State of Minnesota
District Court
Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type:
Select County
Application for Reimbursement of Witness Expenses
I am the parent of a minor called as a witness for ___________________________________ regarding the above case.
Party Who Called You or Your Child as a Witness
I was called as a witness or
I am claiming witness fees and/or reimbursement as follows: NOTE: Total amount reimbursed for meals, loss of wages and child care may not exceed $60 per day. Do not submit a claim for any of these expenses without providing written proof of lost wages from your employer and receipts for other expenses. Date Appeared Daily Fee (Witness Only) Child Care Mileage (# of Miles X $0.28) Lost Wages Meals Daily Totals
TOTAL CLAIMED: $ VERIFICATION I declare under the penalties of perjury that I am the person making this claim; that I have examined the claim and it is just and true; that the expenses were actually paid for the purposes stated and that the fees are allowed by law; and that no part of the claim has been paid. Dated: ______________ __________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________ Social Security # (required for payment): ______________________
OFFICE USE ONLY Amount of claim $ Less amount claim exceeds statutory allowance - $ Less expenses not proven in writing - $ Amount approved for payment $ Dated:
FY____ ORG _____ APPR ______ 2M01 100 09
Deputy Court Administrator
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