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Case 1:00-cv-00644-NBF

Document 114-15

Filed 07/18/2005

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OPR: ANG/DPFOM(SMSgtThomas Pague) Supersedes ANGI36-2002, 2 November 2003


by: ANGRC/CV D. Larrabee) (Col Pages: 126 Distribution: F

This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-20, Accession of Air Force Militmy Personnel. This instruction prescribes the eligibility requirements and procedures for enlisting and teenlisting in the Air National Guard(ANG) as a Reserve of the Air Force. The records establisbed by this and instruction are to be included in the Air Force Military Personnel Recordssystem that is authorized under Title 44 United States Code(USC)3101. Use of the social security number(SSN) is authorized by Executive Order (EO) 9379, 27 November 1943. The Privacy Act of 1974 affects this instruction. Each form that is required by this instruction contains a Privacy Act statement, either incorporated in the bodyof the documentor in a separate statement accompanying it. SUMhlAR Y OF REVISIONS This document is substantially revised and must be completely reviewed.

Changeswere madeto Table 1.6.. Grade Determination for Non-Prior Service Enlistees., Rule 5., paragraph A2.1.5., and paragraph A7.2.4., to reflect proper information. Also, Air Force Formsand National Guard Bureau (NGB)Forms have been changed to reflect that they are now Inforraatioo Management Tools (IMTs). Chapter 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. I--QUALIFICATIONS AND CRITERIA FOR ENLISTMENT 5 5 6 6 6 7 8

Preliminary Screening ................................................................................................ Air National Enlistment Guard Authority ................................................................. Enlistment/Reenlistment Authority Waiver ............................................................... Citizenship Requirement ............................................................................................ Physical Standards ..................................................................................................... Age RequirementsEnlistment for ..............................................................................


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2 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10.

Aptitude Educational and Requirements ................................................................... Applicants Dependents with ...................................................................................... Other RequirementsEnlistment for ........................................................................... Applicants Ineligible Enlist to ................................................................................... TermsEnlistment of ....................................................................................................

Security Investigations .............................................................................. 1.I 1. Personnel 1.12.

1.13. Grade Determination, Non-Prior Service Personnel (NPS) and Prior Service Enlisted (PS) Personnel ................................................................................ 1.14. GradeDetermination, Former Commissioned Officers: ............................................ 1.15. 1.16. 1.17. Table 1.1. Table 1.2. Table 1.3. Table 1.4. Table 1.5. Table 1.6. Table 1.7. Table 1.8. Table 1.9. Figure 1.I. Figure 1.2. Figure 1.3. Figure 1.4. Chapter 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Date of Rank. For determining the appropriate date of rank for enlistment into the Air National Guard (ANG) Table1.8 ................................................... use Enlistment Applicants PriorService: of with ............................................................ Key Employee Certificate Availability: of ................................................................ APTITUDE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENLISTMENT ............................................ EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ENLISTMENT FOR ................................... ENLISTIvIENT INELIGIBILITY .......................................................... FACTORS EnlistmentEligibility BasedUpon Dependency Status Of Applicants .................... Terms Enlistment of .................................................................................................. Grade Determination Non-Prior for ServiceEnlistees............................................. Grade Determination Prior ServiceEnlistees. (Note8.) ..................................... for Date Rank of Adjustment. 5.) ......................................................................... (Note Acceptability Of ApplicantsWithPreviousMilitary Service. (Note 1 I.) ................ Enlistment Questionnaire .......................................................................................... Certificate Availability Key of of Employees .......................................................... Military Status Key of Employee ............................................................................. Dependency Statement Enlistment for ..................................................................... 2--PROCESSING PROCEDURES

Pre-qualifying Applicants: ......................................................................................... IVlilitary Service Obligation(MSO) Participation Requirements: and ...................... Service Numbers ........................................................................................................ Categories of Personnel WhoseEnlistment Requires Special Authority Prior Enlistment to .....................................................................................................


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SplitTraining Option Program (STO) ....................................................................... Waiver Exception Policy(ETP)Processing Enlistment:............................. or to for Completing andDocuments Forms ........................................................................... AdministeringOath Enlistment the of ....................................................................... Non-PriorService EnlistmentGuidance Establishmentof Pay Date ..................... DistributionRecords of .............................................................................................. Applicants Who Declineor Are FoundNot Qualified for Enlistment...................... Reemployment Information Rights .......................................................................... 3--ENLISTMENT FOR SPECIFIC CATEGORY PERSONNEL OPERATIONS AND OF SPECIAL

2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. Figure 2.1. Chapter 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. F~gure ml. Chapter 4. I. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. 4.10. 4.11. Table 4.l.

52 52

Flying Officer and Training Applicants ..................................................................... Applicants Drawing Certain Other Compensationfrom the United States Government ............................................................................................................... NPS Applicants Air National for Guard Bands ......................................................... Enlistment Ex-Military of ServiceAcademy Students .............................................. ROTC Participants ..................................................................................................... Enlistment Application for Air National Guard Bands ~PS) 4~REENLISTMENT, EXTENSION AND STATE-TO-STATE TRANSFERS

53 54 54

Voluntary Reenlistment Extension Enlistment or of ................................................. ANG State-to-State Transfers .................................................................................... Separation from the ANG Assignment to Air Reserve Personnel and Center(ARPC), Non-Affiliated Reserve Section(NARS) ....................................... Involuntary Extension Enlistment of ......................................................................... NGB Extension of Enlistment in the Air National Guard and as a 66, ReservetheAirForce of ............................................................................................ NGB Statement for Reenlistment/Extensionin the Air National Guard............. 17, AF2030,USAF andAlcohol Drug Abnse Certificate: ............................................. DDForm4, Enlistment or Reenlistment AgreementArmed of theUnited Forces States ............................................................................ Terms Reenlistment of ............................................................................................... NGB Reportof Separation Record Service.............................................. 22, and of Reenlistment/Extension Questionnaire (Figure .) ................................................. 4.1 Reenlistment Extension and IneligibilityFactors .....................................................

55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57


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4 Table 4.2. Table 4.3. Figure 4.1. Chapter 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. Figure 5.1. Figure 5.2. Figure 5.3. Figure 5.4. Figure 5.5. Figure 5.6. Figure 5.7. Attachment Attachment Attachment

Terms Extension/Exceptions/Categories of .............................................................. Terms Reenlistment of .............................................................................................. Reenlistment/Extension Questionnaire ..................................................................... 5--ROUTING OF WAIVER REQUESTS~XCEPTIONS TO POLICY

Procedures for submitting a WaiverRequest or an Exception to Policy (ETP)........ Offices Primary of Responsibilit3, - OPRs: ................................................................ Documentation required for Waiver/Exception Policy (ETP)Submittal .............. to Mandatory Format for Requesting Enlistment/Reenlistment/Extension Waivers or Exceptions to Policy ................................................................................................. StatementIncident/Reason of ................................................................................... Letter of Recommendation Than (Other Relatives) ................................................. Letter Recmnmendation ......................................................................... of (School) Letterof Recommendation .................................................................... (Employer) Letter Civilian of Counseling ................................................................................... Letter of Evaluation (Useof Illegal Drug/Substance Alcohol)............................ or 1--GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION 2--UNIFORM GUIDE LIST FOR TYPICAL OFFENSES 3---INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND PREPARATIONOF DD FORM 4, ENLISTMENT OR REENLISTMENT AGREEI~IENT ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES 4~DD FORM1966, RECORD OF MILITARY PROCESSING ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES 5--APPLICANT BRIEFING ITEM ON SEPARATION POLICY AIR NATIONAL GUARD POLICY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MISDEMEANOR AMENDMENT TO THE GUN CONTROL ACT (LAUTENBERG AMENDMENT) 7--AIR NATIONAL GUARDPOLICY FOR PRE-SERVICE DRUG USE



103 119

Attachment Attachment 6

121 124


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1.1. Preliminary Screening. Before being processed for enlistment, each applicant will be advised that they will be applying for enlistment into an Air Reserve Component the United States ArmedForces. of As a member a ready reserve unit, they must be briefed and fully understand, they will be considered of immediatelyavailable for active federal service in the event of mobilization. Both recruiters and applicants alike must understand that the enlistment of any applicant whois not immediatelyavailable for federal active service whencalled upon is not compatible with the worldwidemission of the Air National Guard of the United States (ANGUS). Each applicant will be thoroughly screened and every effort made to ensure that only the most capable, dedicated and conscientious persons are selected for enlistment under the established enlistment priority programs.It is imperative that only the most qualified applicants be enlisted to achieve and maintain the highest possible skill level, consistent with Unit Manpower Document Active (UMDA) requirements. For the required Enlistment Questionnaire See Figure 1.1. 1.1.1. The military records of a Prior Service (PS) applicant (Attachment1, Terms)must be closely exarained to determine the mannerin which the service was performed and progression within their previoas skill. When considering a PS applicant for enlistment, all prior service docuraents will be reviewedto determinethe reason for discharge or separation. An applicant's eligibility will be determinedonly after an overall view of previous service (see paragraph 1.16.). Eachof the following criteria will be considered; Type of Separation, Character of Service, Separation ProgramDesignator (SPD), Reentry Code (RE Code), and Narrative Reason for Separation. To obtain prior military vice records, use SF Form180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, see paragraph 2.1.8. An obvious needfor further training or the necessity to train in an entirely newcareer field should be carefully weighed along with any other factors that have a bearing on the individual's potential value to the unit in light of the criteria specified in this and other governing directives. 1.1.2. Recruiters are the only authorized personnel able to conduct pre-enlistment interviews of all applicants in order to determinetheir qualifications for enlistment. Recrniters will not process an individual believed to be mentally, morally, or physically anacceptablefor the service as outlined in this instruction. If an individual insists on being processed, and the recruiter believes that refusal may embarrass the ANG, they will suspend all preliminary screening and seek guidance from their supervisor. 1.1.3. Under no circumstances will job interviews be conducted at unit level. The Adjutant General (TAG)will authorize in writing whether unit orientation briefings for new applicants will be conducted, tf authorized, these briefings will consist of informingthe applicant of squadron/flight unique requirements. If during the briefing, the briefer discovers information they feel raay be disqualifying for enlistment, or the applicant declines to accept requirements of the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC),the Director of Personnel should be notified immediatelyto verify whether or not such informationis in fact disqualifying. If the Adjutant Generalchoosesto utilize unit orientation briefings, it is incumbent upon the state to ensure that the briefings are accomplished all applicants, informafor tion coveredin the briefings are not discriminatory, and the orientation is presented in a fair and equitable manner. 1.1.4. The Air National Guard policy for Pre-service Drug Abase, including Pre-service Marijuana usage and self-admission to drug involvement is outlined in Attachment7.


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1.1.5. Applicants will not be processed at any United States Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)(This applies to the physical portion only) or ANG Medical Sqnadron whose last admitted Pre-Service Marijuana use is within 45 days of application. Processing maycontinue after 46 days or more have elapsed and the requirements of paragraph 2.7.6., have been met. 1.1.6. After the initial screening process, applicants testing positive for any illegal substance at MEPS or ANG Medical squadron will be permanently barred from enlistment into the ANG,NOWAIVER OR EXCEPTION TO POLICY WILL BE GRANTED. 1.2. Air National Guard Enlistment Authority. The Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) under Title USC 12102(b) mayapprove or deny the enlistment of qualified, effective, and able-bodied persons into the Air National Guard. 1.2.1. When term "State" or "States" is addressed, this term includes all 50 states and territories; the Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the District of Columbia. and 1.3. Enlistment/Reenlistment Waiver Authority. The Chief, National Guard Bureau may waive disqualifying factors not set by statute or otherwise stated in this instruction. The Chief, National Guard Bureau has delegated the enlistmentJreenlistment waiver authorities for the Air National Guard as indicated in Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 4 of this instruction. 1.3.1. The Air National Guard Surgeon General may waive physical standards for enlistment in accordance with AFI 48-123, Medical Examination and Standards, and Attachment 10. 1.4. Citizenship Requirement. All documentsmust be original, notarized true copies of the source document, or certified true copies by the issuing agency. The burden of proof of United States (US) citizenship rests with the applicant. 1.4.1. Definition of citizenship: Derived: Anyoneborn abroad from UScitizen parents. Valid source documents: FS Form240, Report of Birth Abroadof a Citizen of the United States of America (Consular Report of Birth); A full validity (nontemporary)USPassport (five years for minors - ten years adults); 1.4.l.1.3. DSForm1350, Certification qfBirth. USBorn (Title 8 USC 1401): Anyone born in the USand subject to its jurisdiction;, American indians and other aboriginal people born in the US. 1.4.1,2.3. Anyone born outside the US, if at least one parent is a UScitizen and certain residencyor physical presence requirementswere fulfilled by the citizen parent or parents prior to the child's birth;


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1 MARCH2004 Anyonewhois found in the USwhile under five years of age, whoseparents cannot be identified, and whois not shown prior to his or her 21st birthday to have been born outside the US. Naturalized: Anyonerenouncing their former citizenship and obtaining USAmericancitizenship via naturalization process and obtaining one or the other of the following forms: (see Table 1.3., Rule 23) h'amigration and Natnralization Service (INS) FormN-550, Certification of Naturalization, or N-550). INS Form N-570, Certificate of Naturalization, (replacement to the INS Form

1.4.2. Applicants must be a: UScitizen or possess a valid INSForm1-55 I/I-l 51, Alien Registration Card, whichdoes not expire within two years from the date of enlistment, or USnational born in AmericanSamoaor Swains Island, or Lawfully admitted resident alien whopossesses an alien registration form (I-551) issued for a period often years, or Foreign national citizen of the Federated States of Micronesiaor the Republicof the Marshall Islands. 1.4.3. Treat AmericanIndians born in Canadaas immigrantaliens; they must present a birth certificate. (NOTE:Type the following in the Remarks(Section VI) of the DDForm1966, Record of Military Process#~g- Armed Forces of the United States, and have the applicant initial, "I am an American Indian born in Canada as defined in Immigration and Naturalization Service Regulation 8 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)289.1.") 1.4.4. Donot process in any way(including preliminary qualifications testing) aliens whodo not possess one of these forms, since they are ineligible for enlistment. Advisethemto contact the INSand to obtain the applicable form. 1.4.5. Reproductionof any INSform except for official use is prohibited. 1.4.6. Non-prior service (NPS) applicants whoare not UScitizens but maintain an INS Form1-551/ 1-151 without an expiration date maybe enlisted, but will not receive a security clearance until they becomeUScitizens. 1.4.7. PS applicants whoare not UScitizens will not be enlisted. 1.4.8. Individuals whohave dual citizenship maybe enlisted into the Air National Guard, however they will not be placed into an Air Force Specialty Code(AFSC) that is identified as "Alien Ineligible". Also, they will not be eligible for a security clearance until they denoance their citizenship of the other country. 1.5. Physical Standards. All applicants will meet the medical standards contained in AFI 48-123 and Weight/Body Fat Program standards in accordance with ANGI 40-502, The Weight and Body Fat Management Program.


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1.5.1. All Prior Service applicants are subject to the retention standards of AFI48-123, Attachment 2, provided they have been separated 180 days or less and have a current physical (within last five years), and a Standard Form(SF) 93, Report of Medical Histmy, with complete documentedmedical history, which has been completed within the last six months or, if separated from the Air Force, active or reserve component, a current Preventive Health Assessment (PHA)/Reserve Component Periodic Healtb Assessment (RCPHA) within 12 months; a current AF422, Physical Profile Serial Report, must be within 12 months; and a current health history, SF 507, Medical Record - Report on or Continuation of SF overprint or RCHRA. Applicants separated for more than 180 days are subject to enlistment standards as indicated in AFI48-123, Attachment3. 1.5.2. Anyapplicants not meeting continued military service or enlistment standards will not be enlisted. Waiversmayonly be requested by military physicians supporting the enlistment of the individual with a narrative summary.Signed SF 88, Report of Medical Examination; SF 93; or completed MEPS pbysicals, DDForm 2807, Report of Medical History, DDForm 2808, Report qfMedical ExamO*ation, acceptable for evaluation of physical qualification. When are physical qualification in accordance with AFI 48-123 is in question, supporting medical documentsmust be submitted. (Paragraph 2.1.7.) 1.6. Age Requirements Enlistment. All applicants, except where otherwise specified in this chapfor ter, are required to meet the following standards: 1.6.1. Non-Prior Service (NPS). Applicant must be at least 17 years old, but not have reached age on date of enlistment. Parental consent is required for those persons whoare 17, but less than 18 years of age, unless lnarried. (See DDForm 1966, Section VII, Items 39 and 40) WAIVERS THISPROOF VISION WILL NOT BE GRANTED. 1.6.2. Prior Service (PS). Applicants will not be enlisted unless they bare sufficient, documented, creditable PS for retirement purposesto enable themto accrue 20 years of creditable service for retirement upon reaching age 60 in accordance with Title 10 USC12731. WAIVERS THIS PROVIOF SION WILL NOT BE GRANTED. 1.7. Aptitude and Educational Requirements. All Aptitude and Educational Requirements for entry into the ANG listed in Table 1.1. and Table 1.2. are 1.8. Applicants with Dependents.Service in the ANG the USAF and entails potential sacrifice in the form of fi-equent training periods, duty away from family members the event of Mobilization, the in demandsof shift ~vork, and 24-hour availability to accomplish the mission. For applicants (PS or NPS) use Table 1.4., to determineeligibility. Prior service personnel enlisting from another service component, and no break in service, do not require a waiver. 1.9. Other Requirements Enlistment. All applicants must agree in writing to a Military Service for Obligation (MSO), ANG Service Commitmentsin accordance with ANGI36-2101, Assignments within the Air National Gum'd, (see Chapter5, Table 5.1 .), training requirements(if applicable), satisfactory ticipation requirements, and status as a member the ready reserve. NPSmembers of enlisting in the ANG will commence Initial Active Duty Training (1ADT) within 270 days of enlistment, will not exceed 365 days. Extensions beyondthis period will not be granted. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to those whoenlist with the intent of going to Academy Military Science (AMS) of rather than Basic Military Training (BMT).


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1.10. Applicants Ineligible to Enlist. The criteria for determiningineligibility of applicants, or conditions that require specific authority for enlistment are contained in Table 1.3. All telephone or e-mail inquires/questions concerningineligibility criteria for enlistment will be addressed to the State or Territory Recruiting and Retention Superintendent (RRS). The Recruiting and Retention Superintendent tnrn may call Air National Guard, Personnel Management Section (ANG/DPFOM) further informafor tion or clarification. 1.11. Personnel Security Investigations. Security clearance investigations will be submitted in accordance with AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Ptvgram Management,Attachment 3. The processing of all secarity clearances will be a coordinated effort between the Recruiter, the Military Personnel Flight (MPF), the projected Unit Security Managerand Security Forces Squadron. 1.11.1. Security Clearance Requirements.Recruiters are responsible for providing enlistees with the appropriate Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaires (EPSQ). 1.I 1.1 .I. A National AgencyCheck, Local AgencyChecks and Credit Check (NACLC), Sinor gle Scope BackgroundInvestigation (SSBI) will need to be initiated on all NPSmembers. The type of security clearance will be basedon individual career field classification. All first time NPS nrilitary accessions require a NACLC, the NACLC be used to access secret information. and will An SSBIwill be initiated if the member going to require access to Top Secret information (A is NACLC not be initiated if Top Secret access is required). The projected Unit Security Manwill ager will ensure the completedEPSQ submitted to the Security Forces Squadron, with notificais tion of the submission to the MPFno later than 3 working days after enlistment. The member shonld not report to basic training without a completed EPSQ, which has been validated and submitred by Security Forces. Checkwith the Security Forces Squadronfor EPSQ status. A National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit Check ~ACLC),a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) or a Periodic Re-investigation will be initiated on all members.PS applicants, whoprevionsly held a security clearance, will need to have the security clearance verified by Security Forces Squadronprior to initiating the paperwork.If the PS applicant has not had a break in service longer than 24 months, Secarity Forces will research and determine if the clearance can be reinstated. If the break is longer than 24 months, the member must initiate the appropriate paperwork. The projected Unit Secarity Managerwill ensure the completed paperworkis submitted to Security FomesSquadron, with notification of the submission to the MPF later than 3 working days after enlistment. Checkwith the Security Forces Squadron no on the status on prior clearance and EPSQ status. 1.11.2. Secnrity clearance processing. MPF enlistment representatives are responsible for ensuring members initiate their EPSQ, with the projected Unit Security Manageras part of their in processing. The projected Unit Security Managermust ensure the completed forms are forwarded to the Security Forces Squadronno later than 3 workdaysafter enlistment. Security Forces will track progression of submitted forms until the investigation has been completed. 1.12. Terms of Enlistment. An individual whoenlists in the ANG must concurrently enlist as a Reserve of the Air Force in the same grade for a period equal to his/her ANG enlistment. The term of enlistment for all NPS applicants will be for a period of not less that 6 years see Table 1.5.


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1.13. Grade Determination, Non-Prior Service Personnel (NPS) and Prior Service (PS) Enlisted Personnel For NPSpersonnel, use Table 1o6, for PS personnel, use Table 1.7. 1.14. Grade Determination, FormerCommissionedOfficers: I. 14.1. Formercommissioned officers with no prior enlisted service maybe enlisted in the ANG and as a Reserveof the Air Force np to the grade of E-5, lower grade is at the discretion of the COlnmander. 1.14.2. Formercommissioned officers with prior enlisted service maybe enlisted in the highest permanentenlisted grade held or E-5, whicheveris higher, lower grade is at the discretion of the commander.(See Table 1.7., Note 6.) 1.15. Date of Rank. For determining the appropriate date of rank for enlistment into the Air National Guard (ANG)use Table 1.8. 1.16. Enlistment of Applicants with Prior Service: 1.16.1. Normally, applicants whocan substantiate satisfactory PS maybe enlisted. Refer to Table 1.9., to determine the qualifying or disqualifying reentry code (RE). The purpose of this table is allow the enlistment of members have previously served satisfactorily as a member the United who of States ArmedForces. Enlistment waivers should not be processed unless specifically authorized by the table or there are extenuating circumstances (e.g., REcodes obviously issued in error). When considering an applicant for a waiver, you must consider their overall service record and the mannerin which this service was performed. 1.16.2. An applicant whoseNGB Report of Separation andRecordof Service, shows no positive 22, statement indicating he/she is eligible for reenlistment will not be enlisted until the reason for discharge/separation is verified. If the reason for discharge was for cause, the applicant will not be enlisted unless a waiver is authorized under Table 1.3. Ifa waiver is not authorized, applicants shoold be encouragedto submit requests for correction of military records as indicated in Table 1.9., Note 3 in order to qualify for enlistment. All telephone or e-mail inquires/questions concerning Table 1.3. and Table 1.9., will be addressed to the State or Territory RRS. The RRSin turn maycall ANG/ DPFOM fnrther information or clarification. for 1.16.3. Applicants who do not have 84 days of AD/IADT and who have completed a recognized BMT conrse, may be enlisted and immediately placed on AD/IADT the balance of the 84 day for period whenapproved by The Adjutant General (TAG).A 2-week military orientation course will not be considered as a recognized BMT. applicants whohave not completed a recognized BMT All course will be required to attend USAF BMT. Unit Training Assembly(UTA)will not be considered as qualified duty time. I. 16.4. PS NavyReserve or United States Coast Guard applicants whoattended an orientation course and have completed5 or more consecutive years of satisfactory service, are eligible for enlistment up to the grade of E-5, lower grade is at the discretion of the commander. 1.17. KeyEmployee Certificate of Availability: 1.17.1. There is no requirementto obtain a Certificate of Availability from all members ~vho are federal employees.A key position is a government statutory civilian position, whichrequires at least or 90 days of specialized training or experience in a federal, state, or local governmentagency or


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defense-snpporting industry. There is a requirement to obtain a Certificate of Availability of Key Employees(Figure 1.2.) on those applicants whohave been designated in a category as a key federal employee. A key employeeis a civilian employeeof a federal, state, or local governmentagency or defense-supporting industry whois in a key position for which no qualified replacement is immediately available, and whoseduties cannot be reassigned to other employees.A Certificate of Availability is required to verify that recall to military duty wouldnot serioosly impair the functioning and continuity of the employingagency or industry with regard to: Productionand research vital to the national defense effort. I. 17.1.2. Activities necessaryto the maintenance the national health, safety, or interest. of 1.17.2. Keyemployeestatus is determined by the employer. If an employernotifies a unit that a member is a key employee, the member must be reassigned to tbe appropriate section at the Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC)in accordance with AFI 36-3209. Separation1 and Retirement Procedures forAir National Guardand AO"Force Resem,e Members,within 90 days unless the employer rescinds the designation or an appeal is approved. 1.17.3. Ifdesignated a key employee(Figure 1.3.) by their employer, a member wants to stay who the unit may: I. 17.3.1. Askthe commander help in resolving the matter with the employer. for Askthe commander file an appeal based on military needs. The appeal will be proto cessed only if the commander be assured that the member can will be a usable resource at mobilization. This appeal mustbe filed within 30 days after the receipt of the employer'snotification that the individual is a key employee, and sent to the TAG approval/disapproval. for 1.17.4. The commander'sendorsement must verify the information that has been provided by the member. Each higher commander should either: Recommend approval based on overriding military need and forward the appeal to the next higher headquarters, or: Disapprove the appeal and send it back through channels to the unit commander who most then inform the member. 1.17.5. An appeal is filed by the member within 30 days after receipt of the employer's notification. The membermust recognize that an appeal is to maintain membership the Guard and not to chalin lenge an employer's decision that a position is key. The member'scivilian employment must not be placed in jeopardy. Anappeal must include but is not limited to: I. 17.5. I. A statement of the member's desire to remain in the Air National Guard. A statement that the matter could not be resolved with the employer. A summaryof the actions which have been taken to resolve the matter with the employer. If the member prefers that tile agency not be contacted, the member should so state. Tbe member'sprimary and secondary AFSC,and the authorized grade and AFSC the of position to whichassigned. A summary the lnember's participation, of for retirement. to include the numberof good years service


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12 Anappropriate statement of the essentiality and of the military necessity of remaining a memberof the unit. This area should be jointly worked with the military supervisor or commauder. A statement on assignment in a mobility position, and if the assignment has appropriate back up with member currently filling a mobility position number. not NOTES: 1. The Federal Emergency Management Agency determines which business firms are defense supporting and surveys members the Ready Reserve whoare in key positions. of 2. Key employeesoftbe Federal Aviation Administration will not be approved for continaed membership. Memberswith a statutory participation requirement (MSO)will be processed in accordance with AF! 36-3209.


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ANGI36-2002 Table 1.1.


Non-prior Service

a current version of the ASVAB (Notes 2., 3., and6.) a current version of the ASVAB (Notes l., 2., 4., 5., and7.)

Prior Service

31 or higher on the AFQT. Must meet all AFSC criteria and a minimum aptitude index as shown in AFMAN 36-2108, Enlisted Classification, for career field subdivision in whichconsidered for enlistment.

NOTES: I. Applicants who separated prior to implementation of the automatic ASVAB conversion (Jul 86) must have their scores converted or be retested prior to enlistment. Those who were separated after Jul 86 have already had their scores converted, and their scores are valid for ANG enlistment. 2. A NPSindividual whocan furnish documentaryproof of completion of any version of the ASVAB within the preceding two years and who meets minimumrequirements in Column C is exemptfrom retesting.

3. ASVAB scores attained by junior and senior high school students are valid for two years fromdate of test. 3.1. Applicants whofail to qualify for enlistment mayretest after 30 days has elapsed. If they fail to qualify again, they mayretest 30 days after the second test. Thereafter they maynot retest until 6 months from date of the third test. 3.2. When applicants (PS or NPS)are tested/retested, the resulting scores becomethe score of record. 4. If there is a break in service, all PS applicants with AFQT scores of 30 or below must retest prior to being enlisted. If they attain a higher score, they maybe enlisted. Theretest becomesthe score of record. A waiver of the minimum AFQT score will not be permitted.

requirement does not apply to immediate reenlistmentJextension of PALACE 5. The AFQT CHASE applicants, PALACE FRONT applicants, USAFR transfers, current ANG members or ANG members transferring from one state to another in accordance with paragraph 6. Prior service or non-prior service applicants enlisting for the sole purpose of being commissioned are not reqaired to take an ASVAB, unless they fail to obtain a commission. personnel enlisting into a previously held AFSC will 7. Prior service ANG/USAFR/USAF not be required to retest as long as they qualify with a 3-skill level or higher. Appropriate skill level will be determined in accordance with AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military PersomTel(Officers and Airme~O.


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14 Table 1.2.


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Non-prior Service (Note 1 .) Prior Service; (not currently in the ANG) ~otes 1. and 2.) Non-prior Service in high school senior year (Note 3.)

High school graduate or equivalent

Official statement fromschool officials that individual has or will obtain sufficient acceptable credits to be awarded a high school diploma

NOTES: I. Applicants in mental Category l (93-99) or mental Category 2 (65-92) maybe enlisted without a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants enlisted without a high school diploma or equivalent must also meet classification requirements in accordance with AFMAN 36-2108. 2. Air Force (AF) prior service or PALACE CHASE/FRONT personnel may be enlisted without a bigb school diplomaor equivalent provided they bave obtained a 3-skill level or higher. 3. Prior to departure for BMT, copy of the bigb school diplomawill be included in tbe Unit a Personnel Record Group (UPRG). The MPFwilt ensure the higb school diploma updated in MILPDS.

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ANGI36-2002 Table 1.3.


Morally Unacceptable (Category 1 Offenses)(Attachment 2) (1) A person convicted by civilian court of an offense punishable by death or convicted of one or more Category 1 offenses. (Note 1.) (2) A person under restraint (See Attachment1 definition) (Note 1.) (3) Has questionable moral character, or with a history of anti-social behavior (including history of psychosis), frequent difficulties with law enforcementagencies, transexualism and other gender identity disorders, exhibitionism, transvestitism, voyeurism, and other paraphilic, or homosexual bisexual conor duct. (See Attachment 1 for explanation ofANG polmy on homosexualconduct and eligibility determination procedures). (Note I.) Morally Unacceptable (Category2, 3, 4, and 5 Offenses) (Attachment 2) (Note Persons convicted by a civilian court under circumstances as indicated below: (1) First Offense, Category2. (Note 2.) (2) First offense DUI/DWI only, Category 2. (Note 3.) (3) T~voor moreoffenses in Category 2. (Note 2.) (4) Oneor more offenses in Category 3. (Note 3.) (5) Twoconvictions or adverse adjudications in the last three years, or three or moreconvictions or adverse adjudications of Category4, in a lifetime.

(Note 3.)
(6) Conviction or adverse adjudication of 6 or more Category5 offenses in a 365-dayperiod in the last three years. (Note 5.)


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Juvenile Delinquents (No Waivers to Category l Moral Offenses, Attachment 2)

Anadjudication that a person is, or has been a juvenile delinquent, youthful offender, waysvardminor, or an equivalent determination by a court having jurisdiction over juvenile is not a bar to enlistmentif the applicant is cnrrently eligible. Prior to enlistment, all applicants will be askedif they have ever been in custody of juvenile authorities or caused to appear before a court having jurisdiction over juvenile cases. If admitted or suspected, enlistment wilt be held in abeyance pending complete investigation of the facts of the case. Investigation and request for waiver will be madein accordance with Chapter 5. Requests for waiver of juvenile delinquency will be submitted to the state Adjutant General, but not until restraint has been terminated, if applicable. (Note 3.)


Without SSN High school students Conscientious objectors

Self-explanatory. (Note 1.) Exceptthose in their senior year at time of application for enlistment. (See Table 1.2., Rule 3.) (Note Self-explanatory. (Note l.)

Persons against whom charges have If persons have criminal charges filed or pending been filed against themalleging a violation of state or federal statnte but whom, an alternative to further prosecuas tion, indictment, or incarceration for such violation, are granted a release from the charge by a court on condition that they will apply and are accepted for enlistmentor continuedin their present military status. (Note 3.) Unpaidfines are a bar to enlistment. (Note 1.) Ifa fine has been paid in reference to the charge, a waiveris required prior to enlistment. (Note 3.) EXCEPTION: Category 1 offenses. (Note I.)

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Willfully/intentionally failed to reg- Self-explanatory. (Note I .) ister with the Selective Service required by law Persons under parole, probation, or Self- explanatory. (Note 1.) (See Attachment Terms). suspended sentence 10. Under the influence of alcohol or Persons whoare under the influence of alcohol or drugs any time during the accession process will not drugs (Title I0 USC 504) be processed. (Note 1.) Drug/alcohol testing Title 10 USC978) Positive test for illegal substances Applicants whorefuse to be tested will not be enlisted. (Note 1.) Applicants whotest positive are permanentlybarred from enlistment. (Note 1., paragraph1.1.6,, and Attachment 7) 1. Pre-Service Marijuana usages. (Paragraphs 1.1.5, 2.7.6., and Attachment 7) i2. Self-Admission to drug involvement. (Attachment



Drug users/Drug abusers/ Self-Admission

~Alcoholics/Alcohol Rehabilitation [Program I. Persons known be addicted to alcohol. (Note l.) to 2. Individuals wbohave documentation indicating successful completion of rehabilitation program, who have maintained sobriety for a minimum two years of and are medically qualified. (Note 3.) 15. Human Imumno-deficiency (HIV) Positives Virus Applicants with serologic evidence of HIVinfection as a result of WesternBlot Test or medically confirmed HIVInfection. (Note I.) A person with a documented history of mental illness. (Note 1.)

16. Mental illness

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17. Excessive or detracting tattoos/ brands

: ::: ::::::: :::


:::: :: : :: : : :

Applicants whofall under any of the following categories are ineligible for enlistment: (Note 1. applies to i each) 1. Tattoos/brands anywhereon the body that are obscene, advocate any type of sexual, racial, ethnic or religious discrimination. 2. Tattoos/brands that are prejudicial to goodorder anddiscipline or that are of a nature that tends to bring discredit upon the USAF/ANG prohibited in and are out of uniform. Using uniform items to cover unauthorized tattoos/brands is not an option. 3. Anytattoos/brands that are visible abovethe collarbone and readily visible whenwearing an open collar uniform. 4. Anycombination of tattoos/brands that exceed one fourth or moreof the surface of the exposedbodypart, whenexposed from any type of military uniform or detract from a proper military image.

BodyAlteration or Modifications

BodyAlteration or Modifications. If it is intentional and results in a visible, physical effect that would detract from a professional image. (Notes I. and 10.) In questionable cases, forward digital photograph(s) ANG/DPFOM enlistment eligibility determinafor tion. (Note 2.)


Separated from last period of service with separation pay

Persons whoselast report of separation shows that separation pay was received from other than a physical disability. (Not applicable to Special Separation Benefit (SSB)/Variable Separation Incentive (VSI) (Note 7.)


Anyapplicant having one or more See Table 1.4. and paragraph1.8., for eligibility deter. mination and waiver processing procedures. (Note 3.) dependents under age 18


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Separatedfrom last service fro" physical disability

A person separated by reason of physical disability from a prior period of service with any of the Armed Forces. Waiver may be reqaested by ANG Clinic personnel through TAG to ANG/DPFOM. ANG/DPFOM will forward to ANG,Surgeon General Operations (ANG/ SGO).The original copy of the physical plus two copies will accompany each waiver request. If approved by ANG/SGO, applicant is eligible to enlist.

21. 22. 23.

Certain family members Deserters Non US Citizen

For policy governing family memberssee ANGI 36-2101. (Note 2.) Deserter from any branch of the ArmedForces. (Note 1.) (l) Analien whohas not been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. (Paragraphs 1.4.6., 1.4.7., and NoteI.) (2) Daal citizenship see paragraph 1.4.8. (3) For those whoreceived their naturalized citizenship after discharge from military service see paragraph (Note 3.) (4) For those whobave not received their citizenship since their discharge from military service see paragraph 1.4.7. and Table 1.9. (Note 10.)


National security risk

A person whoadmits or whoseavailable records show engagementin any acts designed to destroy or weaken the United States. In addition, a person will be denied enlistment if their acceptanceis not clearly consistent with tbe interest of the national security in accordance with AFI 31-501. (Note I.) Students of any United States military academy.(Note 1.)


Service academystudents

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Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)students

Students enrolled in the advancedcourse of Air Force ROTC,Army ROTC,or Naval ROTC scholarship or students in these programs. Doesnot include those enrolled in AFROTC courses under the sponsorship of a state program that uses Air Force ROTC a comas missioning source. (Note 1.) Are ineligible for enlistment in the ANG. (Note l.) Exception: 4T Profile for pregnancy. (Note 3.) (1) Any member the ArmedForces, other than of ANG, while in active federal service. (Note 1.) (2) Applicants approvedfor and assessed as Palace Chase in accordance with AFI 36-3205, Applying for the I~tLA CE CHASE and PALACE FRONT Programs, are exempt.


Members who have a "4" profile in any area of the PULHESX Criteria or on a AF422 Active service personnel



Persons previously separated or dis- Waivers maybe requested if the circumstances that charged by reason of dependencyor caused the hardship discharge have been removed. hardship fi'om any of the Armed Tbe fact that immediate re-entry on ADwould not Forces cause recurrence of the hardship condition must be conclnsively established. If hardship waiver is approved, the waiver of the RE Codethat designates hardship discharge also is waived. (Note 3.)


Persons last separated from A former memberof the US ArmedForces who extended ADmilitary service or any received any discharge other than an honorable discharge for the last period of service; or whosedisreserve component charge was due to: Unfitness, Inaptitude, Fraad, Misconduct,or Unsuitability. Sourceof verification is DDForm214, Certificate of Release or Discharge 6"omActive DuO;or the appropriate separation/discharge documentation issued by the previous service component. (Note I.). See Table 1.9. for eligibility and ineligibility criteria concerning reenlistment codes.


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31. 32.


Persons whocurrently hold a commissionor warrant m any Armed Forces of the United States. (Note 1.)

Officers removed from Active Duty Formerofficer separated from AD unsuitability, for misconduct, in lieu of court-martial/administrative for cause board action, asked to showcause for retention, or other factors that indicates officer left under unfavorable terms. (Note 1.) Personnel who retired from Active Person receiving retirement or retainer pay from any Forces, except that special Duty as a memberof the US Armed branch of the Armed authority maybe extended by the Secretary of the Air Forces Forcein certain critical specialties to permitenlistment of airmen retired from the Regular Air Force iunder the provisions of Title 10 USC 8914 after completion of 20, but less than 30 years service. (See ANGI 36-2101) (Note 2.) ]Members assigned to the retired reserve pending attainment of age 60 for Title 10 USC 12731retireCertain professional students Members retired reserve not receiving pay. of (Note 9.)




Persons without prior service xvhoare enrolled in a course of graduate study or training leading to a doctoral degree in medicine,dentistry, podiatry, veterinary medicine, osteopathy, or optometry. (Note 1.)


BMT eliminees for medical reasons Persons who were previously eliminated from AF BMT its equivalent in any otber armed force for or medical reasons. (See Rule 20.) Waiver may be submitted through TAG ANG/ to DPFOM evaluation shows that the disqualifying when medical condition no longer exists. ANG/DPFOM will forward to ANG/SGO. Eliminees from BMT other than medical Persons whowere previously eliminated from AF BMT its equivalent in any other armedforce for or other than medical reasons. (Note 2.)



Former service personnel separated Persons previously discharged for failure to meet minmilitary,, tecbnical, or academictraining for failure to meettraining require- imum llents requirements imposedas conditions of enlistment. Does not include applic/tnts separated from a DER (Notes2., 6., and 8.)


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for Former membersof the Armyor Air Persons not recommended reenlistment by entry National Gnard on last National Guard Bureau (NGB)Form22, Report of Separation and Recordof Service. (Notes 2. and 6.) Persons whoreceived an RE-3 from the ARNG, the following will have to be determined: (1) If the reason for discharge/separation was within the members control. (Notes 2. and 8.) (2) If the reason for discharge/separation was beyond the members control. (Notes 3. and 8.) (3) If reason for discharge/separation was due to State Statutes. (Notes 3. and 8.) Unsatisfactory Participants see Rule 48.


Prior Service membersdischarged for drug abuse Memberswho have previously enlisted in the USArmed Forces, but have not completed full BMT program

Membersdischarged from any component through drug ID process. (Note 1. and Attachment7, Part I, Item A7.1.2.6.) Individuals are ineligible to enlist if they havenot completed an entire BMT programof at least six weeksin one of the USmilitary services, to include 84 days of AD/IADT training (does not include for UTAs) (Note 3.). Membermust be placed on AD/IADT complete 84 to days consecutive training (Title 10 USC 12103.). Navy Reserve and Coast Guard members who attended an orientation course and have completed 5 or moreyears consecutive satisfactory service maybe ! enlisted up to the grade of E-5. (See paragraph1.16.4.)



Prior service personnel with lost time

Persons whohave 5 days or more lost time during their last period of active federal service underTitle 10 USC or prior corresponding provision of the law. 972 (Note 3.)


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Prior se~wicepersonnel in grade of E-4 or below

Prior service applicants in pay grade of E-4 after 10 or moreyears of AD active reserve service, or prior or service applicants separated in pay grade of E-3 or belowafter 6 years of AD active reserve. (Note 3.) or


Members who do not bare sufficient, documented, Memberswho cannot attain 20 creditable service for retirement purposes to enable years for retirement purposes by age themto accrue 20 years of creditable service for 10 60 USC t2731 retirement upon reaching age 60, unless a waiver was previously granted by ANG/DPFOM. (Note 1.) Conviction of "Crime of Domestic Individuals with a qualifying conviction of domestic violence, whichoccurred prior to or after 30 Sep 96. Violence" To determine ifa particular conviction meets the (See Attaehrnent 1, Terms) domesticviolence crime criteria, consult with the local SJA, whowill assist with the determination. (See Attachment6, Part III, Item A6.3.1.) (Note 1.) Served in other country's armed forces Former Membersof the Peace Corps Unsatisfactory participants (Note 1.) See ANGI 36-2101, paragraph 2.6. (Note 1 .)


46. 47. i48.

who i49. Individuals not retained under state Members are not retained under state selective ]retention programs. (Notes 2. and 6.) selective retention programs i50. I Prior Service applicants ~yill be providedthe current Individuals discharged/separated due to failure on a Weight/Body Fat Weight/BodyFat Standards in accordance with ANGI Program 40-502. They must provide a signed letter from their ~rivate civilian physician/dietician stating they have lost and maintainedtheir weight/bodyfat for 6 months ;ince being discharged. (Note 3.)

NOTES: All waivers will be submitted in accordance with Chapter 5, Figure 5.1., and must include all pertinent additional documents. Copies of an approved waiver will be permanently attached to the DD Form 4. 1. No waiver will be permitted. 2. Submit a waiver requestto ANG/DPFOM.


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The waiver authority is TAG, must be in writing. This waiver authority will not be deland egated below TAG. If the incident occurred while the memberwas in the ArmedForces and punishment was received under Article 15 or other judicial/administrative action and is otherwise qualified for enlistment under Table 1.9., no waiver required. (REcode must be an enlistable code; no exceptions.) Waiver authority is TAG maybe delegated to the installation and commander. Waiver must be submitted through and favorably endorsed by the Commander Director or of Personnel and TAG, to ANG/DPFOM, Chapter 5, Figure 5.1. Waiver requests see must include extensive documentationthat details extenuating circumstances that lead to their discharge under these categories. Tile member must also provide documentationthat proves those circumstances will not re-occur (this must include three letters of recommendation from reputable citizens in tile community (other than relatives), civic leaders, charch leaders, etc. Waivers of these categories are exception to policy and will only be approved on an infrequent basis under uncommon circumstances. MPF personnel must brief applicant that when/if retirement eligibility occurs, previous separation paymentsto applicant maybe retrieved from the applicants retirement pay. Those last separated from the ANG ARNG or must first with state statutes. apply for review in accordance

An Exception to Policy (ETP) waiver may be submitted to ANG~PFOM. following The information is provided: 9.1. Members the Retired Reserve whohave not reached maximum of service and are not receiving retired pay mayrequest unit assignments. The member applies by submitting an application (AF t288, Application for Ready Rese~a,e Assignment) to the Air National Guard recrniter whoforwards the application through the gaining MPF the unit and to wing commander.This process is not waiver to enlistment, but an exception to policy. ANG/DPFOM then review for final determination. Former enlisted membermust must not have exceeded the mandatory age requirement (Age 60). 9.2. Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center, Director of Personnel (HQARPC/DP) the approval authority for file transfer of any member from the retired reserve, in accordance with AFI 36-2115, Assignments I'Vithin the Reserve Components,Chapter I, Paragraph 1.18. Processing time is a minimum two weeks. of 9.3. Members must meet the following criteria: 9.3.1. Mnstbe assessed to fill a valid vacancy,will not be assigned excess. 9.3.2. Must be fully qualified in Duty Air Force Specialty Code(DAFSC). 9.3.3. Mustbe physically qualified. 9.3.4. Will not be assessed as overgrade. 9.3.5. Tile application xvill include: Coverletter. Follow the format in Chapter 5, Figure 5.1,, must be titled "Exception to Policy Enlistment of Retired Reserve Member". A completed AF 1288. Recordof current physical examination. Copyof member's retirement order.

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1 MARCH2004 Letter signed by the gaining commander justifying the assignment and manning statistics. Indorsementby State Adjutant General or designated representative. NGB 22. Copies of other documents relevant to the request. 9.3.6. Each request will be forwarded to ANG/DPFOM, Jefferson Davis Hwy, 1411 Arlington, VA22202-3231. Faxed copies will be accepted. NOTE:Once HQARPC/DP approves the request, the AssignmentsSection will contact the servicing MPF with the approval and reqnest a copy of the DDForm4. Uponreceipt oftbe DDForm4, the record will be projected HQARPC MILPDS. in 10. Individuals whointentionally alter or modifyany part of their bodies in order to achieve a visible, physical effect that disfigures, deforms, or otherwise detracts from a professional image. Examples include (bnt are not limited to) tongue splitting or forking, tooth filing, acquiring visible or disfiguring skin implants.

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26 Table 1.4. EnListmentEligibility

Based UponDependencyStatus Of Applicants

Divorced/ Separated

ineligible (Notes 1. and 3.) applicant has custodyof b, vo or more dependents with no prior service applicant has custody of dependents and bas prior service with dependents as a single member eligible ~otes 2. and 6.)

Married with more spouse is military than two dependents Single

ineligible ~otes 1. and 3.)

applicant has no prior service with ineligible ~otes 1. and 3.) dependent(s) applicant has prior service with dependent(s) eligible ~otes 2., 4., 5., and 6.)

NOTES: 1. Member must be thoroughly briefed on family care responsibilities in accordance with AFI 36-2908, Family Care Plans, and complete AF357, Family Care Certification. This will be forwarded to the WingCommander their designee for approval. or 2. Member must be thoroughly briefed on family care responsibilities in accordance with AFI 36-2908 and complete AF 357. No Wing Commander approval is necessary. 3. Waiverauthority is TAG, must be in writing. and 4. Applicants who, upon separation from active status, were single member parents require no waiver if they are: 4.1. Otherwisequalified for enlistment; 4.2. Werea single member parent on active status at the time of separation from the armed forces, regardless of howthe person became single parent; and a 4.3. Dependency not a factor in the person's discharge or release from active status. was 5. Single prior service applicants with dependents wbo, at the time of separation, were married to a military member will qualify for enlistment with a TAG waiver. 6. The need for a court order to release custody of children in order to qualify for enlistment would only apply to prior service applicants who were discharged due to dependency complications. Applicants will be required to complete Figure 1.4., before enlisting. Dependentcare arrangement requirements for reenlistmentJextension are contained in AFI 36-2908. Completionand verification of dependent care arrangements by personal contact with the care provider will be madeprior to enlistment by Unit Commander, First Sergeant or Military Personnel Flight (MPF)Chief.


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Table 1.5. Terms of Enlistment

1. Non-prior service 2. Prior service NOTES:

Yes Yes/No

6 years (Note 1.) 3 or 6 years (Notes 2. thru 6.)

I. The remaining two years of an eight year Military Service Obligation (MSO)will served as a memberof the Obligated Reserve Section (ORS), in accordance with AFI 36-2115, Chapter 5, Paragraph, Table 5.1., Rule 38. 2. AFI 36-3205, applies to the enlistment of PALACE CHASE applicants. The term of enlistment is a minimum twice the length (years, months, and days) of the unfulfilled of ADservice commitment term of enlistment, but mayneither be less than one nor more or than 6 years. Members who physically relocate from another state may enlist for the remaining years, months, and days of the unexpired PALACE CHASE contract, but not less than one year. members from another state may be enlisted for 3. At the commander'sdiscretion, ANG years, months, and days to complete the time remaining on their current enlistment contract, but not less than one year. 4. Member enlisting in an AFSC which requires formal training and in which they are not qualified must enlist for a minimum three years and agree to attend technical training of unless a classification waiver is obtained.

5. Prior service applicants whohave never been membersof the ANGUS eligible for a are one year enlistment, and this applies only to an initial ANG enlistment. Applicants retraining into a career field with a mandatory technical training school are not eligible for this enlistment. 6. Rules reflect minimum terms required for examples above, and maynot apply for other programs such as incentives, Montgomery G.I. Bill (MGIB),etc.