Free CJA 20 - Appointment - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 1
Date: October 6, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,271 Words, 8,818 Characters
Page Size: 622.08 x 792 pts

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Preview CJA 20 - Appointment - District Court of Arizona
2 · 2 2 2 FFF-EU _ tr; 2g ELODGEDT. 2 _
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l U.S. v. Wirth Jr. 2 Other Adult Defendant 2 - ` r q;_{` €¤EPU _ 2
11. OFFE.NSE{S) CHARGED (Cite Coda, Title 8; Section) Lf nnnre than one offense, lis: (unl to me} major offenses charged. according no seven-try ofntfense. 2
- 12. ATTORNEYS NAM Name, MJ., Last Nome, inciodtng any sum:) 13. COURT ORDER ` 2 -
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. ’ l E P Subs For !'anel.•\n.omey EI Y Standby Counsel 2 y _
1833 E. Baseline Road _ ‘ *"“‘°’ *““’""’°’ "*““’ `2 2 2 y 2
Gilbert AZ 85233-1545 2 »#Pv¤¤¤¤¤•¤¤¤¤=== ...................... 2 f 2 2 22
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- ` I4. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF LAW FIRI\·°I(onIy provide per instructions) or · ’ ' ' _ 2'
ANNE M. WILLIAMS PC E1 ¤¤¤·ts·· ¤·===¤·==¤·=·¤> i I U 2
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22. CLAIM STATUS D Final Pnyment Ijlnterlm Payment Number 11,.,, EI S1|%I¢|I¤ntIl?Iyil1¤nt I It- , 2 _r= - '_ `I
Huvc you prevlusuly appllul nu the oonrr tor compensation sndtor remimburnment for this ease? I] YES NO lfyes, were you paid? V CE YES ‘ C] . NQ 2* _ .2 ._ _ 2
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2 rlnrumillinn? U YES CI ` NO H yu, give detalh on additional sheets. _ - - ‘ ` _ · .._ `_ · _2
- 2 I swear or affirm the truth or correctness ofthe above statements. 2 2 _ · . 2_ . Ir — · ‘ 2 - `2 2_ · A
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2 - 29. IN COURT COMP. 10. 0uT.0F c0uRT COMP. 11. TRAVEL EXPENSES sz. 01*1-{Ek uxPnfNysEs· 22 2 aa. Tq‘m.L2.e.~1‘r. nrrupvtu `_ y r _
:4. saunxrunus or canes sence, count us APPEALS tut: us1.i:c;.·JmP..,...t... I one 22 - 22 22 2 a 2 ssa; ztimniéuba, .- 2 22‘` U YYY
approvndln neu: ofthe sututnrytlnreshold omoum. _ _ 2 . 2. V I I V 2 in 14 < » · .1 4 · . --
2 2 2 Case 2:04-cr—5O185-FJIVI2 Document 21 Filed 10/05/2.0052 ‘L 8' 1 ¤ -»_e22 . · 2. 2 · 2

Case 2:04-cr-50185-FJM

Document 21

Filed 10/05/2005

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