Free Response to Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

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Pages: 3
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 478 Words, 2,728 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 2:03—cv—01892—ROS Document 181-2 Filed 11/29/2006 Page1 0f3

I follow along with the transcript.
2 A- Excuse me, who is this Chris?
3 MS. WIENEKE: That is the 9-1-1 operator.
4 A. Okay. .Okay. Okay. Whe's D-o-r-r is that I-e?
5 MS. WIENEKE¢ That is someone from the fire
6 department. We're just-going to play a little portion of
7 this tape. And, Counsel, with your stipulation, the eourt
B reporter heed not take it down?
9 MR. TREON: That's fine.
10 MS. WIENEKE: Okay. It will be on the audio
11 of the videotape, if that makes any sense.
12 MS. WIENEKE; Okay, Theresa, what Ilm qsing
13 to do now is play a portion of the 9-1-1 call; okay?
1 4 A . M ' hum .
15 (Portion of tape played.)
16 A. Yeah, that's me.
17 Q. BY MS. WIENEKE: Okay. Now, for the record, I
18 stopped the tape at page 3 of the transcript, Exhibit
19 Number 7 -—
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. —— at the-end where it says, "Theresa, listen to
22 me. Okay, listen. Hello." Do you see that?
23 A. Okay. Yes, I see it.
24 Q. First of all , -di-d you re-cogni-ze your voice on the
25 tape?
Case 2:03-cv-O18Y9EPRO§“HEBUé®}‘r1éa1tI{1?8B%KI FiIet5“DT2Y29/2(5CY6·8 5H@e 2 of 3

1 .A. Yes, I did recognize my voice.
2 .Q. There was also another female voice on the tape
3 which was the 9-1—1 operator who was identified on the
4 transcript as Chris Whitted. There was another male
5 voice, though, on the tape.and during the-playing of the
6 tape at one point you said “that's Sam"·or something to
7 that effect?
8 A. Yes.
9 Q. Did you hear Sam Hickey's voice on the tape?
10 A. Yesw
11 Q. Okay. When you reviewed the tape and the
12 Ytranscript together to prepare for your deposition-did you
13 note whether there were any transmissions that were
14 attributed to y0u on the transcript which were inaccurate
15 in any way?
16 MR. TREON: Object to foundation. ‘She
17 -didn't review the entire tape-
1B A. Did I, I don’t think so. No, I didn't.
19 Q. BY Ms. WIEIQTEKE: with respect to what yea
2O listened to-though ~—
21 A. I listened to that part, yes.
22 Q. -- did you note any errors in the_transcript
23 about what was attributed to you? In other words was the
24 transcript accurate with the tape as you listened to it?
25 A. Right here it Says "refused to answer questions
Case 2:03-cv—O1 8BE=?BO$HElH0i2LNnew1tHB1B—RSKIFiIe(i61¤22I9/@6- BFIBQG 3 of 3

Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 181-2

Filed 11/29/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 181-2

Filed 11/29/2006

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Case 2:03-cv-01892-ROS

Document 181-2

Filed 11/29/2006

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