Free Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

File Size: 89.7 kB
Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
Word Count: 671 Words, 3,059 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 790.8 pts

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Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-17

Filed 08/15/2008

Page 1 of 3


Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-17

Filed 08/15/2008

Page 2 of 3

Ju 16,200

USFS Saceno Raer Dist

Mr. Fran Ma Ra
PO Box




We received your leter of Ma 23. as wel as the leter of June 14.200.
1. We have bee remvi catt from the Uppe Pen wetds the. As you know the exclosu fece reai is th resnsibilty nee of rep. We hae taen pictes of

as son' as they get in the USFS and is in

th plac whre fence ne repai for anyone

th migh ne to $C them. We are chki the exclosu rear and ar movig
cae th ar ou. Elk conte to desoy fen ever where on ou alotm. . We are

complyg with inctons to the be of our abilty. It is an absolute nety to ke
this rah as a way to mae our livi as we have an exns inesnt in th aloten.

We ar st to do tms as wê tr to sty in colian.
2. FS ha fence the Sacraento River offleavi our cae no plac to water as they

come from wi to suer pas an we ha ope the gat in order to acs our
water righ for cae hee. We beev you ar lile to alow Olt cae acs to waer.

Fra you told us re the coon of the forest it wod be be to let th cale come to su pa as they would. as th come th pas thou Sacento
. Ri. As son as we ñn them th wear tag th on to the Nort pa. .
Howeer. when your FS reprter rert catte in th Saceno enclosu, he faed to

not thes cae wee not al our as reprted.
3. We have mae

ever efort as- the cae C(tn up to tae th as son as possile to

the North side. We ar no "grg" th on the sout as acse a fe sters wi
bethuntU we get themonth()gh. IfJ:)UJieqii~toiet them gr on th sout
suer, where you monitorig rerds show tht foe is more pler ha


grte, we would not be in nón.ompüan. In-order for them to re th pas wih the shorter gr they must pas thrgh the sout su fist. Ou reqess for beer rage maement were once agai ignred and we are acse ag ofbeg ou of

complian. On th advce of the RI âI th voice of ove i 00 yea exence we asked also to scer the catie over th whole summ aloten as is th cuom of
rachers in a drought. Rotaton work wen in norm condtiolI bu Wè rea ths is not a nonn yea .

Fra your let stes th we should tel Ri whe we ar in compli inea we
are telg you as the authr of

th leter. In parh 2, in emhas, we ar told th

we must comply with "Fores Ofce" inetons and given ou pas exen trg to

comply with Mr. Rik Newon's ever changng inctons as son as we le him know
we have done everg he ha inet~ he wi be lookig for somet else. We

would lie for an of you to rea tha we ar trg to do wha is be for th teltces

an se that we have a li on theaUotni tht we wel knw wi support us an our

Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 42-17

Filed 08/15/2008

Page 3 of 3

futu generons. We woud also apprece havi our commts and reqes given some consideron. We under the dicu th drugh is casi and we ar doin
ex ridi to kee an eye on our cattle and the forae they gr as wel as tag a few
off the alotment, we do

not wa to apply for non use as we plan to re them as son

~d&~ ..¿/~.~

as we get ra.

