Free COUNTY - Minnesota

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State: Minnesota
Category: Court Forms - State
Author: Preferred Customer
Word Count: 697 Words, 3,864 Characters
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Gross Misdemeanor DUI Statement of Rights


State of Minnesota

District Court

Select County


3mfvkfpkl4kog[qk0aho.sPj 7=kxtdkflyfmy8jkCM
I understand:


1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket.

0hkrtg9qhkwfh4ndxa[.s,fh;pgsf;jkwfh]tg,uf.olyjCmujwfhvtmy[kp.sh7;k,itvPfw;h.ogvddtlkodkoIhvC2hvCF.[]kpCkoxa[.s, s^n.[xa[.s,D
2. The maximum sentence for a gross misdemeanor offense is a fine of $3,000 and applicable surcharges, 1 year in jail, or both.

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3. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times, including police line-up or during police questioning.

0hkrtg9qhk,ulyfmuj9t.-hmokp7;k,gxao8q;cmowfhm5dg,njvF ];,maCmuj,ug9qhksohkmuj8=ki;fg/qhk s^nd=k]aClv[l;o1j6D
4. An attorney will be appointed to represent me if I cannot afford to pay for an attorney.

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5. I do not have to say anything about the case. I do not have to answer questions about the case.

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6. Anything I say may be used against me in Court.

7. I can speak to an attorney before my next Court appearance, and I will be given enough time before my next Court date to obtain an attorney.

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8. I can have a jury trial or a trial by a judge without a jury.

0hkrtg9qhk8hvC,u7otlko s^n ,uzh6ryrkdlk3fPxkl9kd7otlkoD
9. I can tell the judge today what I think should be done about bail or my release from custody.

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10. I can be charged with a crime if I fail to appear in Court when I am told or notified of a Court date, and the punishment for failure to appear can include jail, a fine, or both.

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Minnesota Court Translations


Gross Misdemeanor DUI Statement of Rights


11. I wish to (check one):

0hkrtg9qhk,u7;k,8hvCdko X.shs,kpgvqk0=hobjC?G

! represent myself without an attorney.

9tlgoufh;p8q;0vC0hkrtg9qhkgvC 3fP[=j8hvCdkomtokp7;k,D
! request a court-appointed attorney and have completed a form regarding my income, property, and expenses.,umtokp7;k, c]twfhxtdv[gvddtlkodjP;da[ikpwfhF -a[lq,[af c]tikp9jkp 0vC0hkrtg9qhkD
! request a continuance for more time to consult my own attorney.,udkoln[8=jwfhs^kpgmnjvgrnjvwfh3vh]q,da[mtokp7;k,0vC8qogvCD
12. I have (check one):

0hkrtg9qhkwfh X.shs,kpgvqk0=hobjC?G

! been booked and fingerprinted on this offense.

0hhkrtg9qhkwfh4nd9qf[aombd c]tcxt3xh]kp,nl=k]a[dko]tg,ufouhD
! not been booked and fingerprinted on this offense.

0hkrtg9qhk[=jwfh4nd9qf[aombd c]tcxt3xh]kp,nl=k]a[dko]tg,ufouhD
Date: ;aomuG Sign your name on this line

Date of Birth: ;aogdufG Name, address, and phone number of your attorney: Print your name, current address, and phone number:

-njok,ltd5oF muj1j6 c]tg]d3mitla[0vCmtokp7;k,0vCmjkoG

0Po-njok,ltd5oF muj16jxt95[ao c]tg]d3mitla[0vCmjkoG

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Translated by Minnesota Translation Laboratory
