Free Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 528.2 kB
Pages: 2
Date: May 17, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,564 Words, 10,013 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Case 1:04-cv—00954—SLR Document 51 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 2 of 2_
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I acknowledge receipt of the request that l can waive service of summons in the matter of
(IA. No.04-954 in the United States District of Delaware. l have also received a copy ofthe
complaint inthe action. two copies oftliis term. a copy ofthe Order ofthe (`ourt authorizing
service and a means by which I can return the signed waiver without cost to mc.
I agree to save the cost ofscrviec ol`a stiimnons and an additional copy ol`the complaint
in this lawsuit by not requiring that I be served with judicial process in the manner provided by
Rule 4. I will retain all defenses or objections to the lawsuit or to thcjurisdietion or venue ofthe
Court, except for objections based on a detect in the summons or in the service ofthe summons.
I understand that ajudgernent may be entered against the pany on whose behalf] am
acting ifa response is not served and tiled within 60 days alter: May 4. 2005.
Date: T:-i~· I Drag} Q
O rt C ` · . re ·~ ‘l
"DQ.~a);q·f`é\@ e ‘.·W·§‘ 9.. _ It Dmt i :E.m’&Q” t;l)_·~»..f`.O11i..
Sig ature o efendant or Typed 1 l· me
Rule 4 ofthe Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure requires certain patties to cooperate in saving
unnecessary cost ofscrviec ofthe summons and the complaint. A defendant located in tl1e
United States. who, after being notified of an action and asked to waive service 0i` summons
on belialfofa pIainti1`l` located in the US, fails to do so will be required to bear the cost of
such service unless good cause be shown l`or that det'endant's failure to sign and return the
lt is not good cause for a failure to waive service that a party believes that the complaint is
unfounded. or that the action has been brought in an improper place or in a court that lacks
jurisdiction over the subject matter ofthe action or over deI`endant`s person or property. A
defendant who waives service of summons retains all defenses and objections, except any
relating to the summons or the service ofsummons. and may later object to the jurisdiction ol`the
Court or to the place to where the action has been brought.
A defendant who waives service must within the time speeilied on the "Return of Waiver"
form served on plaintiff. ifunreprcsented or on plaintiffs attorney. a response to the (`omplaint
and must also tile a signed copy ofthe response with the Court. lfthe answer or a motion is not
served within this time, a default judgement maybe taken against that defendant. By waiving
service, a defendant is allowed more time to answer than if the summons had been actually
served when the request for waiver ofscrviec was received.