign promotioncertificates or higher level authorities mayreserve signature authority. e. Soldiers reduced one or more grades will receive a promotion certificate whenagain promotedto a higher grade. f Commanders makeevery effort to promote soldiers in formal ceremonies (in an office or a military will foru~ation) and should involve family members whenpracticable. g. Ceremoniesmaybe hosted by noncommissioned officers for promotions to a grade junior to themselves whenauthorized by the State AGor commander. Soldiers maychoose whowill help pin on their new grade during promotion ceremonies. h. The following phraseolo~, is recommended promotion ceremonies: "Attention to Orders: Headquarters for (use designation of state or unit issuing orders), dated (use effective date of promotion). TheAdjutant General (state) has reposedspecial trust and confidencein the patriotism, valor, fidelity and professional excellence (name). In view of these qualities and demonstratedleadership potential and dedicated service to the Army National Guard, (name) is promotedto (grade) with date of rank of(day, month, year). By order of The Adjutant General: (the local promotion authority is announced the authenticating officer).' as 11-16. Lateral appointments The State AG will specify whichif any commanders listed in paragraph 11-2b are authorized to laterally appoint soldiers. a. Authorized commanders will laterally appoint SPCto or from CPL, MSG or from 1SGand SGM or to to from C SMon DAForm4187 or orders using the information in NGR 310-10, format 304. b. Appoint SPC to CPL when: (1) Soldier is assigned to and worksin, for at least P, vo months,a SGT position authorized the soldier's PMOS or CPMOS. (2) A SPCwhois a PLDC graduate occupies a SGTor higher position, but cannot otherwise be promoted. c. Soldiers will normally retain the grade of CPL.However,a unit commander laterally appoint CPLto may SPCwithout the individual's consent for: (1) Demonstrated inefficiency in technical, supervisory or other requirements of the MOS. (2) Significant loss of qualifications, including medical inability to performthe duties of CPL that MOS in as required in AR611-201. (3) Disciplinary action under UCMJ state code that adversely affects the soldier's ability to performthe or duties ofa CPL. d. Appoint MSG 1SGconcurrent with assignment or attachment to a I SGposition authorized in to MTOE/TDA. e. Appoint SGM CSM to whenauthorized by chapter 9 of this regulation and appointment authority is not restricted by the state. f Appoint 1SG to MSGand CSMto SGMwhen: (1) Detailed or attached to duties that do not require SQIMor a CSM other than a very short interim basis. on (2) Assignedor attached to positions not authorized a 1SGor CSM including assignmentto the resident U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course. Laterally appoint them to tSG or CSM when reassigned to 1SGor CSM positions upon graduation from the course.


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g. Certain NCOs apply for transfer to the Retired Reserve (AR140-10, chapter 6) before age 60, may who laterally appointed to their formerly held grades concurrent with the assignment. Former1SGwhoare currently MSG wilt be reappointed and assigned to the Retired Reserve as l SGprovided they were not relieved for cause or the promotionwas not revokeddue to failure to meet a requirementof this chapter as a condition of a promotion. FormerCSMs are currently SGM who eligible for reappointment to CSM chapter 9 of this regulation will be per reappointed to CSM assigned to tile Retired Reserve. State Adjutants General are the appointmentauthorities and for these actions. Retirement orders and all related documents will showISG or CSM. Section II Special Advancements,Promotions, Appointmentsand Restorations 11-17. General This section provides for special advancements,appointments, promotions, and restorations to PV2through SGM. They are used in special circumstances and are madewithout regard for regular promotioncriteria. When soldier a is eligible for morethan one special promotionor advancement higher enlistment grade per chapter 2 of this (or regulation), awardthe soldier the highest grade for whicheligible. a. Advance promotesoldiers to higher grades whenverified that they enlisted or reenlisted in a grade lower or than that authorizedin chapter 2 of this regulation, or claimedeligibility for enlistment in a higher grade, but did not have the required supporting documentation.Documents must be presented within one year after the enlistment date to validate entitlement to the higher grade. The entitlement must have existed prior to the day of enlistment. DOR will be the sameas the date of enlistment. The advancement not effective earlier than the date of signature by the is authenticating officer, except whena retroactive date is approvedby tile next higher promotionauthority per paragraph11-7. This provision does not apply if the soldier is reduced after the date ofenlistmant or reenlistment. b. Advance promotesoldiers to higher grades authorized by programsin chapter 2 of this regulation when or all conditions are met. Cite all authorities including this paragraphand the basic paragraphauthorizing the grade. c. Advance soldiers enlisted while in Junior or Senior ROTC tile National DefenseCadet Corps to PV2or or PFCwhenthey complete one or moreyears in that programafter date of enlistment, but before departure for IADT. Use tile criteria in table 2-3, rule B or C, of this regulation (AnnualNGB EnlistmentCriteria). d. Promotesoldiers to the grade held on the day before entering voluntary tours for contingencyoperations with a concurrentreduction to enter tile tour, unless they were promoted that or a higher grade while on that period to of active duty, or if they were reduced while on the period of active duty. Thesepromotions effective on the day are after release from active duty and are donewithout board action or other qualification requirements, including NCOES, long as the soldier is in a promotablestatus. Adjust DOR shownin paragraph 1 l-6j. as as e. Concurrent with discharge from the ARNG transfer to the Retired Reserve or placementon the Retired for List, promotesoldiers to the highest enlisted satisfactorily held providedthey werenot reducedfor misconduct. Thesepromotionsdo not require promotionboard action. Promotionunder this authority is not authorized for soldiers whorequested reduction or separation, including transfer to the Retired Reserveor placementon the Retired List, in lieu of separation action or prosecution under the UCMJ comparable or state code. 11-18, Promotionto enter training programs The following promotions and advancementsare authorized without regard to NCOES course requirements. Announce them on DA Form 4187 or orders, but do not issue promotion certificates. Remove soldiers promoted under these provisions from SGT SSGpromotion lists. Subsequent promotion boards will not consider them or while they remainin any status under this paragraph. If not commissioned, they are not eligible for promotion consideration again until the next regularly scheduledpromotionboard for the next higher grade based on the grade held before this special promotion. a. Promotesoldiers CPLor SPCand below to SGT(with a title of Candidate) one day before they enter the active Army or, effective l October 1997, the Interservice Physician's Assistant Program.Promotesoldiers OCS ordered to the Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) effective on the date travel begins per NGR 600-101, paragraph2-11 c. (1) Applicants or warrant officer candidacy, whenrequired, will attend BNCOC without regard to promotion list status as soon as they receive their proponentdeterminationsper NGR 600-101,chapter 2, as an exception to paragraph11-28a(3) and (4) of this regulation. (2) Applicants for Special Forces Warrant Officer (MOS 180A)whoare not Special Forces Operations and Intelligence (SF O&!)Course graduates (either resident or nonresident course) or of the SF Advanced Course NCO

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after October 1994 will be notified upon approval by the proponent to attend the O&lportion of the SF ANCOC without regard to promotion status. Those whoare SFCand not SF ANCOC graduates also must complete the O&I portion of the SF ANCOC. b. Promotesoldiers SGT below to SSG(with a title of Candidate) one day before they enter candidate and status upon enrolling in ARNGUS Officer Candidate School. However,do not exceed the maximum State Support Personnel Management Document(SPMD) position gradefor AGR soldiers per NGR 600-5 and AR135-18. c. Promotesoldiers CPL SPCand below to SGT cadets effective the date the soldier is contracted in or as both the ARNGUS the ROTC and Advanced Course, and assigned the reporting code 09R20 per NGR 600-100, paragraph 13-5. d. Promoteeligible soldiers PV1and PV2to PFCeffective on their reporting dates to the U.S. Military AcademyPreparatory School (USMAPS). e. Promotionsunder a through c above are valid only for the purpose for which they were awarded. Soldiers released fromany of these statuses will be administratively returned to their pre-appointment grades uponrelease from such status. Thesegrades are not valid for future determinations of grade uponrelease from candidate or cadet status, grade to be held after release fromeither status, highest grade held for reenlistmentuponreturn to enlisted status after loss of commission appointment any reason, or highest grade satisfactorily held for retirement or for purposes. 11-18.1. Advancement promotionas a part of training programs and Advance promote or soldiers to higher grades as a prerequisite to attend, during and after training programsthat provide for the higher grades as prescribed. Soldiers whodo not complete the training programfor whichpromoted to the special grade, will be reduced to the grade from whichpromoted paragraph11-56 of this regulation. per a. After reduction to enter a training programper paragraph11-58eof this regulation, promotethe soldier without promotionboard action to the higher grade whentbe time requirementis met. Date of rank wilt be the soldier's original date of rank in the grade to whichpromoted.Theeffective date will be the date of the promotion. For example,whenthe soldier must serve one year at that skill level after completionof training and awardof the MOS qualify to serve at the next higher skill level. to b. After completionof required phases of courses that are part of Special Forces training programsas shown in the following subparagraphs. These are conditional advancements promotions based on successful completion and of the training or training phase. Showthe soldier's feeder MOS primary with the CMF MOS CPMOS. as 18 as These actions are authorized only whenrecommended the soldier's active Amy by training unit commanders while these soldiers are in training. ARNG commanders not use this authority without the recommendation the will of active Army training unit commander its promotionboard. Cite this paragraph and the paragraph for the grade and to whichadvancedor promoted authority. Failure to completethe training mayresult in reduction as stated in as paragraphs 11-56e and 11-14e. (1) PromotePVI, PV2, or PFCnot previously advancedor promotedper this regulation or AR600-8- t 9, paragraph 2-5a, to SPCwithout regard to TIMIG TIS with effective date and DOR day before they start and the PLDC. (2) PromoteSPCto SGTwheu they have at least 18 months time in service and have been recommended a by promotionboard at the active Army training unit per AR600-8-19, chapter 3. The effective date of promotionand DOR be the first day of the secondmonthafter the active Army will training unit promotionboard results are approved. (3) PromoteSGTto SSGwhen they have at least 28 months TIS, 8 months TIMIG,have completed Phase I of their SFQC (which gains them equivalent credit for BNCOC), have been recommended the promotion board and by at the active Army training unit per AR600-8-19, chapter 3, and this paragraph. The effective date and DOR be will the first day of the secondmonthafier the active Army training unit promotionboard results are approved. (4) For soldiers who entered the SFQC SGT, and whoare BNCOC as graduates, promote them to SSGwhen they have been recommended the active Army by training unit promotion board per AR600-8-19, chapter 3. The effective date of promotionand DOR be the first day of the secondmonthafter the active Army will training unit promotion board results are approved. (5) The promotions in (3) and (4) above are conditioned upon successful completion of the entire SFQC (MOS 18b, 18C, 18Dor 18Ecourse), but not the language-training phase. (6) IADT soldiers will not be considered for prnmotion to SSGwhile in SFQC language training courses. or 11-19. Advancement based on Civilian Acquired Skills Program


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a. Authority to advance soldiers using the ARNGUS Civilian Acquired Skills Program(CASP)is in chapters and 4 of this regulation. b. Unit commander training commander authorize accelerated advancementand award of the CASP or may MOS whenthe soldier meets all criteria. Soldiers in MOSs eligible for SGTunder this programmaybe conditionally promotedwithout PLDC (paragraph I 1-28a). If not required to complete the PLDC part of their as training program, they must complete PLDC within 12 months after date of promotionand before consideration by a promotion board for SSG. c. Commanders defer or deny accelerated advancement lack of skill, failure to demonstrate the may for minimum required level of perfomaancein the MOS soldier skills, or misconduct. Commanders counsel their or will soldiers in writing on DA Form4856with the reasons for deferral or denial, and file copies of counseling statements as Action Pendingdocuments the MPRJ in until advancedor promotedto a higher grade, or separated, whicheveris first. d. OnDAForm4187, cite this paragraph as well as the basic paragraph for the grade to which advanced. On orders for promotion to SGT,include any comment required by paragraph 11-14e. 11-20. Advancement based on Stripes for Buddies Soldiers who refer qualified applicants whosubsequently enlist in the ARNGUS, Active Armyor USAR be may advanced, without regard to other promotion criteria, to PV2or PFC.The State MPMO verify enlistment of will applicants. The applicants mustenlist before the soldier leaves for BT,while the soldier is betweenphases I and II of the STO,or after the soldier completesIADT. Applicants whoenlist while the soldier is in IADT will be used to determine advancement after the soldier returns to the ARNGUS they will not be promotedor advancedunder unit; this programwhile on IADT.This authority altows advancement based on any combinationof enlistment before or a~er the referring soldier's enlistment or service in IADT paragraph2-12 of this regulation and this paragraph. per Unit commanders will advancesoldiers: a. Whoenlistedas PVI: (1) FromPVl tuPV2, upon enlistment of2 qualified NPSapplicants. (2) FromPV2to PFC, uponenlistment of a total of 3 NPSapplicants (mayinclude the 2 in a(1) above.) b. For soldiers whoenlisted as PV2, to PFCuponenlistment of 3 qualified NPS applicants. c. OnDAForm4187, cite this paragraph as well as the basic paragraph for the grade to which advanced. 11-21. Promotion critically ill soldiers of Terminally ill soldiers maybe advancedor promotedby State AGs follows: as a. Soldier must be eligible for advancement on a current promotionselection list. or b. Critical illness or injury cannot have been caused by soldier's misconductwhetheron duty or not. If incurred during any formof military duty, regardless of pay status, including travel directly to and from duty, illness or injury musthave beenincurred in line of duty. c. Estimatedlife expectancyis certified as 12 monthsor less by attending physician. d. Other provisions of this regulation are waivedto permit these promotions,citing this paragraphin the promotion instrument. e. Include in requests: (1) Soldier's name and SSN. (2) Advancement promotionlist status. or (3) Attending physician's diagnosis and prognosis. 11-22.Posthumous promotions a. Eligibility for posthumous promotionsis as follows: (l) Soldier was officially recommended promotionand the State AG for signed the promotionlist before the date of death. Soldiers in the INGare eligible for posthumous promotionunless removedfrom the promotionlist for cause. (2) Soldier was unable tu accept the promotionbecause of death which(a) Wasnot due to misconductwhetheron or offofficial duty status. (b) Did not occur while on unauthorized absence from active duty or any form of scheduled IDT. b. Noperson is entitled to additional benefits (such as additional pay and allowancesor any other form of compensation) because of a posthumouspromotion.


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c. Commanders recommendsoldiers for posthumous promotions by memorandum the State AG may to (MPMO).Include: (1) Soldier's advancement selection list status. or (2) Report of Death or other explanation of the circumstances. Section III Advancement to PV2, PFC and SPC 11-23. General Criteria for advancementto PV2, PFCand SPCare: a. Soldiers must be in a promotablestatus on the effective date of advancement b. The advancement authority or a higher headquarters maydetermine a soldier's eligibility to be advanced with a retroactive DOR whenthe soldier's advancement delayed due to administrative error. was c. Commanders advance outstanding soldiers with waivers authorized in paragraphs 11-24 through l 1-26. may d. Use BASD date of original entry on IADT determine TIS for advancementto PV2and higher grades or to for NPS soldiers. For PS soldiers, compute from date of original enlistment into military service other than the DEP programof an active component U.S. Armed ofa Service provided there was no break in military service. This affects general eligibility for soldiers advanced using paragraphs11-24 and 11-25. It does not affect those advanced or appointed to higher grades using special programs(CASP, S~ripes for Buddies, education completion, or other special consideration authorizing a higher grade as part of the enlistment program.) e. Advance soldiers only in their PMOS CPMOS. or f Unit commanders will ensure that soldiers whoare eligible for advancement without waiver, or under one of the special programsin Section II of this chapter, but whoare not recommended, counseledin writing using DA are Form 4856 (General Counseling Form). (1) Initially, when soldier attains eligibility and is not recommended, the and: (2) Periodically (at least every three months)until advancedor separated. (3) Commanders elect not to advance soldiers at normal number of months TIS will submit DAForm4187 who for each soldier prior to the effective date of advancement. Section III, Other, enter X and "Advto (grade) In Denied"; in Section IV, enter "Soldier denied advancementto (grade) at (number) months TIS per NGR 600-200, paragraph (number)". g. Prepare DAForms 4187 for all advancementsother than automatic advancements. (1) Effective date and DOR be the same except for soldiers advancedlate using the procedures in will paragraph 11-6. (2) Unit commander the S 1 will sign all DA or Forms4187 advancing soldiers. The battalion or comparable commander administrative officer maysign in the unit commander's or absence (other than absence whichrequires an Acting Commander). h. File a copy of each DA Form4187affecting the soldier's latest advancement status in the MPILI,and process a copy to the State MPMO (SIDPERS). 11-24, Advancement to PV2 TIS a. The eligibility criterion is 6 months waivableto 4 months. b. AdvancePVI to PV2automatically using automated advancementreport at 6 months TIS, except for soldiers whoare flagged or not recommended. c. Use DAForm 4187 only to advance soldiers: (1) With a waiver (accelerated advancement.) (2) Who were flagged or not recommended 6 months TIS. at (3) Who were previously reduced to PV1. d. OnDAForm 4187 for advancementto PV2, cite paragraph 11-24 as well as any other applicable paragraph. 11-25. a. (1) (2) Advancement to PFC Theeligibility criteria for PFC -are 12 monthsTIS waivable to 6 months, and -4 months TIMIGwaivable to 2 months.


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b. On DAForm4187 for advancementto PFC, cite paragraph I 1-25 as well as any other applicable paragraph. 11-26. Advancement to SPC a. Theeligibility criteria for SPC are: (1) 26 monthsTIS waivable to 14 months, and -(2) 6 months TIMIG waivable to 3 months, and -to (3) Qualified in the MOS which advanced. b. Commanders waive the position vacancy requirement for PFCwith 26 months TIS who are otherwise may fully qualified, c. A PFCmaybe advancedto SPC, with the concurrence of the unit commander, soldiers on short tours of for active duty not nnder State control (IADT, TTAD, ADSW ADT). The advancementmaybe accomplished by the or appropriate Regular Army promotionauthority as discussed in AR600-8-I 9, paragraph 2-5, for IADT soldiers, or this paragraphfor all others. d. For PFCin positions graded for SGT, advance them to SPCand concurrently appoint them to CPLon DA Form 4187. e. OnDAForm4187 for advancementto SPC, cite paragraph 11-26 as well as any other applicable paragraph. Section IV Promotion to SGTthrough SGM 11-27. Criteria To be eligible for consideration, selection and promotionto SGT through SGM soldiers must: a. Be in promotablestatus. A soldier with a suspension of favorable personnel action (SFPA) effect will in considered by the boardunless completelyineligible for consideration, but cannot be placed on the promotionlist or promoteduntil the suspension has been removed.This requirement is not waivable. The flagging action will not be seen by the board. Soldiers whohave been removedfrom promotion lists per paragraphs 11-48 and 11-49 and who are pending separation action per AR135-178 or AR635-200will not be considered for promotion. If not separated, they maybe considered by the next regularly scheduledpromotionboard unless they are eligible for a standby advisory board per paragraph11-53 of this chapter. Soldiers enrolled in officer and warrant officer producing programs(including those attending in a permissive TDY status), although eligible for special advancements promotionsin section II of this chapter, are not eligible for consideration for promotion,NCOES or training, assignment,or promotion the other provisions of this chapter. per b. Be participating satisfactorily in the active ARNGUSthe next lower grade. in c. Meet the following times by the date announcedin the board memorandum instruction (waivers are not of authorized): paragraph 11-8 for computationrules.) (See For SGT SSG SFC MSG SGM TIMIG 6 months 8 months 11 months 12 months 14 months TIS NA NA 9 years 13 years 16 years CES NA NA 6 years 8 years 10 years

d. Havea HSdiploma, HS-GED equivalent, alternate credential, or an associate or higher degree. Eskimo Scouts are exempt from this criterion. e. Be qualified in the Career Progression MOS (CPMOS), promotion MOS a feeder MOS the position or for into whichassigned and promoted unless another standard is authorized in this chapter, chapter 3, chapter 5, or in a special training program, such as those for CMF and 96, the CASP,or AGR 18 Management Program governed by NGR 600-5 and NGR 600-10. NOTE:Commanders and personnel managers must ensure promotion of SRIP participants only in their primary or CPMOS avoid violating the terms of incentives contracts. CPMOS be in to must the same CMF the bonus MOS retain entitlement. as to (l) SQI, ASI and LIC classified positions on someMTOE/TDA identify additional skills. Unless a soldier cannot performthe duties of the position due to lack of SQI, ASl and or LICtraining, such as in certain airborne or


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Special Forces positions, this training is not a criterion in determiningMOS qualification for promotion.For organizations with units in two or more states, the organization leadership and state MPMOs should coordinate consistent standards to the maximum practical extent. (2) Soldiers being involuntarily reclassified into anothar MOS to unit reorganization or inactivation, wilt be due treated according to State reorganization instructions. Theymayremain MOS qualified for promotion purposes up to I year after the effective date of the reorganizationor inactivation, or until reclassified into the newMOS, whicheveroccurs sooner. State reorganization instructions should provide for the selection, assignment, qualification and reclassification. Soldiers promoted under these rules into a newMOS must become qualified in the time required or be reduced per paragraph1 t-56g. (3) Soldiers are considered physically qualified in their MOS promotionpurposes whenthey have been for found qualified by a State MDRB, Medical Evaluation Board (MEB),or Physical Evaluation Board (PEB), and retain promotion status. Currency the soldier's physical examination a function of eligibility for immediate of is reenlistment or extension in chapter 7 of this regulation and of NGR 40-501. (AR) S For consideration for promotion to SGM with concurrent appointment to CSK individual should not yet be the objective age of 51 as of the last day of the month of the DA(NGB) ARNGUS Selection Board per CSM paragraph 9-3d of this regulation~ However, State AGsmaynominate individuals above the objective age without waiveror exceptionwhen soldier is clearly the best qualified of all eligible candidates. the g. For consideration for promotion, including concurrent appointment to CSM,1SGand MSG are not who graduates of the U.S. ArmySergeants Major Course (USASMC) be eligible to attend and complete tho course. must Individuals whowere selected to attend but did not completethe course for any reason other than hardship are not eligible to attend the course again and, therefore, are not eligible for consideration or promotionto SGM. This criterion is not waivableand exceptionsto policy will not be considered. 11-28. NCOES requirements for promotion NOTE: promotions in a(2) through (5), (8) and (9) below are conditional promotions. The rules to administer The these promotionsare in c below. a. Consider soldiers for promotion without regard to their current levels of NCOES. selected for When promotion listed in the selection objective of the promotion and lists, they are eligible for training and, providedthey are in or will be concurrently assigned to positions authorized the higher grade, promotionas shown below. See paragraph 11-42 for discussion of the selection objective, whomayattend NCOES courses, and whenthey may attend. (1) SPCs and CPLswith PLDC credit are promotable to SGT. (2) SGTswith PLDC credit are promotable to SSGaftar they complete BNCOC Phase I. They must start Phase II (or the next resident phase prescribed by the proponent)within two years after the completePhase I. They must successfully complete all phases before congideration by a SFCpromotionboard. (3) SGTswithout PLDC credit are promotable to SSGafter they complete PLDC and BNCOC Phase 1. They must start BNCOC II (or the next resident phase prescribed by the proponent) within two years after they Phase complete Phase I. They must successfully complete all phases before consideration by a SFCpromotion board. SGTswith DORs before 1 Oct 92 do not need PLDC attend BNCOC. to (4) SSGswith BNCOC credit (all phases), but without ANCOC credit, are promotable to SFCafter they complete ANCOC Phase I. They must start ANCOC Phase I1 (or the next resident phase prescribed by the proponent) within two years after they complete Phase I. They must successfully complete all phases before consideration by a MSG promotion board. (5) SSGswithout BNCOC ANCOC or credit are promotable to SFCafter they complete BNCOC phases) (all and ANCOC Phase I. They must start ANCOC Phase II (or the next resident phase prescribed by the proponent) within two years after they completePhase I. Theymust successfully complete all phases before consideration by a MSG promotion board. SSGs with DORsbefore 1 Oct 92 do not need PLDC BNCOC attend ANCOC. or to (6) SSGswith ANCOC credit are promotable to SFC. (7) SFCs with ANCOC credit (or the USASMC) promotable to MSG. are There is no new training requirement. (8) SFCs without ANCOC credit are promotable to MSG afier they complete ANCOC Phase I. They must start Phase II (or the next resident phase prescribed by the proponent)within two years after they completePhase They must successfully complete all phases before consideration by a SGM promotion board. ~OTE:BNCOC is not a factor.)


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(9) MSGs (this includes ISGs)withANCOCcredit, without USASMC but credit, and who are in fue selection objective of the SGM promotionlist or CSM selection list, are only promotableafter they are enrolled in the USASMC CNGB(NGB-ART-I) follows. This is the only means to enroll in the USASMC. by as (a) For the nonresident course, State AGS(MPMOs only) will submit to CNGB ~GB-ARH-E) Form DA 4187(only the original or copy 1) and its enclosed Statements of Agreement Coordinationper the sample and figure I I-6. Receipt of the NGB endorsement authority to conditionally promotethe soldier to SGM or upon is then assignment to a SGM CSM or position, whichever is later. (b) F~r the resident c~urse~ State AGs (P~TO~n~y) wi~~ submit AATAS app~icati~ns thr~ugh ATRRS CNGB(NGB-ART-I), Action Officer 012. Receipt of Code R (Reserved) on ATRRS authority to conditionally is promotethe soldier then or upon assignmentto a SGM CSM or position, whicheveris later. (c) Title 10 AGR Programsoldiers will submit their forms through their local chains of command directly to CNGB (NGB-ARZ-T)for action by NGB-ARH-E NGB-ART-I. and (d) Submit forms for SGM selectees immediately upon approval of the board results. Submit forms with CSM nominationpackets per paragraph 9-6 of this regulation for CSM nominees. MSGs with USASMC credit are promotable. There is no new training requirement. (10) SGMs (this hwludesCSI~,L~)with DORs before 1 Oct 92 u,ill not attend the USASMC. (1 I) b. The NCOES courses for promotion are the Army standard. Waivers and exceptions to policy are not authorized. Title XI of the National DefenseAuthorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (P.L. 102-484), as amended, provides in -- "Sec. 1114. Noncommissioned Officer Education Reqairements. (a) Nom*,aivability. Any standard prescribed by the Secretao, of the Arn~vestablishh~g a militat T education requ#'ementfor noncommissioned officers that must be met as a requirementJbr promotion to a higher noncommissioned officer grade may be waived only if the SecretatT determines that the waiver is necessa7 in order to presem,e nnit leadership cont#mity under combat T c. All categories of soldiers will complete NCOES courses only in their CPMOS (primary or career progression MOS). (1) Traditionalsoldiers (this term includes MilitaryTechniciaas effective I Dec 93) maycomplete any TATSconfigured or AC-or RC-NCOES course for their ~ade. (2) AGR soldiers will complete only ACor TATS-configured NCOES courses prescribed as their promotion requirement unless otherwise authorized in this para~aph or an exception is granted by CNGB (NGB-ARH-E or NGB-ARM-P).. Effective 1 Apr 95, AGR soldiers may complete either AC- or RC- PLDC.Also, soldiers who enter the AGR programfully qualified in the NCOES their next promotion (for BNCOC ANCOC, for and this requires Phases I and II) will retain their qualification. Thoseselected to enter AGR tours whohave started any portion of their required NCOES course maycomplete it and will be fully qualified. When selected for their next promotions,they must attend the course, and in the manner,prescribed for their grade and duty status (AGR must attend ACcourses.) However, SSGswho completed RC-ANCOC IDT status and entered AGR in status, may be promotedto SFCnnder this position whenselected by a SFCpromotion board in AGR status and assigned to a SFC position. They are then fully NCOES-qualified promotion to MSG for based on that course whenselected by a MSG promotionboard in AGR status and assigned to a MSG (this includes ISG) position. The prior qualification carryover factors in this paragraph whoentered AGR status before 5 October 1992 and were required to complete AC-NCOES courses as a condition of continuation in AGR status, nor to the soldiers whoare Military Technicians discussed in paragraph11-3 If below. (3) SGTsthrough SFCwhodo not have credit for NCOES the current levels as shownin a above when at selected for promotionmust complete a double NCOES training requirement, the first as the prerequisite for the second, whichis the training required for the promotion.This required for all soldiers with dates of rank of 1 October1992and later. Soldiers with dates of rank before that date are considered NCOES-qualified their current in grades for entry to the next higher level NCOES course. (4) Soldiers must start fue next resident phase of their NCOES courses as prescribed by the proponentfor their promotionrequirement within t~vo years after completingPhase I and before tbey maybe considered by promotion boards for their next higher grades. NOTE: basic premise of RC-NCOES The courses is that NCOs complete Phase I and then enter the next resident phase of their NCOES course for their promotionwithin two years at~er completing PhaseI. Thenthey must completeall phases of that course to satisfy the conditions of that promotion,and before consideration for promotion to their next higher gades. The Basic and Advanced NCO courses each comprise two or morephases. A one year waiver maybe authorized per d(1) below. For courses witb three or more phases. specific timelines are set in the course prerequisites by the course proponent. Waivers exceptions to this policy and to allow consideration by promotionboards are not authorized. See also paragraph 11-30.


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d. State AGmayconditionally promote soldiers to SSG, SFC, MSG SGM authorized in (1) through (3) and as below. All other conditional promotions require an exception to policy from CNGB (NGB-ARH-E). paragraph See 11-56efor reduction for failure to fulfill the conditions of the promotion.By accepting these promotions soldiers agree to the conditions of the promotionsand subsequentreduction without board action or appeal for failure to meet these conditions. Unit leaders will monitor course requirements and soldier scheduling, attendance and completion to ensure soldiers meet the standard. (1) Traditional soldiers maybe promotedto SSGafter they complete RC-BNCOC I. After they complete Phase all required phases of their BNCOC, are selected for promotionto SFCby a promotionboard, they maybe and promoted to SFCafter they complete RC-ANCOC I. Traditional SFCs selected by MSG Phase promotion boards maybe promotedto MSG after they complete Phase I of ANCOC the first P, vo weeksof a resident ANCOC). (or These provisions apply to SGTs,SSGsand SFCsin paragraph 11-28a(3), (4), (5) and (8) above. All soldiers start their Phase II NCOES courses (or the next resident phase prescribed by the proponent)within two years after completing Phase t and complete all phases of that level of NCOES course before they maybe considered by the promotionboard for their next higher grades. The first general officer in the chain of command extend this twomay year period up to one year based on extenuating circumstances, and mayadd an additional 12 monthsto the 36 monthsfor a reclassification training requirementincurred following completionof phase I. Thesesoldiers must enter the next resident phase of their NCOES course within 48 monthsafter they complete Phase I and before they maybe considered for promotion the next higher grade. Soldiers will not begin travel to schools until waivers are to approvedand they have the waiver in hand with their orders. (2) All categories of ARNGUS soldiers in the selection objective of the SGM promotion list whoare gruduates of or enrolled in the USASMC paragraph 11-28a(9) above (including CSM per selectees after approval by the (NGB)ARNGUS Selection Board) may be promoted to SGM CSM upon assignment to a SGM CSM or position. Based on their selection by the HQDA (NGB)ARNG Selection Board, CSM CSM nominees will be enrolled in the next available resident or nonresident class of the USASMC CNGB by (NGB-ART-I through NGB-ARH-E) which they must completeas a condition of the promotion. (3) Soldiers in the selection objective of the MSG PromotionList are eligible for assignment, promotionand concurrent appointmentto 1SGin authorized positions. See paragraph5-30d of this regulation. (4) Cite paragraph l l-28c in promotionorders. See paragraph 11-14e(3) for mandatoryremarks to include the orders. e. Recruiting and Retention NCOs (CMF79): (1) Who are SGTsselected for promotion and NCOES training and whodo not have credit for a BNCOC, will attend only RC-BNCOC Phase I. (2) OnAGR status whoare SSGsselected for promotionand training, and whodo not have credit for an ANCOC, will attend AC-ANCOC CMF79 at the NGPEC for NCO Academy. (3) On AGR status whoare SFCwhodo not have credit for ANCOC whoare selected for promotion will and attend AC-ANCOC the NGPEC at NCOAcademy. (4) Who traditional soldi