Free Proposed Findings of Uncontroverted Fact - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Preview Proposed Findings of Uncontroverted Fact - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005 Wyoming1 of 14 Page F.E. Wan'onAFE],


PART 4 GENERAL 1,1 SECTIONINCLUDES A. Buill-Up Roof Syslam(BURS) assemblyof components and consisfing of the undedaymenl nsu a on as aoplicable, and roofing membrane, and final surfacing, assembly. B. 1.2 This s,oecifcafion is as taken from Engineering TechnicalLetter (ETL)90-1 Built-Up Roof Repair/Replacemen[ Guide Specifoafion.



REFERENCES ASTM C726 Mineral Fiber and Mineral Fiber, Rigid Cellular Polyure[hane Composfie RoofInsulation Board.

D. E. F. G. H. I.

ASTM D312- Asphall Usedin Roofing. ASTM D450- Specification for Coal Tar BitumenUsedin Roofing, Dampproofing, and ASTM D1863- Mineral Aggregatefor Useon Built-Up Roofs ASTM D2178 -,~sphalt Glass Fell Usedin Roofing and Waterproofing. ASTM D2822 - Asphall Roof CemenL ASTM D3617- Recommended Practice. for Samplingand Analysis of NewBuii~-Up Roof Membranes, Federal Spot. HH-I-1972/GEN 12 - thsulalion Board, Thermal, Polyurethaneor and Polyisocyanurate,Facedwith Asphalt/OrganicFell, Polymer/Organlc mat, Asphal~'Glaas mat, or Polymer/Glass on bolh sides of foam, Class1. mat



SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Built-Up Roofing Sysiem: Four p y asphamembrane emwith insular on, and sys aggregatesurfacing.



Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH GBHN01-100.4

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 2 of 14

Subrni[ all subrni~ls in accordance wiU~S~lJon 0"/000, 1.11. ProduclDala: Providedala indicating rn~mbrane bitumeri malerials, baseflashing and malsflals, insulatlon, and undedayment, applicable. (BURS if Submitlal #11 C. Manufaobrer's Installation Insb'uclions:Indic'ale installation crileria andprocedures. (BURS Subm/f.~] #12) Manufacturer's Ce~flcate: Certify that a~l Productsmeator exceed spec/fied requiremenl-s. (BURS Submil!al #13) Designationof Roofing Qualily Control Controller. (BURS Submittal #14) F. Built-Up Roof System20-Year Labor and Material Warranty/Guarantee. (BURS Submi~a]

QUALITY CONTROLAND ASSURANCE A. B. C. Perform Work strict compliance in wilh rnanufa~iurer~s tnslruotions. Contr~or must compl~teAF Form10~3on all phasesof ~he work under the provisions of this section, Contraclormustlook at eachof the follo~'Ang areasas a minimum, insure compliance to with the contrac~ 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.7 Material Idenfiification andMoislum Con|ant, Kettle Temperat~Jre. Substi-ate Preparation. Insulation Installation Ply Const~J~ion Inlerply Bilurnen Integdly. and SampleRemovaland Repair. Envelopes and Bilumen Cams. Flashingthsla]lation. Surfacing.

QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacluret:Company specializing in manufacturing Productsspecified in this the section wilh minimum five years documenled experience. Applicator: Company special~ngin performingthe work of this section wilh minimum three years documented experience. 017OD-33




Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN -'~004 O~

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 3 of 14

gogcJ~oI3 Con~ct N~bcr F48608~I-D-00D~ 1.8 REGU~TORY REQUIREMEt~S Confo~ 1o app~bte ~e for roo~ assembly fi~ h~ard requirement. ~.9

below40 degreesF (5 ~egreesC). Do no~ appty roofing memb~ne dampor frozen de~ surface or ~en preclp~tion ~s Io

PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SHEET MATERIALS A. B. Asphalt Glass Fiber Felts; ASTM D2178,TypeIV or TypeVi, as recommended the by manufacturer. Asphalt SaturatedOrganicFell ASTM D226,T)~peg. Aggregate-surfaced~brous Glass Felt wi~ 3 or 4 pies of ASTM D312TypeH or IV asphalt D. 2.2 SheetMelati GalvanizedSteel: ASTM A4-'~ 6, GrB~e minimum zJnc coating; 24 A, Ggo gauge core steel, no{ chemicallyb'eated, not o~ed,phosphatized.

BITUMINOUSMATEPJALS Asphalt Bitumen: ASTM D312, Typeto be de{erminedby slope requirements of the BURS manufacturer. B. c. Asphalt Prams=r:ASTM D41. Plastic Cement:.ASTM D2822 TypeI1, cutback asphall type.


DECK COVERING MATERIALS A. Shealhing: APA,veneer grade CDX exterior plywood,Ti~ickness, minimum 1/2 inch of (12


INSULATION A. Insulation: Insulation as suggesledper [he manufactures recommendation. The insutation shall be dosed cell foamboard; with the following minimum cfiaractedstics: 1. 2. 3. 4o Board Density BoardTt~icknesa ThermalConductivity Board Edges 2,5 Ib/Cu ft (40 Kg/Cu m) 2" (50 mm) K factor of.07 Square


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 4 of 14

FlexiL~!a Flashings: Modifiedbitumen,SPS APP or type; black color; as par manufac~rer'sthslmctions. Expansion Joint: Moralcap fype roof expansion joinls shall be installed on wood curbs exlanding B" (203 ram) minimum abovethe ~oof. Eiastomerlc~pe shall have e nonreinforced EPDM neoprene or belbv,'s with foambacking. I! shall mechanicallyinterlock to the mounting flanges. ROOF SURFACING A. 2.7 Aggregale: ASTM D1863;gravel, gradebon size 6, 7, or 67.

CANTS Fiber Cant and TaperedEdgeStrips: ASTM C726Mineral Fiberboard and as recommended the manufacturer. by ACCESSORIES thsula~JonFasteners: ApproprE3te purposeintended and approvedby the {3URS for manufacturer;, tength required for ~ic~s oFi~ulafion ma~eriet and pene~tion of deck subs~ale. RoofingNails: Galvanized Non-ferrous or type, size andconfiguration as required to suil application.

PART 3 EXECUTION EXAMINATION A. S, C. D. E. G. 3.2 Verify lhat surfacesand site conditi~nsare r~adyto receive work. Ved~deck is suppodadand sabre. Ver~ deck is clan and smoo~,fla~ fee of depressions, ~ves, or projections, propedy slopedto drains, valleys, or eaves,andsuilable for installation of roof s~lem. Ve~deck surfaces are d~ and free of snowor ice. Ved~adjacent pl~yoodsheets do not va~ mare~an 1/4 inch (6 ram) in heighL Ved~roof openings, cu~s, and penetrations ~reughroof are so~dty set, and resets a~ in pla~. GEN~L


Roof Drains are to be removed,replaced end/or adjusted to accommodale new the roofing syslem. Exis~ngdrainagesyslemshall be protected dudngconatrad/ian. Tapered insulafion aroundthe roof drains sha}l be provided as shown the standard in NRCA roof d[ath details.


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN 01-1004

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 5 of 14

~n~ctNumber F4860B-0J -D-0008 and asphall, ASTM D312T~e C. SIop~1/2 in~ ~o 3 in~es p~ foot (4i mm 250 ram/m): 4 Plies of asphalt~oaIed ~o ~brous glass fal~ and asphaI{, AS~D312T~e ~. SIop~g~a(~~han3 in~es per foot (250 minim): 3 P~ies of asphalt {mpre~nated glass fal~ and a glass (ib~ basecap sheet andasphatL ~e enfre roofing s~tem, ~c~udingagg~gatesurfacing, shall be 5nishedin one ~pe~ionup to ~he line of terra,ion at end ofda~s ~. Appl~ca~nof ~ofin9 shall immediately follow appIi~tion of insula~on as a continuousoperation. Phased taken ~o prelude bare spo~(voids) befveen~i~. To prevent slippage, ~re shaJ] be pr~t at ~e keflIe at all flm~ dudngthe hoeing. ~plication tempe~luresshall be I~s ~an 25 degre~ F (-3 degrees C) below ~e manufaclure¢s stated ~. ~phal[ heated above ~50 degreesF (232 degrees C) and T~e ~ above425 degrees F degreesC). ~e surface of ~e felts shall be broomed ~II w~dthto obtain ~mplete in 3.3



Install flexible ~leshings vaporretardant[o air seal materialof wall construction,lap fTam andseal to provideconfJnu~y the air barrier plane. of PREPARATIONAND VAPORRETARDER APPLICATION - CONCRETE DECK

C. D. E.

Install a minimum bvolayers of insulation in accordance this section, pare. 3.6. of Mlh Applypdmer a r~te of 1 gel/square(3.79 L / 9.29 Sqm] andallow to dry. at L~p flexible flashings a{rseal over materialwall of conalI'uc~on to provide continui{y ofthe




gypsum shea~ing on meal deck. 01700-36


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH GHHN 01-1004

Document 46-5 Filed 01/28/2005 Wa~Ten 6 of 14 Page Wyomin Roof Requ~rernen~ Con~ct F.~ AFB,


Install undedayment oneply of asphafl coaled fibrous gless fe!L Mechanically of fasten ~,5e fell undedaymenl 6" to 9" (I52 ~o 228 mm) al o.c. ~so, s~agg~ cenler of sheets na~ at approWmalely (a57 ram) o.c,, in papaw~ws, 10" b 12" (254 b 304 ram) 18" edgesof ~e base piy. Do not ddve fas~enm~ into or be~,een~e meal edgesof the g~sumplanks. C. D. lnsWII a minimum N~olayers o~ i~ulalion in acoordance ~s sec~on,para. 3.6. of wi~ Cu~ shea~ing cleanly and a~u~tely at ~of breaks and pro~slons b provide smoo~ suffa~, Tape joJn~. ~PUCATION



On Namable Decks: Mechani~i~yfasten fi~Hayer of insula[bn Io ~eck. Embed second a man~a~uref$ ins~ions. Lay second~ayer of insulafion wi~ joints staggered ~om layer,

insu~alion wi~ join~ s~gered#ore ~ layer. lo ~e required slo~e p~em ~ a~rdance wi~ man~a~eFs ins~ons,


MEMB~E APPLICATION Equivis~us Tempe~ture(~ at Poini of ~p[i~aflon: In accordance v,'J~ NRCA and

~p~y felts

smoo~, #ee from air pocke~, ~n~es, ~shmou~s,or te~.

ply and 60 Ib/100 sq feel (292 k~10D m) for ~e flood coal sq

shall be applied over ~e flanges ~th ~e sleeve of ~e damset to prevenl drippage of bitumen. Edge envelops shall be organicfell s~psat leas~ 18" (457 ram) wide. Thestrip shall set in plastic cement TypeIV asphalt andposilioned to exlend 9" (228 rnm)Ohiothe or nailer aroundthe perimeterof the building w~ 9" (228 ram) lappedover the edgeof the building. After roofing iell application is complete, 9" (228rnm) overlapped the seclion EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH
GHHN 01-t004

Roof Requirements Contract

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

F,E. Warren AFB,Wyomthg

Page 7 of 14

Contz~ct Nu.mb=rF48608-01-O~8

and ~u~d. ~ ~a~fe~t doesnot tou~ ~dt and ~terp~y voids or skips ~n ~e bitumen do

fell 3.8 FLASHINGS AND ACCESSORIES Apptyflexible baseflashings to seal membrane ve~cel elements. to Install prefabdcaled roofing control andexpansion joinL~ to ts~late roof into areasin Coordinate installation of roof drains andrelated flashings (o NRCA Drawings and Mop and seal flashings and flanges of items peneb'atingmembrane two pgesof in with



Evenlydistribute aggregateand ensurebondwith flood coat. Extendaggregate bottomedge cant strips, of 3.10 PATCHING For any patching appflcatiens, follow manufacture(s recommendations materials, for overlap, bonding. ~nd 3.11" FIELD QUALIT3" CONTROL A. B. Correctidentified detectser trregutadties. Onsmall jobs, less than 5 SQ(4&45sq m), lake one ~est cut 12" x 12" (304 mm x mm).On fargo jobs, morelhan ~ SQ(46.45 sq m), take one test cut 12" x 12' (304 304 ram) each day work is performed. Repair sampleareas in accordance wilh manufacturer's recommendations. Test sample in accordancewith ASTM D3617and manut~cturer's recommendations.

C. D.

Requiresite attendanceof reoEng maledalmanufacturers uponcompletion installation of the of Work. T'ne contractoris responsib{e all QualityConlrol to the level requiredby the for manufacturer approve to the suitable warranty. REQUIREMENTS 01700-38


GRHN 01-1004 Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 8 of 14

So~doa N~b~ F48608~I-R-O00] ~il N~ F4860~-0 ] -D-000~ 3.12 CLUING A. B. Remove b~minous maA~gsfrom ~nished su~aces, fn a~as where5nished su~s are soiled by bi[umen or any o~er source of ~used by wo~ of ~is se~on, consul[ ma~rer of su~ces for c~esning advise and ~nfo~ 1o ~eir documen~ Repair or replace defacedor disSgured5nish es ~used workof ~is section. by

C. 3.13

PROTECTIONOF FINISHED WORK A. Where~c must conUnueover finished roof m~brane,protect



Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 9 of 14

Sotic~mdoa Hc=-'~crF48608-01 -tb000 l CoaLracti"~b=~ F48608-0l-D-0008

SECTION 07530 ELASTOMERIC SINGLE-PLY ROOFING ETHYLENEPROPYLENE DIENE M ONOMER (EPDM) PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 (3ESCRtPTION OF WORK Furnish adminisfi'ation,tauffli{ies, materials, labor, equipment, quality con~ol the and (QC)necessary Integrate the workinto the lotal building system that leakage{nto to so the roofing systemor building doesnot asc.ur. Theroofing systemis an assembly of components thciu~ng the undedayment insulaEon as applicable, roofing membrane, and elaslomeric andmetal flashing, andall related parts necessary completeGhe to ~ssemb~, Theroofing syslemmanufactureris the elas=omed¢ membrane mar~ufaciurar, who may or maynot rnanufa~re and market the other components the roofing system. The of manu,~ac~urer their licensedlapproved or installer shall comple[e workandprovide a the material and labor warrantyfor a f~een-ysarpedodfrom date of final acceptance the of buR0ing. This specification is as taken from Engineering TechnicalLetter (ETL)90-8 Guide Specilfc~tion for Ethylene Ptopylene DianeMonomer (EPDM) Roofing. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES Membrane roofing, base ~lashthgs, rooting membrane expansion.[oinls, and counter flashings. RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.4 AB. Seclion 07620- SheetMetal Flashing, Trim, and Acoessodes.

REFERENCES ASTM D297-Rubberproducts - ChemicalAnalysis. ASTM D412- RubberPropedies in Tension. ASTM D624- RubberProperty - Tear Resistance. D. F_ ASTM D746 Bdfilenass Temperalure Plastics and F_Jastamedc Impact. of by ASTM D822- Practice for Operating Light and Waler-Exposure Apparatus(Carbon-Are) Typefor Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,andRelatedProducts. ASTM t49 - Test for RubberDeterioration ~ Sur~ceOzoneCracking in a Chamber. DI ASTM - WaterVapor Transmissionof Materi~is. E96 FM4470(Facto~ Mutual Eng[nasdng Corporation) - RoofAssembly Classifications.

F. G. H.


Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH GHHN 01-10O4

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005 AFB, Wyoming of 14 F,E War~en Page 10
C~n~ct ~,~.~,,b}=48608-01 ~r -D-0008

UL790- Fire Hazard Class#';catians. 1.5 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION

Efss~omericSheel Membrane Conventional Roof~ngSyslem: Oneply membrane system wi(h, insulation, and adhes)veapplied membrane finish. B. 1.6 lnsula(ien: lesulafJon per manufaclure'srecommendafbns.

SUBMI~ALS Submit all Submittalsin accordance with Section01 ODD, 1.11. ProductData: Providecharaclerf~tics on membrane malerlals, flashing materials, and insulafion. (EPDM Submiflal#16) SampIes: Subm[(one, 12" x 12" (304 x 304 ram) in size. (EPDM Submittal Manufacturen Company specializing in manufacturing producls specified in this the section w~th Eweyears documented e×pefieace. {EPDM Submittal



Contractormustlook at eachof the ~'oltowin9 areasas a minimum, insure compliance to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Material tdent~catJon Moisture Content. and Nowork dudnginclement weather. SubstratePreparalion, Properhandlingof roofing mater~al. Properplacement roofing materiat. of proper installation of EPDM all related accessories. and , ": }.~.~'... ~~ 0170041



Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH GHHN

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

Page 11 of 14

So!icim6on Number F4B608-01-R-OGOI Con~ct Number F48608~0]-D-0O0B 7. Tra~c flow on compleledwork,

Applicelo~. Company specializing ~ performingthe workof this sateenwith five years experienceend approvedby ayslemmanufaclurer. 1,8 REGULATOI~Y REQUIREMENTS Conform applicable codefor roof assembly to fire h~'z~rd raqvfrements. 1.9 ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS A. B. Do nol apply roofing membrane during ~clemenlwe.~lher. Donol apply roofing membrane damp frozen decksurface. to or Donot expose meten'afs vulne~ble~o water or sun damage quan(/~esgreater if}an in can be weatherproofedduring sameday. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MEMBRANE AND ASSOCIATED MATERIALS Membrane: EPDM conforming to AS'I'M D4637;minimum 0.06 inch (1.5 ram) thick, of

Tens~e St~ancjth Elongation Specific Gravily Tear Resistance Sheet Composi[ion


1300ps~ (8.98 MPa) 300% 1.12 175]b/~n (3.1 kg/mro) 100% EPDMpolymer 30% poly~'ner sheet

Moisture Vapor Perms ASTME96 Exposure AS 13',4 D822 Low Temperature ~rfl=Jeness ASTMD746 SeamingMaterials: As recommended memb~ne by manufacturer, 2,2 ADHESIVE MATERIALS A. Membrane Adhesives: As recommended supplied by membrane end mesufacturer. Insulation Adhesive: ASrecammended supplied by insula~on manufacturer. and "Thinner and Cleaner: ASrecommended supplied by adhesivemanufacturer, and compatible w~hshoe| membrane. 2.3 FLASHINGS A. Ftex~le Flashings: Same material as membrane: conformingto the following:



Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH GHHN 01-1004

Document 46-5 ConCoct 01/28/2005 Roof Requirements Filed

Page 12 of 14

Preaedtes Thickness Elongafon Tens#eStrength Brittleness Temperature Cobr Tear Resistance Die C Resistance to Ozone B.

ASTM [3412 ASTMD412 ASTMD746 AsTf,.,I D624 ASTMDl149

>= 0.06 roll (1.5 ram) 400% 1,200 psi (8.25 MPa) 40'F black 140 Ib/in (2,5 kg/mm) No cracks

Counle~eshings: motet, as specified in Sec~Jon 07620. Centralor Expansion Joint Flashing; rnete~ls andinsfallation detail sha~l be as tnstallafion guide.

ACCESSORIES Fasteners: Fasteners shatl be as recommended ~he membrane by manufacturerfor the ~'pe of deck, ty#e andthickness of insetetion, and~stenin~ requirements the of manufacturer'ssystem, UL local buddingcode, or insuran~ requirements, whicheveris most sfdngent: Fastener spacing shel~ meetFMapprova~Guide for 1-90 windstorm rafing when usedwith the setededinsuletic~n. Fastenersshetl be germanized steel or other noncorrosivemateriel employingplasfJc washers a size recommended the of by EPDM manufacturer,Washers, batten sthps and metal flashings or clips will be pretaded#ore confact wif.h dissimilar metals in fasteners or companion accessoriesto precludeeled~ely~c corrosion. Leng{hof penetrationinto substratadeck, wall, or nailer shall be suf6cient to preventbackfn out by v~atian, shrinkage,or swelling action. 0 Sealants: As recommended membrane by manufacturer. Metal Ten'ninatien Bars: Manufacturer'sstandardaluminum bars, approximately1 inch (25 ram) wide, roll formedandpro-punched. WOODPRODUCTS

PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINA~ON A. B. C. Ver/fy ~hatsurfacesandsite conditionsare readyforeceivework. Ver/fy deckis suppoded secure. and Vedfydeckis deanand smcoth,free of depressions,waves,or projections, properly


Verify surfacesare dryandfree of snow ice. deck or




Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

Document 46-5

Filed 01/28/2005

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GHHN 01-1004 Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH

DocumentRequirementsFiled 01/28/2005Wa~enAFB, Wyoming 14 Roof 46-5 Contract F.FPage 14 of

SoIi~tafio~ Numhc~ F48608~ I ~n~ N~ F48608-0~ -D~008 In areas wherefinishe~ su@ces soiled by Wo~ ~is sec~on, consult manufac~u~r are of of suflaces for cleaning advice and ~nfo~ to ~eir documented ~s~ions. B. 3.8 Repair or replace defaced or disputed finishes ~usedby Workof ~ section.

PRO~CTION OF FINISHED WO~ Pret~ building su~ces against damage #ore roofing work. B. Where~ffic must ~n~inue over finish~ roof m~brane,p~lecl suflac~.