Misdemeanor Statement of Rights
State of Minnesota
District Court
Select County
I understand: Q ponima[, hto%
1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket. If I have not received a written complaint describing the charges against me, I may request one. mne pred=qvleno obvinenie v soverwenii pravonaruweniq, opisannogo v iske, povestke v Sud ili wtrafnom talone. V sluhae nepoluheniq iska, v kotorom opisyvaetsq pred=qvlennoe mne obvinenie v pis;mennom vide, q mogu prosit; predostavit; ego. 2. The maximum sentence for a misdemeanor offense is a fine of $1000 and applicable surcharges, 90 days in jail, or both. Maksimal;nym nakazaniem za administrativnoe pravonaruwenie srednej tq'esti slu'at dene'nyj wtraf v razmere $1000 s sootvetstvu[]imi doplatami, 90 dnej t[remnogo zakl[heniq ili oba vida nakazaniq vmeste. 3. I can be charged with a crime if I fail to appear in Court when I am told or notified of a Court date. The punishment for failure to appear can include a fine, jail, or both. Mne mo'et byt; pred=qvleno obvinenie v soverwenii prestupleniq v sluhae moej neqvki v Sud v naznahennoe vremq. N akazaniem za neqvku mogut slu'it; dene'nyj wtraf, t[remnoe zakl[henie ili oba vida nakazaniq vmeste. 4. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times and an attorney will be appointed without cost to me if I cannot afford to pay for an attorney. Q ime[ pravo byt; predstavlennym advokatom v tehenie vsego sudebnogo processa. Esli q ne smogu oplatit ; uslugi advokata, poslednij budet predostavlen mne Sudom besplatno. 5. I have the following constitutional rights: Q ime[ sledu[]ie konstitucionnye prava% a. for the case to be continued for me to obtain or speak to an attorney; na otsrohku sluwaniq dlq togo, htoby q smog#smogla najti advokata ili pogovorit; s nim#nej; b. to a trial by the Court, or by a jury of six persons, in which I am presumed innocent until proven guilty by the state beyond a reasonable doubt; na rassmotrenie moego dela samim sudom ili kollegiej iz westi prisq'nyx, v tehenie kotorogo soxranqetsq prezumpciq moej nevinovnosti do tex por, poka moq vina ne budet polnost;[ dokazana; c. to remain silent at all times, including at trial. Anything I say may be used against me; xranit; molhanie v tehenie vsego vremeni, vkl[haq sudebnyj process. Vs\, hto q ska'u, mo'et byt; ispol;zovano protiv menq;
d. the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses. na ohnu[ stavku so vsemi svidetelqmi i ix perekr\stnyj dopros; e. the right to subpoena witnesses on my behalf. na vyzov svidetelej v Sud ot moego imeni. 6. I (check one): Q (pomet;te odin iz kvadratov)% a. request a court-appointed attorney and have completed a form showing my income, property & expenses; prowu o predostavlenii mne besplatnogo advokata Sudom. Q zapolnil anketu, kasa[]u[sq moego zarabotka, imu]estva i zatrat;
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Minnesota Court Translations
Misdemeanor Statement of Rights b. request a continuance to obtain or speak to an attorney; prowu o predostavlenii otsrohki, htoby prokonsul;tirovat;sq so svoim advokatom.
c. do not request a court-appointed attorney and waive (give up) the right to an attorney; ne prowu o predostavlenii advokata i otkazyva[s; ot prava byt; predstavlennym advokatom; d. have retained my own attorney. ime[ svoego advokata. Name, address, and phone number of your attorney: Imq, adres i nomer telefona Vawego advokata%
If you have checked box 6a or 6b, STOP HERE, DATE AND SIGN THE BACK OF THIS FORM. Esli Vy pometili punkt 6a ili 6b, ne zapolnqjte punkt 7. Postav;te datu i raspiwites; na obratnoj storone. 7. I (check a. or b.): Q (pomet;te a ili b)% a. wish to plead guilty to the offense charged and give up my right to trial on this charge and my right to be represented by an attorney; xohu priznat; sebq vinovnym v pred=qvlennom obvinenii i otkazyva[s; ot svoego prava na sudebnoe r azbiratel;stvo po dannomu obvineni[, a tak'e ot prava byt; predstavlennym advokatom; b. wish to plead not guilty to the offense charged and [check (1) or (2)]; xohu zaqvit; o svoej nevinovnosti v pred=qvlennom mne obvinenii i (pomet;te 1 ili 2); (1) request a jury trial; prowu sud prisq'nyx; (2) waive (give up) the right to a jury trial. otkazyva[s; ot prava na sud prisq'nyx.
Date: Data% Sign your name on this line Raspiwites; na /toj linii Date of Birth: Data ro'deniq: Print your name, current address, and phone number: Napiwite pehatnymi bukvami Vawe imq, adres i telefon%
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Translated by Minnesota Translation Laboratory