Free Motion for Miscellaneous Relief - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 91.6 kB
Pages: 3
Date: June 9, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,293 Words, 8,371 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Motion for Miscellaneous Relief - District Court of Arizona
Ginn; e. U¤\»LeOp&2.¤.q5 _. _ iz
Deaf Hon. Judge. Ccurr0\\Z e Jima 5%, 3006:.
4. T am wr}-Hnj 4-an brtng cm .<;>n—3o{nj pr~c>B}e~w» +¤ your
.c.++e.m+€0n. I have done cd} +h¤,+ I com +0 Qs, cffse pr¤L\ev»·»
gemé have been uname +0 c·.ccc>mPh‘$\·¤ I .am ¤.+ .
M7 WY-}; end cmcx ::lc>n`+ know w\·ncL+ ··\-0 de. I em €L$‘£·?•’)3
+Y¤m+ you com do $c>me.‘+k.}¤j er ¤,&v[5¢2_ me. whcde ie
. We Qriwvnce Depc.r+v»¤en+ ei: Cm·reece+{0v> ».;¤v¤+·'m.¢€5 +¤
e•`·q+e.r£e»ef e.¤'·+|¤ M7 \.'+{3¤L+·`··¤j my gqse. I dana} hejieve, H-
uis ?~·¤·&-@¤+[ NJ %?5 qqge`5 penqdevmy. Meenfmj, I c{4m`+ feel I+— Fs $0le&,__
..c•.3¤Z¤s+ me ami ¤H».Ls case bu.-? ¤.l\ Fmc‘¤5e,-¤-P péscmers in
.·sI`M`1]·bLr 27+-u.q+T¤vzs ey Me. I have grieved H- unc; asked .
e'V+».¤.. cc>uF+ +<> Qf¤PO\`\"I+ Q0»u4s€.I· Mom wL¤L+ ¢=h> I JO? mba.?
Mme. -\-c: prevkle. you. ¤H·uz. ;)e+czZ\s WF °H\.e, problems.
e M] 'vJLTNES§E§Z Because +‘Tm, ADOQL does n¤+ censkler my e
. expev+ w:+rn€.SS or +Le \¤.y—wP+.»»e.sses ti: wwe. M ¤,++m~ney,l¤w—
¤CYx`<.e er e¤um+, I em méni- qtkvwed +o meke "’e5c1\" mdk ·\·c
any ef ¤H¤em, mall "Yagalu Maj} +0 +kem, receive °H»e.}r~ mail as
.."\2g1¤¤}nm¤H or Mme. q}ej¤Jw u¤`sC+¤+·`¤n ¤.»E+L ¤r·kev·»».
. ee l~\¤¤’r c•.\{ J ·=|~$’-J5 means is ··Hm+I when tr. ».¤rK\·e whew my
ie·H-ers ere open 4 »'ngPeee~I-ed MA preeesseé. as "re_jeI¤w—" Md}.,
..·».:\·Jd·¤ +¤.ke$ cm ex+¤:e 1-he 3 ciays __]ZLs+ +0 leeva •?}··.=L
e¤:¤<.s+·`+vL+{0v? AUD I+ Es nv+ Leageci cmé receeeéeé ¤~,s "Ie£q,K('
e .maY}. In—C.c>v···.;»i3 Mal} gram °lrL1ese. .,.¤Y-K-nesseg qmg 'c>n;»;;esSeA :.,5
. ehregujckrrr ma"} ·L¤0?., ¤\esf.?+€ °H·»nw» baby Markie ”Lejq\ Mqffl'.
Hgein, ·P!·..ere, Fs ¤. I-he 2 Amy delay I-Lp »`»spe.e+¤`¤w ¤mc( E+
NYS ~w+ l¤g\·1e<}~;`n as hlejml w»¤,Z)". In ¤eA»;l.°+·`.e»w, mcmy perscmcai
medx`c¤J\Y re\qi-ec:} ée¢eumen+s *+4+ my e..,•[·I—mes$e,s My 40 ses-ze}
Case 2:O3—cv—O1344-EHC-HCE Document.241 Filed 06/O9/2006 Page10f3

me are nc'? cLH¤¤.¤€d by A~DOC,, •.·.»Y¤;c}1 ar-e r*e\ev¤rr‘F 40
._i-—»Y ease- Dm`, ag} ·+|»Js mq:] Behnj processed as "regelqr" Me:}¢ea+s any s¢:>r+ o-Q cvnmden-}—{a}¤`+), for my .,,·1+ness·:s or
..-¤yseW. These. are menhd \¤e¤.\+“L ani lege" re.\¤L+ed>mwum {`m+»`¤n$.
. .. Because I mm n¢>+ pe•~·nY·H-ed i'|e_5a\¢' +e,iepL¤··ze. edi:. +a my
-.·¤Y+r~.e.sSeS, any c¤.Hs 1 com make has +¤ be on Q4-uv. ¢¤\\e.c41—
Haq" pkoneéi, wktdq are mpn`·+OT`?,c£ pigé <‘€¥`cr\€»<}e·'E> make
..°HxQ./BQ. c¤.\\s wt}! cans-$· each e.>;`+ne$5 :1+ ¤H·vz. le:-2s+ One.
..c\0\\cu— Per m`·nw}·€. cmd I' an cvdy pev·v·1:·H·e4c} ‘H¢r*€.·2» lc}-
..»»$»»·.¢+e €.¤¢Hs per week, No eJceep%-{ems.
.. Because I am n¤+ perm]·I~—I—ed ”|e3¤.l” \1{sI·|·a+Ec¤~—: w;°H¤ =H-wsa
-wZ+nes·se_s, 'I am alleweé one v]s{+ per week es ck
..reg¤.dc¤· vlilsi}-. I , nor °H»¤.e »~sT+mesS€5, %O+PerMZ++ed ic
gbrrng qm/q’Im`¤3 rsrd-E) Mm —.¤¤i$;+¤_+f¤n Mmmm, s¤.c.)n ces PQPQP,
.le3¤.\ dc¤r,»¤vv1ev¤+S,&=,·¥·<;· `T1¤.¤.. v`:sI·|» Ys c¢.1S0 {vp ¤. ¢:r0u.3&€.d
A.~.»}`sH—q+·`0v:· room »..»·`°H-I me prcvqcy. Na+ em 0—C£€1.?U.0L`LQ
..PY¢u;<°. +0 ¢0v·4vauJ>n`cc»~·[~¢2_ ·.u:‘¥’L• my w:+nce$$@5 cp [QSQI
v~mev»+¤c` ]¤c>.a,[°H—. a`$Su..€S- M0 privacy, no c¢¤v—»C4°c$en{-¤`b.$P+]
Uavm] no way =+¤{ E·¤Cm·Mq,+Z¤m gr e.e.;}mne C+-
.. LEQAL COPIES3 The £}n`z0na 'De,0cw+me·¤+ D; C4>r~ree·I—}0-v.<.
..k·x:s w+ been pvovféfng me www qu.q\Y${ed lege] dim.-;
__·copy·`·¤j in me reczs4:mcJ¤`y %·}meb¢ wqmner.
.. We 4D0<.;, ¤,+ my ·.mH-, has one p¤u·+-+Z~—1e lege] <1c;c.e$S
a.\Y\¤rar—Tav». emphegied. “V0·[s librarian ellpws me +¤ ¤.++e·¤ci eee
have? 41 weeek access, ·-ekieh Ps ».,»|uu~e I +u.u*m—·`··» Copy .reques+ enc weelc. prkr ip °|*{·u, *{·u.rn—c»,»c,+ dey.
Case 2:O3—cv—O1344-EHC-HCE Document 241 Filed 06/O9/2006 Page 2 of 3

A Once I mm able. 4-¢> q,l»+e.m& leoll access library) I lurrz
ln my do;»m»en+s. 4..; he. wplecl 4-el. ¢l/lv. llhmrlqn. TZ.; lilamriqn
l.g>l~/as CH-lawn +0 ·=H·¤;.AUOc Pqfqléjql Eur c,U_¤_lC_$¤`eé lsagql c‘.lcL‘¤w1
.¤pg¤<`cvcLl. Once qpprcwaé, °f'£ur_, l[lar¤,r(¤·.n. w.ple,.s; Who, <§OCA.»lV"|*€·'1`l*5
,¢zn$ °Vl¤@rw cm CHR:. n@x·}· ·l·u.1‘r¤—0ul‘ ¢"@Lvl~uv`r13 ·=H,,_¢»-n -l·w:» ·M€·
__ ADOC l·¤¤.s only gg; paralegal ew-lPl¤5e .ACOY*1.P\¢2)C- 'llllls pqrqlagql is ¤,+ my ».mI+,$¤m+¤L R»`+a, avery weak or ·l·»J0. For me +¤ .ge+ clc•cuw¢2v¤·l+s ccplaecl »'l—
l.¤.ver¤lgql7 +-qkes +2n days por V*·’I.& w .r·ece.¤`ue; =¥»fu. wpfes,
l.0ll¤l’L¤..¤jl». 2+ hols -l~cll¢e» longer c;·l~ l—l·»·¤¢e.$ -l~c>c>,s¤<;l¤ as wkw
..°l*k¤. paralegal ·`s ill or °H·.¤—. llllrarfcw ls ill cr _{`¤sl— ¤l¤<2s’n(~l
. .lcc~··~·e& . In. . .. l ..
l Many ·l-l»1a.$ I \¤¤..ua_+c hand wv——l·l-Q ¤.ll cw? °H>•.¤. rezyulrl-ed
qopiés. ZC cl·;m`·l·· always have Mm pqfer =l¤> Av ¤l#l’»Y.s <1·l·.¤¤.l\ `Tlu. Paralegal qlsc c1·,uCl#lwv—·lz€j MY legal $mli3e¤+ suffllés
ls.»Lc,\l qs Pqper 4 Pens. I have n¤+e».;l on l¤l4..¤, c;er+IlYLk.¤J—·a
wl: ssc-:w~·..=l··;·a aq my vm:-a+-Pan.? when I lacwcl <...rv—l‘l-Q naples.
.. I will lnelmzle qq my d¤¤»m»;¤£·¤;+€¤·4 all my legcll
Amp), ¢—el?l,le$·l—S , jrlevqncej, e·l—c- .
.. I ¤l.¤¤‘+ l¢.nc>w ~lm+ +0 Ape .1: wwwa csisqwery w.'+h
.·l·¤.l0 ¢Lezl2e·¤A¤m+s QO•‘°*lIr•’L3 up and wm, cvples ·=P|»»·l··3 ¢=w Uqcnllavrlng wI€Pl·; my 2/x{=»ear+ will be a Fralnlam. ¤~l»l·¤·.-l—
..d¤ I dc. I ccw¤`+ au-an je.-P ¤i·£»Fs coralad.
l. l ·rZm·.k YW,
l . Shannon WL Clark =B|¤ ll’33’7&l
#’r5PC.—Tv.cvs cm ·—Scm+¤` R·°+q
L‘?C?é%X %.¤»¥%lZ“"°*‘ R‘*"
Case 2:03-cv-01344-EHC-HCE D0cum€,lHt»Q¢L$C> ¤FiIedlG€/O9/SGCYG3 LlP£@:]‘é·@3¢'0f 3

Case 2:03-cv-01344-EHC-HCE

Document 241

Filed 06/09/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01344-EHC-HCE

Document 241

Filed 06/09/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01344-EHC-HCE

Document 241

Filed 06/09/2006

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