Free Response to Motion - District Court of California - California

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Date: December 31, 1969
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State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
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Preview Response to Motion - District Court of California
Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 51-2

Filed 04/11/2008

Page 1 of 6

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ChadAustin, Esq.SBN235457 4632Berwick Drive SanDiego, CA92ll7 (619)992-7100 Telephone: (619) F-acsimile: 295-1401
Attorneyfor Plaintifl.JAMES M. KINDER, an individual

5 6 7 8


11 12 i3 14 1. r) 1. lb t .Ij ' ,o Io 19 v' M "IAMES . KINDIIR, ptaintiff, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C a s e o . 0 7 C V 2 1 3 2D M S ( A . t B ) N with 07CV2226DMS (A.ll])l [Consolidated .ludge . : IIon. DanaM- Sabraw Mag. .ludge: I lon. AnthonyJ. Ilattaglia DECLARATION OF CHAD AUSTIN IN S U P P O R TO F P L A I N T I F F ' S

I n c . ;H A R R A I I ' S M A R K E T I N G

I I A R R A I I ' S E N T I I R I ' A I N M E N ' fI,n c . '


oppostrloN To DBFENDANTS'
MOTION TO DISMISS Datc: April25,200t1 Time: 1 : 3 0p . m . Courtroom: l0

L I C F . N S IC O M P A N Y ,L L C ; I I A R R A H ' S ) I L A U G H L I N ,I n c . :H B R R E A L T Y ) COMPANY. lnc. and DOES I through100.) inclusive. I ) Defendants. ) I, CFIAD AUSTIN, declare follows: as 1.


2l 22 23

I am an attorney law duly licensed and admitted practicebeforeall courtso1' to at

the Stateof California. United States District Court"Southern District of Californiaandthe the

24 25

Ninth CircuitCourtof Appeals havebeenattorney record Plaintiffin this matter for since of and
its inception. If calledas a witness, could and would competently I testifyto all factswithin my

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N C A S E O .0 7C V 2 I 3 2D M S( A J B )

Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 51-2

Filed 04/11/2008

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personalknowledgeexceptwhere statedon informationand belief.


I am fully familiarwith all of the factsand circumstances surrounding this

case. This declaration submitted supportof Plaintiff s Opposition Defendants is in to HARRAH'S LICENSECOMPANY, [.LC. I]ARRAH'S I.AIJGHI-lN,Inc.andHUR REALT'Y

6 7 8 I l0 3. Plaintiff hasin his possession I havepersonally and listened the taperccordings to COMPANY, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss. personal knowledge. 'l'he matters stated this declaration true,o1'myown in arc

12 l3 t4 l5 l6 1l l8 l9 20 21 22 5.
') ^ :,a

of eachand everycall (7 in total) madeby Del-endants I'}laintill-s to numberassigned a paging to service619-999-9999. SanDiego.Calilbrniawireless a telephone number.


Two (2) of the unlawfulprerecorded telemarketing callscomplained in this of

action, which weremadeon May 25.2005at2:23 p.m.andNovembcr 2005at 9:43a.m.. 28, includedwhat clearlyappeared be prerecorded voices. to -fhe prcrecorded voice messages

promoted Harrah'st.aughlinCasino. A true and correctverbatimtranscript the o1-1hosc prerecorded messages attached is heretoas Exhibit B.

1 which publishes real On December 1, 2007.1accessed FASTwebwebsite. the

estate ownership information relatingto properties aroundthe United States.Afler doing a "PropertyProfile" of 2900 SouthCasinoDrive, Laughlin,Nevada,I foundthe documcnt true a heretoas Exhibit C. That documentnamesthe owner of and correctcopy of which is attached 7 ) C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 1 3 2 M S( A J B ) N D

25 26 2 28

Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 51-2

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, 2 3 4 '

the propertyat saidaddress, which is the address the Harrah'sLaughlinCasinoin Laughlin, for Nevada,as "Harrah's Laughlin, Inc." Also attached heretoand incorporated hereinby reference is Exhibit D, a true and correctcopy of the websitefor Harrah'sLaughlinCasino, which listsits address 2900 SouthCasinoDrive. Laushlin.Nevada89029. as

o j 8 7 6. One (l) of the unlawfulprerecorded telemarketing callscomplained in this of

a c t i o n , w h i c h w a s m a d e o n D e c e m b e r 9 , 2 01 0 : l 9 a . m . , w a s w h a t c l e a r l y a p p e a r e d t o b e a at 03 prerecorded telemarketing call. The prerecorded message stated that it was madeon behalfof "Harrah'sRinconCasino,"locatedin Valley Center. SanDiegoCounly,California. My investigation revealed has that the Harrah'sRinconCasinois ownedby the Rinconbandol' Mission Indiansand operated one or more of several by Ilarrah'sentilics,includingbut not necessarily limited to defendant HARRAH'S ENTERI'AINMEN'I'.Inc. (a l)elaware corporation), HARRAH'S OPERATINGCOMPANY, Inc. (a Delaware corporation)" (a IIARRAH'S MARKETING SERVICES CORPORATION Nevada corporation) and IIARRAII'S LICENSECOMPANY. LLC (a Nevada limitedliabilitycompany).I krwcvcr, discovery will ultimatelybe requiredin orderto determine exactlywhich Ilarrah'sentityoperalcs the Harrah'sRinconCasino. A true and correctverbatimtranscripl 9,2003 at ol'the December l0:19 is attached hereto ExhibitE. as

ll 12 i3 14
l' J 5

16 1l 18 19 20


""^ 24 25 26 27 2g


of callscomplained in this One (1) of the unlawfulprerecorded telemarketing

to action,which was madeon October26.2006 at2:29 p.m..includedwhat clearlyappeared be a promotedthe Harrah's Council Bluffs man's prerecorded voice. The prerecorded voice message 'l C A S E O . 0 7C V 2 r 3 2D M S( A J B ) N

Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

Document 51-2

Filed 04/11/2008

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, 2

Casino. A true and correctverbatimtranscriptof that prerecorded message attached is heretoas Exhibit F.


8. 5 6 , $ a 'y 10 ll 12 13 14 l5
'l '7

On December ,2007,l accessed FASTweb 17 thc website, which publishes real

estate ownership information relatingto propcrlies aroundthe United States.Alicr doing a "PropertyProfile" of 270123rd Avenue,CouncilBluffs, Iowa. I fbundthe document true and a correctcopy of which is attached heretoas Exhibit G. 'l'hat document liststhc ownerof the

propertyat saidaddress. which is the address the Harrah'sCouncil Blutl-sCasinoin Council for Bluffs, Iowa. as "IIbr RealtyCo Inc." Also attached heretoand incorporated hereinby reference is Exhibit [I. a true and correctprintoutof the wcbsitefbr Harrah'sCouncil Ulufli Casinodated Decembcr 17,2008, whichlistsits address as270123rdAvenue. Clouncil Blu1l.s. Iowa.


I visitcdcachof the websites fbrthe Ilarrah'sCasinos issue this case in at

(llarrah's l-aughlinCasino, Ilarrah'sLas VegasCasino.Ilarrah'sRinconCasino,Ilarrah's

18 l9 20 21 22 'l'hcrelbre, bottomof the page"e 2007 llarrah's LicenseCompany, I-t.C. All rightsreserved." I partyto am infbrmedand believethat Hanah's License LLC is or may be a necessary Company,
Inls acilon

:^ z+ 25 26 21 28


M. of It is absolutely untruethat Plaintiff filed a "Declaration James Kinder in

LL(', el Litigant in" in JamesM. Kinder v. Sprinl P(lS Assets, Supportof Filing By Vexatious DistrictCourt,Southern District of California,CaseNo.07CV2049 WQH al.,llnited States 4 D C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 1 3 2 M S( A J B ) N

Case 3:07-cv-02132-DMS-AJB

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JMA. No suchdeclaration was filed in that case.

I l.

It is true that,in somepreviousTCPA matters, filed Declarations my clientto I by 'fhat is becausc clerk's officc at the SanDiego the

supportthe initial complaintfiled therewith.

_ o 7 8 v 10 ll 12 l3 14
1 < '

SuperiorCourl ("civil business officc") erroneously requircdsamebelbrethcy would accept a new filing. After jumping throughthe unnecessary hoop several in.lamesM. Kintlcr v. Allied Inlerstate. SanDiego Superior Court CaseNo. GIC 850543[suingfbr violationsof the Telephone Consumer Protection Act], which filing was approved then Presiding.f by udgc.lanis Sammartino Iiebruary on 26,2007.the civil business office no longerrequiredmy clicnt to submita dcclaration be approved the Presiding to by .ludge.At sornepoinl on a dateI cannol rccall,a clcrk with the court statcd that the court's in-house legaldcpartmcnt had advised thcnt that as long as my clientfiled throughcounsel, approval no liom the Presiding Judgewas necessary. suchapprovalhasbeenrequired the court in any new filing by Mr. by Kinder while he was represented counsel. by


1'7 t t

l8 19 20


The fact that no courtapprovalshouldhaveeverbeenrequiredwhen rny clienl

filed throughcounsel was ratifiedby then Presiding JudgeSammartino June28,2007. ln on ,lames Kinder v. Adecco, M. Adeccofiled Inc.,SanDiego Superior Court CaseNo. GIC882000, I a Notice of VexatiousLitigant,relyingon In re Shieh,(1993) 17 Cal.App.4'n 154,affectingan


lifted the stayof that litigation. I timely filed an opposition and JudgeSammaftino ^ + automatic 'A

Mr. holding thepre-filing that order not applybecause Kinderhadllled thataction did 25 stay, 26 2 28 l s NO. D ( CASE 07CV2132 M S AJ B)

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through counseland not In Propria Persona. A true and correctcopy of JudgeSammartino's

2 Order is attachedheretoas Exhibit A.
a -)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 2l 22

I declare underpenaltyof perjuryunderthc laws of thc Stateof Californiaand the laws of the LJnited States that thc lbregoingis true and correctand that this declaration was executed by me on April I l, 2008in SanDiego,California. DA'IED: April 11, 2008 Bv: /s/ ChadAustin CIIAD AUS'IIN, Esq.,Attorneyfor P l a i n t i f fJ A M D SM . K I N D E R . EmaiI : chadaustin(a)cox. net

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D C A S E O .0 7 C V 2 1 3 2 M S( A J B ) N