Free Motion in Limine - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 9
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 2,390 Words, 11,737 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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'VCC New Chasis Limited Warrty
. Ot T8m: TN wa gi yo Ip
le ri an yo ma al ha ot ri

~ CODtamiated Fuel- Damage
and failur caus by contaminated Inuding tong, Injecr fuel,

wh Y8 fr tt to ltte

wee do no aue an pe to c:

fo It an otr obti or Ia co.18

wi th ch. An,im WI of meblllt or ft fo a p8l8

plugging, fuel filters dogging, fuel pump damage, and tank cleaning is not co by warrnty.

purp.. applicable to this chls 18 Umlt

In duration to the duration of this wr warrnt. Performnce of repairs an need

adjus Is the exclusiv re und this wr warrnty or any imli W8.
wee ,h811 not be liable fo 1ncc1 or

conuuentll damage (suc .. bu not

wr wanty or MY im W8.. . So ltes do no aI Im on ho lo an Im war wlia ar th exll or
ap to yo

exp..) reultng fr brch of this

limit to, Io wage or veic rel

li of8b li or ~.. ma da In or co no 80 th

Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-6

Filed 08/25/2006

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Things You Should Know About tbe l'ew Cbassis Limited "arrant)

Wart) Repars - Cot Exchges
In th Inrest of cu sati, we ma
of exch se on so c: copots Th 88 Is Intend to re the amnt of tie yor ve Is no av fo us

Chas Alr-CoDdidonlng Systems

" yo c: wa orre wi 8Ir-cing
pr fr wee, th copots tht were
inta by wee wm be core unr th Ba
Chas Corage. The copoents tht may have ben Inle by wce ar as loow: copressr, .

du to rers Copo us In ex are Se Rece Pa wh ma be ne,
rectre, reti, or rere,
dendng on th copo In.
All exchange copoents use meet WCC

cor, co fa, rer-drir, Hne

betw coprss an cons, an the hih
an lo prssre cuoOff swchs. All othr air-

coditioning coponts (su as the evtor,
expansio valw. duct work, controls, assated
hoses. refrigerant charge, etc.) are installed by the bo compay. Se the bo company's warrty

stdard and are warrnted the sae as new coponts. Examples of th tys of coponents

tht might be servce in this fashio inud: engine an trsmisson assbles, Inment cluster
asmblies, and poertn control modles.

for the corage on the air-cnditioning components
they instled.

Warrnty Repairs - Recycled Materials

Delayed Warranty Start

Enro Pro Age (EPA) gulines
an wee supp th ca, puti. an re

Chas originaly sold to a bo compay for later
sae to a retal ower may be eligibe for deayed

of aut air coon re ga an
en co As a re 8t rers wee ma

wa st Warty on ch whic have

be ap fo a de waty st will
so to th firs reta owr.

ma to yo ch ma Ir th Inlati of

coen at th date an maeage th chs wa

pu reme re an cot


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Document 188-6

Filed 08/25/2006

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,.. ..



. . Things You Should Know About the New Cb~1s Llmlted,Warnty

Th mu ex be '" or da of . marm or la u corc us: Ch 8Xon of 12 mo, 4,00 mOes,
de to th bo CO up tt:
. Ch 00 la u re us: ma ex of 24 mo, 8,00 mOes,

6.5 Dies En Components

Th co en us, inudng

wh co fi

whr co firs No debl apes dunng
th coge pe. Th enne pa Baed below

mat or wop fo 3 year or 38,00 miles,

ttr copo, Is cored for defec in

wh coes fi

conu to be coere (ma be subj to a $100
de) for 5 year or 100,00 mnes, whicever
comes firs

Cod yor sellng comercal or reational
vehicle dealer to procss a Delayed Warranty Start Application.

. Cyinder bl and heads and all internal parts,
baanr, vae covers, oil pa, oil pump, water pump, ful pump, engne mounts, seals and

NOTE Ch1. pu In detrto u.. ire not
eligible fo a Delayed Wlrr Start Th

Intae an exhaus maifolds, timing gears, timing

ge ch or belt an cover, ffl, harmonic

appve by wee.
Tir Servce

delaye warrnty I1rt Is not vvlid unless


. Dies Fuel Metenng Sysem: Injecon pump,

An pating WCC De or th ti dealer fo yor

WCC1 Cu Asst Ce. Th to

co on of th de yo ne furt 8S or yo ha qu pl c:

br oIli ca as yo wi li se. If, aft

. Gl Pl Co Sysm: contgl ppug . as, ~ow ppug, co adv rey, an

se de.

no, high prre li an high pressure

teep nu are li on pa 35.


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-6

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 3 of 9

Tblngs You Should Know About the New Chasis Limited Warrnty

mI 1180 be c: by"" Em WI wi no

NO 80 of.. co fr .. pr pae

. Ap on to ne ch he ex In


cc (.. pi" 34lhh 347 fo dt).

TI Exilo: Th Ne Ch lied

Warty Coverage - Exnsions

War wli be ex on da br ea da
be th firs 24 hor pe In wh yor vehice

ne Y8 In. . Do no ap to us chs. wee ow ch, der ow us ch, or dealer deonto chsss. . . Dos no ap to ve wi mor th 1,00 mil on th odter ev th th chs
may not have be rere"io li pltes.

Is at an aut dealer faci fo waty

serv. You may be ased to sh th rer ordrs

to veri the period of time the warrty is to be
exten. Your exenn rights may vary depending
on stte law.

Warranty Service - UDited States and. Canada
For your recrd, the servcing dealer should provide

Mileage exensions: Pnor to deivry, soe
mileage is put on your chass during testng at the
asbl plant, during shppng an while at the

a co of the Warr Repair Orr listing all
warrty rers perf While any pacipating

dealer faciit. Th deer re ths mHege on the firs page of th waty bot at dery. For
el ch, th mDege wi be ad to the

WCC chasss dealer will perfrm warrty servce, we recmend that yo return to the WCC chs

mi Hmi of th wa en tht yo

dealer tht so yo yor chs beus of their cotinu an pe interest in yo. If yo are trve or ha ch yor re, vi any

wee ch deer in th Unit Sta or Cada

ex elgiit

re fun be of th cora. MUge

fo wa serv.

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Document 188-6

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 4 of 9


.. .
Thigs You Should Know About the New Chasis Limited Warranty



Oñ8l EqulpmeDt Aldo

re fr moti or II to ch orna eqent IS ma or used
by wee. Exple of th ty of 8Iti tht

Th wa do no co an da or fare


su an drin motion an axe

pa an coPØ ex of whba.


PrDelivery Service

cu, weng, or di of th chs orina eqipment pa an copots.
Recretion Vehicle and Speial Body or

an nowee pa ac. mate or th

wo not be core ln, In or us of

or whe it Is beng lr to th bo copany
or dealer facility. Normally, any defe OCrrng

Defe In th meanic, eeec an othr copots of yor ch ma OCr at the factory

during assmbly are deteced and correced at the
factory during the ins pross. In addtion,

Equipment AlteratioDS
Insti, or alerati to tt origina eqipment

each chs before deivry. Th repar an
builder or cutomer.

bo copaies or dealers are obigated to inspect

are not cored by this waty. Th spal bo copa (asbler) or eqpmen Inler Is soly

ch as manufctred an asmbl by WCC,

uncorred factory defe an any trit damage

deteced before the chassis is delvered to the bo

an an altion to an of th pa, copots,

ree for wa on th bo or eqpment

th ci of or eq ch

In of a nowc pa cu ~ or

intf (su as re ve), th

in, bu ar no li 10 sp bo

sy or asbles In by wec. Expps

dere to yo ar cored by th wee chis

An defe still present at th time th chs is

wa. If yo find an SU defe wh )' tae dery, PPea adv yo de wi dey, For

de ma have made pr to )' ta devery of yo Y8, PPea as yo deer.

fu deta co an rers wh th

Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-6

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 5 of 9

Things You Should Kpow About the i'ew Lnassis LlmlU:u naCCanL)

wee and wee de re th riht to make
ches In ch bu anor so by thm at any

Noise Emisions Warrnty Vehicles Over

10,00 Ibs. GVW ODl.

wee warrnts to th fit pe wh purc this
chis fo purp other thn resale, and to each

tie wi in an obati to make the
anor so by th.

sae or simil ch on chsss prsly built
Normal Noise
Some of the components wiin your WCC chassis
will emit sond which can vary depending on final

subsuent purcser of this chasis whic, as
manufctre by WCC, was desined, built and

equipp to cofo at the time it left WCC's cotrl
wi all applicable United States EPA Noise Contrl
This warrnty covers the chassis as designed. built
and equipped by WCC. and is not limited to any

RegWins. .
or in any part component or chassis system as
manufctred by WCC, which. at the time it left

vehicle constrcton, la intallation, etc... Typical

sonds ma Inude, bu ar not Umi to, air inducton, exhaus system, brake sytem, and axle and other drlline compoents. Sounds which do
not aff the durabilit of yor chassis are not

partcular part component or system of the chassis

manufctre by WCC. Defe in design, assembly,
WCC's contrl, caused noise emissions to exceed
Federl standards, are covered by this warrnty for

coere under this warrnty.

the lif of the chssis


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Filed 08/25/2006

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Emision Contrl Systems Warrdes

Th Ie ou th em want
Ne Ch Umi Waty co. There ma be adlt CO on wee di
engine chis. In an ca, th warrty wi


acanc wi th u.s. Fe Cl Ai Ac Defe In mate or wo In wee emisn pa ma al be co uner the

tht wee pr l: )1 ch In

Heav Dut Federal Emission Control System
Th emisio Defe Warnty desbe below

beins on the date th ch Is fit delivered or
pu Into use and cotinu br a peod of either

the brodest coe app.
What Is Covered
The part covered under the emision warrnty are

on all Hea Du Gane chis grter than

(i 5 yers or 50,00 mil (whic ocrs first)

8.50 ib. GVWR and on Diesl ch up to 19,50 Ibs. GVWR; or Oi) 5 years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first) on Diesel chassis over

listed under the Emission Warrnty Part list on
pages 34 through 347.

19,500 Ibs. GV'R.

How to Determne the Applicable
Emiion Contrl System Warrnty

emis cotr syte warrnti fo chis

State and Federal agen ma reuire difrent

depndng on whther the ch ha a Bght or a

bIng to dete ~r ch sy:

he dut emis co sy. Do th

cl hong on th en

Lo th labe att to th en ai


_..__._- -.

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Filed 08/25/2006

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Emiion CODtrl Systems Warrnties

wee W8 to th ow th th ch88.: . Wa dene eq, an bu 80 as to
cobm at th li d 88e wi appcable

. wee WBnt th )' dele wwl re,
re or adjus to wee 8pti, at no

ch to yo, an of th part lite on paes
34 throh 347 whic ma be nery to

rela of Pro Agth Fe Enromental (E), an
. is fr fr defe In mals and

caus yor chas to coform to the appncable

emisio standards.
. The warnnty for 80me Diesel engines I. the

wonship wh caus th ch to fall to
co wi th reulti during the
emission warrnty peri.

...pon.lbilit of the engine manufct..r. Se
your Workhorse dealer for details.

Emission related defe in the genuine WCC part

listed under Emissio Part Core. including related diagnostic cots, part and labo are core by this warrnty.


--..~_.. -- .... .'...,. - .

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Document 188-6

Filed 08/25/2006

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. "£OmIsion Loniroi ~ysiem. nil.u¡WUe~

CaUona EmiioD CODtrt W8Ity
tht wee pr b')' chln

Th 8e ou th II wa

Your Rights and Obligatns (For Chassis

Subjec to Califrnia Exust Emission
Th C8Ia AJ Resrc Bo and WCC are

1Cnc wi th Ca Ak Re
Bord. De In mate or wo In

wee em pa ma als be co under

pl to exn th em cotr sytem
warr on yo ch. In Caia, new chassis

th Ne Ch Umlt Wa co.

Th ma be aditi co on wee

mus be desne, equipp an bunt to meet the stte's stent anti-s st. WCC must

wi th brdest a

di enne ch. In an ca, th wanty

wanat yor chassis emis cotr syem Ibr the
pe of time and mil Øs on page 342 proed th has be no abu, neglec or improper maintenance of your chassis. Your chassis
emissn cotrl system may indude part such as

This warrnty applies if your chssis meets both of the followng requirements:
. Your chis is reistere in Calif or other stes adopting eallfomla emission and

the fuel injecon system, Ignition sytem, catalytc
cor, and engine copur. Al induded are hoses, belts, connecors, and other emission related

warrnty regulations.
. Is certed fo sale In Califrnia as inicated on
the ch emision cotrlnbrtl labeL.


*Ne'1 Rhe Islnd, Mane an NeJe Cu Conecu Ma Ne Ha.
_._~-_..-. -


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Filed 08/25/2006

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