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Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-17

Filed 07/18/2005

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ANG136-7.,502 25 August 2000 Personnel PROMOTION OF AIR~IEN

This instruction provides guidelines and establishes rules for the promotionof airmen in the Air National Goard (ANG),applies to all ANG enlisted members, and proposed supplements are to be submitted ANG/DP for review. SUMMARY OF RE VISIONS This is the second publication of ANGI 36-2502, and supersedes ANGI36-2502, 15 October 1993. It reorganizes the instraction in a chapter format and updates references to law, instructions, office symbols and AFSCs.Provides clarification under the Deserving Airman Promotion Program, that airmen in retraining status are not eligible for prmnotion under this provision. Incorporates Active Guard/Reserve (AGR)promotioo criteria to include guidance on promotion of category one AGR members. Provides clarification on promotions of recruiters. ChangesTable "Requirements for Promotion," Table 2.1. in this publication, and Notes to accommodate those seeking promotions to SrA whoare attending lengthy formal training and have not had sufficient time or training to upgradeto the appropriate skill level. Modifies Note "Time-in-service computations...," Note 2 in this publication, to include time frames when USAF delayed enlistment pro~amis considered to be creditable service. Changedreqoirements in Table "Supplemental Mandatory Requirements for Deserving Airman Promotions," Table 2.2. in this publication, for MSgtfrom 240 months(20 years ofsatisfactury sen, ice) to 216 months (18 years satisfactory servi~e). The attachment changes grade ceilings to 125%for TSgts and 120%for MSgts. * indicates revision from the previous edition.


l.l.Who MayPromote Airmen. The authority to promote ANG airmen as Reserves of the Air Force is delegated to the State Adjutant General IAW policies and procedures established by this instruction and its supplements. Each State Headquarters must monitor unit promotions to the grades of TSgt through CMSgt (see attachment) to ensure that the State does not exceed the manningpercentages prescribed ANGI 36-2101, Assignments Withh~ the Air National Guard. The authority to promote airmen serving under 10 USC 12310 (Statutory Tour) rests with the Director, ANG maybe further delegated, and conjunction with state approval. I. 1. I. The authority to promote through the grade of TS~maybe delegated to subordinate unit commanders.

Supersedes: ANGI36-2502, 15 October 1993 OPR: ANG/DP(CMSgt R. VanSciver)

Certified by: NGB/CF Pages 10/Distribntion: F


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I. 1.2. Prior to promotion to any grade, the immediatecommander inust first recommend airman. the This recommendation must be based on a period of time sufficient to permit a substantive evaluation of the airman's total performance.An essential part of this evaluation includes the airman's attendance at Unit Training Assemblies (UTA) and annual training. Before recommendingpromotion, the commander must also ensure that the airman's duty performanceand training progress clearly warrant the promotion. In the Noncommissioned Officer ~CO)grades, particular emphasis must be placed on sapervisory and leadership potential as well as previously demonstratedtechnical skills. 1.1.3. Commanders sbould bold ceremonies appropriate to the grade to which the airman has been promoted.Suchactivities will not be conductedprior to the effective date of the promotion.

1.2. Eligibility Factors: 1.2.1. Table 2.1. provides objective criteria that must be satisfied before the airmanis recmmnended for promotion. To assist commanders selecting nominees for promotion, each Adjutant General may in expandthis criteria to provide an additional basis for comparisonand evaluation. 1.2.2. Airmenmaynot be promotedmore than one grade at a time, except if promotedto SS~ to attend a commissioning program or as authorized upon graduation from high school IAWANG1 36-2002, Enlismwnt and Reenlistment in the ANG as a Reserve of the Air Force. and 1.2.3. In each state, promotions ate limited to the grade ceilings specified in ANG136-2101. A promotionthat will cause a state to exceed the grade ceiling is not authorized. Care must be exercised so that promotions under the Deserving AirmanPromotion Program (paragraph 2.2.) do not prevent the promotion of deserving NCOs occupying valid vacancies. A well-conceived and carefully executed force management is essential, if promotionopportunities are to be equitably distributed. plan The individual must possess an awardedPAFSC the appropriate skill level (Table 2.1, at Column B). This requirement does not apply to members assigned to First Sergeant positions, AFSC 8F000. The manninglevels for CMSgtand SMSgt, as defined in ANGI 36-2101, are designed to accommodate individuals who were promoted under the unit vacancy promotion system and whose UMD position grades ~vere later reduced by unit reorganization or other UMD change. 1.2.4. Military duty personnel (Title 32 USC502(0) may not be promoted above tbe maximum Unit Manpower Document Active authorized grade or the military duty grade authorized using the AGFUMilitary Technician Grade Comparability Table in ANGI36-101, TheActive Guard(AGR)/Reserve Prob,'am, Atcb 3. In addition, the State must have an AGR grade ceiling authorization available to accommodate promotions to SMSgt and CMSgt. 1.2.5. ANG1 36-2101 establishes service commitments,which are incurred upon promotion to one of the top three enlisted grades. Airmen promoted to a grade below MSgtdo not incur service commitments. (See Table 2.1., Notes 6 & 7.)

1.3. Conditions WhichMakeAirmenIneligible for Promotion. An airman is not eligible promotioni f he/she:


1.3. I. Falls to meet the weigbt~bodyfat standards prescribed in ANG140-502, Weight and Body Fat The Manc~ement Program.


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1.3.2. Has a medical profile of 4P and is not qualified for worldwideduty. However, members who have been found fit for duty, but non-deployable (DAC are eligible for promotion. 42) 1.3.3. Is not recommended retention by the unit commander. for 1.3.4. Declines in writing to reenlist or extend. 1.3.5. Is an ansatisfactory participant as defined in AF136-3209,Separation m~dReth'ement Procedures ./br Ah" National Gnard and Ah" Force Reserve Members. 1.3.6. Is undergoing administrative demotion action under ANGI 36-2503, Adm#Tistrative Demotion of 1.3.7. Has reqoested voluntary retirement or separation (including joining another military component). 1.3.8. Is in an excess status. Members an excess status maynot be promotedabove the grade of SSgt in 1.3.9. ls being processed or considered for involuntary separation tinder AFI 36-3209.

1.4. Administrative Procedures: 1.4.1. Unit commanders will forward tbeir recommendation through their servicing ~ilitary Personnel Flight (MPF) tile promotionauthority. This allows sufficient lead-time for administrative processing to for prmnotion recommendation. 1.4.2. Promotions are annoonced via AFForm 2096, Classification~On-The-Job Training Action, or composed special orders published by tile MPF other orders issuing authority. or 1.4.3. Tile effective date of promotionis the date of the promotion order or AFForm2096. 1.4.4. The date of rank (DOR) an airman promotedto a grade not previously held is the effective date of of tbe promotion. 1.4.5. The DOR airmen previously demotedas a result of a voluntary change of assignment will be of adjusted upon promotion to give credit for previous time satisfactorily served in that grade. For example, a prior MSgtwhovoluntarily accepted demotion to SSgt wouldhave his or her date of rank adjusted to give credit for previous time upon promotion again to TSgt and MSgt. 1.4.6. Promotion orders authorized by a commander without promotion aotbority or for a memberwho is later found to be ineligible for tbe promotionwill be revoked only upon specific approval by the Adjutant General. In such cases, determination must be madethat the facts clearly and unmistakably showthe original promotion order was without basis of authority. The revocation order will be wordedas follows:

Paragraph __, Special Order , tiffs headquarters, dated __, purporting to promote (name and service number of the airman concerned) has been determined by the Adjutant General of(State/Territory) to be without original basis of authority, is noll and void, and is herebyrevoked.


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1.4.7. Administrative procedures for effecting the promotion of ANG airmen will be as prescribed by the Adjutant General. As a minimum, these procedures will include verification of eligibility by the servicing MPF,review of Unit Personnel Management Roster (UPMR) identify positions being to downgraded deleted, and verification of adjusted effective manningpercentage as prescribed in the or attachment. Promotion records will be maintained in accordance with AFMAN 37-139, Records Disposition Schedule. 1.4.8. Promotionsare effective on a stated date (usually the date of the promotion order or AFForm 2096) and maynot be retroactively granted. Every caution must be taken to prevent administrative errors. If an error/oversight occars, the only meansavailabIe to correct the effective date of the promotion is an appeal to the USAF Board for Correction of Military Records (per AF136-2603).


ANGPromotion Programs

2.l. Unit VacancyPromotion. A unit vacancy must exist in the specific AFSC the grade to which in promotion is contemplated, and the individual must be the sole occupant of that valid manpower position. For the purpose of this instruction, a unit vacancyis a personnel assignmentcondition in which the total numberof valid manpower positions in a unit (by AFSC grade) does not exceed the number and personnel assigned to a unit in the same AFSC grade (to include overgrade assignments in a higher and grade in the same AFSC).

2.2. Deserving Airman Promotion Program. Qualified deserving airmen may be promoted to MSgt or TSgt without regard to position vacancy. However,promotions resulting from this programmust be within the manningconstraints of ANGI 36-2101. Only airmen whohave demonstrated their potential to perform in the bigber grade based on criteria outlined in Chapter I maybe promoted. A deserving airman promotionis not a reward for past service, nor is it autborized solely due to an airman's attainment of the minimum eligibility requirements. The limited numberof opportunities available under this programrequires each commander objectively evaluate and rank order all nomineesso that only to truly deserving airmen are promoted. All of the following non-waiverable criteria must be met: 2.2. I. The airman must be the sole occupant ofa UMD position with an authorized grade identical to their current grade (e.g., a TSgt being considered for deserving airman promotion to MS~ ~nust be the sole occupant of the TSgt position). Uponpromotion, the airman must be assigned to the first available position that will resolve the overgradestatus. 2.2.2. The airman must be fully quaIified in the DAFSC which assigned. to 2.2.3. The promotion must not result in tbe airman becomingsenior in grade to their immediate supervisor. 2.2.4. The airman must meet tbe requirements listed in Table 2.2. in addition to those in Table 2.1. *2.2.5. Airman retraining status are ineligible for promotionunder this program. in


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ANG136-2502 25 August



"2,3. AGR Deserving Airman Promotion Program Criteria. "2.3.1. The AGR membersmust meet the minimum deserving airman promotion program criteria. *2.3.2. Airmenpromoted to MSgtmust have a minimum 18 years of total active federat military of service (TAFMS). *2.3.3. Airmenpromoted to MSgtwill be overgrade for a period not to exceed 24 months from the date of promotion. At the end of this 24-monthperiod, they must be reassigned to both a full-time and military position commensurate with their grade. Exceptions or waivers to tbis will not be considered. *2.3.4. Airmen promoted to TSgt must have minimumof 12 years of TAFMS. *2.3.5. AGR personnel whoare unable to be reassigned to both a full-time and military position commensurate with their grade, are either voluntarily demotedor separation/retirement action will be required. Exceptions or waivers will not be considered.

2.4. Officer Training ProgramPromotions. 2.4.1. Airmenaccepted for the Academy Military Science (AMS) the initial Flight Training (IFT) of or will be promoted to SSgt without regard to Table 2.l. requirements or UMD authorization. Such promotion will be effected 15 days before class entry date. An airman whois not commissionedwill be demoted to their previonsly held grade concurrent with termination of student status IAW ANGI 362503. 2.4.2. Airmenentering the AFROTC Professional Officer Course (POC)phase of training in the junior year of college will be promotedto SSgt effective on the date of their enrollment in POC.An airman who is disenrolled from the AFROTC be demotedas in 2.4.1. will

2.5. Retraining PromotionProgram.An airman who is retraining their currently held PAFSC, subject to the following:

may be promoted on the basis of

2.5.1. The airman must be fully qualified for retraining and be accepted by the unit commander a into valid vacant UMD position and the airman must be the sole occupant of the position. In addition, the overall unit manningin the Air Force Specialty into which retraining, must not exceed I00 percent, including the airman. 2.5.2. The airman must sign the following statement that will be attached to the commander's promotion recommendation.A copy of the statement must be furnished for OJTand personnel records.

1 acknowledge that 1 must qualify for awardof the AFSC skill level ~vhich is necessary to support mygrade in the career field into whichI amretraining, lfI fail to qualify for award of the AFSC ~vithin the time limits established by the commander, will be I demotedto mypreviously held grade.

2.5.3. Airmen promotedunder this provision will retain the grade if, for reasons beyondtheir control, (e.g., trait reorganization or conversion) the AFSC which tbey have retrained is deleted. If an airman into voluntarily leaves the AFSC which being retrained, is reassigned by a commander performance in for related reasons, or is separated before attaining the required grade/skill relationship; the member will be demoted to the previously held grade in accordance with ANG136-2503.

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2.6. Promotion to CMSgtand SMSgt. NCOswill not be promoted to CMSgtor SMSgtunless assigned to a position in which a valid unit vacancy exists, with the following exception. Commanders mayassign and prmnote replacements for traditional guard members full-time personnel up to 24 and monthsprior to separation under the following conditions: 2.6.1. This policy applies only to E-8/E-9 positions and the original incumbentmust hold the requisite grade. 2.6.2. The original incumbent will becomeexcess immediately upon the assignment of the replacement; the len~h of excess condition will be established by the commander will not exceed 24 montbs. but 2.6.3. The excess membermaynot be a full-time employee(tbe replacement maybe). 2.6.4. Promotion of the replacement to SMSgtor CMSgt authorized provided the member is meets all other criteria for promotionand tbe promotionwill not cause the state to exceed 100% that grade. in 2.6.5. The excess member must acknowledge,in writing, that the excess condition is lbnited to 24 months and that further retention is contingent upon assignment to a vacant position commensurate with his or her grade. 2.6.6. Entry and update of excess codes will be managedby ANG/DP conjunction with review of the in statement of understanding provided by the excess member promotion eligibility of the replacement. and Requests for update should be forwarded to ANG/DP ~vitb the signed statement of understanding and the replacement member's name and SSAN. 2.6.7. States are to maintain CMSgt SMSgtmanninglevels at or below the authorized grade ceiling and regardless oftbe assignment status of personnel in tbese grades.

2.7. Recruiter Promotion Criteria. 2.7.1. Becauseoftbe various ranks eligible to serve in Special Duty Identifier (SDI) 8R000,it is possible to promote a recruiter witbout regard to tbe PAFSC skill level, from SSgt to TSgt or above, while they are assigned to tbe SD1. *2.7.2. The member'sanit commander wbicb recommendsthe recruiter for promotion to TSgt, MSgt, SMSgt, will certify that tbe member 7-skill level (9 level in the case of SMSgt) is equivalent qualified the SDI. Completion ofSR000 CFETP applicable STS will serve as certifying documents for and member's skill level. 2.7.3. Future assignment actions regarding a recraiter, or former recruiter promotedunder these circumstances, should not binder promotion opportunities. 2.7.4. Once reassigned, the promotability of the member be considered under the Retraining may Promotion Program outlined in paragraph 2.5.


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ANGI 36-2502

25 August



*Table 2.1.

Requirements A

for Promotion. B C REQUIRED PAFSC (NoteI) TIS OF AT LEAST (Note2)

D TIG OF AT LEAST (Notes and4)






1 2 3 4

E-2 (AMN) (Note 4) E-3 (A IC) (Note 4) E-4 (SrA) E-5 (SSgt)

3-skill level 3-skill level 3-skill level 5-skill level (or 3-level whenno level existsin file AFS) (Note 4) 48 months (4 years) 6 months

6 monfl~s (Note 4) BMT (Note 4)

None None None None

5 6

E-6 (TSgt) E-7 (MSgt)

7-skill level 7-skill level

7 8

E-8 (SMSgt) E-9 (CMSgt)

7-skill level 9-skill level

72 months (6 years) 108 months 24 months Mandatory: (9 years) In residence NCO Academy by ECI or Course 6 156 mondls 24 mond~s Mandatory: In residence (13 years) 204 months 24 months Sr NCOA by ECI or Course5 or 8 ( 17),ears)

Mandatory: NOlle AirmanLeadership School by correspondence in or residence. (13~e NCO PreparatoryCourseor NCO Leadership Schoolmeetsthis PME requirement) 24 months None None AGR 24 months All others 12 months 24 mollths


I. Before being recommended for promotion, the airman must hold a PAFSCat tbe skill level appropriate for the grade to wbicb being promoted. The only exceptions are as follows: I.I. AFI 36-2113, The First Sergeant, limits First Sergeant assignments to MSgt and above or MSgt selectees. TSgts selected as First Sergeants will be protnoted to MS~nnder the provisions ofparagrapb 2.5., Retraining Promotion Program, before attending the First Sergeant Academy. They must attend and successfully complete the First Sergeant Academy within one year of appointment as First Sergeant. Failure to meet this requirement will result in demotion IAWANGI36-2503.


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ANGI 36-2502


1.2. The Adjutant General maygrant a grade/skill level waiver for an Amn,AIC, or SrA whenall requirements for award of an AFSC have been met, with the exception of the appropriate security clearance. The necessary request for an investigation must have been initiated at the Defense Investigative Agency(DIA), as evidenced by the appropriate AutomatedSecurity Clearance Accounting System notice. *2. Time-in-service computations for all promotions will be based on satisfactory years of service for retirement. This mayinclude active duty, active duty enlisted service in a reserve component,or inactive duty in a reserve component. Inactive service in a regular component(USAF delayed enlistment program)is creditable service during the following periods, anything prior to I Jan 85, and anything after 31 Dec 92 is creditable. Periods of service in the USAF delayed enlistment programfrom 1 Jan 85 thru 31 Dec 92 is not creditable service. Service in a commissioned warrant officer status will not be used or to satisfy this requirement for promotion to SMSgtand CMS~. Promotion to these grades requires eight years and ten years, respectively, of cumulative, satisfactory enlisted service (TEMSD) addition in total TIS requirements (37 USC 201(e), 38 Comptroller General 598). 3. Only satisfactory years of service for retirement maybe used to meet time-in-grade requirements. Time-io-grade requirements for airmen whohave been demoted will be computed from the date of rank established at the time of demotion. *4. Computeall time-in-grade from date of entry on Initial Active Duty Training (IADT). An ANG unit commandermay promote an ANG airman on IADTthrough the grade of AlC without a 3-level AFSC. Additionally, A 1C assigned to a specialty requiring len~hy formal training and whohave not had sufficient time or training to upgradeto the appropriate skill level due to the length of the formal school, maybe promotedwithout a 3-level AFSC.Furthermore, the individual's military and scholastic records must be satisfactory. A lengthy formal school is defined as technical training that is in excess of 139 days. 5. Relationship between Air Force Enlisted PME and other PME.

5.1. Before 1970, MAJCOMS given the authority to award PME were credit to graduates of certain other services schools. The MAJCOM to ensure that the course met Air Force content and length was staodards. PME credit awardedfor other service resident schools before 1970 is valid and should be retained in member'srecords. 5.2. Since 1970, PME credit is authorized only for graduation from a certified Air Force NCO Preparatory course, Airman Leadership School or NCO Academy. 5.3. Senior NCOswho complete the USArmySergeants Major Academyor the US Navy Senior Enlisted Academy credited with completion of senior level enlisted PME. are 5.4. Enlisted personnel whowere formerly officers are not exempt from any enlisted PME course. 6.On prmnotion to CMSgt,SMSgt, or MSgt, membersincur a service commitmentas prescribed in ANGI36-2101. Extend the member's enlistment IAWANG136-2002. This action will coincide with the efI~ctive date of promotion. Members, are unable to extend for the required period of time, or who refuse to extend for any reason, are disqualified for promotion. 7.If the member on AGR is status, see ANGI I01 for further guidance. 36-


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ANG1 36-2502 25 August 2000


*Table 2.2. SUPPLEMENTAL MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS DESERVING FOR AIRMAN PROMOTIONS. The minimum in service is time and the minimum current ANG For promotion the grade of to serviceis TSgt MSgt NOTE: The term "satisfactory year" meansa year in which the airman has earned a minimum 50 points to of qoalify as a satisfactory year for retirement. 144months satisfactory years) (12 216months 8 satisfactory years) (I 24 months 36 months

PAUL A. WEAVER, JR. Major General, USAF Director, Air National Guard OFFICIAL DEBORAH GILMORE Cbief Support Services

Attachment Instructions for Computing Top Four NCO Promotion Opportunities


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10 Attachment INSTRUCTIONS

ANGI 36-2502



Use the follmving matrix to computethe promotion opportunities for your State. The authorized/assigned figures below are for exampleonly and simply demonstrate the arithmetic process. Replace these figures with current authorized/assigned strengths by grade in your State, including all overgrades and excesses.

*Table. Sample Matrix for State, GRADE AUTHORIZED ASSIGNED CMSgt SMSgt 10(a) 15(c) 8(b) 18(d)

ALLOWABLE % (ANG136-2101) 110 110

ADJUSTED EFFECTIVE MANNING PERCENTAGES 80% dividedby a) {b 104% o f b+d total (26) divided total ofa+c (25) 112% total of b+d+f (56) divided total ofa+c+e (50) 124% of total b+d+f+h+( l 12) divided total of by a+c+e+g (90)









To determine if the State in this examplecan promote a member MS~,divide the total number to assigned in grades MSgt, SMSgt, and CMSgt the total authorized in grades MSgt, SMSgt, and CMSgt. by In the above example, 56 divided by 50 equals 112%.Since this is below the 120%maximum allowable for MSgt, this member may be promoted. To determine if this State can promote a memberto TSgt, we total the authorized and assigned figures for TSgt through CMS~ then divide tbe total assigned (I 12) and by the total authorized (90). The adjusted effective manningpercentage is 124%.Since this is below the 125% maximum allowable for TSgt, this membermay be promoted. These pementages must be recmnputed with each promotion or demotion, each change in assigned strength, and each change in authorized strength.


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COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS NOTICE: This publication is available digitally http://www.e-p ublis


on the AFDPO site at: WWW

OPR: ANG/DPFOO (Ivlaj M. Law) Supersedes NGRAF 36-4, 1 February 1992


by: ANGRC/CV Col S. Wassermann) (Lt Pages: 44 Distribution: F

This instruction prescribes policies and eligibility requirements for Federal recognition of officer promotions in the Air National Guard(ANG) as a Reserve of the Air Force belowthe grade of brigadier genand eral. It implements appropriate provisions of Title 10 and 32 United States Code (USC), Tbe Reserve Officer Personnel ManagementAct (ROPMA), and AFI 36-2504, Officer P~vmotion, Conth~uation and Selective Early Remm,alin the Resem~e the Ah" Fo~ve, as applicable to the ANG. qf Requests for changes to this instruction must be sent to ANG, Directorate of Diversity, Personnel, and Training (ANG/DP), 1411 Jefferson Davis Highway,Arlington, VA, 22202-3231.Copies of state supplements to this instruction must be provided to ANG/DR SUII,I3'IARY OF REVISIONS

This instruction is a complete revision ofNGR (AF) 36-4, and incorporates significant statutory changes as a resnlt of ROPMA, well as policy changes directed by the Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB), as in order to enhance officer promotion processes for members the ANG. of This revision establishes Date of Rank as tbe statutory terminology synonymotis with Promotion Service Date, Effective Date of Rank as synonymous xvitb Promotion Effective Date, voluntary and involuntary promotion delay process, Certificate of Eligibility process for promotion the rank of colonel, Time-in-Grade the sole years of serto as vice indicator for mandatory Reserve Officer Promotion Board (ROPB) promotions, automated promotion requests, and Squadron Officer School in-residence professional military education (PME) equivalents. Abolishes Total Years Service Date as a mandatoryeligibility requirement for mandatory ROPB.Tbis documentis substantially revised and must be completely reviewed Chapter 1--GENERAL INFORMATION/POLICY 4 4 4

1.1. Promotion Program Objectives .................................................................................. 1.2. Promotion ..................................................................................................... Policies


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ANGI36-2504 28 JULY 2004 1.3. Promotion Recognition .............................................................................................. 5 6 6 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 II 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 20 20 20 20 20 21 21

Chapter 2.1. 2.2. Table 2.1. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. Chapter 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Table 3.1. Table 3.2. Table 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. Chapter 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6.

2--MANDATORY PROMOTION Promotion to FirstLieutenant .................................................................................... Promotion Captain,Major, Lieutenant to or Colonel: ............................................... Promotion ..................................................................................................... Service Actions Selection Promotion Upon for ...................................................................... Promotion ........................................................................................................ Dates Failure Selection Promotion of for ............................................................................ Voluntary of Promotion Delay .................................................................................. Involuntary Promotion .................................................................................... Delay Overgrade Promotion Processing .............................................................................. 3--POSITION VACANCYPROMOTION

General ....................................................................................................................... Position Vacancy Determination ............................................................................... Eligibility Requirements ............................................................................................ Required Officer Performance .................................................................... Reports Professional Military Education Promotion for ........................................................ Promotion ..................................................................................................... Service Promotion Effective ......................................................................................... Dates Position Vacancy PromotionColonel to .................................................................... Certificateof Eligibility (COE) Promotion Colonel for to ........................................ 4~FEDERAL RECOGNITION General ....................................................................................................................... Promotionas a Result of MandatoryConsideration for Promotion to First Lieutenant .................................................................................................................. Promotions Colonel Below ........................................................................................ Required Documents .................................................................................................. Promotion Propriety Actions ..................................................................................... Automated Promotion Request System .....................................................................


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ANGI36-2504 28 dULY2004 Chapter 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. Attachment Attachment 5--PROMOTION OFFICERS AND FEDERAL RECOGNITION OF STATUTORY TOUR

22 22 22 22 24

General ....................................................................................................................... Position Vacancy Promotion ..................................................................................... Promotionas a Result of Reserve Officer PromotionBoardConsideration ............. 1--GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION 2~NOTIFICATION TO ONCE FAILED OF SELECTION FOR PROMOTION OFFICER 3--NOTIFICATION TO TWICE FAILED OF SELECTION FOR PROMOTION OFFICER 4--NOTIFICATION 5--INFORMING OF SELECTION FOR PROMOTION LETTER EMPLOYER OF MEMBER'S PROMOTION SELECTION



31 33 34

Attachment Attachment Attachment




37 40 41

Attachment Attachment Attachment

42 44



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ANGI36-2504 28 JULY 2004

1.1. Promotion ProgramObjectives. A promotion is not a reward for past performance or years of service. Onlythose officers whoclearly showpotential for increased responsibility, should be promoted.Specific promotionprogramobjectives are to: 1. I. 1. Promote officers through a fair and equitable selection systemthat will saris6, the needs of the ANG a viable officer force. for 1.1.2. Provide the necessarycareer incentive to attract and maintain a high quality officer force. 1.1.3. Provide reasonably stable, consistent, and visible career progression patterns for ANG officers. 1.l.4. Maintain the proper balance between raandatory and position vacancy promotions that clearly identifies the position vacancypromotees officers with potential above that of his/her peers. as 1.2. PromotionPolicies, This instruction is applicable to all ANG officers regardless of status (traditional, technician, military duty, and statutory tour). 1.2.1. The promotionof officers in the ANG a function of the State, as distinguished from Federal is recognition of such promotions in accordance with (IAW) NGR (AF) 36-3, Federal Recognition Boards./br Appointment or P~vmotionsin the Air National Guardbelow General Officer. 1.2.2. Federal recognition of a promotionwill be at the discretion of the CNGB, acting for the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF). Federal recognition is extended upon receipt of an order announcingFederal recognition. Anofficer will not wearthe insignia of a higher grade prior to Federal recognition. 1.2.3. A lieutenant colonel failing to be recommended promotion to colonel by the ANG for Colonel ReviewBoard will not be recommended again for promotion to colonel against a position vacancy for at least nine monthsafter the date of notification from the Director, Air National Gtxard (NGB/CF). 1.2.4. An officer will be promotedas a Reserve of the Air Force effective on the date uponwhichFederal recognition in the higher grade is extended. 1.2.5. The results of a Federal Recognition ExaminationBoardare good for only 60 days. If Federal recognition has not been requested by the Adjutant General within 60 days of a Federal Recognition Examination Board, then a new board must be convened. Nominations returned without action by ANG/DP any reason (e.g., a waiver request was denied, eligibility criteria not met) cannot for resubmitted without a new Federal Recognition Examination Board. 1.2.6. PosthumousPromotions. A posthumous promotion may be extended provided the memberwas on active duty or in a training status at the time of death and was either on a recommended for list ROPB promotion, or previously recommended position vacancy promotion by a Federal Recognifor tion Exaraination Board. The immediate commander submits the reqnest for posthumous promotion through the Military Personnel Flight (MPF)and State headquarters to ANG/DP. (NOTE:A posthumous promotion must be processed as soon as possible after death. Iramediate telephone contact from the State Headquarters with ANG/DP desirable.) is


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5 The request nmst include the date of death, the circumstances of death, and a statement that the commander not initiated and did not plan to initiate a promotion propriety action had against the officer. ANG/DP processes the promotion order. No financial benefits accrue as a resnlt ofa posthomous promotion. The effective date of promotionwill be the day of death. 1.3. PromotionRecognition. Appropriate recognition of an officer upon promotionis an integral part of military customsand traditions. It signifies leadership's faith in the officer's loyalty, integrity, andprofessionalism. Additionally, such recognition serves to remind the officer of increased responsibilities required from advancement. 1.3.1. Promotion Ceremonies. Appropriate ceremonies to pnblicly recognize the importance of promotions are highly encouraged. Such ceremonieswill not be held prior to the effective date of promotion. EXCEPTION: Promotion pin-on ceremonies may be held on the last duty day before the effective date of promotionif the effective date falls on a non-dutyday. The officer being recognized is to be advised that although the pin-on ceremony being held early, the promotiondoes not affect is the member's pay. seniority, or entitlements. Promotionpropriety actions maybe initiated subsequent to the early pin-on ceremonybut before the effective date of promotion. Promotion ceremonies mnst not be held prior to Federal Recognition being extended by ANG/DR 1.3.2. It is recommended following be read during the ceremony: the "ATTENTION ORDERS.SPECIAL ORDER TO (Nomber of Federal Recognition Order), DATED(Date of Order). THE PRESIDENTOF THE ~ITED STATES, ACTING UPONTHE RECOMMENDATION THE CHIEF, NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU, AND THE OF SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE HAS PLACED SPECIAL TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN THE PATRIOTISM,INTEGRITY ANDABILITIES OF (Current Grade and Name). VIEW OF THE SPECIAL QUALITIES AND HIS/HER DEMONSTRATED POTENTIAL TO SERVEIN THE HIGHERGRADE(Current Grade and Name) IS PROMOTED AND FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED THE PERMANENT IN GRADEOF (New Grade), (State) NATIONAL GUARD, EFFECTIVE (Effective Date Specified in Federal Recognition Order). BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARYOF THE AIR FORCE." 1.3.3. Oath of Office. Althoaghnot required by law, restating the Oath of Office provides the officer an opportunity to express his/her commitment professionalism and officer-ship. Each officer should to be given the opportunity to restate the Oath of Office using NGB 337, Oaths of Office, prepared to reflect the new grade. NGB forms execnted for this reason will be filed in the Unit Personnel 337 Records Group (UPRG).Individuals promoted in the ANG take the oath before an officer of any may componentof an ArmedForce of the United States (includes Reserve components), whether on active service or retired.

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2.1. Promotionto First Lieutenant. A second lieutenant must be promoted to first lientenant on the date whentwo years of promotion service is completed, or the officer must be found Not Qualified for Promotion (NQP). NQPrequest must be processed IAWAFI 36-2504, Chapter 7. A finding of NQP approved by the SAFmust be accomplished prior to separation/discharge of the officer. An officer prorooted to first lieutenant maybe extended Federal recognition without examination by a Federal Recognition Examination Board. 2.1 .I. Prior to the date on whichthe officer reaches two years service, the unit commander informs the officer of the NQPrecommendationin writing and places the member a six-month probation on period. If the officer is found qualified for promotionduring, or at the completion of the probation period, the officer will be promoted. 2.1.2. At the end of the six-month probation period, the unit commander the following options: has 2.1.2.I. Promote officer to first lieutenant, if not promoted the earlier. Request, through command channels, SAFapproval to extend the probation period lAW AFI 36-2504, Chapter 7. 2.l.2.3. Request SAFapproval to separate the officer for being NQPlAW AFI 36-2504, Chapter 7. Refer to AFI 36-3209, Separation Proce&tres for Air National Guardand Air Force Reserve Office~w for guidanceon howto separate such officers. 2.2. Promotionto Captain, Major, or Lieutenant Colonel: 2.2.1. Each ANG first lieutenant, captain, and major, if not promotedtinder the provisions of position vacancy promotion, will be considered for promotion by a ROPB convened at Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center (HQARPC).If recommended the board, the officer will be promoted by a Reserve of the Air Force upon completing the following years of promotion smwice: Table 2.1. PromotionService l T E M A For Promotion to: B Mandatory Promotion Years in Grade (Date of Ranl0 Three years Seven years Seven years



Lieutenant Colonel

2.2.2. ROPB dates and promotioneligibility criteria are released well in advanceof board convening dates. Approximately five months before each board, HQARPC shoold notify ANG MPFsvia Promotion Recommendation In-board Support Management and (PRISM),of eligible officers to be considered by that board as identified by information in the Military Personnel Data System(MILPDS) the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC).Uponreceipt of the board criteria, MPFs will:


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7 Request an Officer Pre-selection Brief (OPB). If not received within 90 days of the board convening date, the MPF will request a Records Review, Report on Individual Personnel (RIP) from the MILPDS. eligible officer must be advised that it is his/her responsibility to ensure Each the data on the OPB RIP is correct. If an officer has been reassigned, the MPF or will forward the OPBto the members gaining MPF. Conduct record's review with each eligible officer whenpossible. Ifa record's review is a not possible, forward tbe OPB Record's ReviewRIP to the officer and request it be reviewed, or updated if needed, and returned to the MPF with supporting documentation(establish a suspense date that will permit processing of required updates). The MPF must ensure corrections are updated in MILPDS prior to the HQARPC suspense date for inclusion in the records reviewed by the ROPB.When this is not possible, MPFs must advise HQARPC, Promotion Board Secretariat (HQ ARPC/DPBB) message, with copy to State Headquarters and ANG/DR all data updated by of after the suspense date. Einpbasis must be placed on fov~varding documentsto HQARPC perto mit filing in the member's selection folder prior to the ROPB conveningdate. Informthe officer that a letter maybe sent to the board (see Paragraph2.2.3.). Require commanders review the eligibility list received from PRISM to through State Headquartersand certify each officer is qualified for promotionor initiate appropriate promotion propriety action lAWAFI 36-2504. (NOTE:Once ANG/DP suspense date is passed, an officer cannot be considered for position vacancypromotionto tbat grade until after the ROPB results are published. Refer to paragraph 3.3.1.) Provide ANG/DP, through State Headquarters, a certified listing of eligible officers for each board by the suspense date established in the forwarding letter from ANG/DR Failure to return the list by the suspense date established by ANG/DP constitutes an automatic certification of the list. ANG/DP provide HQARPC, will Reserve oftbe Air Force Selection Board Secretariat (HQARPC/DPB) consolidated list of all ANGUS a officers (captain through lieutenant colonel) eligible/ineligible for promotionboard consideration. 2.2.3. Officers eligible for promotion or continuation consideration maysend a written communication to the board calling attention to any matter concerning themselves that the officer considers important to the officer's case. Tile officer must send the written communication HQARPC, to Promotion Eligibility Division (HQ ARPC/DPBA). Letters must have original signatures. HQARPC/ DPBA will not accept FAX copies for presentation to the board. The officer submitting the letter must be able to support any statements madein the letter. The officer must sign the letter and place his/her Social Security Number (SSN)below the signature to ensurefiling tile letter in the correct selection folder. Letters should arrive at least 30 days before the board convenes. Letters must arrive no later than 0800 the day the board convenes, for consideration by the board. HQARPC/DPBA destroys letters after the board adjourns. An officer whorequests tbe letter be returned must provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The board will not consider letters written by others on behalf of the officer. Letters maynot contain any attachments, criticize any officer, or reflect on the character; conduct, or motives of any officer. Donot attach anything that maybecome is already a part of or


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ANGI36-2504 28 JULY 2004 the officer's record (such as any Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF), Officer Performance Reports (OPR), or decoration narratives). 2.2.4. Notification Procedures: HQARPC will provide listings of officers recommended for, or failed of selection for promotion to each MPF via PRISM,which will in-tuna furnish unit commanders with the names of officers selected and/or not selected for promotionon the public release date established by HQ ARPC. Officers must not be informed of their status (selection/non-selection) until the public release date. Onthat day, the immediatecommander their designee will personally notify officor ers of the board results. MPFs will ensare commanders aware that they maydelay a promotion are or removean individual from a recommended list IA~VAFI 36-2504, Chapter 7. Written notification will be providedto officers failed of selection for promotion. Attachment2 is a letter format for notifying officers whohave failed of selection for promotionfor the first time. Attachment is a letter format for notifying t~vice failed promotion 3 selection officers. These letters will be prepared by the servicing MPF.The following procedures apply: The information contained in the HQARPC listing referenced in paragraph, is "FOROFFICIAL ONLY" may be seen only by individuals responsible for adminUSE and istrative processing actions. The informationwill not be released until the public release dates provided by PRISM. MPFs will review PRISM determine if any officers assigned to their organization to were failed of selection for promotion. They will prepare the appropriate letter (Attachment 2. or Attachment3) for each identified officer IAW following: the The letter will be typed on wing/wingequivaleat organizational letterhead. The wing/wingeqaivalent commander will sign the letter. Officers having failed selection for promotionwill acknowledge receipt of the notification letter in writing. This acknowledgment be filed in the officer's Unit Personnel will Records Group at the MPF. As soonas practical after the public release date of the list, the letter will be sent or provided to the officer failed of selection for promotion by his/her immediatecommander desigor nee. 2.2.5. The sample letters in Attachment 4 and Attachment 5, maybe used at the Adjutant General's optioa to recognize a promotedmember his/her employer. Each letter should be tailored to supand port recognition of the achievementand appreciation for the employer's support. Letters to employers should be forwarded only with the coacurrence of the promotedofficer. The Adjutant General or his designated representative must sign the letter. This authority cannot be delegated below the Wingor GroupCommander. With some modification, similar letters maybe used for position vacancy promotioa recognition.

2.3. Actions UponSelection for Promotion. 2.3.1. Request Federal recognition IA\VChapter 4 of this instruction.


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2.3.2. To be eligible for continued Federal recognition as a member the ANG, officer placed on of an a recommended list by tbe ROPB must be promotedin the ANG his/her state to tbe bigher grade for of which recommended effective no later than the date established on the recommended list. 2.3.3. Tedmicianofficers, whoare selected for a mandatorypromotionto a grade that exceeds tbeir UMDG authorized grade may be retained IAWANGI 36-2101, Assigmnents withh7 the Ah" National Guard. Table 4.2. 2.3.4. Anofficer selected for a Reserve of the Air Force promotionis considered to have accepted it on the effective date unless he/she expressly declines or is granted a voluntary delay of promotion IAW 36-2504, Chapter 8, or is involuntarily delayed under provisions of paragraph 2.7., of this AFI instruction. 2.3.5. Promotion Effective Dates for mandatory promotions will consummate tbe anniversary of on the date of rank (DOR) the fiscal year following tbe fiscal year in whichthe board was conducted, in provided the state complies with instructions provided in Chapter 4 of this instruction. Exceptions: States mayprocess position vacancypromotionsprior to the projected effective date; or, granted untary promotiondelay; or, individual is subjected to invohmtarypromotiondelay. 2.4. Promotion Dates. Statutory Tour Officers and Military Duty Personnel wbo are promoted subsequent to periods of involuntmTdelay will be granted a retroactive DOR the original projected promoto tion effective date, but will not be entitled to retroactive pay IAW 36-2504, Officer P~vmotion, AFI Contimmtionand Selective Early Removalin the Reserve of the Air Force. 2.5. Failure of Selection for Promotion. 2.5.1. OnceFailed. An officer on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL),in a grade below lieutenant colonel, in or above the promotionzone established for that officer's grade and competitive category, is considered once failed of selection for promotionif this is the first mandatory consideration and the officer: Is not recommended promotion by the ROPB for Declines a promotionfor which selected 2.5.2. %viceFailed. Anofficer on the RASL, a grade belowlieutenant colonel, in or above the proin motionzone established for tbat officer's grade and competitive category, is considered twice failed of selection for promotionif any of the following applies: 2.5.2. I. The officer is considered but not recommended promotiona second time by a mandafor tory promotion board or a Special Selection Board (SSB) in place of a second mandatoryboard. The officer declines a promotion whenrecommended a mandatory promotion board or by SSB, after previously failing selection or previously declining a promotion. The President removedthe officer's namefrmn the report, or the Secretary of Defense removed tbe namefrom a promotion list after recommendationby a mandatory promotion board or by a SSBand: The officer is not recommended promotion by the next mandatory promotion for board or SSBor

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ANGI36-2504 28 JULY 2004 The President again removesthe officer's namefrom the report or the Secretary of Defense removesthe namefrom the list. 2.5.3. Effect of Twice Failiag Promotion to Captain, Major, or Lieutenant Colonel. ANG State Headquarters separates and reassigns t~vice-deferred officers according to AFI36-3209. A first lieutenant, twice deferred for promotionto captain, will be separated from the ANG later than the first day of the seventh monthafter the monththe President approved the aot board report of the board that considered the officer for the second time. A captain, twice deferred for promotionto major and not in a continued status, will be separated from the ANG later than the first day of the seventh monthafter the monththe Presnot ident approvedthe board report of the board that considered the officer for the second time. A major, twice deferred for promotionto lieutenant colonel and not in a continued stares, will be removedfrom the RASL the first day of the monthafter the monththe officer completes on 20 years of commissioned service or if the officer already has 20 years of commissioned service, the officer will be separated from the ANG later than the first day of the seventh monthafter not the monthin whichthe President approvedthe board report of the board that coasidered tbe officer for the second time. Officers, whoon the date prescribed for reassignment, separation, or transfer from an active status, as required above, are entitled to be credited with at least 18 but less than 20 years of satisfactory service for Reserve retirement, will not be involontarily reassigned, separated, or transferred from an active status before meeting the requiremeats specified in Title 10 USC,Section 12646. Officers who,on the date prescribed for release from active duty (other than for training) as required above, are entitled to be credited with at least 18 but less than 20 years of active duty for retirement, will not be involuntarily released from active duty (other than for training) before becoming eligible for an active duty retirement, or as otherwise specified in Title 10 USC, Section 12686.

2.6. Voluntary Delay of Promotion. Due to circumstances beyond an officer's control, tile officer may be unable to accept a promotionlAW 36-2504, Chapter 8. An officer mayapply for a voluntary delay AFI of promotionin one-year increments for a total of tbree years from the officer's original DOR. Each one year delay requires separate action and approval. An officer must apply for the voluntary delay of promotion before a delay maybe approved. The application must be approved through the appropriate channels betbre the Date of Raak. The officer must complete aa AFIMT3988, Application for Voluntary Delay, Acceptance, or Declination of Promotion, and submit to unit commander.The unit commander will forward the form through command channels to the State Adjutant General for approval. SAFdelegates the authority to CNGB, who, in turn, delegates it to the Adjutant Generals (TAGs).State headquarters must forward the approved application to ANG/DP update of the MILPDS. for ANG/DP send a copy of the will promotion delay request and approval to HQARPC/DPJ. Maintain one copy for the UPRG provide and the officer one copy. Refer to AFI36-2504, Chapter 8 for additional guidancefor processing of voluntary delay of promotionapplications. 2.7. Involuntary PromotionDelay. 2.7.1. An involuntary promotion delay will be processed IAW 36-2504 if an officer is selected AFI for mandato~3'promotionand assigned as a full-time military duty officer employedagainst a Unit


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Manpower Document, Part A (UMD-A) position that does not support the higher grade. In these cases, the commandermust submit an AF IMT3988 through the servicing MPFand TAG ANG/DR to 2.7.2. Promotionof an officer on the RASL, serving on active duty, to a grade with strength limitations set by Title 10 USC,Section 10211 and 12310, can be delayed to ensure compliance with those strength limitations. The delay expires whenthe strength-in-grade limitations no longer apply. If an authorized controlled grade commensurate with the higher graded position is not available for immediate promotionof a full-time military duty officer or statutory tour officer, the officer mustcomplete an AF IMT3988. The AF IMT3988 will be processed through the servicing MPFand state HQto ANG/DP. DOR delayed until the officer obtains a controlled grade or the officer completes the The is totlr. 2.7.3. The completed AF1MT 3988 must arrive 30 davs prior to the normal promotion effective date in order to prevent inadvertent consummation the promotion. Uponreceipt of the AFIMT3988, the of individnal's promotionprojection will be adjusted accordingly. 2.7.4. Date of rank for individuals involuntarily delayed under these circumstances will be the date the officer wouldhave originally been promoted,however,the effective date of promotionfor pay will be the date of Federal recognition or date controlled grade is received, whicheveris latest. 2.8. Overgrade PromotionProcessing. When promotion results in an overgrade situation, the appropriate overgrade code and expiration date in accordance with ANGI 36-2101 will be entered into the MILPDS the supporting MPF. by


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This instruction implements 36-26 describes responsibilities AFPD and the and provides authority, guidance, and proceduresestablishing for andconductingSelective the Retention Program forAir (SRP) National officers Guard andenlistexi members areretirement who aligiblc ~scrvc Active and Duty) defined this as by instruction. Any supplements instruction beforwardedANG/MPP review approval. tothis will to for and SUMMARY OF CHANGES: This publication incorporates therequirements, information, andprocedures formerlyNGR(AF) in 35-6. ranrganizcs andchanges text, and/or new adds requirements andprocedurestheadministration for andexecution of theANGsalectivc retention program. Updates refarenccs regnlations tolaw, and office symbols. Clarifies Salectivc Retention Board Review (SRRB) eligibility criteria. Empowers adjutants State general detarmine to the conveningSRRBs. of Revises documents beconsideredtheSRRB adds to by and option prepare Forms to NGB 27 ononly those individualsrecommendedretentiontheimmediate not for by commander. Eliminates requirumcnt for MPFto conduct personal records review. Includes provision ANGfMP giving authorityrequire to States submit to SRPreports an"as on needed" basis.

1. References, Abbreviations, Acronyms,and Terms. See attachment 1. L1. General Instructions. Membership the ANG a privilege and confers uponthe individual the obligation to in is serve in the active military service uponmobilizationor emergency, at such other times as the national security or may require. Inherent in this tenet is the obligation for the Air National Guard a resarve component the Air as of Forceto dcvalopa force management that providesStates a vehicle to ensurea quality h"aincdforce, stable tool promotion opportunities for lowergrade personnel, and a viable combat ready force in event of mobilization and/or contingency/peacetime commitments. 1.1.1. This instruction provides authority to the State adjutantsgenaral (AG)for the conduct ofANO S1LRBs maintaina stable and viable force-sU'ucture. Underno oircumstance will the convening SRRSs for the of be purpose of accommodating individual financial gain or at the request of the membar. Boardmembers will be appointedby the TAG rcenmmand retention or nonretention of Federal recognition of officers and enlisted to the members the ANG the raspecilvc State in accordancewith (IAW) policias and proceduresprovided in this in of the instruction. I.1.2. scparafinns All asa resultthis of instruction identified than cause." will be as"o~er for Separationthe from ANG, withdrawal ofFederal recognition, and transfertheAirForce to Reserve members selected for not for ~ctention beeffectcdearlier I October nolater 31Decemberthe will no than and than of year which board in the consideredmember retention.member does elect transferAirReserve the for Any who not to to Personnel Center (ARPC) retire bedischarged Rasarvo the Force. member or will asa of Air Ifa initiates a request for reconsideration not and is approved, it separation/discharge will cffected be asoriginally established. I.1.3. instructionnot This does apply general to officers officersenlisted and or members donot who meet the criteria established inparagraphofthis 2.1. instraction. I.I.3.Provisions instruction preclude I. ofthis donot starting toseparate/discharge orenlisted action anofficer member specified as inAF135-3209 the before established effective ofseparation this date under ins~raction. If action started separate/discharge under other is to a member any directive, separation/discharge under this instruction bedelayed will until that action completed. is Supersedes NGR (AF) 35-6, May93, and Change1, Oct OPR: ANGfMPPAS (SMSgt R.VanSciver) Certified by NGB/CF W. Foulois) (Col Pages: 20/Distribution: F


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1.1.4. This instruction will not be used in any case whereseparation/discharge for cause, to include substandard performancewouldbe more appropriate. 1.1.5. This instruction applies to all members the ANG meetthe criteria in paragraph2.1 without regard to of who race, creed, color, gender,or national origin. I. 1.6. In the event of a partial or full mobilizationof the Air National Guard,or in the event members the Air of National Guardof the State concernedhave been ordered to active duty under title 10 USC 12302, members will remainin active status until such time the emerganey/contingeney/mobilization authority is raseindedor revoked. 1.2. Litigation, States must immediatelyadvise NGB-JA through ANG/MP wheneverlitigation is brought against a State for actions that result fromthis program.When litigation is completed,a copyof the judgmant final the or order must be forwarded to ANG/MP. 1.3. Responsibilities: 1.3.1. The National GuardBureau(NGB/CF) overall responsibility for development oversight of the ANG has and SRP. 1.3.2. The Air National GuardReadiness Center, Directorate of Manpower Personnel (ANG/MP) the and has responsibility for monitoring the ANG and providing procedural guidance and*s~gexeeptions to the States SRP andterritories, 1.3.3. State adjutants general (AGs)have authority for implementing policy and procedurescontainedherein the and for establishing an effective personnelforce management program units undertheir jurisdiction. The for adjutants general mustensure that the annductof SRRBs underthe authority of this inslructiun arc conducted exclusively as a force-management to effect neededpersonneladjustmentsto ensure enntinuingmission tool viability and career expectationof assignedpersonnel. 1.3.4. TAGs commanders responsible for ensuring personnelsubject to consideration underthis instruction and are receive u fair and impartial review basedon the needs of the unit, the ANG the USAF established policy. and IAW 1.3.5. EachMilitary PersonnelFlight (MPF) responsible for providingunit and State administrative support is this instruction. 1.3.6. EachANG State Headquarters responsible for implementing is this inslraetion uponTAG authority to include appropriate administrativesupport for the conductof the boards. 2. Program Management: 2.1. Criteria for Selective Retention Consideration: 2. I. 1. All ANG officers (exceptadjutants general, assistant adjutants general, and generalofficers) and enlisted members be consideredunderthe SRP they meet all of the following. will if 2. I.t. 1. Areretirement eligible on or before 1 .lanum'yof the year in whichthe boardconvenes.Members previouslyselected for retention underany authority, includingofficers retained underauthority of the Secretaryof the Air Force for any reason beyondtheir mandatory separation/discharge date based on maximum years of commissioned service permitted by law, will be included and again considered. Individuals in Air GuardReserve (AGR) have anmpleted years' satisfactory service towarda non-regular retirement, but havenot completed who 20 20 years of active duty will be consideredunless exempt paragraph2.1.1.4. below. by Are not otherwisescheduledto be separated between Januaryand 31 December the year of the board's 1 of reviewfor such reasons as mandatory separation/disehargudat~, maximum medicaldisqualification, retiremant, age, promotion deferment,or not selected for reenlistmant. As of 1 January, are not serving on a Title 10 statutory tour (e.g. 10 USC 10211,10 USC 10305,10 USC 12310, 10 USC 12402) or on extended active duty with the Air Force. Members anmmencing tours between such Januaryand publication of the boardresults will be removed fromconsideration. Members AGR in status whohave or will have between18 end 20 years of active duty (sanctuary zone) towardretirement during the calendar year of the board are exempt from consideration. 2.1.2. Officers who havecompleted least 20 years of sutisfaetery service towarda non-regularretirement, but at have not completed minimum the promotionservice time to retire in highest grade held are not exemptfrom cousiderntion(see paragraph3.1.5.). "2.1.3. TAG determinesan SRB will convene review retirement eligible officers and enlisted personnel. All to members within a State will be reviewedonce the TAG directs an SRRB be conducted. will


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2,2. Preparation f