Free Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 522.8 kB
Pages: 2
Date: May 13, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,129 Words, 8,385 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Preview Waiver of Service Executed - District Court of Delaware
Case 1:04-cv—00954—SLR Document 50 Filed 05/13/2005 Pagei 0f2
Department Of Justice _ -‘¤— 0f Pmccss by thc U.S. Marshal"
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Case 1:04-cv—00954—SLR Document 50 Filed 05/13/2005 Page 2 of 2
rr §t’vt§ to _... M
l acknowledge receipt ofthe reqttest thatt l can waive service ot`stnnmons in the matter of
(`./\. No.04—954 inthe United States District ofDelaware. l have also received at copy triilitc
complaint in the action, two copies ofthis lorm. at copy oftlte Order ofthe (`otirt attttliorixing
service and at tncans by which I earn return tlte signed waiver without cost to ine.
l agree to save tlte cost of service ofa sttmtnons and an additional copy ofthe complaint
in this lawsuit by not requiring that l be served with ittdicittl process in the mannerprovided hy
Rule 4. l will retain all defenses or objections to the lawsuit or to thc_ittrisdiction or venue ofthe
(Tottrt, except for objections based on at defect in the stnnmons or in the service ofthe stttntnons.
l understand that ajttdgement maybe entered against the party on whose behatlfl atm
acting ifa response is not served and filed within ot} days after: Marv 4. 2005.
Date; {5 c? I;
Signature of Defendant Printed or Typed Name
Rttle 4 ofthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedttre requires certain parties to cooperate in saving
unnecessary cost of service ofthe sumtnons atnd the complatint. A defendant located in the
United Statics, who, after being notified of an action and atslaeti to waive service ofstttnmons
on behalf ot` a plaitttiff located in the US, fails to do so will he required to bear the cost of
sttclt service ttnless good cause he shown for that del`endant's failure to sign and returtt tlte
lt is not good cattsc for a failure to waive service that at party believes titan the cotnplaint is
ttnfottnded, or that the action has been brought in an improper place or in at eottrt that laclas
jttrisdietion over the subject matter ofthe action or over detendanfs person or property. r\
defendant who waives service ofstrtntnons retains all defenses and objections. except any
relaain to the sarntnons or the service of5m sins, and may later ohieet to the iurisdiction ofthe
t to
x\ tiwtdant who \\'Z1i\§ ts ithin thc tin " alied ou the "Retnrn or \\’aivcr"
form @ved on plaintift`. if ».‘ d or on plainti@; _ i at response tar the t`onrpiaint
and nag also tile a sigtr·.~tlasar2.§ ttl- the response with the (°‘otn·t. lfthe answer or at motion is not
served within this tirt1§E@t ltpmge1trett=. tnay be tatlacn ( gust that delendatn. By waiving
service. a defendant ias&§owetl rt*k*iii@.= time to answer than il sttnintons hard heen aetttatllv
served when the request lor waiver ofservice was received.