Free Motion in Limine - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 8
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,958 Words, 9,620 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Emision Contrl Systems Warrties

wee Eml88 Waty Corae for Calfrni;Hihy DutVihlcll, Ovr 14,00 Ibi. GVW:

yo c: It no CO 10 )'. in

Wh . W8 co IX we wi rer

dl8no pa In la.

wee emis Wa Coe fo Carnia
Medum DuVthlc, '.50 Ib -14,00 Ibs. GVW:

. Fo He Du Gane enine chis. OYr 14.00 ib GVW. th emis warrnty PØ Is S yers or 50.00 mßes. whicevr co first
. Fo He Du DI enine emison

. Fo 3 yers or 50.00 mi. wh co

If yor ch fail a Sm Ch in.
wee wwll make all nery reirs and
adjustments to ensure tht yor chasis passs

wanty pe Is 5 ye or 100.00 mil. or 3.00 hors of option. whicevr coes first
Ar authorized wee dealer wil, as necssry under
these warrnties. replace. repair. or adjust to wee

the inspeon. This is yor chas emissn

control sytem Penc Warrnty.

If any em rete part on yor chss is
defe. wee will repair or replac it This is your

specations any genuine wee part that affec

The applicble warrnty period shall begin on the date the vehide Is delivre to the firs retail purcaser.
Owets Warrnty Ressibilties:

short-term Emio Defe Warrnty.
. For 7 years or 70.00 miles. whicevr coes


wa or 70.00 minode wee wi bo sp Is wi c:fo 7 ye
rvr or re .. Th Is )' lo

If an em re pa li In )Q ch

As th ch ow. yo ar reble fo the

Em De Wa.

b' yo ch bu wee canno den wa SO

yoth yo retain an Scul. wee Owi Mante maintnc repts re

penc of th sculed maint li In



- . . - - -- .


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 1 of 8



EDDioD Contrl Systems Warrnties

. pe of II 8C manc.

fo li I8 d re or b' yo .. lI en th

What Is Not Covered

, '1 11 re fo pr yo whid to a

Imt of ti. no to ex 30 da. Aa th ch ow. yo sh al be aw tht
by wee.

we deer IS so IS . pr ex Th W8 rers shld be copl In a reble

Warrnty als app to th em related warrnties.
Emission Warrnty Part List

"O Ter- prte In th Ch Liite

abu, ne or Impr matenc or any other Item Rs under 'W Is No Co In the Chassis Um Warrty on pa 33. 331, 332 and 33. The

do no 8p lI co relt fr tampeng,

Th Em Co Sys Warrti obigtions

wee ma den yo warrnty coe If yor chis

or a part has faned due to abuse, neglec Imprr or
insutent maintenance, or modifications not approved

The part that may affect your chssis emissions are
on the followng pages. These emision part are
covered under emission warrnty as follow:

If yo ha any quetins rearding yor rights and repobirites under these warrnties. You should con-

ta the Cur Asistance Center at 1-877-94

771 or. In Caliia. the State of Caliia Air Re Bo, Mobile Sourc Operations Divsion.
P.O. Bo 801. EI Mote. Callfia 91731-2990

What Is Covere
- 'T pa CO un the emis Cotr Sysem

Wa 8r li uner emis Wanty Pa
li be on pa 34.



Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 2 of 8

Emision Contrl Systems Warnties

NO Ctn pi NY be CO bend th.. warr If sh wi 88 .. follow:
. 7 yers,OO mi whr co ftrs

Call em CC.

Tor ~ Cl Soeno Valv

Th Po Swi Po Se Th


Tra Sp Sens
Vehid Sp Sens

Veic Co Moule (VeM)

Powrtln Contl Sysem

Cams Po Se
Coant Fan Cotr Relay

Brake Sw

Baro PP Se

Fuel Management System Al Fue Um (DIls)
Di Fuelnjeon Pump
Diesel Fuel Fuel

eranksaft Po Sensr
Data Unk Cone
Elec Thrott Cotr (ETe) Motor

Colant Levl Seso

Injecon Pump Timing Adjuster


Fuel Pressure Regulator

Engine Cotr Mole (EeM)

Fuel Ral Asmbly Diesel Glo Plugs

Fast Idle So

Engine Cont Tempeture Sensor

Malf in Lap Man Ab Pr Sens

Intake Aj Tempelu Senso

Po Re On Mem(P Co Mo (PROM) Pro
- '.-. 0- .._._,;~-.-;--~--=--=---_. .~-

Ox Se Sw Park Po

Mas AJ Fl Se

- "."'.i::.:.-.--

Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 3 of 8

, "w


Emlsion Contrl Systems Warties

Air Maemnt Sys
AJ Cl Reto

AJ Cl Qlm Mo

Nt Cl (ex b' fi el)

igniton Sy ig Co

.- -

Chrge AJ Cotr Soeno Valv

Nt Inta Du Ch AJ Cotr Acto

AJ Cl Tempeture Copeto Valv AJ Fl Met

igni Ti Adust Kn Se Sysm
Spa Pl Wire

ig Co Moule-

Sp Pl
Catlyc Convertr Systm

Charge Air Coler Charge Air Coler Fan Chrge Air System

Che Air Co Valv

Cataly Convrt
Exhaust Manifld.

Intake Mani-

Idle Spe Cotr Motor

Idle Air Cotrl Valv

Exaust pipes and/or Mufers (when locted
betwee convrter and exhaust manifold)

ThrotUe Bo Asembly.
ThrotUe Bo Heater

Turbrgr Twb Th Serato Sw Tur Oi Purge

Throe CIng Dashpot


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 4 of 8

: Emision Contrl Systems Warranties

PoIt Cr Ve Sy DI Cr De Re Va
01 FI C8
PC fi

Se Air In)e Nt


PC Oi Se

By Val Ch Vals
Pump Be

Deeration Val
Injec Che Vale

Exus GI Rela Sy
EGR Temperatu 'Ser

SWIin Vals
Vacu De~y Vale

EGR Thnn VacUum Vale

Evaporae Emision Control System (Gasoline Engines)

EGR Vacu Pu (DI Ony)

Caner Contr Vale

EGR Va EGR Va an Exus Pressre Reglator Soen Va (diesls on)
EGR Val Rey

Caner Vent Soid
Canister Purg Solenoid Valve

Exaus Backre Trar Exus Pre Regr Vale and Acator
(di on)

Canster Purg Thnn Vacum Valve Fuee Fee an Retum Pipes an Hoss Fuel filer Ca
Fue Tan AUr Pipe (wi rect)

Fue Tan Prere Co Va
Fue TanFue Tan Vacum Ser

Pur li Vac Sw

-..-. .-._.

Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 5 of 8

"'. EmJion Contrl Systein Warndes

: Ml8l1neul Itms U88 In Ab Syms

.. St Ho S8 De Ad Ho : Co HardreSe ,CI Mont Sp Sw
Du Pipe Tub FI Pu WI Ga Rel Va Gtts . 7 )'0.00 mi, whicev co fit
Caliia emissio corage.

Thill You Sbould Know Abut tbe Emlion Contrl Systems Warrnties

certed as beng In c: wi appble
Accngly, It .. remtnded th 8ny
uine wee part.

desne, bu and te and the chs Is

Th em cotr system of yor chss were

Replacement Part

Federl 8n CaIa em rets.

repl8Cmtnn P8rr use for ßllnttn8nce or for the repair of imliiion contrl systemi be new, genThe warrnty obligations are not dependent upon the use of any partcular brand of replacement part,

Part speed in your maintenance scedule as reuir-

in scled reacement are co up to thir first
ret In or the applicabl emis warrnty co pe, whicev co first

bo wil be core under the Emis Contrl
Sys Warres.

on of thes pa relt in failure of anoter part

if failure of

The owr ma elec to us no wee part for
replacement purps, however, us of replacement
part of non

-euivlent qualit ma impair the

effecness of emision contr systems.

CO by th Em Cotr Sys WW as yo wee deaer. .-

Fo de in cornin sp pa


Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 6 of 8

Emision Contrl Systems Warrties

manuf lI be equivlet to gen wee part in perfnc an durbi.

8tr em su path ow sh 8S co, ar wate by lhir hims tht
wee, de b' us on wee chss and

mate re or fo th reir d pa

If OC th ne, we Ip pa 81 us b'

dagn), no to ex th ma.
suste re prce fo 811 warrted pa


re an la chrg ba on WCC's

- .ge wee PI., wh us In CO wi
wee ch me pa manu by or b'
distrbued by any div or subsidiary of wee.
MaIntenance and RepaIrs

no beng avabe win 10 days or a rer no

an th geraicaly aproprite la rate. A l)

remen lie anow for th wa I'r

be coplete wiin 30 da co an
to relw copetion lor warrnty rers
reimbursble due to in emergency.

emrgnc. Retan repts an faled pa In orr

If, in an emergency situation, it is necessry to have

qua 18C8 ouet hover, warrnt reirs
vehide ow.

Maintenanc an repairs can be perfed by any

reprs performed by other than a wee dealer an
yo believ the rers are covered by emisson
warrnties, tae the replace part and your recipt

must be perfed by an autried dealer except
in an emergency siation when a warrnted part or

to a wee dealer for reimbursent COnsderation.

a warrnt sttion is not reasonably avilable to the

This apppes to both the Emison Defe Warrty an Emission Perfrmance Warty.
Recpts an re cori th perfrm of

In an em, wh an aut de Is not

re lo th ex ln (ing 34

an av se es or by th ow, usng an I8 pa we wI c:

re 8Vlabl, reIrs ma be peed at

ma. Th rept an re sh be tr to each subs owr. WCC wi no

be rene In th ev qu ar co

re manten or emrg rers sh


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Case 2:04-cv-00161-ROS

Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

Page 7 of 8

"'..EmJon Contrl Systems Warties

-d8 wa COge so on th Ib of in re Ho. we ma de . :N c:m If . fare to PØ 8C m8 re in th faure of. wa
CIlms Proure
Ñ wi th ot warrntis covere In this bot. tae your vehic to any authried wec

Th on ex wo be 1f)' ret or
ag to an ex, or If a del re fr
evts be th co of yo deale or weco If

yo are not 10 noti, wec ww pre any
reuire reirs at no chare.
In th evnt a warrnty matt Is no handled to your

satict. refer to the Cutor Satifacton
Prour In this boklt under

daler facilit to obtain servce under the emision warrnties. This should be done as son as
poible after failng an EPA-approved Inspecton-

on page 357.

"O Asistance-

Maintenance test for a California Smog Chec test,

For furter information or to report violations of the

or at any time you susp a defec in a part
Thse reairs qualifing under the warrnty will be

emission contr systems warrnties, you may con-

tad the Direor, Field Operation and Support
Divsion Enviromental Protecon Agency, 401 OM-

permed by any wec dealer at no chrge.
reir qualifes unde the warrnty wiin a

Repairs whic do not qualif wil be charg to
you. You WILL be notied as to whether or not the

Strt S.W., Washingtn, DC 204.

re time (not to exce 30 da 8fr

Emis stand, yo ma cotact th State of Caribia Air Resrc Bo, Mo Sorc
Opti DI, P.O. Bo 8001,8 Monte, Carif 91731-29.

For a chassis subjec to the Califia Exust

tk pe reuire by lol or st la).

I8 of th veic by the dear, or wiin the

. .... . . . . ._... - - '-. -,-_..-


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Document 188-7

Filed 08/25/2006

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