Free Declaration - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Pages: 17
Date: December 31, 1969
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Category: District
Author: unknown
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Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB

Document 43-6

Filed 08/15/2008

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Sa--, Dr Cm iu Dm~ Gn AI

Ll 1a Fø


diose the potent effects of autor Iiv~tock grg activities an assocate rage tIovements on th
õ, The Foret Servce (FS) has prepaed a Fin Envionmnta Imact Staemnt (F) to

Sacento, Dr Cayon and Davis Gtg Alotmnts. The Sacrnto,Alotmnt is th pr focus

of the analysi _~oc-anted in the Enyionntal Imact Statement ~). In reone to admstrtive
action and to potentialy aleviate magement problems on t:e Sacrto Alotmen an unused porton
of the Dr Cayon

' .. ....
.' ,
'from the PrOPse action and alteratives.

Grg Alotment and the previously closed Davis Gring Alotment wer included

in some of the alteratives considere in the PE.
The FES was prepar~ in .cmpliance with ~e Nationa Envio~nta Policy. Act (NA) ançl oth

relevant Feder and State laws and reguons. The prject area is located sout, ea and west of
Cloudcroft. New

Mexico. and is with_th Sacrento Rager Dict, Lincoln National Fore (L.

Tle FE discloses tle dit.'indi and cum1iti~e impacts and any irverible co~tment of
resoures tbatwould reult

1.1 Background

The present Sacraento Grg Allotment is the result of combing 10 historical alotmts. In the late 1970's, Ihe High Nogal Ranches. Inc., acqued grg permts Oii the 10 mstorcal alotment. The , 'control of livestock mangement on the 10 sm alotments by one business interest mae it possible to
combine them into one large alotient Combing thse alotmnts provided an opportnity to improve'

resource maagement as wel as adminiiitrtive and economic effciency. An Envionmental Assessment

(EA) and Alotmnt Maagement Plan (AM) were approved in 1979 for the newly.consolidate allotment. The AM prescrbed imlementation of an intensive rotation grg system along with a very
extensive range imrovement development progr Under the 1979 AM, the alotment was fuy
stocke for aboutiWo y~. However. iIï bantcy. imleiintaon of the AM was ony parialy i983 'tle perttee 'flied for banptcy. Becuse of

the complete Between 1983 and 1989, the

allotmnt saw period'ufve'-h'të-ar'non~U'Sëõy1íYestotl¿;'.. --, -, -.- ,-- ,--- --, --._In 1989. the curent permtt (Sacraento 'Grîng Association) was issued a: Term Grg Pert on

Sacramento Alotmntle new perttacquid only the gring permt and did not acquie the
, private lands. which wer an integral par of the livestock operation when the original combintion took
place~ addition. the long period of nonuse on the alotment resuÍted in deterioration of many of the
existg range improvements. Because of the chaged pnvate land base and may of the rage improve-

ments being nonictional. the 1979 AM is not functional.
Record of Desion
. . 1

Rnal Envlronment:llmpact ShIement

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~. Drc.yø MId /J Gni AJøi

No Signifcant Effec (FONS!) were complete on a new

An EA Decision Notice (DN). and Fiding of

Sacnto Grg .Aotm AM on Mah 1. 1995. Two ~ppea were fi protetig the desion to

be prpar for the AM. .

iilemet the new AM. Both 'aps aleged violation of the NEP A and the Nationa Forest , Management Act (N). The appea reue tht th decision be set aside and that a new EA or EI

. .

AférieVìëWigtlIëappeàs';të Appe Deding ?f~r remaded the decision on May 31. 1995. The remad intrte the LN to prepar a supplemet to the EA and include stocking rate for each
alterve, clar foret plan consistency, clarfy effects on cultu resources, and complete constaon

with the Stae HistOIc Prservation Öfce (SBP). Afr prepartion, the supplement was to be

ciul for commnt a new DN prepar and a n~w term grazg permt issue

A suppleme~t to the EA was completed on May 3, 1996. and offere to the public for a 30-dy review period. Commnts reeived on the supplemental EA highghted a nee tò gather more. data before a

decision could be issued' on the new AM. A pnvae consultat caed out additiona gring capacity

studies and addional'motorg of elkivestock intertions wa Intiatèd.

Af review of the troubled hioi of the NE A process on th project the LN Supervor decided in Novembe 1998 to,have an EIS prepard. A Notice Of Intent (NO!) was published in the Fed Regi
qn May 5, 1999. The NOlwas ainde in Janua 2000

. -. -

and agai in May 2002 tó Upate expecte

comp!~tioi das..

. . :'....' .-:w.' ~ . : i .
, .

The ~ ~yo~ ,A1o~t, adjacnt ~ the nortwest comer óf,th Sacranto Alotment, ,is if

commty allotmnt (an alotmnt us~ by more th one ~rmtt), wtth tle separt~ te grg
pets. Two of the grg permts are preently actve. The thd pent was caceled in i 995 bea~e
of permt yiolatons and retaed by the FS for fure use. The FS complete an EA disclosig the'

en~C?nmtnta,efects of issuig new permts on the Di Cayon Alotlt and mae a decsion to isue

theene~,ptits.i 1999. ., '
The tWo:prently active perts wer issued for 10 and 20 heåd of catte from Novemb'er 1 ,~May 15.

The 'thá'permt for 75 hea of catte from November 1 to May 15 was not issued to a pertte at th

ti. lssuig the th permt for the' 75 head of catle to the Sacraento Grag Association was

considered iri.the FB.

The Davi Alotment adjoin the $acnto Alotmnt on the eat side. Two perts were issued for grg on the Davis Alotmnt in the ealy 1980' s. One of these perts Was ~sued to High Nogal
Råches and was used in conjunction with the Sacnto Allotment. In 1983, High NogalRanches

removed al of its livestock from th~ Davis Å.otment ~d never used it again. The oth~ pemit re-ii:ed
in effect and passe though a succesion of diernt permttees. In 1992, the permt was trferrd to

Angel Cayon: Rach Parershi. In May 1992, dicusions betweeD' Angel Cayoi(ffmcfr P~erhip

and the Forst Servce about the reoure and maagement prblem or th alotmt :rced:in a
Memoradum of Undersanding to close the alotment to livestock gng. ' ' ,

ReceIl litigation filed by the Sacrnto Grang Association cla that the Associaton should be alowed to gr the Davis Alotm as par of the Sacranto Alo~ni based on hitorical Use by its



Fúl EnviromenllmtJ StM/t

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P.04/17 .

~. Dr Cl-i Da Gmz AI LIn NB61 Fo

predecessor. Hìgh Noga Ranches. Reauthonztion of livestock

gring on the Davi Allotent was

considere in the FE.

1.2 Purpose,and Nee Af acquition of the Santo Alotment grg per~ in 1989, the cuent grg permttee bega to grduay stock the Sacnto Alotmnt to fu pett numrs. When the Sacrento
Allotent was fuly stocke in 1991. forage 1ition began to exce actable levels. Exceive

forage utliztion has been a contiua conce since then. .A adequa or fuctiona AM doe not
presently cover the.

Sacrnto Grg Alotmt. Prsent maagemet is not conisent with the

stadads and gudelies of the Forest Plan in some ar.

A sound, efftive AM is nee to author contiued grg. gude prr reource maagement on

the Sacnto Alotmnt, repaI specc resource problems, brig the Sacrento Alotmnt into compliance with the LN Pla and provide the bass for a new or revied Term Grg Femut for the
next 10 yea. Unalocte forage capacity is availe on the Di Canyon Alotmt that may help

aleviate problems on the Sacraento Alotmnt by shig some of the grg us to the Dr Cayon Alotmnt.

Authorid grg on the alotmnts is constent with the followig:
· Where it is consistent with othermutiple us goals

and objectives, Congrsiona intent is to alow grg on suitable lads. (Multiple Use Sustaed Yield Act of 1960, Wilderess Act of
1964. Forst and Rageland Renewable Resoures Plang Act of 1974, Fed Lad Policy

and Magement Act of 1976. and NF of 1976).

· The alotments contan lands identied as suitable for domestic livestock grazng in the LN and

continue domestic livestock grg is consistent with the goal, objectives, stadads, and
guidelies of the Forest Plan.

· FS policy is to mae forage from las sutale for grng available to qualied livestock operaors, consistent with land magement plan (FSM 2203.1).
· FS.poIicy is to contiue contrbutons to the economic and social well being of

people by

providig opportties for economic diversity and by promoti stabilty for communities that

depend on range resources for their livelihood (FM 2202.1).
· By reguation, forage producig lads wil be managed for livestock grg where consistent

with land management plan (36 CF 222.2 (c)).

RecDrd Df DelSlon


Final Envlromentulmpact Statement

, .

AUG-Ø2~2004 1S: Ø5 SACRAMENTO RD Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB Document 43-6
Slø. Dry C; IU DI Gnu AlIo
lJln N;imill rr

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, 'FI;Eñvimea Impact Sttement
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2.1 Decision

~tJ~JiG~AI~ U1 il ~

My deision is to imlemnt Alteative B as decrbe in the FE forthe Sacnto. Dr Cayon. and
Davis Gring Allotments. with iDnor modificaons as desbed in th Record of

Desion (ROD).
th decion doct, best mets the puiose and

Alteve B. With the modcaons,descnòe in

nee for the proposed action (FS Chapter 1) by autorzig contiue grg of the alo1mts

consistent with Congressional innt under the Multiple-Use Susined Yield Act, implementaon of an
, effcient 'alotint pla addessig identièd reour problems and confcts. and providig a sound

basis for a new or revied te grg permt.
Alteatve B best moves towar -al: of the desir fu conditions descnbe for the ara'in FE

Chpte 1 by imrovig unsatifactor rage condition (F Chpte 3.9). imovig nparan
conditions (FS Chapte 3~6) . imroving wathed conditions. imrovig strea ban stbilty and
watr quaity, (FS aia,p~r 3.6J. ,:balcin ,grg use wi1; other resource uses (P Chapter 3~,
maitaing viåbilty of

lite aiaI' plants and ans ,(F Chpter 3.8), åndmatag a vible
balances the five issue identiéd for the proposed action (F Chapter 1) by

livestok opetion (FS Chapte 3.10).
Alternative B best

balancing the needs of the ljvestock operaon with th nee 'of li and ra plant and an spèies,
elk population, conts with receation. and riar condition (PiS Chapte 3). Whle Ùle .aternative
does not eliat al aspects of al ,~,s,~es., it

at lea par~y addrsses al the issues.
; '"

My decision to imlement Alteativ~ B, wil:

. . .
I ·

Imlement an elkvestock monitorng pi~ ÎD, cooperation with afected pares.
Requie completon of a n~4Í~us we~ ~sessment prior to ~ ,KIund ~~g or site alterig
rage imprvement projects 'to 'detere the ri of increasing the s¡'read of noxious weeds.
ROUlte sl\lt loctions to redu~e i~p~cts caused by concentrtion ~f livestock

around salt grunds,

, . . .':: ..... . . .'
where livestock grg is hiderig natu revegetation.

Prohibit use of salt or mierl supplements with ~ mie of ripanan area or with sigh of the
Cloudcroft to Sunot Hiway #6563 and th Sacramento.RiveT Road #537.

Exclude livestock grg wifu tempor fencing on fue revegettion projects ard on. sites

i . Develop a collbor,'aoach'Wth-te-p-Nmcepait1.ntuf-Ge--" ,
Fish to mae water avalable for wildlife use at an e,dsting and futu water development projects

, "


in pastus where

,livestok ar present. Leave storge ta fu, wher feasible, when liveStock

ar removed from a pase.
· Issue a Ter Grg Pert on the Sacrento Alotment wîth vaable stockig from 200 to
412 cae and 5 hOJ:es from May 15 to October 31 on the suer rage and 200 to 335 catte

11/l ~ ..
, ,~lìiJ'

and 5 horses from November 1 to May 14 on the witer range. Issue a Term Gr Permt for
. 5

Recrd of Decsion

Ñnøl Environmenta Imptlc; Statemen

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LI N6tN Fa .

~ Drci -l DøsQni IlIo
up to 75 cate from November 1 to May 14 on the Dr Cayon Anotment. Stockig wil be


vared with the pett rages of livestock num ba on forae prodtion and
utlizon monitoring. Anual stokig rate wi be detenned in th anua opetig pllm
\ . Exclude livesock from unenced emer~ent wetlands in the Sacrmento River dtage above
\ Sacto La and nea the mouth of

McAee Cayon with new fencing (F Table 2).

\ Curntly th site in q~tio-;~' dr d-Ue'~ .~i;ndëd'drÜ:iit cönditi~~. -~i~ntaon of

,\ thes propose exclosures wil be defer un it is deteed th wetld component exst
\ outside th exitig exclosUI.

. Exlude livesock ftm.la0!" Phielphia woo liy (Lilium phil,adelphim) populations wi
peent fencig (F Table 2).

. hnlement a 35% forage use gudelie for al key

area on the sumer rage and the Dr Cayon
area on the witer rage.


. .

Implement a 40% forge use guidelie for al key


Alow 70% forage use gtidelie of cmrent growt in eKistg and proposed livestock holdig


.: .., z.. .. . . '..



AlOW?O llyesock forge, us in ~g,exc1osurs.
'CoiItict' addtional rage imrovements havig an estimateif cost for mas of $97,000 contrbution. (PlS Table 2). '
Contiue use of 465' aCs of six exiing Iivestok holdig




,fuedby the FS an $74,00 fr pertt labor

. .

traps (. Table 2).


35 acrs of new livestock holdig trps, in thee locations (FIS Table 2), '


. .

Mata the exitig 264 acre in six grg exclosurs (P Table 2).
Inta propose excloSus in the Penaco'Trap to protect dr.cíum and Rumx (FlS Table 2).
~stall proposed exclosurs in Wil Cayon witl the Wills Trap to protect Circium (PLS


Table 2).

Insti 3A ine of new fene along tle west side of Foret Road l~ in the Uppr Penasco ripanan

, ,


exclosur to prvent inci,denta USe durg trng. Tls is a modficaon of an exiting riparan

Constrct ~ mile extension of éxistig pipelie in Dr Cayon Alonnnt and instal one new
",arr trougb_

. Reconsct foUl trck t. in Dr Cayon Alotmnt
. Prvide seasona defermnt of

sumer pastus in two-year cycles. Pastues in the Nor Pastu and South Pase wi be gred under a deferred rotation system with each pastu being grd haf of the sumr seasonand alternatig cady and lat use each year. The Aton and Nelson
Pastus wi also be used for up to 40 replacement heier or equivaent capacity under a defene

Rec or Dølolt


Final Environmenrallmpact Sttiiml!,


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Sl, Dr CI /Ur1 i-vis Gr AIIs

Umn M1 FØI

rotaon system with each pasmre being gr half of the summr seaon and 'alteatig ealy

lat each yea.

· Gr the four witer pastu (Alo. Mul, Pas Ridge. and Grvie) anuay. Livestok
wi be divided and distribut in Mule. ,Pastu Ridge and Grpevie Pas for th eIti

Witer seon.


Remove lives~k from the Al~o Pastu by Feb~ 1 for two yea to prott the Sacrnto
Mountain prckly the Alo Pasture from yea of the pert.

poppy (Argemne pleiaanha ssp. pinnaecra). Grxig will be permed in
November 1 to Januar 31 dur the fit two yea. In the subsequnt

livestock use in the Alam Pas wi be moniore each Deber or ' Januar ,to ~tee whether an adjustmt to th num ,or-livestock is necsai commsute wí1: the potential for livestock imacts on the poppy froi grazg or tramlig. In
con~taon With United

States Fish an Wildle Serce (USFS) it was ídentified tht ~e

would be removed Febar i for th fit two yeas of tbnew tfi permt. The expeced date of
th~ ROD ''Yas .Decmber 290~. The tWo yea of th proposed Febru 1 exit date were planf?

to be 20 and 2005. Sinc~ li.v~tock~er removed from the Alo pastu by Febr i. 2004,

crt yril be given for meti the fi yea of th two-yea reqement. Co1lorve ~o~
witb.Ú~FwS, Oteró 'C~:mniy.' and' the Jltt wil continue wì~ the imlementation of tlé

revei pìài fOr the pOppy.: Th' ~od~ation in the propo~ ~e åtAi 'Pastne to a shoI'er
seon: wi afec the penttee to some degr economicaly: The removal of càte from the
Alaio Pastu by

Febi1 '1 and the distrbuton of those cattè to other pastu witb'the

wite :rge Wi'reuie additional inv~stmeDtof mapower and tie by tle perttee: This wil
result in some negatve economic impact to the peritt for as long as ths reuiement is in '



Gr"up to 75 hea' of cae on the Dr Cayon Allotmnt durg the witer s~on_ Full
stocking of th~ 75' head wi not be author un the propose imrovements ar complete. Incrementa stocldg of the Dr Cayon Allounnt may be authorid as individual improve- ,


ments beome functona.
· Conduct regular scheduled and'Ulschedul alotmnt inctions to determe the condition and
effciency of rage improvements. forage ution. livestock distrbution patt, and locations

,of salt and miera suppleints~

· Perfor monitoig viits prior to the entr of cae to tlewiter an sumer pases, at
, approxîtely-te mià-point-of the' grg,seaen-n-the-sumer-patu;;d-wth"l5-dys-" . ~
aftr the end of the permttd grg seaon on botn the wite and sumr pastues. .A par of th process, consider the effect of elk and der on the alotments. Monitonng wi be accomplihe in a collab~tive effort involvig the New Mexico State University (NSU)
Rage Imrovement Task Fore and the New MeXico Depanent of Gae and Fish.

· Meaur long-term condition and trend on key site duigthe 10yyea lie of th Term Grg Permt.
Røcrct of Deion,

RnaJ C/vlronment3i lIpact Sttement

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SSnt, DI~)' lI 0.'1 Gr II Un ~RmI1 .
. Rme maagement activities may be adjuste as a resut of motog da collecte The


modificatons would not reui adtiona NE A analysis if th eff would still be with the
rage of ~ffec analysi disclosed in PEIS Chapter 3 and did not chage the basc desions as

ide~~ in the Decision To Be Made. in, ~ Chapter 1.
,.., Establisliewey mnnitaig._for.prey,

,cover with the Hubble and Bluf Sprgs Mexican Spott Owl (MSO) (Str occidentIs) Prtect Activity Ceters (PACs).

. Asses adherece to the prcnòed forge use gudelies usg m.nts on key forae spcies. Monitorig on key area wi detee complice with fongerage utition
. Monitor Sacamento prckly poppy (Argemcne pleiaantha ssp. pinecia) p~ulations in

, ,

Alam Cayon durg the lie of th 10-yea permt.

2.2 ' Raonale

Al prticable means to avoid and/or minimi".eenvionmnta har have ben conSider To ih end,

reuioo mitigaon me, as desnbe in FEIS Chpte 2, have ben idetied. ',', '

. . I . .
. ,:::",' . .
. . f: ~ . '. : . :. i.

AJte~ti~e Á was not selected because it d~ Dot meet the purse and nee of the proposed acon. It

does n?t resolve any of ~e exg conflc~ with other reoures. Alternve A: would neal~ ~linae
elk from the alotmnt and fuer exacerat conflcts with reaton and wildle resource uss.
Alterntive A doe not move intle' diection of

Alt~~~v~,Ä:~~lves o~ pay resolves anly the one issue relate to viabilty of a liv~stock operation

.. :.~ J.' . . the desied futue . . descnbed for the ar. ,:' . conditions

on the a10tm. '
Alternatve C: was not selected becausè it would completely eliminate gring frm the alotmnts and
would not,~ f~sïstent ~th the purse and nee to xntai a viable lIvestock opera~n consistent

with O?~~~~i~na ii~~nt. , '
. .......,J.~..... ,. '.'"
Alternve,:n was not selected beause it mataIns the sta quo on the alotmnt and doe not meet the
purSe and nee desir futi conditions, or reolve the issues conneced with the proposed action.

not ,selected beaUse it w~uld use tl previously closed Davi Alotment and ths would not, pe: t:onsisteiit wì the pmpose and need to eliate resource conflcts associa with prvious use of
Al~ati;~e,E was,

the Davi AloÎ:nt.
2.3~ Pu~I,I~ l~volvement and Scoping


The, S~tO-Gtg Association acquir the term permt for the Sacrento Alotmt in 1989. . Becii~:Öfa chaged'pnvate lad base and ineffecve existig imrovements. the existig 1979
alOr.t,~g~~nt plan was not viable. A new maagement pla had to be prpared.

\¡i\"i .

An E~ DN. and ,FONSI were complete on a new Sacraento Grng AM on Marh 1, 1995. A large
number of public comments. were recved and analyz durig the EA press. Two

appals were fied

protesting the decision to imlement the new At. Both appes alleged violatons of NE A and the

Recrdofoadson!o" ,:",


Rnal Envirotallmpam'Ste

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th AM.
Aft reviwig

Siro. Dt CaJ" lI Dirls Gni AI '

Ui Nsr Fø

NF The app reue that the decsion be se aside and that a new E. or an EI be prepar for
the apps. the Appeal Dein Offcer remaded the desion on May 3 i. 1995. The

remad incte th LN to pre a supplement to the EA and include stkig rate for each
altetive, clar forst plan coniscy. cla effects on culti reource. an complete consultation

with the SHPO. Af preartion. the suplemet was to be cirul for commnt. a new DN prpa
and anew te grg pennt issue

A suplemet to the EA was complet on May 3. 1996. and offered to th public for a 30-y review

period. Commts reeived on the suplemeta EA highghted a nee to gather mor data before a
decision could be issued on the new AM. A pnvate consultat caed out addtiona grg capaci

stdies andadditionahnonitorg of eIkvestock interactions was intied.
There was substatial public involvemet- leadig to the decision to pert grg on the Dr Cayon Alott. In addition to the public commts recved dwig scopmg and on the dr EA, the decision

was appeed and adtina coiintsfrm the public wer reeived.

The public ha ben heaviy involved in development of an AM for the Sacrnto Grg Alotment.
Publi seopin was done durg th begig stges of th intial EA The draf EA was sent to th public, for commnt. The ~ 'l DN" ~ FONS! Were distrbute to the public for comment and
app. Two apps wer fied aid also' serve as public commnt on th project. AB a reult of the
appea. a suplement to the EA was! cict for public comment. Based on the coiints received on

the EA suppleme the Forst Superv decided in Novembe 1998 to have an EI prepar rathei ~
mae a decision on the EA supplement. An NOt to prear

an EI was publihed in the Federal Register

on Janua 25, 1999 an prviously involved people were notied by lettr and encourged to provide
fuer coiint. which may did. The LNF reived sever Congessional inquies and commnts. A '

numbr of comments wer received on varous par of the proces, such as the Grg Capacity Rep~ The NOr was amnded in January 200 and ag in May 2002 to upte expected completion dates.
About 150 Draf Environmnta Imact Statements (DEIS) were disbuted to individua and agencies
for comment durg the coient perod which bega on November 29.2002, and ended Januar 27,

2003. As a reult, 32 lettrs were received commentig on the DEIS. These 32 lettrs coJltaed 68


ff. . . . .. -_. .

In response to the commts. severa chages to correct factul errors or fuer explain the analysis were
made in the fial documnt. My resonses to each of the commnts can be found ìn Appendbt D in th~
. .... ......-.. --~. ...__..

:~:~;':~:.~ ';,;, ,,:: '" ?'ecrd of DecsIon' " ,
~~~~~~:;¡¡;¿-;,' ::"':,:;' :,~, ,


Rnal Environmental

Impact Sftm

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~DTYCõ an DB QT2 ~ L/rJ NM/I Fom


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Ftniil ënvlrornentilmpa Stteent

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~ Dr c. lI i-L/ ~/q Ft Gn AI/i

3.1 Alternaties Considered

The alteatives conde in de inlude a no acton alative and four acton altertives to respnd to the ~~cant issues and puiose and nee for th proposal.


Alterive A: Maai prent grg level and reommnds reduci widlife popultions
to eliat' contctfor availe forae. Uses the Dr Cayon and Davi Alotmnts.

Alterative B; ,FS Pieferrd Altetive. Reuces livestok use to,baIce wi capacty and mata widle popultions at levels consn~ with maagei:nt goal of the New Mexico


be?~t of ~ and Fih. Use th ~ry ~yon Alotmnt.
Alternative C:, Elates grg fr th alotint
Altetive D: Is the N~ Acton Åltetiv~ reuired by the NE A and contiues the prsent
situation into th fu. ,

. .

. Altenve E: Is sim to B but considers use of


Alotmts. ' '. . .' .- .' . . . . Alternatlv~ ,Nól Seleèted Fór Detiled Study i. "..:. -, ",: i . .

, ,

both the adjacen Davis and Dr Cayon

Five other alt~vesjw,.e intiy stdied but wer eliate frm detaed,consider~on because they
were oute the scope of the project, wer n~ witb reon, were not £:eaible, and/or did not addess the

pmpse and need f~,action decrbed in FEI~ Ch~ter i.
. An alteve for ex~ive developmeat of riparan

pastu was consider.

. An alteatve proposmg alotmnt-wide grazg with use of a full-ti herder was considered.
. 'AI ålteative to iiplemet a fOUr-paShi defered rest-rotation system on both th suir and

winter rages was intially propos~

. An altewtive propos long~te ret (5 year minimu) for seleète pastus with the sum rage was intiy proposed'
. An alterntive which proposed alotmnt-wide grg on the sumr and winter pases was

intialy propose.
3.3 Findings Required

,By Other Laws

Thi decision ëöiiiiès'Witl,the area-sieëìfë'iñge1ñënt direction contaed in tÌ~ LN Lad 'md '
Resource Maagement PLan :In addition spifc dition:fom the 1996 Region-wide amendment to
foret plan is integrted into Î: decion. My deision is consistent with the LN Plan as amended.

The cultu reource cleaces have been complete with concurence from the SHPO.

The FS has completed biological consutaon for ths project. The USFWS i~sued ~ Biologica Opinon-

on the prject on Febru 4. 2004.
Rec of Desion
I......... ,"

, 11

Final Envlronmentsllmpact Stent

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Unç &tØI f'n:

Salet Dr ~ II Dl Gn AJlm
Biologica Opon consideed the potenti imact on th MSO. Sacnto Mounta prckly
I agree with and wil implement as par of tls



poppy, and Sacnto Mounta thstle an rendered an opinion'tht the project is not lily to
jeopardie the contued exitence of these spees.

decison all of the Reaonable an Prdent Meurs and Ter and Conditions prescrbe for th MSO
as follows.

___n__. l -_. -._..._... _.. . ... ...- _..__... . ..- - _. .

1. Conduct al propose activities in a IDer that wil nñn1miz ditubance to the MSO.

a. Fences, cor, tnck ta, livestock trps. 01' other livestock maement constron

activities tht ocwitb PACs wil be constrcte outsde the MSO brdig seon or afr non-nestig sttu has ben detered
b. With pACs, FS employees and the permttee wi strctly lit acvities, vehicles
(includig off-highway vehicles). equipment. and constction material to the open

road and motor trs or approprate livesock maagemnt aractivities such as

livestoc:i t:s. Exceptions wi be mae t~ moni~r key are~.
c. PAC boundaes wi

be disusse with the pertt to ensur tht livesock concetra-

tions and associated activities such as salt or mier supplement sites wi not occur with PACs. Saltig gudelies from the BIS wi be followed. Exception wi only include saltig with ttose area of some.P A~ such ~ ri~ge tops an~ ope~,~apied
area when used asa rage maagemet tool to deease imacts in riparan and MSO

: high use ars. An1I Opertig Instrction (AOls) 'wi indiCae ar that Me

. . . appropriate for- sallIg to m.ze imacts to P ACs. .:
d. The FS wil atmpt to eradicate noxious wee in al

, ' ,

livestock trps and a ioO-yard

-.'" "

bufer imiately adjacent to the trps' as needed. Ths wi be accomplihed thugh imlementation of cur~tly planed noxious weed c:ntrl projt:cts.

2. Conduct,aJ activities i"t a maer that will minimi7.e modification o~ loss ofMSO ha~itat
a. The fial AM wi be submitted to the New Mexico,Ecological Serice Field Ofce

:,: ?nth 3 month from the date ths acton is completed (i.e.. afer aò1lini~trtive and lega

clienges ar clea). The AM wil not differ signantly, from the proposed,actoo.
propose project deription) wi be reported to th USFWS.

, _" ,b., Al unuthri activities tht afect the balie of the MSO (i.e., impacts outide the

c. The FS wi prpar a report documenting how, the project is mcompliance with the

,',' ,propsed acon. , :,'.. '1'.., ,', : " " The FS wil provide the USFWS with the forage/rage monitorig ,.., :,_, ' :;, ,', :,:_, ,~~tion, anua operngplan other relat documnts, and an annua imlementa: :'",',. ,'tIon'progrs report. Moniton informtion, including any maagment actions

_d.', . ~ ," .
. .:.... .:. :~.:. .

tan a$ ,

, a'-result of monItonng wi be submitted with 30 days of the monitorig period. The

AOI and'anua repor wil be submitt to USFWS within one month of issuig the

RBCrd of Dscís/olt,


Rnal EnvironmentalmpKt Stteent

HUG-02-2Ø0415: 08
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Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB


Document 43-6

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-l, DiClyo"' IilllsGr Altø

LIm fl~ ~

d- Consistent with

th LN Pla and ongoing monitong of oth grg alotments. the FS

. wi apply foraelange guelies alotmnt-wide. inclug afbliriinB forge/rage guidelies in all key ar. The FS wi adust livesock grg, as apropre. to

achieve, forage/rae gudeles wi al key ar. Complie wi be atted if-the
, forage/rage gudelies ar me in key ar.
e. Dug period~whe fore product may

,be low in SUIr pastmes, th FS wil

monitor!foragehge gudelies an maage the alotmnt content with FS rage

mag~nt.reguons 36 CF 222. ,
f. The FS will estblih two addtion key area with the Hubble and Bluf Sprigs P ACs
to monitor prey'base cover ony. Monitorig of these an otler key area wi follow the

appropal monitoring method dmig appropri ti fr.

I also agree with and will implement conservation recommdations from the' Biological Opinon for eah spees as follows:

1. MSO - The PH wi
a. Empbasize and imlemnt the ~toration of lowland riparan hata for theMSO.

b. Reduce possible efects of grg on th MSO prey base by imovig upland rage habita,
conditions in pastu in and adjacent to protete and rected c. WOrk with other entities in studies to ga a coJDehensive undersandi of


ungute grg affects the MSO and its. prey speies.
2. Sacraentó Mounta Picldy Poppy.. The FSwi
a. Cooperate with the City of Alamo~ordo and other entities to restore the hydrologica

processes requied by the poy and retortion of developed spri habitat thoughout th Sacrto Alotmnt
b. Work with other entities to intiate geration studies .of poppy seeds and reintroduction

program(s) into currènt and historcaly ocupied sites.

.3. Sacramnto Mounta Thtle - The FS. wil

a. Contiue to pursue restoraon of hydrological processe thoughout the Sacranto

Allotmnt tht ar requi by the thstle.
b. Contiue to explc; an~~!!e, çontrotpf e:iotic c9mpetitor to ,thtj:sll-t_~pçh a.s teael.
The FS wil seek opportunties with other entities to monito the potential rage

expasion of weevi to determe the impending tht to the thtle.

c. Contiue monitorg of thstle occurces.

Recrd of DeÎsion


R1U1 Envlronment: Impact sten

"AUG-02-2004 15:08 SACRAMENTO ~ Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB Document 43-6

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505 Page682 of 17 15 3394


~iø Dr ~FtIfD8idB Gliri,4ts Um N;d aI
3.4 Environmentally Prefe~able Alternative


The envionmtay preferale alternatve is the alteve that be mets th go of Section 101 of

.._- ~. .

t:e NEA and is required to be identified by 40 CP 1505.2 (b). Ordinary. ths is th altetive that

caus th least damage to the biologica and paysica envinmnt and bet proted:,, preserves and

enh hitorical, cultu and natu resomces.

Alternve C is, the enwonenta1y, preferable alterove beause it is the ony alterntive that comletely reolves the issues relate to the biological and physica environnt However, Alteve C
doe Dot even pary address th economic and socal issue and doe not address th purse and nee
to contiue a viable livestock :tdustr in:the area. Thfore, I did not selec

Altemttve C to be

ì.l~mented Altetive B is envionmntay sound and at least paraly addses al of the issues and
the pwpose 'and nee for the proposal.


...:' ...".

" ,

." .'._M'

Rl!d at Decsion' ,.'r" ,,' :',',..', .'.., ..


Final Env/romlJbi Impar:, Shent

AUG-02-2Ø04 15:08 SACRAMTO RD Case 1:04-cv-00786-SGB Document 43-6

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4.1 Implementation Date

SifD. DI ~MI Di GnNI Fø I. A/plls

This prject wi not be imlemented sooner th 5 businss days followig the close of th appea filig perod esblished in the Notice of Decion published in the Alagorr Daiy News. If an apea is
fied imlementaon wi not begi sooner th 15 caenda days follwig a fi decon on th

4.2 Deision Subject to Appeal

Thi deion is suject to admtrve review puruat to 36 CF Par 215. The ¡¡ppe must be fied

comments mu be

(regular mai. fax. ema, hand-dlivery. or express delivery) with th App peidi Ofcer. Writt submtted to: Appea Dedig Ofce, n01 New York Ave.. Algordo, NM

The offce business hours f~ submitting had-dliver appes are Monday though Frday from
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 .pm., excludin holidays. Electronic commnts mut be submttd in ,a fomIt such as an

ei: message, plai text (.tit), deh text formts (.rt, or wor (.doc) to appals,-southwesm- '
IicoIn(gfs.feCus. The ap must have an i~entia~iename attch or verication of

idetity wil be

requi. A ~ed signatue may serve as verication on electrnic appeas.
The Sacento Alotment permttes may appe the Decion under 36 CP 215

or 36 CFR251. but

not both. Under 36 CPR 251. a Notice of Appe must be consisent with 36 CF 251.90 and fied

simtmeously with Forest Supervsor Mr. Jose Maez, AppealDeciding Ofcer (at above listed addss) and Sacrnto Rager Disct Ranger. Mr. Fran Marez (P Box. 288. Cloudcroft, NM Alamgordo legal notice in the pUblication of 88317; fax (505)682-3394) with 45 days from the date of
:.~. .

Daily News.

..... . . ..

Appeals, includg attchments. must be fied with 45 days frm the publicaon date of ths notice in
the Alamgordo Daily News, the newspape ofrecord. The publication date in the newspape of

rerd is

the exclusive means for calulati the time to fi an appeal. Those wishig to appea ths deision

should not rely upon date or timefr inortion provìded by any other source.

Individua or organtions who submitted substative comments durg the comment period spifd at

215.6 may appea ths decision. The notice of appea must meet the appe content requiments at 3~ CP 215.14. When apps ar fied implementation may occur on, but not before. the 15th business

day followig the date of the last appe dipostion.
4.3 . Contact Person
Th deision is subjec to admiistrtive review puruat to 36 CP Par 215. The appeal must be filed

(reguar ma fax. ema. had-delver. or express delivery) with th AppeaDeciding Offcer. Wntten

..' .

.':' ,"

:! ';"':.

.comments must be submittd to: Appea Decding Offcer, 1101 New York Ave., Alamogordo. NM 88310.

R .... .

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, 75

F/ EnvlrDnmtJnt:lmpac stmen

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~ntø, DtCayr ¡¡ ~18 Gnzng Alltlti/I

Un01n NII ~ . .

procs contat:

Föraddtiona inormtion concerng ths desion or the FS appea

Fra R Maez; Distrct Rager Sacnto Distrct Rager
P.O. Box 288 C1oudcro~ NM 88317

-TelephoneCSÕS) 6822551

~K. (inJ~
Fra R. Marez. Distrct Rager

28 July 200

Lincoln Natona Foret

Sacrnto Rager Distrct
The United States Deparnt of Agrcultu (USDA) is a divers organon commtted to equa opportty in emloyment an prgr delivery. USDA prohibits dicrnaton on th basis of race.
color, naonal origi. sex. religion, age, diabilty, politica affliaton, and faial status.



beliving they have been discriated agait should conta the Secta, USDA. Washigton, DC
2020, or ca (202) 720-1327 (voice) or

(20) 120-1127 (TD).

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FInal Envlronmentallmpad stent