Free Reply to Response to Motion - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 42.8 kB
Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 487 Words, 2,928 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 794 pts

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Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF Document 103-6 Filed O3/18/2005 Page 1 of 3

i Case 1 :04-cv-00174-JJF Document 103-6 Filed 03/18/2005 Page 2 of 3
03/09.*2065 10:02 FAX @0o2 _
E" 1 1149.4 Wsszpsrt Btwn
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?ra¤:&ica Lémited To Matzors F3¤=’¤r¤
Fqicrml Coun.: and thc United States
Putcnl and Tmdunxsrk OE11cra
Jason A. Lioi] Esq.
Morgan Lewis
101 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10178-0066
Rc: Benitec Australia Ltd. v. Nucleonics, Inc.
Civil Action No. 04 CV 104
Doo; Iasonz
We received your March 8, 2005, Icitcr. Your position is noted. Your can now stop the
histrionios. You have already taken the issue up with the Court so you can stop tlarastooing to
do su. Put down your pon, step away from thc computor and go spend some timo doing
sometixing coassuuotivc.
Wit s cgards,
c R. Labgolé, Ph.!)
C mwjcg
cc: Sarah I. Bmshozws, Esq.
washington UC I Nmrrhaxn vieginia { Datlas 3 Bama: g Anchorage [ Baha. Qatar

Case 1 :04-cv-00174-JJF Document 103-6 Filed 03/18/2005 Page 3 of 3
uaxoszzous sms; FAX um
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Bulls BCG
Mamas vn 22102
{?03}`!¢4—Sl}€)G `
Facslmlls (M3) 74443-%*1

To: Jason A. Lief, Esq.
Company: Morgan Lewis
Fox Number: 212.309.60Ul
. Phone Number: 212.3%.2111

Total ljagos
lncluding Covezt 92

From: _ Marc R. Labgolci, Ph.D.
Sanders Direct Une: (703) 744-8995
Dells: March 9, 2005
C§iBnt Numheri 0230040101

Comments: ·
wnsnlzseron DC
oem. OA?AR
Confldositiality Ruiz: The clowménts
ac¤or:¤|»a¤y‘i¤‘•§ Qlls facsimile oonlaln
information from lhs law gl`lTF1 ol Patios
Boggs LLP which ls oonfldeméal andlor
prlvllegscl. The inlormalion ks lnlonood V
only for the use ol the hdwkluol or
emily named on lhli lransmlsslon
shoot lf you am ml lhc intended _
rodplsur, you am many notlllsd msi
any élsdosuse, oovying. dlSl!'WJ3$0l`¥ or ·
me laklng of any aclion in reliance on
the consents ofthis Faoslmlia ls. sointly
pmhmod. and limi She socamsnis _
show be mbumad lu mis Farm
lrl·>ms¢lia*.s|y. lf you have lsoéivod thla
lacslmlés in error, please noirly us by
lsleplzona imsnooiamr so lhal ws can _
arrange for the retum sf the original
doourmnls lo us at no oosilo you.
ll you oid not rooalva all of lhs pages or llnd ihat they are llleglluls, please call (703} 744-8900.

Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF

Document 103-6

Filed 03/18/2005

Page 1 of 3

Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF

Document 103-6

Filed 03/18/2005

Page 2 of 3

Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF

Document 103-6

Filed 03/18/2005

Page 3 of 3