Free Response to Discovery - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 95.8 kB
Pages: 2
Date: April 4, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 796 Words, 10,101 Characters
Page Size: 592.8 x 769.44 pts

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Preview Response to Discovery - District Court of Delaware
· Case 1 :04-cv—OO954-SLR Document 42-4 Filed -04%/2006 $@5 of 2 `
RE `
OFFENDER NAME: RM kigh he S¤..... SBI #: tozgz C- DOB: { [ Y] DANE: { I /3 9 Y
LAST Plas? MDDLE Inman
‘ INSTITUTION: KQ) gg: _ Prior Ciassltwtton Date: E I tj] I ca g{ ·
CURRENT SECURHY: ____ cmmreymrrewm Mmmm ______ Median _L`{_ rueeriont
SENTENCE LENGTH: [{5] >t' ( at EFF. DA‘¥E:‘ 5 [Z! I Q 8 STRD; Y { 5 { I PED; ‘!""r* TES: 5 NON-TIS:

IME t *0*
Low Severity .................,....,.............,............ , ,....,............,........,.,...,.,..............,.......................,..............,...............,....,.,...,..........,..... 0 .
Moderate Severity ....................,....,........,...............,,.......,....,.. . ,..............,....,,........,.............,........................,.,.................................. 2
Ht§‘r Severity . ........ . ...................,,. , ....................,..,. . .......................,..............,........................................,.......................................... 4 Q
I-ttgheat Seventy., ...... . ...................... , ........,............ Z ...,...,................................................,............,...............,....................................... 5
OTHER OFFENSESIIBAIL STATUS . Other Oneneseisjmmt Armunt: »•··‘·er·~..>-- _
. None or pending probation vtolation, outsmdng misdemeanors. or had below $5,090 ................................,......................., .. ........ 0
Active Feocml, including irnntigratton and Natur&tIon Service andtor State warrant or ctzarge(s) with wl of 5,000 to $40,%..2
`P&ft&IIQC|'I§QB·SWIU't0U¥¥$3ti(HO¥3b$3b|B6'HGB5B,h¥&§dGVt¤I8®H0fP&’dB}0fb8“0f$5U.Um0f¥DDfB ....,.:......,.....,.:...,.,....... 4 _Q
ESCAPEIFAILURE TO APPEAR {FTA) HISTORY Escape History: g5_{m.;;»____· .r
I · {tilt! and typnlolau) *
None or one or more kaoteente of FTA {copies mued) or military AWOL ........................,..,..............................,........ ; ........,............ 0
Wok-oft acm work release, furlough, Delaware Psychiatric Center, oornrmrnity endtor outside job amgnnent, courtroome,
police (city, state. nelttnry, etc.}, Recovery Centra ......,......,.,.,................................................,.. ; .,,........,. 2 _
Attempted escape from a secure correctional institution or escape km e secure facltty
`````'```'`'`''` E `mpa '``'''``'` 'éewe '`’````````` correction ```''``''`''``“ 3 E °‘```' w '`‘''` ; `giigg ‘`‘'`'`''' ZZZZIZIZZIZZ]IQZZIZI1ZIZZZZIIIZIZZZIIZZZZ1ZZZZZZZZZZZIIICZZIIIZZZZZZ[jZ§ZZZfZZZ§ZZ§.s O
CURRENT AGE Currantitgez ` F0
AQB 39+ ..............,..............................., .... .... . ................ L ...................................... . ............... . ..............,................................,...,........,. 9 ·
Ago 23 years or ieee ,.,.,....,.................. .. ........,...,.,..........,.......,..............................,.,...... ., .......,,,.,..,................,........,................,........ 1
_ Ago 28~38 .... _ .................................,.,...................,....,,... .. . .....................,... .., ........,........................................... .. .......... .,. ..... ,,. ..... ., .... 2 D
Age 24 ·· 27 .,................................ T ........................,.,..................................,.......... t .................,.,......................................................... 3
SEVERZTY OF HISTORY ¥N THE LAST 5 YEARS Most Serious Prior Conviction {mm my uv,autesm¤; QDW'6 FP Mfg,
No prior conviction ...... .. ....................... ., ......... . .......................... . ............e.,.........................................,....,.......................... _ ................ 0
Low Severity oonvicoon , ........,......... . .............,.......,......,...,..................................................................,.............................,.,..., L ......... 0
Moderate Severity conviction .........,................................,.,..........,...,................................................,.........................,..........,.....,...... 2 -
High Severity oonvioion ............. . ,....................,...,..,,......,......... r... ,..,,,..., . ...... . ...............,.,......,.:....,...,............................................... 3
Inquest severayoonncuon ......... .....,. , ............................,.......... .. ........ . ,......,.....t....... .. ...:....,........................................................... 4 Z·
NUMBER OF CLASS IIMAJOR DISCIPLINARY FINDHIIGS OF GÂ¥1iLT {since initial or toot regular reoiasshioatton) 4 [ g,;,,,,,.=.:-
None ...,.. t ........,.,....................,...............................,.,............................................................,........ -.., ...,...................,........,.....,.. ; ..... tI
1 Dtsotpttnary Finding of Guiit ..........,.,........,...............,..............,.,...............,.,............:.....................................................,..,.............. 2 -
2 » 3 DisoIp§nary Fbadings of GuBt .,.. . ...................,.......................,.......................,.........................,........,....,..........................,.......... 3 d -
4+ Disoipunary Feelings of Gotti .........,.......,.,......................,:...,.........,................,.................. L ...............................,...,......,.,.,...,.,.,..... 5`
Aotuet Number ct Gloss I Disoiplinwy Findings: ‘
‘ ¥NS?¥Tt.ITIONAL NISCONDUCT _HIS?OR¥ {Consider Institutional reports during test 5 goers.]
First Incwoeration or no prior Majormlass E Enstitutiond Reports ..................................................,............. . ........ . .........................,... 0 -
Majorwtaes t - Non Predatory tnstitutiottai Misconduct Report 3 Eflmonots .,..................,........... . .........,............. . .... . ......................, 1
NIa.]or!CIass t — Non Predetooy Institutiorrot Itiswnduct Report within last 36 months
gr Predetorymesaultive 3 3`hnths ,....,.............,..................,................................,.,.......................,................,............................. 3 ·
Ma}orfCIass I - Predatoryrtrtlssautove instituttouat tmeoottduct Report wttn $3 — 36 monttte ..,. . ......r............................................,....... 5
Maiormiass 2 - PredatoryIAsseutttvo tnstituttonei ?vIEsoorIcIuctRe witntn st 12 anprittts ....... Q ...............,.........................,........ T .3
.- Most Serious Enstitutionat Misconduct Report: ··*·r (Si $1:; 3 · ‘ —
Date of Irtmt Serious Mimxtuct Report: ifjzjfog .

pERp¤rarA¤é%eeoRe@nrerr9Re€~4<§érii¤¤¤ Qor¢+morr*$42-4 Fi*¢dgQgir*9d{¤%9¤Zr ’
_ Compleied all reoommended pro-gram(e) AND ie currently working .............. , ..,.,...... . .....,.......,......,,..........,.,.,,.....,.............,,......,..., -·2
Completed some programs, is working and on waiting lis! for other recommended programs .......................,...........,............,........ »1
Errrodled in recommended program or no treatment recommended md is working .......... . ...... . .... , ....,.............,...,............................ .0
Medically clisehargedfexoused or suecessluiiy compieteci ali recommended programs ..,......... . ......,..........,..............................,.,.... .0
On waiting §et for recommended program and work, dee to iack of avaiabiiily .....................................,.......................................... .0
wepped out or {aired to oomptete or was dismissed from program andior work poor to oompieiiorz ......,...,..................................... .2
Uriseooeeefui (refused work andior program particmetioe) ........,...........................,...,.............,......,......,....,.......,..,......,..................... 3 6
RISK ASSESSMENT SCALE: Cowunityririinimum Minimum Mgium Qximum `
-D2to04 05-08 D9-$5 Uormore
Prelknkrary Security Level {Check scored security level} _
_____ Gornrrrwrltyllrlirrkrrnam _______ lvilremum X Medline __ Mwdrrrwn
Any one of the conditions listed below may serve es basis for an override, resulting in higheror tower security than Indicator! by the
prellmlrrary score. {Check all Em apply and comment as deemed appropriate.}
;_ Doewnemed memberehb in security threat group
___ Pendog I%ond reports under iov -
,_____u¤r¤rr¤ue·rrrgrr prorilermo j·
_i u"lBtGOIHCIBHBCll!l3|1$'Q{1|BC@'l!BfIl
; ¥kno to Serve:
______________PuBemofas S&t0r)rbd1¤*»*¥¤rb1 institutions andiorthe oorm1rx·£iy
Raconwnerrded Seeurhr Level (Cheat recorrrmended eomrriiylevei,) _ ·
jx ;un_.r rr /.ȎrnJ.:{` _._`.
y, ._|., -..,_ ,L_ D -
· rMrH 4: —r
L`....*n"z 21 AA`, * I _ { -
Flmri Smelly Level {Check ¤¤r¤¤r¥i¤¤¤ murray ievei)
_, Conmzurrl>trrfirr&1ir11um _ Minimum __w___ Memum ___Gorrt§oue Medium ~MP0 .._ Mardrnrrn
Cles 0lTroerr'LInit Supmieorimrretree required Ser overrides; opileoel fm einer dectsbne} Dato
NOTE: Cieseification Ofiicertlinit supervisor may change recommendation of classification worker, but rnusi provide wrltienjuewicalion.
Commene: _
Housing Assrorrmeor: · Next Classification Date: -
rmeeomrreve ,
*Progam Asst t(s}:
- ?lh‘ork‘AssIgr1n1en£:
Page rerrlsed 09.30.04 FORM # 95 7 29 l `