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Date: March 10, 2005
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,534 Words, 10,442 Characters
Page Size: 614.4 x 792 pts

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Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF Document 102-3 Filed O3/17/2005 Page 3 of 3
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one side and convex on the other; a planoconvex lens. ‘ -u. plashed, plash•ing, p1ash•es., — tr. To. spatjrgr (
rl plan•0·gam·ete (plan’6~g§m7Et, -ga-met') n. A motile gam- about; splash. —- intr. To cause a light splash. [P0gS_
ete, esp. one having unclulipodia. [Gk. planos, wandering; see plas/ae, pool of water < OE plmsc.]
{ pl3HOQ8met€ PLANOBLAST + cnvirra.] ~ ‘ -plasla or -—plasy snff Growth;. development: achondm
~—-—— ypl?·nOg•ra•ph%(ploinoglrwfékpla-) Aproppss for ptiinting [NIA; < Gk. plasis, molding < plassein, to mo],
lagtgpjn rom a smoot sur ace, as it ograp y or 0 set. —-p a no- pele- ‘.] -
P g graph! ic (pla’na-grit/tk) adj. —— pla’no·graphfi·cal·1y adv. plasm (plazlom) n. See germ plasm 3. 4 `
]pla•nom·e·ter (pla—n6mli-tar, pla-) n. A flat metal plate for plasm-— pref Var. of plasmo-—. ’
' gauging the accuracy of a plane surface in precision metal- —plaSm snff Material forming cells or tissue: cytgplds
working. - pla•nom’e·try n. rrAsMA.] _
v » [plant (plant) n. rl. Bot. a. Any of various ph·otosynthetic,£p;_ plas·rna (plazlma) also plasm (plazlarn) n._ ’l.a. Tl-rg cle
kar otic multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae, lowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscula
characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, in which cells are suspended. b. Blood plasma. 2. Medic
having cellulose cell walls, and lacking locomotion. b. A plant free sterilized blood plasma, used in transfusions. B,
. having no permanent woody stem; an herb. 2.a. A buildinglor plasm orlcytoplasm. 4. The fluidpportion of milk from
group of buildings for manufacture; a factory. b. The equip- thecurd is separated by coagulation; whey. 5. Phys. A
ment, including ilpachinery, tool? and fixcicures sind the bugld- ioigzedl gas contaimng nearly equalnumberfs of positiv
ings containingt em, necessary or an in ustria or manu ac- . an eectrons. [NLat. < LLat., image, igure < (
_ turing operation. 3. The buildings, equipment, and fixtures of plassein, to mold. See pale-2*.] ~—— plas·mat'ic (playnmg
[ an institution. 4. A person or thing put into place in order to plaslmic (-mik) aclj.
' mislead or function secretly, esp.: 3. person placed in a plasma cell n. antibody-producing cell found in lynn
· gioup of spectaiprs to 'infliiencel behavipr. spy por an: tissue and derived from a B cell upon reaction with 2 Sl
o server statione ina given ocation. C. mis ea ing piece o antigen. _ . . A
” evidence placed so as to be discovered. d. A remark or an plaS•ma1•Cyte (plazlrna—sit’) n. See plasma cell.
action in a play or narrative that becomes important later. plas·ma·gel (plazlma-jél’) n. A jellylike state of cyto]
S. Slang. A scheming trick; a swindle. »- tr.v. plant•ed, characteristically pccurring in the pseudopod ofthe an
`| plant•1ng, plants. La. To place or set (seeds, for example) in plas•ma·gene (plazlrno-jen') n. A self—replicating hem
the ground to grow. b. To place seeds or young plants in structure thought to exist in cytoplasm and function ina
( (land); sow. 2.a. To place (spawn or young fish) in water or ner analogous to but independent of chromosomal gc;
p an underwater bed for cultivation. b. To stock with spawn or plas•ma•lem•ma (plaz’ma-lem' :.1) n. See cell mem}
fish. B. To introduce (an animal) into an area. 4. To set firmly [i>i.AsMA + Gk. lemma, husk; see LEMMAZ.]
. in position; fix. S. To establish; found. 6. To fix firmly in the plasma membrane n. See cell membrane.
ll mind; implant. 7.a. To station (a person) for the purpose of plas•ma•pher·e•sis (plaz’ma~fer’i-sis, -fa-re'-) n. A p
ll functioning in secret, as by spying. b. To place so as to be in which plasma is taken from donated blood and the re
discovered and to mislead. 8. Slang. To conceal; hide. ing components are returned to the donor. [i=rAsM(A) -
9. Slang. To deliver (a blow or punch). [ME plante < OE and aphairesis, removal; see Arriarmzsis.]
OFr., both < Lat. planra, shoot, sole ofthe foot. See plat~*.] plas•maiS0l_ (plazlma-sol', —s6l’, —s6l’) n. A state of
Plan•tag·e•net (plan—ta]'o-n`it). Royal house of English kings plasm that is more liquid than plasmagel. .
from lilenry H to Richard HI (1154j1485). plas•mld (plazlmid) n.] circular double-stranded u·
plan·tam* (planlton) n. Any of various plants of the genus DNA that replicates within a cell independently of the
Plantago that produce dense spikes of small greenish flowers, mosomal DNA and is most often found in bacteria.
esp. either of two Eurasian weeds, lmajor or P. lanceolata. plas•mi1n (plazlmin) n. A proteolytic enzyme in plasma
[ME < OF:. < Lat. plantago, plantagzn- < planta, sole of the dissolves fibrin and other blood clotting factors.
foot (< its broad leaves). See plat-*.] plaS•ml1'l•O•gen (plaz-minl -a-jan) n. The inactive precur
plarvtainz (planlton) n. 1. A large southeast Asian treelike plasmin that is found in body fluids and blood plasma
. herb (Musa paradisiaca) resembling the banana and bearing plasmo—— or plasm— pref Plasma: plasmin. [< i=i.AsMA.]
_ similar fruit. 2. The frurt of this plant, used as a staple food. plas•mo•des•ma (pl_az'ma-dezlmo) also plas•m0•
L . [Sp. platano, plzintano, plane tree, plantain < Lat. platanus. (plazltna—dez’om) n., pl. -ma•ta (-me-to) or -mas
. · - See i>i.Ar~rr‘*.] ` -desrns. Bot. A strand of cytoplasm that passes through
· plantam l1ly n. Any of several eastern Asian plants of the genus ings in cell walls and connects the protoplasts of ad
Hosta, cultivated for their large white, blue, or lilac flowers liviiég plant cells. [rtssivio- + Gk. desma, bond (< de
‘ borne in a terminal scapose one-sided raceme. . V bin ).] . . . .
plan·tar (planltar, -tar’) adj. Of or occurring onthe sole ofthe plaS•mO•dl•L\m (plaz-molde-om) n.,. pl. -di•a (—dé-a).
, { foot. [Lat. plantdris < planta, sole,. See plat-*.] . multinucleate massof cytoplasm formed by the fusior
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Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF

Document 102-3

Filed 03/17/2005

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Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF

Document 102-3

Filed 03/17/2005

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Case 1:04-cv-00174-JJF

Document 102-3

Filed 03/17/2005

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