Free Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 12
Date: December 31, 1969
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Category: District
Author: unknown
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Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-3

Filed 08/15/2008

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Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-3

Filed 08/15/2008

Page 2 of 12


Sacr~mentoRanger District
Lincoln National Forest

Prpared by: ~

~4!~ ót' /(7 /$
Mark Cadwallader Date 7 i
District Rangeland Management Specialist
Sacramento Grazing Association



Approed by: -+ Ag fl. .~
Fl"nk R. Martnez
District Rangel'

/-/7- 0(,

Upon approval, the provisions and guidelines outlned in this Alotment Management Plan (AMP) are hereby considered a part oePart 3 of the Term
Grazg Permt issued to the Sacramento Grazing Association.


Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-3

Filed 08/15/2008

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. Introduction
This allotment Management Plan has been prepared subsequent to and in conjunction with the Record of Decision (ROD) that selected Altemative 8 in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Sacramento, Dry Canyon

and Davis Allotments. It's purpose is to outline and document the management
for the allotments over the fife of the Term Grazing Permit. This plan includes: management objectives, livestock management practices, proposed structural improvements and monitoring strategies used to measure achievement of goals and objectives.
strategy planned

Prior to the grazing season, the District Ranger and his staff wil prepare a letter
of Annual Operating Instructions with the grazing permittee. The plan wil include statements of how the livestock wil be grazed on the range that season, developments planned, improvements to be maintained, salting, herding, and


other manageme_nt needs for each individual grazing year.

Type of Operation
divided into a summer unit and a winter unit. There are two major pastures in the summer unit and four major pastures in the winter unit A deferred grazing system has been followed in the past and wil continue with regard to the two summer pastures. The four winter range pastures wil be grazed season long with cattle distributed in all four pastures as forage production and water availability allow. The Dry Canyon Allotment wil also be used as a winter pasture in conjunction with the four winter pastures on the Sacramento Allotment.
The Sacramento Allotment is a yearlong allotment that is.

The Sacramento and Dry Canyon Aflotments will be grazed as a cow/calf operation. The summer grazing season wil be from on.or about 5/15 to 10/31 and the winter season wil be from on or about 11/1 to 5/14.
Permitted numbers for the Sacramento Allotment summer season will range from 200-12 cattle and 5 horses. Permitted numbers for the Sacramento allotment

winter season wil range frm 200-335 cattle and 5 horses. Permitted numbers
grazed on the Dry Canyon Allotment during the winter season wil be up to 75

cattle. Stocking wil be varied within the permitted ranges of livestock numbers
based on forage production and utilization monitoring. Annual stocking rates wil

. be specified in the Annual Opèrating Instructions.


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The two pasture deferred grazing system employed on the summer range wil require livestock to be moved mid way through the summer season to the alternate pasture. Cattle grazing the various winter pastures wil do so for the full winter season. Adjustments in livestock numbers or length.of season may be necessary due to climatic or other unforeseen circumstances. These changes wil be made through amendments tò the Annual Operating Instructions.

Management Goals and Objectives
Implement an allotment management plan that wil achieve the following within the life of the Term Grazing Permit:
· Primary forage species are currently Kentucky bluegrass, brome, orchard

grass, and intermediate wheatgrass. Currently many of the primary meadow bottoms are dominated by sod bound low producing, Kentucky bluegrass. The initial objective is to increase the vigor and production of Kentucky bluegrass.

· An additional objective, possibly requiring more than the life of the Term
Grazing Permit. (ten years) is a gradual transition in forage composition resulting in increases in brome, orchard grass, and intermediate wheatgrass with a decreased dominance of Kentucky bluegrass. The gradual transition in plant


composition in meadow bottoms into a more desirable bunch grass and forb community wil provide .soil protection and produce improved quality and quantity
of forage.

· Improve livestock distribution in upland openings where available forage
exists that can alleviate grazing pressure in areas where livestock naturally congregate. Distribution will be improved with planned range improvements, herding, arid salting.

· Improve herbaceous plant composition, quantity and quality of forage, in
winter range areas.

· Improve ground cover throughout the allotment with the implementation of
conservative forage use levels across the allotment.
· Increase weaning weights and calf production through improved quantity

and quality of forage.


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Cooperative Management Actions
1) Implement a conservative forage utilization level on the Sacramento and Dry Canyon Allotments. This wil allow for root expansion on forage species and improve plant vigor. This use level wil also allow desirable forage species such as brome, orchard grass and wheatgrasses to increase in meadow areas.
2) Implement a coordinated schedule for improvement maintenance, reconstruction, and new construction with permittees and Forest Service as

3) Implement effective use of other management practices such as herding and salting to aid in proper distribution of livestock.

4) Continue cooperative monitoring with permittees, New Mexico Game & Fish and the Range Improvement Task Force (RITF) in order to monitor progress and

effectiveness of management actions.

Allowable Forage Utilzation Levels
With the exception of existing and proposed livestock holding traps, a forage utilization guideline allowing for conservative grazing (30-40 percent utilization) wil be implemented throughout the Sacramento and Dry Canyon Allotments.

A 70 percent forage utilzation guideline will be implemented in existing and proposed livestock holding traps.

Perfrm monitoring visits prior to the entry of cattle to the winter and summer pastures, at approximately the mid-point of the grazing season on the summer pastures, and within 15 days after the end of the permitted grazing season on both the winter and summer pastures. As part of this process, consider the effect of elk and deer on the allotments. Monitoring will be accomplished in a collaborative effort involving the New Mexico State University (NMSU) Range . Improvement Task Force and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.


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Summer Range
There are 10 key forage utilzation areas established on the Sacramento summer
range. with 5 being located in each of the two main pastures.. These wil be monitored during the grazing season in coordination with the Range Improvement Task Force (RITF) using modified RAM methodology.
· Prior to cattle moving on the allotment, sprìnggrowth will be a minimum of

1 inch during the first week of May. Key forage species measured wif be Kentucky bluegrass, orchard grass, intermediate wheat and smooth

· Mid-season monitoring will generally occur between July 15 and August 15.

· End of season forage utilization monitoring on the summer range wil

generally occur between October 15 and November 15.
Winter Range (Sacramento and Dry Canyon)

Monitoring will oCcur on two key areasin each of the four pastures on the winter and at 3 key areas on the Dry Canyon allotment. These wil be monitored during the grazing season in coordination with the Range Improvement Task Force (RITF) using modified RAM methodology.
range of the Sacrmento Allotment

· Prior to entry on the winter pastures, a monitoring visit wil occur in October to assess forage production and availabilty
· . End of season forage utilization monitoring on the winter range will generally occur between May 1 and May 31.
If climatic conditions or other factors indicate that forage growth may be below the amount needed to complete the summer grazing season, these key areas will be used to project potential forage production through the end of the grazing

If end of season monitoring on either the summer or winter pastures indicates that allowable forage utilzation is exceeded, potentially affecting long-term management objectives, then management changes wil be implemented. Management changes may include, but are not limited to, adjusting livestock numbers. The end of season monitoring data wil strongly influence the next summers stocking rate with due consideration given to climate and precipitation received and timing of grazing. The determination and rational of the District



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Ranger for the necessity of management changes because of utilzation and subsequent forage production from climatic influences such as precipitation, wil be documented in Term Grazing Permit file and validated through monitoring the following grazing season.

of the permit, condition and trend studies wil be conducted on the Sacramento Allotment summer range

Within the first two years and prior to the end of the term

utilizing appropriate methodology. The initial studies wil be used as baseline data to monitor progress in àchieving the resource management goals outlined in

this plan.

Range limitations
Sacramento Allotment Summer Range The summer range on the Sacramento Allotment is made up of narrw canyons
containing long narrow meadows in the bottoms and steep tree covered slopes. These steep dense canopy slopes also contain a high density of Mexican Spotted Owl (MSO) Protected Activity Centers (PACs). Management requirements, contained in the biological opinion for the United States Fish and
,-- . Wildlife Service (FWS), include the following terms and conditions: .

1.1 Fences, corrals, trick tanks, livestock traps or other management construction activities that occur within PACs wil be conducted outside of the MSO

been determined. .

breeding season (March 1 - September 30) or after non-nesting status has

1.2Within PACs, Forest Service employees and the livestock permittee shall strictly limit their actvities, vehicles (including off-highway vehicles) equipment and construction materials to the open roads and motorized trails or appropriate livestock management areas activities (e.g. livestock traps).

Exceptions are allowed to monitor key areas. .
1.3 PAC boundaries shall be discussed with permittee to insure that livestock concentrations and associated activities such as salt or mineral supplement sites shall not occur within PACs. Exceptions wil only include salting within those areas of some PAC's (Le., ridge tops and open canopied areas when used as a range management tool to decrease impacts in riparian and MSO high-use areas). The Annual Operating Instructions shall indicate areas that are appropriate for salting to minimize impacts to the PACs.



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when forage production Is low on summer pastures, the Forest Service wil monitor forage/range utilization and manage the Sacramento Allotment consistent with the range management forage utilization guidelines mentioned earlier in this plan.
2.5 During periods

2.6 The Forest Service shaH establish two more key areas within the Hubble and

Bluf Springs PACs. Monitoring of these and other key areas for prey base cover

rains or by August 1). .

shalf follow appropriate monitoring methods. Monitoring of prey base cover will be conducted during the required time frame (10 days after the onset of summer

The terms and conditions frm the biological opinion listed above and the uneven broken terrain of the summer range wil make it necessary to maintain close coordination to insure the terms and conditions are met along with livestock management objectives. Deviation from the above terms and conditions must have the approval of the ,District Ranger.

Range Limitations - Sacramento Allotment Winter Range
The four pastures that make up the Sacramento Allotment winter range and the Dry Canyon Allotment contain some extremely rough topography. These two areas make up approximately twenty miles of Sacramento Ranger District

western boundary.

Each unit is separated by deep and rough canyons that do not lend themselves to any effcient type of rotational grazing system. This season long grazing make it necessary to attain good livestock distribution in each of the five pastures.
Grazing pennittee and the District Ranger will need to work

agree to a distribution strategy.

cooperatively and

Improvements identified in the decision document for the Dry Canyon Allotment need to be installed prior to increasing winter stocking rate to 75 head. Staged stocking is possible depending on rate of improvement development.

Distribution Aids

A. Waters
Construction of proposed water developments wil enhance current livestock

distribution patterns. Primary water sources are supplied by ground water
springs, distribution pipelines, and water catchment type improvements. Preventive and routine maintenance will be needed to maintain the maximum effectiveness of these improvements.



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B. Salting

Salt will be used to draw .cattle into lightly used upland areas. Salting in soft canyon bottoms and other natural livestock concentration areas wil not be permitted in MSO PACs, as a general rule. In areas outside of MSO PACS,
salting in canyon bottoms and areas of natural

livestock concentration wil be

avoided where ever possible. Deviation from this protective measure wil require approval from the District Ranger.
C. Herding

Distribution by herding wil be expected when cattle are brought on to the

allotment. Periodic herding wil be especially important during the summer
season to insure that livestock concentrations do not develop in meadow areas. The topography in this allotment requires that herding be an important component of livestock management

Range improvement development is highly dependent on availability of funding

over the life of this management plan. Due to funding constraints, the planned
range improvements wil be implemented over the life of the.

~- .

management plan. Projects Will be classified as high, medium, and low pnority for implementation.

The pnority classifcation wil be use as a general guideline for implementation,

. but could be modified as funding and need dictates.
HIGH - target date of implementation during the first 4 years of the plan

Sunspot Pipeline Reconstruction - 4 miles of above ground pipeline.
$15,000.00 materials.
Forest Service - furnish materials Permitee - provide labor and equipment for installation

$10,000.00 .
Forest Service - furnish materials

Dry Canyon Trick Tank reconstruction.. replace 4 catchment surfaces
Forest Service - furnish materials Permittee - provide labor and equipment for installation

Burleson Trick Tank reconstruction - replace 2 catchment surfaces
Permittee - provide labor and equipment



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Clean Mule Pasture earthen tanks - clean 5 earthen tanks on Mule
Pasture $2,000.00

Permittee - provide labor and equipment

MEDIUM. target date of implementation during years 5-7 of the plan
Dry Canyon Pipeline extension - extend pipeline Yz mile to livestock

drinker $1320.00
Forest Service - furnish materials

Permittee - provide labor and equipment

Grapevine Pipeline extension - extend existing pipeline 1 mile to southwest $5500.00
Forest Service - furnish materials Permittee - provide labor and equipment
Atkinson Trick Tank construction - estimated $6500.00

Forest Service - furnish materials
Permitee - provide-labor and equipment

LOW;. target date of implementation during years 8.10 of the plan

Thousand Mile Corral reconstruction - estimated $1000.00
Forest Service - fumish materials

Permittee - provide labor and equipment
Wright Springs Trap recønstruction - estimated $750

Forest Service - furnish materials Permittee - provide labor and equipment
Wills Corral reconstruction - estimated $1500.00

Forest Service - furnish materials Permittee - provide labor and equipment

Rim Drift Fence - construct % mile of drift fence on rim summer


and winter units $1000.00

Forest Service - furnish materials Permitee - provide labor and equipment


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Alamo Canyon waterline - upgrade water delivery system to troughs $500.00
Forest Service - furnish materials

Permittee - provide labor and equipment
Construct Holding Trap at Masterson - estimated $6,000.00

Forest Service - fumish materials
Permittee - provide labor and equipment

Construct Holding Trap at Russia Canyon - estimated $2500.00
Forest Service - furnish materials

Permittee - provide labor and equipment

Expand Mule Holding Trap - estimat,ed $1000.00
Forest Service - furnish materials Permittee - provide labor and equipment

Existing Grazing Exclosure (Forest Service maintenance responsibilty)
Livestock grazing is not authorized within the grazing exclosures listed below. The exclosures are not apart of the permitted grazing area of the Sacramento

Allotment. These will be maintained by the Forest Service for listed species habitat and sensitive riparian areas.
1. Sacramento Lake
2. Hubbell 3. Upper Mauldin 4. Lower Mauldin

5. Upper Penasco
6. Bluff Springs

7. Western Riparian

the term grazing permit. .

The above grazing exclosures are shown on the allotment map that is a part of


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New Grazing Exclosures Scheduled for Construction
1. Telephone Canyon -10 acres 2. Wils Canyon -4 acres

3. . Water Canyon - 3 acres 4. McAfee Canyon Wetland - 2 acres
5. Sacramento Lake Wetland Expansion -1 acre 6. Upper Penasco Fence -:x mile

The new exclosures wil be built and maintained by the Forest Service. There purpose and need is disclosed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. Once constructed, the area within the new exclosures wil not be considered as part of the permitted grazing area for the Sacramento Allotment.
The provisions outlined in this Allotment Management Plan wil bring the Sacramento and Dry Canyon Alldtments into compliance with the Lincoln National Forest Resource Management Plan and the Final Environmental Impact Allotments. Statement for the Sacràmento, Dry Canyon and Davis

