Free Statement - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 2
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 531 Words, 3,343 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 790 pts

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Case2:03-cv-01913-I\/IHI\/I D0cument73-5 Filed 05/10/2006 Page10f2 A _ g

Pinnacle Nissan `
· On Monday, 9/18/OO, Mr. Clcaves calied to re-port an incident zmd he asked that Aut0I—1R _
contact the complainant to inquire about the allegations she has made-
l Naima Curtis is 1h: Assistant to the HR Director, _Pau·ick Bcamzm. She has been ' `
` employed since June ZOOO. Based en a statement she made iu an c-mail sent to a co- e
jworkcr, which the eo-worker brought to his mzmagefs attention, the dealership met with $
Naima. She revealed that Patrick has made several attempts tu become personally i
involved with her despite her rejections he continued to make advances toviqaxd her. He
contacted her at her at home under the guise of wedérelated business but proceeded to Q
make comments to her "i was thinking about y0u," "I c;m’t help myeeli I love y0u," ctc.
_ _ She did not fcc} her job security was in jeopardy however, she states Patrick regularly _ g
_ e took her cut to lunch, paid for by Patrick, lozmed her money, made promises of Q
advancement, including increase iu pay, ability to work fiom home, in addition to paid ;
‘ · time ofil Imitialiy she did not report any inappropriate touching, later she stated that on -
one occasion Patrick tucked hc: shirt in and thereby placed his handsen hex back and into `
her pants. e Initially she did not state that Patricks behavior was anything but Z
“b0thcrs0me" and "1mc¤mf0rtab1e" she new states that she thinks Patrick is a predator, V
that he used his "pewe::" amd his "pesiticm" to pursue her and this can’t be “swept under
the mg." ·
· Interviews conducted: ;
Naima. Curtis ·· 9/19 1 1:12 2.11;. e
e Patrick Bezumen - 9/18 3:35 pm. n j
. e Iackic Schwelling —- 9/20 12:24 p.m. e
Mike Stone — 9/'21 4:38 p.m._ -
. · Based 011 the above interviews, and according to' Naima, we were unable to ·
detexzuine that there were any direct witnesses to the allegations Naima has made `
" · Based on the above interviews, it docs appear that Naimb. did complain about y
"i11appmprietc" advances &0m Paixick t0 others _ _
· Based 011 the interview With"Pa.tdck, there appear to be some inconsistencies in
‘ ` his statements as well as some admissions uf questionable comments and
__ behaviors which support some ¤fNaima‘s allegations
· Pabqick 1‘s approved 16 hmm of time to be paid to Naima for hours she did not
work ‘
Naimahas teznpomxily been moved out ofthe HR cfice se that she does not have any
e direct contact with Patrick. In the absence 0fM1·. Cieaves, to discuss our findings, im e
was decided to issue memos to Paéick 2u1d Na5ma, on 9/22!O0, letting them kuuwthat
the investigation is pending. n i
` ‘ e Ex:-uza1·r n:0._é_.,_ `
" ’ e 2 +1 ce;
- _ _ Donna De LaVina, 6.0.12 ‘ ?
j _ __ e . PINO16297 ‘- ‘ ‘ ‘
1 Id »§;%?§e2e3§é°£°·L2é3‘MHM Q@%%2V'2%’?‘5m XE§9de°5"°”2°°? Page 2 QHQW : M

Case 2:03-cv-01913-MHM

Document 73-5

Filed 05/10/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01913-MHM

Document 73-5

Filed 05/10/2006

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