Free Response to Motion - District Court of California - California

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Pages: 6
Date: December 31, 1969
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State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,508 Words, 9,169 Characters
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Preview Response to Motion - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 53-2

Filed 04/11/2008

Page 1 of 6

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ChadAustin, Esq.SBN 235457 4632 Berwick Drive S a nD i e c o . A 9 2 1 1 7 C Tefepho"ne: 9) 992-7100 161 Facsimile: (619)295-1401 Attorneyfor Plaintiff,JAMES M. KINDER, an individual


II 12 l3 14 ,) i< ,z ro 1t ' 1 ,o lE 19 v' J A M E SM . K I N D E R , Plaintiff, ) ) t ) ) ) ) ) N C a s e o . 0 7 C V 2 1 3 2I ) M S ( A J B ) with 07CV2226DMS (AJl])l lConsolidatcd ,ludge, . IIon. I)anaM. Sabraw Mag.Judge: Hon.Anthony.l.l3altaglia DECLARATION OF CHAD AUSTIN IN S U P P O R TO F P L A I N T I F F ' S MOTION TO DISMISS Date: April 25,2008 Time: 1 : 3 0p . m . Couftroom: l0


I I A I { R A I I ' S E N ' I ' I I R T A I N M E N Tn c . ; I,

I n c . ;I { A R R A I I ' SM A R K E I ' I N G ) SERVICES coRpoRAT'toN; HARRAU's i L I C I T N S E O M P A N Y ,L L C ; H A R R A I I ' S ) C L A U G H L I N ,l n c . ;H B R R E A L T Y ) COMPANY, Inc.andDOES 1 through100,) Q inclusiveI Def-endants t I, CI IAD A[JS1'IN, declare follows: as 1.



2l 22 23
.', A

I am an attorney law duly licensed at and admitted practice to beforeall courtsof

the Stateof California.the United StatesDistrict Court. SouthernDistrict of California and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appealsand have beenattorneyof recordfor Plaintiff in this mattersince

25 26 its inception. If calledas a witness. could and would competently I testifyto all factswithin my

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Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 53-2

Filed 04/11/2008

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personalknowledgeexceptwhere statedon informationand belief.


I am fully familiarwith all of the factsand circumstances sulrounding this

case. This declaration submitted supportof Plaintiff s Opposition Defcndants' is in to Motion to Dismiss. 'l-he mattcrsstated this declaration truc, of my own personal in are knowledge.


8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 lJ '5 16 17 l8 19 20
1 L1 L


Plaintiffhasin his possession I havepersonally and listened the taperecordings to

of eachand every call(7 in total) madeby Defendants Plaintifflsnumberassigned a paging to to service619-999-9999, SanDiego,Californiawireless a telephone number.


One(l) of the unlawfulprerecorded telemarkcting callscomplained in this of

action,which was madeon October26,2006 aI7:24 p.m.,includedwhat clearlyappeared be a to man's prerecorded voice. The prerecorded promoted Harrah' Vegas voice message the Casino. A true and correctverbatimtranscript that prerecorded of message attached is heretoas Ilxhibit B.


real On January ,2008.1 accessed FASTwebwebsite, 17 the which publishes

estateownershipinformationrelatingto propertiesaroundthe United States. Afier doing a Nevada,I foundthe "PropertyProfile" of 3475Las VegasBoulevardSouth,Las Vegas,


^t L ^ ) 25 26 2 28

heretoas Exhibit C. That documcnt document true and correctcopy of which is attached a fbr which is the address the llarrah's LasVegas names ownerof the propertyat saidaddress, the herein heretoand incorporated Casinoin Las Vegas,Nevada,as "Harrah's Club." Also attached l ) D C A S E O . 0 7C V 2 1 3 2 M S( A J B ) N

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Document 53-2

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by refbrence Exhibit I), a true and correctcopy of the websitefor Harrah'sLas VegasCasino, is which lists its address 3475 Las VegasBoulevardSouth,Las Vegas,Nevada. as

4 5 6 , 8 9 10 11

. 6.

On December I , 2007,l accessed websitefor the NevadaSecretary State I the of

and ran a search "Harrah'sClub." That search for foundthe document true and correctcopy of a which is attached heretoas Bxhibit E which states that Harrah'sClub is no longera valid entity in the Stateof Nevadaand that it mergedinto Harrah'sOperatingCompany,Inc. efl-ectivc A u g u s3 1 ,1 9 9 5 . t

l3 14 l5 16 17 18 l9


On.lanuary17,2008,I accesscd Business thc Portalpart o1-1hc California

Secretary o1'State's website andran a Calilbrnia Business Search Ilarrah'sOperating 1or Company,lnc. and lbund the document true and correctcopy of which is attachcd a herctoas Exhibit F. That document states that the "agentfor service process" llarrah's Operating of fbr Company, Inc. is "CORPORATION SERVICECOMPANY WHICFIWIt.L DO BtISINESSIN CALIFORNIA AS CSC - LAWYERS INCORPORATINGSERVICE." The address that for agent was listedas "PO BOX 526036 SACRAMENTO.CA 95852."



Portalpart o1'the Califbrnia On January17,2008,1accessed Business the

22 for Secretary State'swebsite of and ran a CaliforniaBusiness Search Harrah'sMarketing :"^ t+ 25 26

hereto ServicesCorporationand found the documenta true and correctcopy of which is attached for as Exhibit G. That document states that the "agentfor service process" Ilarrah's of MarketingServices is Corporation "CORPORATION SERVICECOMPANY WHICH WILL



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Document 53-2

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'fhe DO BUSINESS CALIFORNIA CSC- LAWYITRS lN AS INCORPORATING SDRVICE." address thatagent listed "PO BOX 526036 for was as SACRAMENTO, 95852." CA

A r


One (1) of the unlawfulprerecorded telemarketing callscomplained in this of

which was madcon December 2003at 10:19a.m.,was whatclearlyappeared be a 9. 1o _ action, 6 'l-he prerecorded prerecorded telemarketing call. message stated that it was madeon behalfof 7 g o 7 10 ll tz 13 l4 l5 16 necessarily limitedto defendant HARRAH'S ENTERTAINMEN'l'. Inc.(a l)elaware corporation), HARRAH'S OPITRA'fING COMPANY, Inc.(a Delaware corporation), IIARRAH'S MARKtr'l'lNG SBRVICtrSCORPORA'I'ION Nevadacorporation) (a and HARRAH'S LICENSECOMPANY, LLC (a Nevada limitedliabilitycompany).uowever, discovery will ultimatelybe requiredin orderto determinc exactlywhich Ilarrah's entityoperates the Harrah'sRinconCasino. A true and correctverbatimlranscript the Deccmbcr 9.2003 at of is attached hereto ExhibitH. as "Harrah'sRinconCasino,"locatedin Valley Center, SanDiego County.Califbrnia. My investigation revealed has that the Harrah'sRinconCasinois ownedby the Rinconbandof Mission Indiansand operated one or more of several by Harrah'senlities.includingbut not

l8 l9 20
)1 ; I


It is absolutely of untruethat Plaintiff filed a "Declaration JamesM. Kinder in


LLC, el Supportof Filing By VexatiousLitigant in" in JamesM. Kinder v. Sprint PCSAs,sets, District Court,Southern District of California,CaseNo. 07CV2049WQII a/., United States was filed in that case. JMA. No suchdeclaration

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It is truethat,in somepreviousTCPA matters, filed Declarations my clientto I by

supportthe initial complaintfiled therewith. That is because clerk's office at the SanDiego the Superior Court ("civil business office") erroneously requiredsamebeforethcy would accept a new filing. After jumping throughthe unneccssary hoop sevcral tn.lamesM. Kinder v. Allied Interslate. SanDiego Superior Court CaseNo. GIC 850543(suingfor violalionsof the 'felephone Consumer Protection Act), which filing was approved then Presiding by JudgeJanis Sammartino February on 26.2007,the civil business office no longerrequiredmy clientto submita declaration be approved the Presiding.ludge. somcpoint on a dateI cannot to by At recall,a clcrk with the courtstated that the court'sin-house legaldepartrncnt advised had them that as long as my clicnt filed throughcounsel, approvalfront thc Prcsiding no .ludgewas necessary. Sincethen,no suchapproval hasbeenrequired thc court in any new lrling by Mr. by Kinder while he was represented counsel. by

5 6 t 8 9 10 1l 12 I3 14 l5 16 17 18 liled throughcounsel was ratifiedby then Presiding JudgeSammarlino .fune 28.2007. ln on 12. 'l'he fact that no courl approvalshouldhaveeverbeenrequircdwhcn my clicnt

Inc.,SanDiego Superior Court CaseNo. GIC882000, Adeccollled 19 JamesM. Kinder v. Adecco, 20
11 L'

a Notice of VexatiousLitigant,relyingon In re Shieh,(1993) 17 Cal.App.4"'I 154,affectingan

automatic of thatlitigation.I timelyfiledanopposition .ludge stay and Sammartino liftedthe stay, holding thepre-filing that order not apply did because Kinderhadfiledthataction Mr. through counsel not In PropriaPersona.A trueandcorrect and Sammartino's copyof Judge



hereto ExhibitA. as 25 Orderis attached 26 2 2g 7 s C A S E O .0 7C V2 1 3 2 M S A J B ) N D (

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I declareunderpenaltyof perjury under the laws of the Stateof California and the laws of the United States that the foregoingis true and correctand that this declarationwas executed by me on April 11, 2008 in SanDiego,California. D A T E D : A p r i l 1 1 ,2 0 0 8 Bv: /s/ ChadAustin


5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l

CHAD AUSTIN,Esq., Attorney for I'laintiff. JAMESM. KINDIIR Irmai: chadaustin(a)cox.nct |


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