concerning a lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or
inaccessible Canadian passport or travel document
Print in block letters using black or dark blue ink
Applicant's Personal Information
Surname Date of Birth
Year Month Day City Province/Territor y (if applicable) Country
Given Name(s) Place of Birth
Declaration of Applicant
1. I hereby declare that
Type of Document
, number
Document Number
, issued at became
Place of issue
in my name or lost damaged
my child's stolen destroyed
Child's Name
, on
Year Month Day
inaccessible on
Year Month Day
City (Exact location)
under the following circumstances (full and detailed information must be provided below):
2. I have made the following efforts to locate this document:
Police Report Filed
Yes (Specify)
Date of Report
Year Month Day
3. This document was last seen or used
4. Should I ever regain possession of the above original document, I promise to return it immediately to Passport Canada, or, if I am abroad, to the nearest Canadian government office. I acknowledge that a Canadian passport, once reported lost or stolen, is no longer valid and is not to be used for any travel. DECLARATION - I solemnly declare that, to my knowledge, the statements made in this declaration are true. Date
Year Month Day
Signed at
City Province/Territor y
This form must be completed before, and signed by, a qualified official who has the authority to administer an oath or solemn declaration (e.g. a commissioner for oaths, notary public, lawyer, etc.). If completed outside Canada, a qualified official includes a Canadian or British diplomatic or consular representative, or a qualified local official.
Declaration of Official
Surname Given Name(s)
As Address
Commissioner for Oaths
Notary Public
Other qualified official (Specify)
Province/Territor y
Postal Code
Home Telephone Number
Business Telephone Number/Extension
Fax Number or E-Mail Address (Optional)
Français au verso PPTC 203 (09-04)
Date Year
Month Day
DECLARATION made before me on
Signed at
Province/Territor y
Signature of Official