Free Motion in Limine - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 207.2 kB
Pages: 7
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,321 Words, 6,710 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Warnty Coverae at a Glance
Eml aslon




CGtrl Svsemi Z YI nui iYlt

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No En
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V // // W8 A 081n in 01 woIh II // i- ca D be CC un d 8.5L
OI en su D . S100 di db ch.


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 1 of 7



WCC Chassis


Wht Is Covere






Th Wccris Ch Is an en an fr un wh In th drng co as sh abe.

Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 2 of 7

WCC New Chas Umted Warrnty


we wi pr fo fI to th ch du
tt, c: an im.
Wht Is Cover

th wa pe In ac ww th fo
, Th wa 18 fo we c:
whic 81 re In th Un

~ Warrnty Period
The Warrnty Peri fo all corage
beins on the date the chssis Is first
delive or put In use and ends at

~. War ApIl
Uni Sttes or Cada an Is prode to th

the exiration of the corage period.

States an no opra In the

For details rearding eligibilit for a delay in the start of the warrnty, se .Delaye Warrnty Start'
in the "Tings You Should Know Abut TheNew .

Chassis Warrnty startng on page 334.

orgi an any subst owrs of th chis

during th War Per

~ Basic Chassis Coverage
Chassis coverage inclucjes the
ii.iim chassis frme, axle, engine,

m R8plra Cove during th or wort ocng
us ne or rema pa.

Th wa cors repairs to correc an ch de rete to materials

trnsmission, brakes, steering,
suspension, and certin electcal components,

Wa Peri. Nee rers win be perfed

as supplied by WCC. These components are

core for 3 years or 46,00 miles, whichever
comes first. except fo other corage Rsted

here under -wat Is Not Co~ and those

items lied under -wt Is Not Co on
pages 330, 331, 332, and 333.

. . .. ._.... - _... ..
. .. _.. - --_.. .

.. .-- .- _. - -


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 3 of 7


.. .

wc.c New Chasis Limited Warrnty

Bo co, tire mm or c: suth wee c:wa coge. Revadd ma pr wa coge In the to
su copas wa inti fo CO details.

~ Towng
Tow Is core to th nearst

C8t be beus wa ch dedriEngine of a 6.5L Diesel Coverage
r:l=n The diesl engines (except those

wee deer facilit If yor vehicle

Th tire oona su wi yor chas ar core aganst defec in (I Tire Cove matenal or wor1p under the
Ba Chs Corage. Ar tire replace unr the

~ Items listed under "Wat Is Not
... .., Covered" on pages 330, 331, 332,

Ba Chs Corage wiD coti to be cored to th remaining po of th Ne Ch Umited Warty. Folong th exration of th Ba Chas
Corage, tire may coti to be core under

and 333) are covered for 5 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first. A $100 deductible

per repair visit may apply after the chassis has been in use for 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first. For additional information, refer to

th tire mactres wa. Re th tire

~ings You Should Kn Abut the New Chassis

mas wa bo or co th tire
mact distbu fo sp deta. .

~ No Charge

Umlt Warrnty stang on page 33.

Ch waty rers, Inuding
towing, pa and la, will be made

at No Che, le any aplicle


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 4 of 7

WCC New Chasis Limted Warrnty

~ Obtain RepIrs
To obn ch wa rers,

. wee de la wi th

ta th \' to . pating

Warty Peri an re th ne rers. A
re time mu be al fo th deaier to


Dae Du to Accdent Mis,


or Alon
not core:

Dage or po pe caus
as th relt of an of th falowng is

pe ness rers.
What Is Not Covere

. Cung, weding, sttcng, or shnnking of chs

fre rals or drr;

. Addon of aft suon equipment
such as tag ax, spnng or spng helpers,

. Normal tire wear or wear out is not

spacer blocs, or air spnngs; .
. Addtion of aftermrket engine and trsmission
mocifcation such as supercarrs, turb

core. Rod haar daage such
as pure, cu, sngs (J Tire Damage or Wear an breaks
resultng fr poth impact curb
impact or from other obec is not core.

chrgrs, exaust bra, exus sytems, air
inducton sytem, coputers (softre or

Damage from impror frt su alignment,

harde modificati), governrs, gear splitters

impror inflation, spiMing (as wh st in mud or

or elecc brang des;

sn), tire chns racing, Impr moting or
dismting, mis, ne, aatl,

. Chss ovrtoading or unevn weight distribuon;

. CoUsi. fire, thft frng, vais, rit,

vais, or misaiction is no co.

exos, or ob striking th ch;


- .. ._-_. _.. _...... .- - - .

_. -


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 5 of 7

.. i

" .

\VCC New Chasis Limited Warrnty

. Mi of th ch su as dr eMr cu,

OVng, ra, or OC co Pror


D8 or Colon Due to

ch us 18 cl8C In th Owi Ma;
copots afr fi asbl by wee. In


. Alertion or moti to th ch or
adc corage do no ap If th odter
ha be ci, It redi ha be


Tre or Aftrkt

envit, Chmicl

Damge caus by airb faou (chemicals, tree
sa, sa spray, etc), st, hal, earuake, water
or floo, windrm, ig, th aption of

al, or mneage cat be dete
junke, or totale.

chmics or seal sut to manufctre,
etc., Is not cqvere.

NOTE: this warrnty Is void on currtly

or previously tied IS salvaged, scrappe,

~ Damage Due to Insuficient or Improper Maintenance
Damage caused by failure to follow

. Front Suspension Alignment
The front supeon alignment
shd be ched an adjused as

ness by th bo copa after

the remend Maintenance Scedule intervls anor falure to use or maintain fluids. fuel, lubricats, or refferant reommended in
the Ower's Manual

Is not covered.

fi veh asbly ha be coplete. In soe

in, It may be ne fo th ow to

ch an adjus th al du to ch io af purc. Th ne fo. fr .- alignent Is ma an 18 not

co unr th tenn of th Ne Ch liited



Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 6 of 7


. WCC New Chasis Limted Warnty

ma Ma Owr's (2 :-=llre In thse su as th de pe
ex. Vehe lu, c: or po,
. Filters

~ Ex lo or ex ex. not Ex is Ecoic


Ma or Mainte Puti an th ows
resu of veic us, wea, or ex ar not
Items such as:

as wel as Its reri re or rer as a

. . Lo of vehie us

Ex Inud:

. Incien
. Stoge

. Paent for loss of time or pay
. Vehicle rental expense

. Brake Pads I Unings . Clutch Unings . Cooants and Auids . Umited Slip Rear Axle Servce

. . Lodng, meals. or other trvel costs . State or loc tas required on warrty repairs

. Tire Rotation

. Wh Balan-ar co only when recement or rer is the

re of a defe in mate or wo. Falure or dage of copo cb to wh us, wer,
exre, or lack of mante is no core. .

- Maen item afer 7.s mI

_. _. ... - ... _. -

Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-5

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 7 of 7