Free Response to Motion - District Court of California - California

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Pages: 2
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 504 Words, 2,878 Characters
Page Size: 612.24 x 791.76 pts

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Preview Response to Motion - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 53-4

Filed 04/11/2008

Page 1 of 2


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Chad Austin, Esq. SBN235457 4632Berwick Drive SanDiego, CA92117 (619)992-7 Telephone: 100 -1 (619)295 401 Iracsimile: Attorney Plaintiff lbr JAMESM. KINDER,anindividual

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l0 ll J A M E SM . K I N D E R , 12 Plaintifl, 13 14 HARRAH'S ENTERTAINMENT. Inc.: IIARRAH'S OPERA]'INGCOMPANY. Inc.: H A R R A H ' S M A R K E T I N GS E R V I C E S 1 6 CORPORATION: FIARRAT{'S LICIINSII C O M P A N Y ,L L C ; H A R R A H , SL A U G H L I N . 1 7 Inc.;HBR REAL'|Y COMPANY. Inc.and DOES I through100.inclusive, I'ROOIIOF SIIRVICE C A S EN O . 0 7 C V 2 I 3 2 D M S ( A . I B ) Consolidatedwith 07cv2226DMS (AJB)



19 20 21 22

I, the undersigned, declare that:

I in I am overthe ageof I 8 years andnot a partyto this case; arnemployed andam a resident and whercthewithin service occurrcd. my business of the Countyof SanDiego,State California, of is address 4632Berwick Drive, SanDiego.California92117.

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Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 53-4

Filed 04/11/2008

Page 2 of 2

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I caused be served April 11, 2008,the fbllowing documents: to on OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO DISMISS: DECLARATION OF CHAD ATJSTIN: EXHIBITS partiesin this action throughtheir attorneys, slatedbelow, who havc on the interested as agreed accept to electronic servicein this matter,by electronically filing and servingsaid documents the Court'sCM/ECF electronic via filing server: IIARVEY M. MOORE BIDNA & KEYS, APLC hmoore(4bidnzrke)'s.corn Jonathan AndrewsBoynton Kirby NoonanLanceand Hoge iboynton(r{)knlh.corri DEBBIE P. KIRKPAI'RICK Sessions, Fishman. Nathanand Israel In California, L.L.P. [email protected] DAVID ISRAEI, IIRYAN C. SHARTLII SESSIONS, FISHMAN.NAI'HAN. & I S R A t l l .L . L . P . [email protected] @r By first classlJnitedStates Mail to: A n s i sV i k s n i n s Lindquistand Vennum 4200IDS Ccntcr 80 South8'hStreet Minneapolis. Minnesola 5 402 5 I declarc underpenaltyof perjury,underthc laws of thc Statcof Califbrniaand thc laws was exccuted of the United States, that the fbregoingis true and correctand that this dcclaration on April 1l, 2008at SanDiego,California. By: /s/ ChadAustin CHAD AUSTIN, Esq. M. Attorncyfor Plaintiff,James Kinder nct n EmaiI : chaclaustil{zrtcox. DavidJ. Kaminski Carlson Messer & kamisnkdfg) RonaldR. Giusso Maria Roberts SheaStokesRoberls& Wagner rgiusso shcastokes. f@ com nrrobcrts({rrsheastokes.conr Tom RoddyNormandin Prenovost NormandinBerghand Dawe '['N ormandi [email protected] Mark lrllis; AndrewSteinhcimer Ellis.Coleman, Poirier. LaVoie& S t e i n h c i n i cL . . P r[ [email protected]

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