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State: Minnesota
Category: Court Forms - State
Author: Preferred Customer
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Probation Violation or Violation of Sentencing Order Statement of Rights


State of Minnesota

District Court

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1. I understand I am in Court because it is alleged I have intentionally violated the conditions of my probation or stayed sentence as set forth in the violation reports or other papers. Kuv to taub hais tias kuv tuaj hauv tsev hais plaub vim hais tias lawv tau liam tias kuv txhob txwm lwb lawv cov kev cai uas saib kuv los yog cov kev cai lawv tau txiav txim thiab tau sau tseg rau kuv. 2. I understand I have the following rights: Kuv paub hais tias kuv muaj cai raws li nram no: a. an attorney will be appointed to represent me if I cannot afford one; Lawv yuav muab ib tug neeg hais plaub rau kuv yog hais tias kuv tsis muaj nyiaj ntiav tus neeg ntawd los pab; b. a hearing at which the state would be required to prove by clear and convincing evidence that I violated probation or failed to comply with a sentencing order; Kom hais rooj plaub no es nom tswv yuav tsum nrhiav tau tseeb hais tias kuv tau lwb lawv cov kev cai uas lawv muab los saib kuv los yog kuv tau lwb lawv lub txim uas lawv muab rau kuv; c. to have complete disclosure in advance of any evidence, including any written reports, to be used against me Lawv yuav tsum qhia rau kuv txhua yam uas lawv yuav coj los foob kuv;

d. to call and cross-examine any witnesses called to testify against me; Kuv muaj txoj cai nrhiav pov thawj thiab xaub lus ntawm cov pov thawj uas lawv coj tuaj foob kuv; e. to testify myself if I wish; Yog kuv xav hais lus thaum hais rooj plaub no los tau; f. to offer evidence, subpoena witnesses and present arguments, describe circumstances or give an explanation; Nrhiav txhuas yam, ua ntawv yuam pov thawj thiab hais lus cam cov lus uas lawv foob kuv, piav txog hais tias yog vim li cas kuv thiaj li tau ua yam uas kuv tau ua dhau los;

g. to appeal any decision made in my case. Muaj txoj cai foob txhua yam uas lawv txiav txim rau kuv mus rau lub tsev hais plaub loj tshaj lub no. 3. I wish to proceed as follows: Kuv xav hais rooj plaub no raws li nram no: ! a. waive (give up) my right to an attorney, admit the violations, and let the Court decide today whether or not to revoke my probation and execute the stayed portion of my sentence. I understand I will be permitted to explain my situation to the judge. Tso kuv txoj cai tsis kom tus neeg hais plaub pab kuv, lees lub txim uas kuv txhaum thiab cia lub tsev hais plaub txiav txim hnub no seb lawv puas yuav txiav kuv qhov kev saib los tsis txiav thiab puas yuav rau txim los tsis rau. Kuv paub hais tias lawv yeej yuav tso kuv piav rau tus neeg txiav txim hais tias yog vim li cas kuv thiaj li lwb lawv cov kev cai saib kuv. ! b. request a continuance to hire my own attorney. Thov sij hawm ntxiv rau kuv mus ntiav neeg hais plaub pab kuv. ! c. request a court-appointed attorney and have completed a form showing my income, property and expenses. Thov kom lub tsev hais plaub muab ib tug tus neeg hais plaub los pab kuv vim hais tias kuv twb ua ntaub ntawv hais qhia txog kuv ua tau nyiaj li cas, muaj vaj tse li cas thiab tshuav nuj nqi li cas rau lawv lawm. ! d. deny that I violated my probation and request a hearing on another day. I give up my right to an attorney and will represent myself. Tsis lees hais tias kuv tau lwb lawv txoj cai uas lawv muab los saib kuv thiab thov kom lawv tshem rooj plaub no mus rau lwm hnub. Kuv tso kuv txoj cai, tsis kom tus neeg hais plaub pab kuv thiab kuv yuav Page 1 of 2 Minnesota Court Translations 04-99

Probation Violation or Violation of Sentencing Order Statement of Rights txheem rooj plaub no kuv tus kheej xwb.


Date: Hnub tim: Sign your name on this line Xee koj lub npe rau txoj kab saum no Date of Birth: Hnub yug: Name, address, and phone number of your attorney: Npe, chaw nyob, thiab koj tus neeg hais plaub tus xov tooj: Print your name, current address, and phone number: Sau koj lub npe, koj qhov chaw nyob tam sim no thiab koj tus xov tooj:

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Minnesota Court Translations
