Free Proposed Findings of Uncontroverted Fact - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: January 27, 2005
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State: federal
Category: District
Author: unknown
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Preview Proposed Findings of Uncontroverted Fact - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-7

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 1 of 20

¯ I~x~O1 ~oofRequirements Contract Sta~en~nt of Work

28 June ~001

Building 222~needs a total roof replacement.TheContractor shall completelyremove and disposeof the existing shingles and felt and inst~ 1 layer of newfelt and 1 layer of 100 mphW'md WarrautedThree Tab Shh~esas well as all necessary flashings and ridge caps. : Building 224 needs.a total roof replacement. TheContr~tor shall completely remove and dispose o~the existing shingles and felt and ~ 1 layer of newfelt and 1 layer of100 mphWind WarrantedThree TabShingles as well as a~ necessary flashings and ridge caps. .3. Building 226 needs a total reef replacement. TheContractor shall completelyremove anddisposeof the exi .~ng shinglesand felt andin.troll I layer of newfelt and 1 Iayer of 100 mphW'md Warranted Three TabShingles as well as all necessary flashings and ridge caps.. .4. Building 152 ne~ds ~ tow roofreplaceme~tincluding domaers.The Contractor shall completelyremove ~.uddispose the existing skingles and felt and install 1 layer of of newfelt and 1 layer of 100 mph.Wind Warranted Three TabSkingles as we11as a~l necessaryflashings and ridge caps. Noworkwill be performed the elevator roof on exceptfor flashingat ~haft- mainroof intersections.

The 5. Buildin~ 341 needs a parfiai mofreplacemeut. Contractor shall completely remove dispose of the existing shingles and feIt on the roof oft.he mainbuilding mad and the loft roof and install 1 layer of newfelt and 1 layer of 100 mph Wind Wa~auted Three TabShingles as welt as all necessary flashings and ridge caps. No workwill be performed the roof over the western building expansionor eastern on ckop off canopy. 6. Building, 3 ] 5 needs a tutal.rbofreplace~ant. TheContractor shall completelyremove and dispose of the existing shingles and felt and ~ 1 layer of newfelt and 1 layer of 100 mphWind Warranted Three Tab Shingles as well as all necessary flashings and ridge caps. In addition, the Contractor shall completelyremove dispose of and Be e~ug BURS roof over the west extension and replace it with a fury adhered EPDM roofing system. This worksh~ include the replacement of the mechanically fastened wall mounted ~eglet and any neoessm removal, rebending, and refastening T of the parapet coping.AIso, the gutter on the east side of the building(15 LF)shall be removed replaced, and a newdownspout and installe.d. Buildin~1284needs aparfial roof consists of several different roof areas. Work shall be peffomaed the areas indicate&Eacharea on requires completeroof replacement. TheContractor shall completelyremoveand


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-7

Filed 01/28/2005

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dispose of exi.sting BUP,.8 insulation underlayment the deckingand instali a mad to newfully adheredEPDM systemincluding insuIatiom. Th/s workshall also roof include the replacement of the mach~o~y fastened wall mountedregle~, any nenessml7 removal,rebending,madrefastening of the p~rapet coping, sealing building expansion joint mad incidental worknecessaryto providea fully functional roof. all roof ~ver newly 8. BuiIding250 requires installation of stmiding serummew constracted porch including al~ necessar%, flashings and accessories. Thestanding ~eam meW.panels stml/be ~op painted to matchthe tti~orie red color of the existing metal roofs. Penetra~ons through undersSde oftongu~ madgroove p~g is not acceptable. 9. Bld~212requires minorroof repairs including: ~ecuring10oseshingles and step flashing around, chimneys,properly securing all rldgecap, ~n~I/ing EPDM gutter liner to rear porchgutter, patching east valley EPDM alI incidental work mad n~eessaryto providea fury funefibnal rook 10. ~equiredSubmittals: As per specifications Section 01000,Parts 1.12 and 1.i3, fae writ:ten gu~ma~ees, warranties, and mayother items l~sted on the attached iF Form 66 are herebyspecifed as required submittals for this delivery order. Th~length mad terms of each warrantysh~ meet the minimum requirementsas set forth for that type of roofingsystemin the contract specifications. in with 11. All r~of~ngand related workstroll be performed accordmace the specifications ofthe requirements contract, any attacheddrawings,and the line ~tzmlist. Period: ilI workshall be completed calerid~.r days after receipt of 120 12. Perform~ce the ~otice to Proceed.


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Document 46-7

Filed 01/28/2005

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Document 46-7

Filed 01/28/2005

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D.O..~ FY'O1 Roof RequirementsContract State~en~ of Work

0~6 September 2001

1. Buildin~1284requ{respartial roof replacement. Th~sbuilding consist of several roofs sections. shall performed areas Work b~ onthe indicated: Areas 9- 15.nemia completeroof replacement.The Contractor shall complet~Iy r~nove aud d~ose of existing BURS insulation undcrlaymentto the " and decldng and inst~l a new fully adhered EPDM roof s~siem iucluding ~on~ This work~ a~o inolud~ the rs~phcemen~ the mecha~callyfastened wall of mounted re~ef, any necessary remova~ reb~ndin~and refastcniug of the parmpet coping, worldugaround, restoring and testing Hghtning protection systamand all incidenfal worknecessaryto providea fully functional roo£ 2. Required Sn~miliah: As per specifications S~cfion 01000, P~ 1.12 ~d 1.13, ~e ~ ~m~s, w~, ~d ~y o~r i~ H~ on ~e ~ed ~ Fo~ 66 .~e hereby speo~ ~ r~ed ~b~ for ~ deHv~ erda. ~e 1~ ~d ~s of ~h w~ s~ m~t ~e ~ re~men~ ~set fo~ for~t ~e.of roo~ s~ ~ ~e con~t ~e~c~om. .. .. 3. ~ roo~g ~d related work ~ be pe~o~ed ~ ~eor~ce ~ ~e spec~cafio~ of ~e r~em~ con~a~ ~y a~hed ~a~gs, ~d ~e ~e i~m ~ 4. Peffo~e Perle& ¯ e Nofi~ to ~ work ~ be ~mpl~c~en~ ~ys ~er receipt of


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Document 46-7

Filed 01/28/2005

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P.O. (~CI' Housing) FYO1 Roof Requirement~ Contract Statement of Work

~ Sept. O1

Bu~ldin~ l~OO, ~q~&I~33, singl~ story dupls~es loca~ ~ MCPHo~ to~ robfrep~cmcn~ e~h ~ ~e con~tor ~ ~mplem]y remove ~ ~os~ of~e e~g b~t ~ zoo~g s~ ~ ~ ~ wood &c~g a.~w ~y ~er~ BPDM s~le ply roo~ ~ ~cl~g ~fion ~d nec~ss~ ~ ~=ecfly ~ ~e-new ~g]e ply ~DM s~ ~ ~e cMs~g ~rs ~d do~po~ ~e ~ be sav~ ~d ~h~ ~to ~ new r~ ~e~ c~y e~ owr~e ~ door ofe~h ~t s~


~ roo~g ~d ~lat~ w~k,s~ be peffo~cd ~ ~or~ ~ ~e

Perforce Pefio&.~ work s~ be ~mpl~ed20 c~en~ days.~r Notice to


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06 September 2001 FY01 R~of Requiremenfs Contract Statement of Work L Buildin~ 1284requires parfi~ roof replacementTh~sbuild~g of several roofs secdom, nehA mplet f epLgzemen¢. The Con.tLac..~ - ~ ~mpl~y Work shal] be performed the areas indioated~.: .:," on 1-'g " .- '

mo~d reglet ~y necess~ cop~ wo~g ~o~ re~g

~mgv~ rebe~g, ~dre~ of.~e ~d te~g H~g promotion

p~et~ .:: .....~. ~t~ ~d ~


~e~ of e~h ~ s~ meet

~e ~ re~n~


fo~ for


. ....



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Filed 01/28/2005

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D.O. 500~ I~Y01 Roof RequirementsContract S~atement.of Work

10 September2001

This building consis~ of several roofs 1. Buildin~720requires partial roof replacement sections. Work shall be performed the areas indicated: " on Areas 10 &l 1 need a completeroof replacement. TheContractor shall completely remove dispose existing and of Ballasted andinsula~on EPDM under_layment to the decking madinstall a newfully adheredEPDM system including roof iusulatio~ This workshall also inclnde the replacement the mechazfically of fastened wail mounted regle~q anyremoval, rebending & replacing alum~um copingand all incidental workneoessm-y providea fully functional roof. to Conduitis know exist on the underside of the decking.Contractorshall p~otect to conduit from damage during the performance this delivery orc~er. of 2. Buildiu~ I200 requires complete roofrepIacemenrThe Contractor shall completely removeand dispose of existing BURS, foamand insulation underlayment¢o the decking and ~ a new fully mSheredEPDM roof system iucluding in~afion. This. workshall als0 inclBde the replacementof the mechenicallyfastened wall mounted reglet, drip edgeflashing, getter lining and all incidental work necessaryto providea - -- fu~l~f~mctional roo£ .. 3. ~ requires partial roof replacement The Contractor shah complete, ly removeand dispose of e~iug BURS insulation underiayment to the decking and and install a newful]~ adheredEPDM system ineludiug insulation. This work roof ¯ ". sh~l also include the replacement the mechanic~y of fastened wall mounted reeler, drip edge flashing auy removal, rebendiug &replacing aluminum coping and al~ incidental worknecessaryto providea ft~y functional roof. 4. RequiredSubmittals: As per specifications Section 01000,Parts 1.11 and 1.37, the v~-~en guarantees, wananfies, aqd any other items lister on the attached AFForm66 arc herebyspecified ~s required submittals for tl~s delivery order. length and The terms of each warrantyshall meetthe minimum requirementsas set forth for that . type of roofingsystemin the contract specifications. in with the specifications 5. All roofing and related workshall be performed accordance of the requirements contract, any attached drawings,and the line item Est. 6. Performance Period: All worldshall be completed calendar days after receipt of' 45 the Notice to Procee&


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ProposedCosts for Recommended Repairs - Bid. 1200

ITEM 0001 Oo01a O0O2 O002a

DESCRIPTION Remove Felt Remove (5-ply max)& BURS Insulation (2 Mpp Install EPDM Membrane More than5 SQ Delivery Per Order

















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Document 46-7

Filed 01/28/2005

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D.O. 5007 1~01 Roof RequirementsContract Statement of Work

10 September2001

1. Building722requires partial roof replacement.This building consist ofsevexal roofs sections. Work shall be perfomaed the areas indicated: on Areas 1-9 need a completeroof replacement. TheContractor shall completely remove dispose of existing, BLrRS, and foamand insulation ~nfieflaymentto the decldng and install a newfully adhered EPDM system including inm~tian. roof This workshall also include the replacementof the mechanicallyfastened wa~ mouatedreglct; any removal, rebending & replacing aluminum coping and all incidental worknecessaryto providea fully functional roof Conduit know exist on the underside of the decking. Contractorshall protect is to conduit from damage during the performance this delivery order. of 2. Building1152requires partial roof raplacemen This buildingconsist of several .t. roofs sections. Work shall be performed the areas indicated: on Areas3 & 5-17 need a completeroof replacement. TheContractor shall completely removeand dispose of existing BURS, foamand kmulafion underlayment the decking and install a newfully adhered EPDM system to roof includinginsulation- This work shall also inciude the replacem-~-t the of mechanically fastened wall mounted reglet, drip edgeflashing, gutter lining and all incidental wor~ necessaryto providea fully fin:tc~o~I roo£ This building is located within the Weapons Storage Area (WSA) all entry and and security regulations as explainedin the contract specifications (See 01010, Parts 1.39, 1.40, 1.41) shall be adheredto at alltimes R&tuired Submittals: As per specifications Section 01000,Parts 1.11 and 1.37, the written guarantees, wauaufies,and any other items listed on the attached AFForm66 are herebyspecified as required submittals for this delivery order. Thelength and terms of each warrantyshall meet the minimum requirementsas set forth for that type of roofing systemin the contact specifications. 2. All roofing and related workshall be performed accordancewith the specifications in of the requirements contract, any attacheddrawings,and the line item list. 3. Performance Pefio& workshall be completed60 calendar days after receipt of All the Noticeto Proceed.


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.D.O. 500/¢ ~'01 Roof Requirements Contract Sta~en~entof Work

06 September2001

1. B~idi~1250re, qrdres oomple~z.roofreplaeemant buil.ding consists of several This roofs seet~ons. Wo~k shallbe per2o~ned the areas indioa~e& on Areas 1- 5 need a oomplet~roofreplaoemant The CoNraetorshall oomplet~ly removeand dispose of existing BUP~ hu~lafion and underlaymentto the decking and ~ a new fully adhered EPDM roof system including insulation This workshall al~o include the replaeemant the mectmuicaliy of fastened wall mounted reglet, any necessary removal, rebending, and refastening of a/unfinum coping,installing drip edge, lining gutters and all incidental work necessaryto providea fully .functional roof. Coordinatefanet[on and operatioa of the mioro-wave dish during periods of constmotiozs Work also includes dsmoli~on the existing lightening system without repIacement of 2. RequiredSubmittals: As per specifications Section 01000,Parts 1.12 and 1.13, the warren guarantees, waumaties,and any other items listed on the attached AFForm66 are herebyspeffffied as required submittalsfor this dalivery order. Thelength and terms of each w~,autyshall meet the minimum requirementsas set forth for that type of roofing systemin the cont:aet spec'~cafions. 3. AJ~roofing and related workshall be perfonnedin accordance with the specifications of the requirementsconlrac-t, any attached drawings,and the line item ~ Period: All workshall be completed oalendar days after receipt of ~5 4. Performance the Noticeto Proceed.


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Filed 01/28/2005

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