Free Brief (Non Appeal) - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: April 27, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,984 Words, 11,914 Characters
Page Size: 620.64 x 848.16 pts

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Preview Brief (Non Appeal) - District Court of Arizona
03.t I 0.»'200I 50 MEMORANDUM in opposition to dt So-Lito's Rolo I2{b}[ I) and l2{h){n} mtn to
dismiss by pla {fonnor omp} [Entorod: 03fI 3i’200l}
03r'l 3r’200l 5] MOTION t`or admission pro hat: yioo as to Robort W. Payno, atty for dft So-Lito InofSo-
Litt: {La Riyioro. Grubman Et Payno. l Lower Ragsdalo Dr., Bldg IIPO Box I30,
Montoroy CA 93942, (33l)o4'9-3300} [5 I- I] [formor omp) [Entorod: 03i’I5»’200I)
03f l ?i·‘200l 53 REPLY hy dt”t So—Lito lnoi'So-Litt: to rosponso to motion to dismiss oaso by dft So-Lito
lnoi“So-Lito [3-I] [f`orrnor omp] [Entorod: 03i'23i“200l)
03.·’20r'200l 54 REPLY MEMO by dt`t Ronald Craig Fish to rosponso to motion for sanotions against
atty for pla and against Skylino Mfg Inc undor FRCP I l by dt`t Ronald Craig Fish [3 I -I]
tfomior omp) {Entorod; 03i’23»’200 I)
03i’20f200l 55 REPLY by dit Ronald Craig Fish to rosponso to motion to dismiss oaso by dt`t So-Lito
lnofSo-Lito [3-I] {formor omp} (Entorod: 03f23i'200l)
03f20i'200I 56 MOTION to striko portions of pla's momo in opposition to Fish Rulo I I mtn by dft
Ronald Craig Fish [545-I] tfformor omp) {Entorod: 03f23i’200l}
03i’20f200l 52 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by dt`t Ronald Craig Fish ot` motion to strilco portions
oI`pla*s memo in opposition to Fish Rolo ll mtn by dft Ronald Craig Fish [56-I] [56-I]
{t`om1or omp] [Entorod: 03»“23i·'200l)
03.t2lf200l 52 ORDER by Judgo Mary H. Murguia granting motion For admission pro liao vioo as to
Rohort W. Payno, atty for dft So-Lito lnofSo-Litt: [5l-l] {oo: all oounsol} (MAP)
{Entorod: 03i“2li’200I}
03f2lf200l 53 MOTION to striko portions ot` p|a's monio in opposition to joint mtn ol`dI`ts ondor FRCP
I2(b]{l} and I2(b]{6} by dft Ronald Craig Fish [53-I] [formor omp] (Entorod:
03.-*2 4f200 1}
03r'2li’200l 59 MEMORANDUM TN SUPPORT by dt"t Ronald Craig Fish ot` motion to strike portions
oI`pIa's momo in opposition to joint mtn of dfts undor FRCP l2(b][l) and l2(b,l(t5} by
dt`t Ronald Craig Fish [5 3-I] [53-1] (formor omp) [Entorod; 03i·'2¢I»’200l)
03f23,·'200l 60 REPLY by dft Ronald Craig Fish to rosponso to motion to striko or disrogard hoarsay
portions of pla Sl·:ylino's momo in oppposition (and doclaration in support thoreot') to dI`t
F ish's Rulo l2(b)(2} Mtn (... doolaration of Dan Koblo submittod in support thoroot]
filod on ?i’2Tf0I] Ronald Craig Fish [45-l] [formor omp) {Entorod: 03.·’23i’200l}
03f23,·'200I REPLY by pla to rosponso to motion to striko portions of pIa's momo in opposition to
Fish Rulo l I mtn by dI”I Ronald Craig Fish [56-I] {fonnor onip) {Entorod: 03r'23i’200l)
I 03r'24f200l 62 RESPONSE (MEMO IN OPPOSITION] by pla to motion to striko or disrogard hoarsay
__ portions ot" pla Slcylino‘s momo in oppposition (and doolaration in support thoroof) to dI`t
Fish's Rulo l2[b)(2} Mtn [... doclaration of` Dan Koblo submittod in support thoroof,
Hlod on ?i’2'HOI) Ronald Craig Fish [45-I] {formor omp) {Entorod: 03f29i’200l}
03r'23f200I 63 MOTION to striko paragraphs l2-lo, 13-19, 20-23 and romody paragraphs I-3 ot` tho
complaint undor FRCPI 2{I} by dt't Ronald Craig Fish [G3-1] (I`ormor amp} (Enterod;
03f23.-’200I MEMORANDUM TN SUPPORT hy dtt Ronald Craig Fish ofmotion to striko
paragraphs l2-I6, I3-lil', 20-23 and romody paragraphs l-3 of tho complaint undor
FRCPl2{f) by dll Ronald Craig Fish [63-I] [63-I] [Iiorrnor omp] [Entorod: 0'i}.·'0¢It'2I'}0I}
0W04.t200l d5 MOTION to strike "supplomontal oxhibit [Willis Doolaration] to pla SI·:ylino*s morno in
Case 2:O3—cv-OOO67—SI\/II\/I Document 127-3 Filed O4/27/2006 Page 1 of 3

opposition to Fish mtn to strike Dan Kohle declaration re Fish Rule 12[h)(2}" hy dft
] Ronald Craig Fish [65-l] {Former emp] [Entered: t}F3'r'lQl6f2tlt`ll)
Y tJ5lTt34f2l§lt3l 66 MEMORANDUM 1`N SUPPORT hy dl’t Ronald Craig Fish of motion to strike
"supplemental exhihit [Willis Declaration] to pla Skyline's memo in opposition to Fish
mtn to strike Dan Kohle declaration re Fish Rule 12{h)(2]" hy dl`t Ronald Craig Fish
[65-l] [65-1] (fomrcr cmp) {Entered: tl9r’l]6f2tJ·l]l1)
l]*Tffl4f2tltfl1 6T REPLY hy dit Ronald Craig Fish to response to motion to strike portions of pla`s memo
in opposition to Fish Rule 11 mtn hy dl`t Ronald Craig Fish [56-1] (former emp}
(Entered: t'l"$'r'l]Tr’2·[}l'J'l}
LlElr’tl5T2lltll 63 RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION hy pla Skyline Mfg Inc to motion to strike portions of
pla‘s memo in opposition to Fish Rule l 1 mtn hy dft Ronald Craig Fish [56-I] {former
ernp] {Entered: t`l9T 1 {F2 lltl I)
tl'9ft`l6r'2t’lt`ll 69 DFT FISI-I'S reply to Pla's memo in opposition to Fish mtn to strike portions of
Skyline's Rule 1 l opposing memo in opposition to Fish Rule l2(h]{l} and 12{h)(6] mtn.
(fonner emp] {Entered: ll·9r'l [lr“2·l}l] 1}
Ll9A3Tr'2tl6l Ttl MOTION for protective order requiring Fish, P.C. to tile under seal any declarations
that disclose allegedly atty-client priyilegcd communications or So-Lite . . . hy dft
Ronald Craig Fish [Til-1] (fonner enip) Modified on DEM'] lJr'2Ut)1 {Entered: tl9‘r’1tlr'2tltJ1}
t39AZlTf2t36l Tl MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT hy dfl Ronald Craig Fish of motion for protective
order requiring Fish, P.C. to tile under seal any declarations that disclose allegedly atty-
client privileged communications or So-Lite . . . hy dft Ronald Craig Fish [Tl}-1] {former
ernp) Modified on 139f 1 t`lr’2t1tl1 {Entered: tl9r’1 (li*2lll]1)
l.l5,li’lTr’2l§ll,l1 T2 DECLARATION ol`Rona1d Craig Fish hy dt`t {thrmer cmp) {Entered: tlE}r“24i’2t}lJ1}
(15*} 1Tr’2tll,l1 T3 SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT in opposition hy pla to Fish mtn to strike Dan Kohle
declaration re Fish Rule 12(h]{2). (former emp} (Entered: tl·9r“24f2tlU1)
13E-h' I Sfltltll T4 MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION hy pla re motion to strike or disregard hearsay
portions of pla Skyline's memo in oppposition {and declaration in support thereof} to dit
Fish‘s Rule l2{h}[’2) Mtn (... declaration of Dan Kohle suhmitted in support thereof,
tiled on Tf2T,·’t.l1} Ronald Craig Fish [45-1] [45-1] [Former emp] [ Entered: tl·9r’24T2t)l31)
DEPT] Sr’2[lt}l T6 MEMO IN OPFOSITION {RESPONSE] hy di`t So-Lite lnci“So-Lite to motion for
protective order requiring Fish, P.C. to tile under seal declarations that disclose
allegedly atty-client privileged communications or So-Lite . . . hy dit Ronald Craig Fish
[Tl}-1] (former cmp] [Entered: tl':lr’24x'2t.ltl1)
I llElf2l3T26t3| T5 MOTION to compel production of So-Lite patent application prosecution histories hy
pla Skyline Mfg lne [T5- 1] (former cmp) {Entered: t`l51i‘24r’2l]t31)
t}Flf2t}f2t)[l1 TT MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT hy pla ol"nrotion to compel production ot` So-Lite
patent application prosecution histories hy pla Skyline Mfg lnc [T5-1 ] (Ihrmer emp}
(Entered: LlElf24f2tltJt]
l39,·"2l3r'2t'l6l TS REPLY hy dll Ronald Craig Fish to response to motion to strike paragraphs 12-16, 18-
19, 2U-23 and remedy paragraphs 1-S ot` the complaint under FRCPl2(f] hy dft Ronald
Craig Fish [63-1] {Former emp} ( Entered: l}E}r“24i’2t}[l1)
tl€}‘f24r’2tltJ1 TE-} RESPONSEIOPPOSITION hy pla to motion to strike "supplemental exhihit [Willis
Declaration] to pla Skyline‘s inerno in opposition to Fish mtn to strike Dan Kohle
Case 2:O3—cv-OOO67—Sl\/Il\/I Document 127-3 Filed O4/27/2006 Page 2 of 3

declaration re Fish Rule l2[b}(2}" by dll Ronald Craig Fish [G5-l] (fomier ernp}
{Entered: ll3i’lZIlf2Lllfll}
tl¥}‘i'25i“2tlt'il HU RESPONSEIOPPOSITION hy pla to motion for protective order requiring Fish, P.C. to
file under seal any declarations that disclose allegedly atty-client privileged
communications or Se—I..ite . . . hy dft Ronald Craig Fish [Tl]-I] { former cmp} [Entered:
tl£h’2Ev’2l3tll Sl MOTION to strike: 1} pla's first Rule 34 req for the prod of docs to dft Jason F. Reeves;
2} pla's tirst Rule 34 req for the prod of docs to dft So—Lite, Inc.; 3} pla's mtn to compel
prod ol'So-Lite patent application prosecution histories; and 4} Qflllffll declaration of
Dan Koble by dft Ronald Craig Fish [S1-1] {former cmp} {Entered: ll3f£llf2D[l1}
tl·9i’2(i.t2t"lt`ll S2 MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by dft Ronald Craig Fish of motion to strike: 1} pla`s
lirst Rule 34 req for the prod of docs to dti Jason F. Reeves; 2} pla's first Rule 34 req for
the prod of docs to dI`t So-Lite, Inc.; 3} pla's mtn to compel prod ol` So—Lite patent
application prosecution histories; and 4} QI lilftll declaration of Dan Koble by dll Ronald
Craig Fish [Sl-I] [El—l] [former cmp} (Entered: ltlftllf2t]tll}
t`lE·*f2i5f2tJtll 33 RESPONSF.fOPPf}S1'1`lON by dft Ronald Craig Fish to motion to compel production of
So-Lite patent application prosecution histories hy pla Skyline lvlfg 1nc [?5·l] (former
cmp} [Entered: l tlffil F2 tltl I )
t'l*3.»'2oi'2tlfil 34 REPLY by dft Ronald Craig Fish to response to motion for protective order requiring
Fish; P.C. to tile under seal any declarations that disclose allegedly atty-client privileged
communications or Se-Lite . . . by dft Ronald Craig Fish [Ft)-l] (lormer etnp} {Entered:
lLl.-’L1li"2tllJ·l S5 REPLY hy dl’t Ronald Craig Fish to response to motion for protective order requiring
Fish, P.C. to tile under seal any declarations that disclose allegedly atty-client privileged
communications or So-Lite . . . hy dft Ronald Craig Fish [T0- I] [former cmp] [Entered:
ltlft]l.#'2l"lfll REPLY by dft Ronald Craig Fish to response to motion to strike "supplemental exhibit
[Willis Declaration] to pla Skyline's memo in opposition to Fish rnrn to strike Dan
Roble declaration re Fish Rule l2(b}[2}“ by dft Ronald Craig Fish [65-1] (former emp}
(Entered: ltlflJ3i’2tlt}1}
ltJ.*`tl4i’2t3l`ll MINUTE ENTRY before Mag Judge Virginia A. Mathis . Crt Rptr; ECR. settlement
conference held with no settlement reached ] [33-2] (former cmp} {Entered: llilfltlfillfil}
IUIUSIEUUI S? RESPONSEIOPPOSITION by So-Lite Inci‘So-Lite, Jason F Reeves to motion to compel
production of So-Lite patent application prosecution histories by pla Skyline lvlfg lnc
[ [T·'5·l] (former emp} Modified on lt§l·ftl9i’2Lltll [Entered: l·l]lft}£*f2fll}l}
L lfl.·’fl9i'2t3tl1 llfl REPLY by pla to response to motion to compel production of So-Lite patent application
prosecution histories by pla Skyline Mfg Inc [T5-I] {former ernp} (Entered: lfli'1 1i“2l]4Zl·1}
ltlfl39i·'2t]t}l Qt`! RESPONSEfOPPOS1'1`1ON by pla to motion to strike: I] pla's lirst Rule 34 req for the
prod of docs to dft Jason F. Reeves; 2) pla‘s first Rule 34 req for the prod of docs to dI`t
So-Lite, lnc.; 3} pIa‘s mln to compel prod of So-Lite patent application prosecution
histories; and 4} Qfliirtll declaration oflilan Koble by dft Ronald Craig Fish [Sl-1]
lffemier etnp} {Entered: l fill lf2tlt`ll }
ll3r'tl‘.if2tJtll REPLY by pla to response to motion to compel production of So-Lite patent application
prosecution histories by pla Skyline Mfg Inc [T5-I] {former cmp} {Entered: ltlf 1 lf2l3tl1}
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Case 2:03-cv-00067-SMM

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Filed 04/27/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-00067-SMM

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Case 2:03-cv-00067-SMM

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