Free Brief (Non Appeal) - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: April 27, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,966 Words, 11,491 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 842.4 pts

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Preview Brief (Non Appeal) - District Court of Arizona
IUI l5.l2L11Jl 92 REPLY hy dft Ronald Craig Fish to rcsponsc to motion to stril·:c: I) p1a's tirst Rulo 34
rcq for thc prod of docs to dt"`t Jason F. Rccvcs; 2) p1a's lirst Rulc 34 rcq for thc prod of
docs to diit So-Litc, [nc.; 3) p|a‘s mtn to oompcl prod ot` So-Lita patsrit application
prosccution historics; and 4) 9f19i’l31 declaration ot` Dan Koblc by dft Ronald Craig Fish
[S 1 -1] (formcr cmp) {Entsrcd; lt3»“loi*2tJ·1.11)
1[1f22f213[11 93 MINUT E ENTRY bcfors Judgc Mary 1·l. Murguia . Crt Rptr: M. SANCHEZ. Prcscnt:
Thomas Watkins for pla; Don Molliclr for dll So-Lito; Robcrt Falls and Ronald Fish for
dft Fish. Arguniont hoard on motions: talring undcr adviscmcnt thc motion for judgmcnt
on thc pleadings by dft Ronald Craig Fish [5-1] and motion to dismiss casc wfo lv to
amcnd for failurc to stats a claim upon rclicf can bc grantcd undcr FRCP 12[b]{6) by dt`t
Ronald Craig Fish [5-2]; motion to dismiss as to dll Ronald Craig Fish by dft Ronald
Craig Fish [2-1]; motion to stay and incmo of points and by dt`t So-Lita 1nci·'So-Litc [9-
1]; motion to dismiss casc by dt`tSo-Litc1i1cfSo-Lite [S-1]. Pla will submit additional
cascs by 19-31-U1, dft by 1 1-T-I3} rc agcncy and iniplicd conscnt. [93] [Former cmp]
[Entrcd: 1·l3f23f2t1tl1]
llJf31»'2tll}1 94 PLAINTIFF Skylinc's post-hoaring supplcmcntal mcmo in opposition to Fish's Rulc 12
(b){2} mtn to dismiss for lack ot` personal jurisdiction ( Ibrmsr cmp} [Entcrcd:
1 1ft'}2i‘2t113l]
1 1f1Jof2L11Jl 95 MOTION to strikc Skyline Post hearing surrcbuttal opposition to Fish, P.C.'s mtn to
dismiss undcr FRC P 12.[E]·(2] by dft Ronald Craig Fish [95-1] (Ibrrncr cmp) {Entcrcd:
1 1.-* 14i’2t1L11}
l li·'·U»5f2131Q11 96 MEMORANDUM of Points ds Authoritios in support of dft Fish PC's reply to Skyline
Post hcaring supplemental opposition to Fish's Rulc l2(b]{2) mtn to dismiss for lack of
personal jurisdiction. (fomior cmp) [Entered: 1 1fl4f2UL1 1}
1 1f19f2t1t}1 92 RESPONSEIOPPOSITION by pla Skyline Mfg lnc to motion to strikc Skylinc Post
hcaring surrcbuttal opposition to Fish. P.C.‘s nitn to dismiss undcr FRCP 12{13)(2] by dft
Ronald Craig Fish [95-1] [fonncr cmp} (Entered; l 1i*2of2tJti1]
1 1i’2tif2tR11 93 REPLY by dft Ronald Craig Fish to rcsponso to motion to striks Skylinc Post hcaring
surrcbuttal opposition to Fish, P.C.`s mtn to dismiss undcr FRCP 12{E][21· by dft Ronald
Craig Fish [95-1] (formcr cmp) {Entered: 1 1i’2Si“2t"J·t`ll)
t}3f25f2·|31J2 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER by Judge Mary H. Murguia : granting thc mtn to
dismiss as to Count 1 and 3 of plas complaint; donying motion to dismiss as to Count 2
ot`p1as complaint by dft So-Litc Inci·'So-Lita [E- I ]; FURTHER ORDERED granting
motion to dismiss as to dll Ronald Craig Fish by dt`t Ronald Cnii g Fish [2- I] party
Ronald Craig Fish is tomiinatcd; denying motion for sanctions against atty for pla and
|* against Skyline Mfg Inc undcr FRCF 1 1 by dft Ronald Craig Fish [31-1], FURTHER
L ORDERED thorc bcing no just rcason for 1`urthr dclay thc Clcrk of` Court shall cntcr
judgincnt immcdiatcly I`or dit Fish; F URTl 1ER ORDERED denying motion to stay and
memo of points anrl by dft So—Litc lnc.·’So-Lita [9-1]; FURTHER ORDERED dcnying
all rcmaining mtns as moot [oc: all counscl) (fornicr cmp} (Entcrod: t`l·3f25i'2l3132]
[l·3i’25r'21Jt12 101} JUDGMENT: that thc Court has granted thc Dclisndant Ronald F ish's Motion to Dismiss
for Lack ol`Pcrsonal Jurisdiction. Tho Court finding no rcason for further delay;
judgmcnt is cntcrcd imniodiatcly For Defendant Ronald Fish. Thcrcforc, thc Plaintiff
shall talrc nothing (cc: all counscl) rc: judgment [1131]-1] (former cmp] (Entered:
E14.-·'15f2t3t]2 lfll ANSWER to complaint [1 -1] AND COUNTERCLAIM by dll; So-Lito, [nc against pla
{SA T} {Entcrsd: O4! 1 of 21.1*192)
Case 2:O3—cv-OOO67—SI\/II\/I Document 127-4 Filed O4/27/2006 Page 1 of 3

3422222332 132 MOTION fer an Award ef Atterney's Fees Under 23: 1922 ad the lnherent Pewer ef this
Ceurt hy dft Ranald Craig Fish [132-l] {SAT) (Entered: 3422322332]
3422222332 133 MEMORANDUM ef Peints and Autherities IN SUPPORT hy dit Ranald Craig Fish ef
Metien fer an Award eI`Atterney‘s Fees Under 23: l 922 and the lnherent Pewer ef this
Ceurt hy dft Renald Craig Fish [132-1] (SAT) (Entered: 3422322332)
3422222332 134 ANSWER te eemplaint [1 -1] hy dft Se-Lite Inc2Se-Lite (SAT) (Entered: 3422322332]
3422222332 134 AMENDED COUNTERCLAIM by dft Se—Lite lnc2Se-Lite (part ef decument 134)
(SAT} [Entered: 3422322332]
3422522332 |35 REPLY TO Detendant's Amended COUNTERCLAIM hy pla Skyline Mfg lnc [SAT}
(Entered: 3-41223*2332]
3523222332 1345 REPLY TO Dcfendant's Amended COLlNTERCLAlM hy pla Skyline Mfg lnc [SAT}
(Entered: 3523222332]
3523322332 |32 RESPONSE {Memnrandurn in Oppesitien] hy pla te Metien Ihr an Award el` Attemeyls
Fees Under 23:1922 and the Inherent Pewer ef this Ceurt hy dft Renald Craig Fish
[1 32-1 ] {SAT} [Entered: 3523322332]
3523'222332 MOTION fer Ruling hy pla [133-1] en Plaintiff's Rule 32 Metien te Cempel Preductien
ef Se-Lite Patent Applicatiens Dated 321232 [25-1] (SAT} [Entered: 3521322332]
3521322332 139 REPLY Memerandum hy dft Renald Craig Fish te the Skyline Respense20ppesitien te
Metien fer an Award ef Atterney's Fees Under 23:1922 ad the lnherent ef this Ceurt hy
dft Renald Craig Fish [132-1] (SAT] [Entered: 3521222332}
3521222332 l 13 ORDER Setting Scheduling Cenference hy Judge Mary H. Murguia pursuant te Rule ld
el` the Federal Rules el'Ciyil Precedure a Scheduling Cenference is set fer 45225232 at
4:33 p.m.; prel scheduling cenf set fer 4:33 6225232 ; FURTHER ORDERED that the
Clerk ef the Ceurt send cepies ef this Order te all ceunsel ef recerd and te all parties, if
any, appearing in prepria persena (cc: all ceunsel} (SAT} [Entered: 3521222332)
3523322·lJ32 l 1 1 RESPONSE hy dft Se-Lite 1nc2Se-Lite te Metien fer Ruling hy pla [133-1] un
Plaintit2f's Rule 32 Metien te Cempel Preductien ef Se-Lite Patent Applicatiens Dated
E-221231 [25-1] {SAT} (Entered: 3523122332]
3621222332 l 12 Prepesed CASE MCT PLAN hy pla, dft Se-Lite [SAT] [Entered: 3621322332)
3622522332 1 13 M1Nl.l'l`E ENTRY hefere Judge Mary H. Murguia . Crt Rptr; M. Sanchez. Present:
Themas Watkins fer pla; Jennifer Nere fer dft. Pre} scheduling cenference held. Ceurt
reviews case management plan; erdcr te issue. Pla erally mcwes te dismiss Den
Rehinsen. ORDERED denying metien te cempel preductien ef Se-Lite patent
applicatien presecutien histeries hy pla Skyline Mfg lnc [25]; finding the metien fer
Ruling hy pla [133] en P1ainti1`f’s Rule 32 Metien te Cempel Preductien ef Se—Lite
Patent Applicatiens Dated 321232 [25] meet. ORDERED setting status hearing fer
1 124232 at 2:33PM. [1 13] [fermer emp} [Entered: 3622622332)
3223122332 114 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER hy Judge Mary H. Murguia : denying dh Fish*s
Metien fer an Award ef Atterncy's Fccs Under 23:1922 and the lnherent Pewer ef this
Ceurt hy dft Renald Craig Fish [132-1] (cc: all ceunsel} (KMC) {Entered: 3223122332]
3221522332 l 15 ORDER hy Judge Mary H. Murguia dismissing Den Rehinsen., dha Rehinsen Sales
frem the aheyc-captiened actien party Den Rehinsen dismissed (cc: all ceunsel} (SAT}
[Entered: 3221522332]
Case 2:O3—cv-OOO67—SI\/II\/I Document 127-4 Filed O4/27/2006 Page 2 of 3

I}?.-*1 ?f2t]·[12 I le NOTICE ef service ef diseevery by dft Se—Lite 1nefSe·Lite, dft .1 asen F Reeves . (SAT}
{Entered: [ITE I3f2lJI12)
tl3fIJ2.·"2[lI}2 I I? NOTICE by pla ef change el` address ef ceunsel fer Themas Ct Watkins Ill te: 533I} E
Palemine Read, Pheenix, AZ 35313 {SAT) (Entered: l)3fI}6f2fIt'12]
I}Er`I12f2l]HZI2 MOTION Under Rule 15{a) fer Entry ef SlryIine's First Amended Cemplaint by pla
[1 I3-I] [Prepesed First Amended Cetnplaint Ihr Unfair Cempetitien and In Ierence with
Centractural Relatiens tiled lett in case tllefr (SAT) Medi lied en [I9H15f2I]t}2 {Entered:
t`I3r't`I2f2{l·I.I2 LODOED Prepesed First Amended Cemplaint fer Unfair Cempetitien and Inference
with Centractural Relatiens by pla [placed en left side ef ease file] [SAT] Medihed en
IJEIIIJSIEU-[I2 {Entercd: I.I3fI]l.if2·flrIJ2}
IJ3x'2?I'2t]t'12 I 19 STIPULATION I`er estensien ef time within which dfts may tile a rcspense te pIa's
metien Under Rule 15[a) fer Entry ef Sky1ine's First Amended Cemplaint by pla [1 I3-
1] by dfr Se-Lite IncfSe-Lite, dft Iasen F Reeves (REW] {Entered: U3f3IJf2·IJIJ2)
I}El.’I}t5f2flt'12 12[I Memerandum eI`Peints and Autherities in RESI’ONSE»’OppesitIen by dft Se-Lite
1ncfSe-Lite te Metien Under Rttlc 15(a} fer Entry ef Sky|ine's First Amended
Cemplaint by pla [1 13- I] [Prepesed First Amended Cemplaint fer Unfair Cempetitien
and Inference with Centractural Relatiens tiled left in ease hle} (SAT} {Entered:
(J9!] IJf2IJ·[l2]
IJWI It·'2IJfI2 121 ORDER by Judge Mary H. Murguia granting stipulatien fer extensien ef time [I 19-1]
until EIIIGIIJ2 within which dlts may tile a rcspense te pla's metien Under Rule 15(a] fer
Entry ef SI<.yIine‘s First Amended Cemplaint by pla [I 13-1] by dfr Se-Lite dft Jasen F
Reeves [cc: all eeunscl) (SAT] [Entered: LIQII 1f2flIJ·2}
IZ19:'1 3f2UU2 122 REPLY Ivlemerandum by pla te rcspense te Metien Under Rule l5(a} fer Entry ef
SI·;y1ine's First Amended Cemplaint by pla [113-1] [Frepesed First Amended Cemplaint
fer Unfair Cempetitien Inference with Centractural Relatiens filed left in case tile}
[SAT) {Entered: IJ9f23f2I}IJ2)
lIJt“3fIf2I`It`I2 123 MINUTE ORDER status Itearing re settlement status set fer I 1f4ft192 is vacated and
reset te 3:3tIPM, 1If12f(l2 (cc: all eeunscl] [123] (femier emp] ( Entered: It`If3l]l2tl·tI2)
11f12f2I}[I2 I24 MINUTE ENTRY befere Judge Mary H. Murguia . Crt Rptr: Linda Sehreeder—‘·r·.·"Illis.
Present; Thernas Watkins fer pla; Jetutifer Nere fer dlt. Status hearing held. Ceutt will
rule en pending metien te amend eemplaint. Cennsel te submit R16 erder as set en
{if25ft)2. [124] [femier cmp} (Entered: l 1f12f2·EhtI·2}
+ 1 I.·’14f2IJI.I2 125 ORDER by Ittdge Mary I·I. Murguia denying metien Under Rule I5[a] fer Entry ef
Skyline's First Amended Cemplaint by pla [1 13-1] [Prepesed First Antcnded Cemplaint
L fer Unfair Cempetitien and Inference with Centractural Relatiens tiled left in case tile}
{cc: all ceunsel) I_KJvIO} (Entered: I lfl4.·'2I.lLI2}
I It·'"15f2[ltJ·2 12e NOTICE by dft Se-Lite InefSe-Lite ef Filing Rttlc le Scheduling Order [MAF]
{Entered: I 1fI9f2lJ·I12)
I}2f13»“2(1t`1·3 I2? ORDER by Judge Mary H. Ivlurguia :, discevery ddl set Ihr 2f23,·'lZ13 ;, dispesitive metiens
due ·4t’3lZ1t*·|Z13 (cc: all (1 lZ+2.»'25f2·U·lJ3 123 MOTION fer Entry ef Pretective Order by dfts Se-Lite Incx'Se-Lite. and Jasnn F Reeves
[1 23-1] (KMO) (Entered: U2f26f2IJI}3)
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Case 2:03-cv-00067-SMM

Document 127-4

Filed 04/27/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-00067-SMM

Document 127-4

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Case 2:03-cv-00067-SMM

Document 127-4

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