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Date: December 31, 1969
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Category: District Court of Arizona
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Case 2:04-cv—00790-EHC Document 151-24 Filed 05/12/2006 Page 1 013

. . ,ot,¤;. l1,.2QlB3’ 12: 27PI*'l" cnoatss scnuee-HR _ r~rO_ 4%- P _ 2 ,22 i
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Recommendation tor company Initiated TormInatI¤n' . `
` E¤'IPi¤ye¤ Name: Marcela Johnson ‘ · _ g
° Licensed: Yes ______ No ___;<___
Hire Date: DBM SIQQ
r rerrrrrnerren nate: tirosrzuos p I) [E FG [_§ l] ii] [E ‘
Emp. SS#: 527-43-4921 ` NDV 0 8 Zum i
smp.ror:= 21308 y__________
Cost center: one '-nw
Job Title: V Customer Service Specialist ll
Location: Phoenlir AZ i
Manager: cheri Meile. Senior Manager Operations
{·· RCIT Completed By: Tammy Komegay-Hodges
Reason for Terminatiggc gigjgggg ot company Pgllgy - Mrsg nduct
Gengg] Qgggigtigg gf Qrgurnsggnces:
During a formal HR Investigation instigated due to a comment made by her. Marcela
2 Johnson provided inconsistent and inaccurate statements about another oo-woncers
actions towards her. She also implicated others as witnesses to or recipients of
unwelcome behaviors from this co-worker and when questioned. these employees we.
unable to conflnn her statements and denied that they had witnessed the incidents or
interacted with her ae she had claimed.
. Details of most recent incident of misconduct: Cin October 15, 2003. Marcela Johnson.
t Customer Service Specialist II. met with her Manager, Oheri Mello. and alleged that one
of her male colleagues “rubb¤d himself against her" . making her feel uncomfortable
A formal HR investigation was conducted to respond to her allegations. During _
interviews with parties M rceia identned and ini conversations with Marcela herself. rt
was discovered that she misrepresented events. provided inconsistent statements. and
. provided false accounts regarding witnesses otspecltic statern nt andlor events.
Further, she made statements to other employees of her plans to make this allegation
against her co·womer and attempted to gather support from anomer co-worker for her
fa 2 proposed complaint. {
Cas 2 O4Rev. 'I2/99 1 \
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{ These dishonest actions and statements are a direct vlolation of Schwab's Business .
Conduct poliw concemlng misconduct, ln particular. dishonesty. Under the Schwab
policy. misconduct is defined as any violation of a business conduct rule, standard,
procedure or policy. or any act; which has or may have a detrimental effect on Schwab.
the well·being of one's self or others, or the productive functioning of other employees.
Maroela‘s actions are taken very seriously at Schwab. Employees are expected to _
maintain and support a professional work environment. demonstrate respect for team
members and to conduct themselves with the highest degrees of professional integrity.
We require conduct that is ethical and consistent with the vision and values of the tirm.

During numerous scheduled me and in her annual review, dated 01/27/2003, Marcela
has been reminded ofthe importance of demonstrating professional business conduct ‘
and ensuring that all communications retleot professional respect for colleagues. She
has also been advised to keep personal/non-work related issues nom becoming
distractions that lessen productivity.
purine April 2003 Mercellals manager has received two emails and one verbal request
from Marcella’s colleagues to be moved to a work location further from Marcella.
Reasons cited; "childlsh behavior', "being ignored". “disrespeoted’. 'friction being
created', and an overall level of discomfort with interactions with Marcella.
A Finally. there was recently a complaint from another Director conceming an
inappropriate interaction on the part of Marcella and the Directors team.

Lisa Gee. Director Client Services
Cheri Melle, senior Manager, Operations r
EB RegiewIC¤ncd;e;nQ',
_ Tammy Komegay—Hodges. Senior Manager. Human Resources
vllctoria Wallace. Director, Human Resources
**Nothing In this document is intended to undermine the at will status ofthe employment
Rev. 12lse 2
_ SCHWAB/00279
t Case 2:04-cv—00790-EHC Document 151 -24 Filed 05/12/2006 Page 3 of 3 .

Case 2:04-cv-00790-EHC

Document 151-24

Filed 05/12/2006

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Case 2:04-cv-00790-EHC

Document 151-24

Filed 05/12/2006

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Case 2:04-cv-00790-EHC

Document 151-24

Filed 05/12/2006

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