Misdemeanor Statement of Rights
State of Minnesota
District Court
Select County
I understand:
1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket. If I have not received a written complaint describing the charges against me, I may request one.
0hkrtg9qhkwfh4ndxa[.s,fh;pgsf;jkwfh]tg,uf.olyjCmujwfhvtmy[kp.sh7;k,itvPfw;h.ogvddtlkodkoIhvC2hvCF .[]kp Ckoxa[.s, s^n.[xa[.s,D 4hkskd0hkrtg9qhk[=jwfhIa[gvddtlkodkoIhvC2hvCgxao]kp]advadlvomujvtmy[kp .sh7;k,it vPfdkoxa[.s,8=j0hkrtg9qhkF 0hkrtg9qhkvkfIPdIhvCgvqk.[objCD
2. The maximum sentence for a misdemeanor offense is a fine of $1000 and applicable surcharges, 90 days in jail, or both.
3mfl6Cl5f.o7;k,zyfvkfpk0haog[qk 9twfh4ndxa[.s, 1000 fvo]k c]t7jkgruh,g8u,4hk,uF 4nd9=k75d 90 ;ao s^nmaClvC 1jkCwxrhv,daoD
3. I can be charged with a crime if I fail to appear in Court when I am told or notified of a Court date. The punishment for failure to appear can include a fine, jail, or both.
0hkrtg9qhklk,kf4ndxa[.s,mkCvkfpk 4hkskd0hkrtg9qhk[=jwxxtdqf8q;mujlko8k,g;]kmuj4ndIPd s^nwfhIa[dkoc9hC dko9kdlko.shI6h;aog;]kD 3mflt4kodko[=jxtdqf8q;mujlko lk,kf4bdxa[.s,F 9=k75d s^nmaClvC1jkCwxrhv,daoD
4. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times and an attorney will be appointed without cost to me if I cannot afford to pay for an attorney.
0hkrtg9qhk,ulyfmuj9tgvqkmtokp7;k,.shgxao8q;cmolgou.om5dM0aho8vo0vCdkof=kgouo7tfu c]tmtokp7;k,9t8hvC4nd [qjC8q;gvqk3fPmuj[=jwfhglaP7jk 4hkskd0hkrtg9qhk[=j,u7;k,vkflk,kf9t9jkp.shwfhD
5. I have the following constitutional rights:
a. for the case to be continued for me to obtain or speak to an attorney.
grnjvgxaodkoln[8=j7tfu7;k,0vC0hkrtg9qhk 0hkrtg9qhk,ulyfmuj9twfhIa[ c]tg;qhk]q,da[mtokp7;k,D
b. to a trial by the Court, or by a jury of six persons, in which I am presumed innocent until proven guilty by the state beyond a reasonable doubt.
,ulyfmuj9twfhIa[dko8aflyo9kdlkoF s^n9kd7otlkomujxtdv[fh;pzh6ryrkdlksqdmjkoF .ooaho0hkrtg9qhk4n;jk8qogvC[= iyl5f16j9qodj;kia4lk,kfryl6fvvdwfh;jk 0hkrtg9qhk,u7;k,zyfgsonvdj;kgsfzqolqClap.fMD
c. to remain silent at all times, including at trial. Anything I say may be used against me.
,ulyf[=jvvd7;k,7yf7;k,gsao8]vfg;]kF ];,maCg;]k0nholko8aflyoD lyjC.fmuj0hkrtg9qhkwfhg;qhkwxoaholk,kfo=k wx.-h grnjv8hko7noda[0hkrtg9qhk.olkowfhD
d. the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses.
,ulyfmuj9txtg-uosohk c]tlv[4k,o=krtpkomaCs,qfm5d7qoD
e. the right to subpoena witnesses on my behalf.
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Misdemeanor Statement of Rights 6. I (check one):
0hkrtg9qhk X.shs,kpgvqkobjC0=h?G
a. request a court-appointed attorney and have completed a form showing my income, property & expenses.
IhvC0=gvqkmtokp7;k,mujlkosk.sh c]twfhxtdv[gvddtlkodjP;da[ikpwfhF -a[lq,[af c]tikp9jkp0vC0hk rtg9qhkD
b. request a continuance to obtain or speak to an attorney.
1kdIhvC0=ln[8=jxbdlk c]tg;qhk]q,o=kmtokp7;k,D
c. do not request a court-appointed attorney and waive (give up) the right to an attorney.
[=jIhvC0=gvqkmtokp7;k,mujlkosk.sh c]tl]tlyf0vC8qogvCmuj9tgvqkmtokp7;k,D
d. have retained my own attorney.
Name, address, and phone number of your attorney:
-njok,ltd5oF muj16jF c]tg]d3mitla[0vCmtok7;k,0vCmjkoG
If you have checked box 6a or 6b, STOP HERE, DATE AND SIGN THE BACK OF THIS FORM.
4hkskdmjkos,kp[vd.lj.o0=h 6a s^n 6b, [=j8v[0=h8=jwxF rPCc8jg-ao-nj0vCmjko c]t]qC;aomu.lj.ofhkos^aC0vC
7. I (check a. or b.): 0hkrtg9qhk Xs,kp0=h a s^n 0=h b ? a. wish to plead guilty to the offense charged and give up my right to trial on this charge and my right to be represented by an attorney.
xk4ok1kd9tIa[lkitrk[;jk8qogvCdtm=kzyf8=jdko]tg,ufdqfs,kp c]t0=l]tlyf0bholko.odkoxa[.s,ouh c]tlyfmuj9tgvqkmtokp7;k,D
b. wish to plead not guilty to the offense charged and [check (1) or (2)]
xk4ok[vd;jk8qogvC[=j,u7;k,zyf.o0=h]tg,ufouh c]t [ s,kp0=h (1) s^n0=h (2)]
(1) request a jury trial.
(2) waive (give up) the right to a jury trial.
Date: ;aomuG Sign your name on this line
Print your name, current address, and phone number:
0Po-njok,ltd5oF muj16jxt95[ao c]tg]d3mitla[0vCmjkoG
Date of Birth: ;aogdufG
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Translated by Minnesota Translation Laboratory