State of Minnesota
Select County
District Court
Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Criminal
State of Minnesota, Plaintiff vs. , Defendant
I understand: xƬMyl'fa: 1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket.
xƬM¨tUvVnecaTeday¨b¨Bwt`bTelµIs EdlVnerobrab'enAk~¬gbN`wg, dIkaekaHehA, Ébgûan'«d.
Petty Misdemeanor Statement of Rights
The maximum sentence for a petty misdemeanor offense is a fine of $300.00 and applicable surcharges. karkat'eTaskMritxõs'bMputsMrab'bTelµIsmCÎwmtUc KWkarBin&ycMnYn $300.00 nig«fÂBin&ybEnÄmebIman. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all stages of the proceedings. However, Minnesota law states I must hire my own attorney for a petty misdemeanor charge.
xƬMmansiTìi[manemFavICatMNagrbs'xƬM enA¨Kb'dMNak'kar«nTMrg'karcºab'. k*b"uEn` cºab'rd½minIsUtaniyayfa xƬM¨tUvEtCYlemFavIedayxÂçnäg sMrab'karecaTBIbTelµIsmCÎwmtUc.
I have the following rights: xƬMmansiTìieTAtamcºab'EdlEcgdUcteTA: a. for the case to be continued for me to obtain or speak to an attorney.
sMrab'sMNMuerOgedImºI¨tUvbn` sMrab'xƬMTTYl ÉniyayCamYyemFavIm~ak'.
b. to a trial before a judge in which I am presumed innocent until proven guilty by the state beyond a reasonable doubt.
edImºIkarkat'k`IenAmuxecA¨kmmYy, enAk~¬gkrNIEdlxƬMsnµt' faKµaneTas rhUtdl'rkeXIjfamankMhus edayrd½ elIsBIkarsg§&yedaysmrm´mYy.
c. to remain silent at all times, including at trial. Anything I may testify to can be used against me in Court.
enAes©om¨Kb'eBl tulakar. rYmTaMgenAeBlkat'k`I. GÃI@EdlxƬMniyayCaPs`¬tag Gacnwgykmke¨bI¨bqaMgnwgxƬMk~¬g
d. to confront and cross-examine all witnesses.
sMrab'tTl' nigBinit´eTAvijeTAmk¨Kb'sak§ITaMgGs'.
e. to subpoena witnesses on my behalf.
Form Khmer/Cambodian Translation Petty Misdemeanor Statement of Rights
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Approved by Conference of Chief Judges: date Revised: 6/2001
I (check one): xƬM (KUsmYy): a. wish to plead guilty to the offense charged.
cg'sarPaBTTYlkMhus cMeBaHbTelµIsEdlVnecaT.
b. wish to plead not guilty to the offense charged.
cg'sarPaBminTTYlkMhus cMeBaHbTelµIsEdlVnecaT
c. request a continuance to consult with an attorney.
es~IsMu[mankarbn`mYy edImºIBiPak§aCamYyemFavIm~ak'.
Dated: «f©TI: Signature
Date of Birth: «f©ExkMeNIt: _______________ Name, address and phone number of your attorney:
eQµaH, Gas&yd½annigelxTUrs&BæemFavIrbs'G~k:
Print your name, current address and phone number:
sresreQµaH, Gas&yd½anbcͬbºn~nigelxTUrs&Bærbs' G~k:
___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Form Khmer/Cambodian Translation Petty Misdemeanor Statement of Rights
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Approved by Conference of Chief Judges: date Revised: 6/2001