Free Response in Opposition to Motion - District Court of Arizona - Arizona

File Size: 222.4 kB
Pages: 2
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Arizona
Category: District Court of Arizona
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,359 Words, 9,412 Characters
Page Size: 614.4 x 792.96 pts

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;$>gCg§gNG Mr. Manme Jackson 1 1 QNE 11N111E11S11_1 PARK 11 .
mccomwe · V .
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ILLIAM .DAN · . . _r __ _ ' _ 1
1%.51,; ggxgmot Harlem Globetrottexs Lnternatronal., Inc., A D1) xsxon 0 . , IC 11 Siclggi; 1111715337 11
:1i»gg1Rm¤§1m1§»§ 400 E. Van Buren, Su1te ;·00 1 13A¤;§1;§§1§g;¤£835 1 I
szaxezras eu.u—1AM V s'~’"E°°‘ . ·
SEER, W1 éuss · . I ms scum mm smear I 1 V
E•:"c%E?>gig. . Re; ` Fred “Curly” Neal, DELllE1S “B1g D" TIJOITJIOD-, gngggvgasgggg g .
XVID G. HENRY V , . - 1 2
§*’*L*·’*'G°$·J”- . and Larry “‘Gator" Rwers I ¤=Ax<¤o4) asa-zzu §
g*1_?$§;V1;*·1_1‘*c?U'f1*;ANN" ‘ www.1orthepeopIe.¤om ; “
.&Mem‘)..HYLA~¤ A A
j§,"§§',,Y‘Q§§,EF. Dear Mr. Jackson: 1 1
.MesJ.» ¥'§"l§"NAl2:°"° ‘I‘ ” "B` D” Th t nd Larr* "Gator" 1
1e·rr.1.1 IMANDO I LAURITANO _ p 3 - d . , ' 1 U 1 ·
JN" M-LAVENQEFI RIVETS. Il1“l’l3S DCCH bl`OUgl'lIZ to 1'lly EIIZIGHTLIOII llllilll YOU EH }’OUI' C€1'lbB€S, IDC U III), 1 11 .
T0 . ~ - V .
¤H2€$5m~¤EV•¤E but not limited to FUBU, Warner Home V1deo, and Alexander Global e
;‘g“;,'jé_';',,'f,’;§§JE” Promotions, are usmg Mr. Neal’s, Mr. Tl'101°1}IO1`1’S and Mr. Rrvers’ names and/or . 1 1
E§,‘j`§_‘f,,E§‘§,’f,EL'—“"V likenesses in connection w1tl1 advert1.s1n.g and p1Vomot1ng products and 11 1
$§§‘§‘,Tg,E2§‘§` merchandise of the “Harlem Globetrotters". Mr. Neal’s, Mr. Tho1Vnton1s1and 1 1 1 1
ml WSZTIIIN Rjvers’ images have been used. wrthout therr p1V1or consent and/or OblL6.11’l1l'lg then 1 1
DNNY A. OWENS _• _ _ 1 _ A 1
11ne=i1p1;§O¤1;1r¤111 approval, to Vvli. 1 V _ 1 . _ 4 _ _
ENDGN S. PEIERS 1 _ - The Bali; and Cl1SU‘1l)L1[LO1'l of ClOI§l'11l'lg, IJJZIIIUIELCIUTCECI Cl|SU`lbUIZ€d 1 _
HAE P as » , » . _ _ · · t rv 1 »
gggg*gt1;?;§*§g¤OCK by you and FUBU beanng Mr. Neals name and number (Exlnbrt ‘A ) and Mr. I 1 111
§]]E{.*§$,@'gsE . Tl'lO1'l`lIOl`l’S and Mr. Rlvers’ names and numbers. In a recent lDI€1'V1€W wlth
. 1 I 1 · • • • I ‘
$§F§$§F§§Q§,,,,ERS -ESPN.con1 you state: "lf I had known that tlns could be a $100 mrlhon busmess, I 11
` » " .» . . *7 V
§,$”§g”§;E""“`" would have never been able to buy the team tor that pnce; Mr. Neal, Mr. . 1 11
§E:E'tFl.iYJIlJ»?HNESSY e Thornton, and Mr. Rwers have not recewed royaltles or aocounnngs for the use oi` - 11
NID A. SPAIN ' . · _ • ‘ ‘ - » ,, · . ' {Q 1
mw saunem T they names, nor d1d they grant thelr pem‘usS10I1 to yOu OT to YUBU l`O1’ ih€11‘ USG.
:1-met n su·rrc¤ . . > .
SE A.1·¤).E¤o I 2) The release on VHS and DVD of ‘ Scooby—Doo Meets the Har lem ,1
BEAN E. UDELL — · · - · 'l I
”§l'V·*·UR§¤H'¤ ‘ G1¤ben·0neys" by ven and Warner Home Vrdeo (Exlnbrt “B”). Mr. Neal’s name I 11
. IL A.VAL NIA ' ‘ . . ‘ _· V 1) 1
*"*“,g°·”,g§,"ESS and likeness are used extensively throughout and he has recewed ne1ther royalues _ *111
nM .v0 NEC · V . . . _ V 11
§,]*cf“,;,‘{Lf‘{§';$*1* nor an accountmg for such use. M1V. Neal has not granted Ins p€f1T11SS10l1 to you or 1 I
§$I$'§s"B?§€Z.L_J¤_ ` to Warner for th.1s release. V 1 1 1 _ _ V 111
mee FLBFIOADNAX I -3) The manufacture and d1str1but1on of bobble-head dolls (Exlnbxt . 111 1
II:ZA°EIL»$'$E)LG¤~.¤ _ “C") by you and Alexander Global Prornouons, whlch bear Mr. Neal s name and 11 1
betas c. spemst » 1 1; ;
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K°·~g=·sC°M ENS" O Case 2ZO4·CV·OO29%BG Fned 11/21/2005 Page 1 Of 2 ¥

t i likeness. Mr. Neal has received neither royalties nor an accounting for such use. P ’
j Mr. Neal has not granted his permission to you or to Alexander Global
. . 1 Promotions for such use. A V s _ y . p v_ “ o V
1 Mr. Neal, Mr. Thornton and Mr. Rivers are very selective and only grant V V T
. t tpermissten for the utilization of their names, photographs and likenesses in very We V
V limited circumstances. The names, likenesses, images, celebrity images, etc., of V t P g 1
Mr. Neal, Mr. Thornton and Mr. Rivers are registered and/or otherwise protected p .
· . (to the maximuni extent allowable by state and federal. to allow my clients ,
to deter anyone from infringement and/or commercial exploitation including, but V _ V
;§ p not limited to, websites, advertisements, posters, publications, printed public
e notices. etc., or otherwise.- 1 V
. Use by you of Mr. N_eal’s, Mr. Tl1ornton`s and Mr. Riversi names and/or V
. V likenesses without express authorization constitutes a violation of their statutory V I
p and common law right of publicity and a violation of Section 43(zt) ofthe Federal p ’ ‘
l Lanham Act, all of which will subject you, your company and your associates to
. , liability for, among other things, actual d.amages, statutory damages, punitive
; damages, attorney’s fees and costs. _ p i . ‘
Accordingly, we hereby demand that you immediately cease and desist from V _
P using Mr. Neal’s, Mr. Thornton’s and Mr. Rivers’ names, likenesses, or images or V p
i that you immediately document to Mr. Neal’s, lvlr. 'l`hornton`s and Mr. R.ivers’ .
. satisfaction under what authority you or yotu licensee’s- purport to exploittheir V i
T V g names and/or likenesses, including your providing to this othce contracts,
p agreements or any other documents between you and Mr. Neal, Mr. Thomton and
Mr. Rivers and the aforementioned licensees, together with an accounting of sales
related thereto. If you fail to provide the above referenced documents or written P V
_ c confirmation to me within ten (10) days of the date of this letter that you will
‘ cease and desist from such uses or the above referenced documents, we will have ,
l no choice but to tile suit and seek all a ro riate relief a ainst lou and ·our i
_ _ _ _ y _ PP P _ $3 > B _
; licensees, including 1l'l;]\.1l'l.CIlV€ relief. p . t 1 I p
li " c This letter is being written without waiving any of Mr. Neal’s, Mr. Thornton’s or t
` _ Mr. Rivers’ rights and remedies, all of which are hereby reserved. » p ‘
l Clay 6 vnsend .
i ct/rr/syr ` V P
i Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC Document 238-18 Filed 11/21/2005 Page 2 of 2
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Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 238-18

Filed 11/21/2005

Page 1 of 2

Case 2:04-cv-00299-DGC

Document 238-18

Filed 11/21/2005

Page 2 of 2