Free Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,149 Words, 6,449 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 790.56 pts

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Preview Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-37

Filed 08/15/2008

Page 1 of 3


Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-37
Sacr:imeii(o Ranger Dî5trÎit

Filed 08/15/2008
(S05) 681.2551

Page 2 of 3

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l"nitetl States Dep:irimeru of ..\:!riculture

F')rcst S~r..ic~

Hwy 82- & Curlew, PO Bo:i 288
C1oudcrofr.:'M 88317

File Code: 2230
Dare: January (7,2006

700.3 0500 0000 -1623 i~94

Jimmy G055, President Sacr.mento Grazng Association
PO Box 596

Weed, NM 88354
On July 23, 2004, I si!:TJed a Record of Decision that would implement management actio'os on
the Sacraento and Dry Canyon Allotments (0 make livestock management on These allotments

consÎstem with the lincoln National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. You appeoled my decision to both the Forest Supervisor and tbe Regional Forester under 36 CFR 25 ( appeal included a detailed review of the project record and concluded Subpart C. Both levels of
my deciaion was based on a reasonable assessment of the resource co.nditions on the Sacrento

In a letter dated June 10, 2005, Deputy Regional Forester Abel Camarena explained to you why Decisioo. Dei'L;cY Regiona your term grng perir must be consistent with the Record of

Forester Camarena concluded his letter stating "As you were advised on Febru 1, 2005, the
second level appeal decjsion by my offce

constituted the final admirustrtive determination of the Deparent of Agrcultue (36 CFR 25L.87(e)(3)). Therefore, the nex:t step is to either reissue a new term grazng permit or modify the existng permit, including an updated allotment

management plan.. .... On December 16,2.005, r mailed you the new lO-year term graziig
perit and the allotment management plan for the Sacraento and Qry CanY9n Allotments. r your Januar 9, 20061etter lettg me know that you were not signing the new pert. received.

Since you have elected not to sign the new (i)-year permit, by this letter, r am modifyg your
existing ter gring perit, #081250, in order to make your permt consistent with the July
2004. RecQrd of De cis

iuD.. Fullowing are specifii: m,)r1:ifi.:arioiì5 to yeii. term gr~ing ;ierm~

#:081250 issued on 1l/13/99.

Par 1, Siætion 2 is modified .i follows:
i 2. The number, kind. and cl:ss oflivestocli period of

use. :ind gr:iing allotment on which the livC:tock are

permitted to ;;r:ze ;iri:i follows. unless modilIed bv the Forest Service in the Bil for Collection:

. ~00-4l1 : C:inlc .;i; :.05,15 (0;: i ::ummer Rami:e Sacraento Allomint.':: i:: 200.:::;5 C:iUL~ c:i: . L 1:01 O::~3 Winte Rami:e Sacraento Allotment::~ I '; :00-3:' 5 c.iii:c .::c o:::')! 1)5 i.. Winte Range Sacraeoto ...nOtmcOI ;:: l7

;' . Hor:~ hol"c ' 0:',0 t Ù~ ':3 Sair:enro Altounem:¡:: i '7

Cpro-S C:irrk .,:.. . ii.OL .0:.:3 Dr Canvoll...lomienl=::H
t.'p to -5 C:iaLe ';': 03,Ot i)5::": Drv Canyon .-\Il..imenr =::1.l


C:iring for me l:ind :ioci Ser\.ing pe-ple

~n..oa on iloa P.o.,


Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-37

Filed 08/15/2008

Page 3 of 3

P:irt ~ of your ~xjsting term g;:izin;; pe:mit ::8 L ~05 rem:iins :ir.changed.

Tht: ailmment man:gem~nt plin for the Sacr:me:iio .lnu Dry Can)'on Allotme;its was pro,..ided to you for

cor:em in dr-ft form on Noi;emb~r I i, 2005. You Jiri ncc ..ornment on tit.: draft or reuest a meeting
with me .0 discuss it. As indìc.ied previousl:-. the n~iv temi gr:zng pelit that ( mailed to you on December 16. 200.:. included the new allotment management plan. Because. you did not sign the new your exisTing ti:rm grazing permic #08 i 250. is moditie.d as follows: Term grazing- pimnit. Pm 3 of
In P311 J of

your e,.'dsting term gr¡¡ing permit. =081250 are numbered pages 5 though 9. Pages 5, 6, .:od

7 remain unchanged. P.:ges g and 9 have, ~en modi

tied io be ..onsistent with the Record otDecision :ind
your currnt ter gring pennit

are au:iched to this letter. Please insert the moditied pages in Par 3 of

and remove those pages ,hat have been superseded.
The allotment management plan has been prepare subsequent to and in conjunction wÎth the Record of.

Decision that sdected Alternative 8 in the final Environmenial Impact Stitement for ihe Sacuiento. Dry Canyon and DavÎs Allotments. It outlines :ind docum~nts the management strategy ptrmned tor the

.:lotmems over the remainig life of your term gring pennit. #(81205. TI plan includes: management objectives. livestock management practices, proposed stroctul improvements and monitorig strategies used to meaure achi~vement of goals and objectives.

Please staple this letter to the face of your existing tenn gring permit bec.use it modifies Part i. Section
2 and Par 3 of

your term gring pennt, #081205.

Additjomitly. on April 14, 1003, United Sl:tes District Judge Parker issued a ruing in the matter of


Guarians v. Uniied States forest Service. et aL. (eiv 00-490 JPIRP) Consolidated. The Cour found
the Forest Service violated the National Forest Man::gemenr Act by tàìling io ensure that livestock grazing urider the 1999 tenn grazig permt for the Sacr:unenlo Allotment is consistent with the Lincoln
Porest Plan. The Cour ordered ¡h'e Fore Service to modify the 1999 tern gring pennt for the

Saer:mento .A1lotrent in order to make the pennt consistent with the Lincoln Forest Plan. Subsequently.

I prepared an Erivinmental Ú'act Statement th anlyzed vaous gring: alterntives for mangement
of the Sacrenio Grang AJlotment. 'Tiat proceSS was compli;ted when 1 issued the R~ord of Decision

on July :28, 2004.

If you have :my questiori concerg tlis letter please contact Mmc Cadwallader or myself at (505) 68::255 i.


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