Free Proposed Findings of Uncontroverted Fact - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Preview Proposed Findings of Uncontroverted Fact - District Court of Federal Claims
Case 1:04-cv-00473-MBH GHHN01-I{304

Document 46-6 Contract 01/28/2005 Filed RoofRequiremenL~

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RELATEDSECTIONS A. B. Section 07620- Sheet Metal Rashing, Tdm,andAccessode-s. Section 07ti31 - Gu~ersand Dovmspouts,


REFERENCES A. B. C. Fed Spec. FF-N-105-Nails, Brads, Staples, and Spikes Wire, Cut and WroughL Fed Spec. SS~C*153C Plastic Cement;B~uminous, ASTM D24g- Roll RooFing, Surfaced with Mineral Granules.


S UBMI3q'ALS Submitall Submittals in accordance w~thSec~on 01010,1,12. 8. C. ProductData: Provide the manufacturer'sdala andspecifications [or any roofing produds to be installed underthis section. (Roll Submittal#23) Submit manufacturer's warrantyto inftiata a matedalwarranty not less than Fr/leen (15) of yearsanda labor ~¢arranty not less than ~,o (2) yea,s. (Roll Submi~al of ~-'~24)


REGULATORYREQUIREMENTS A. Conform applicablecodefor materials bJpesspecified. to

pART 2 PRODUCTS 2.I ROLL ROOFING A. Mineral-sun~aced Asphalt-based Roll Roofing: shall havean approximate weight of 1 O0 pounds square,black in color. per Undedayment: D226,No. 30 nc~n-perforaladasphalt saturated felts'. ASTM

B. 22.

ACCESSORIES A. Plastic Cement: Bituminous, conforming to Federal Spac. SS-C-153,Type ` ~,;~;~i ~. ~ 01700-46



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Nails: Confo~~o Fede~tSpec. FF-N4 and shal~ be lighter ~han10 gauge, 05 coated or flalvan~ed steeJ; large headMIh s~c~ent fen~fh io peas~atethough ~e roof shea~ing~ Shea£#n~: ~& veneer ~ra~e CDXe~erb~ ~zood.


Flashing: Flashing sha~f be as set fo~ i~ Section 07620.


3 ~ECUT~ON "PREPA~TION - ENTIRE ~isfin~ ~e~ng, felt. B. and ~h~n~shal~ b~ ~mple~e~y removed. ~ exisfng debug

Replace damagedshea~Jngwhere requ~ to increase the s~uc~ral ~pac~y ~r ~e new roofing maledal. Replace M~simil~lhickness of CDX pl~ood.


B. 33

Replace ~amagedshe~ing where required ~o in~se the s~c~f ~pa~tyfor



entire ro~fing surface. 3.5 ]NST~T~ON ROLL ROOFING TEMPO~Y PATCH





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PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION iNCLUDES Precoa{ed Galvanized steel roofing, asso~'raiedintegral flashings, andundadaymenL [3. ..WSAGalvanized steel roofing, assooialed integral flashings, insulafion, integral gutters and downspouts, integral fascias. and

1.2 '

RELATEDSECTIONS A. SecSon 07620- SheetMetal Flashing, Tdm,and Accessories. Section 07631- Gufier and Day.spouts.


REFEREJ'~C ES A. S. C. D. ASTM - Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated,(G~lvanized)by ~he Hot-DipProcess,Str,Jc~ural A4~6 (Physical) ASTM D2178 Asphall Impregnated Glass Mat for Roofing and Watarproofine." ASTM D4586 Asphalt Roof C8me43 Asbestos~Free. L SMACNAArchitectural Sheet Metal Manual-FaughEdi~on. -


SUBMITTALS A. Submitall SubmitfaIsin accordance with Section 01000,1.11.

Producf Data:Providedata on metaltypes, finishes, c,haracledslic~,andall relatad integral pa,"Ls. (Metal Submitlal C. D. E. Submff specked trade associationfastaI[alion instn~ctians. (Metal Submittal #26) Submfl sample one illus~aling metal finLsh color. (Me&q] Submittal#27) Submit manufacturer's warranty in flJale a matadal to warranty not less than fifteen (15) of years anda labor warrantyof not less tha9 two (2) years. (Metal Submiftal #28)


QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Performworkin accordance wi~,h ~andarddelails aad requirements.





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Fabfi~lor andlns~l~er: Company spec~a~i~ng sheetm~alroo~fns~a~lations minimum yea~ Jn w]~ ~ree documented experience. DEL~RY, STOOGE,~D HANDLING Stackpeffo~ed prefinishedmatedal prevenl~is~ng,bending, abrasion,and and to or ~oprovidevenl~la~bn. Slope me~lshee~ ensure to d~inage. B. 1.8 W~ P~v~de s~anda~ wa~an~y ~ncludecov~ge dog.clarion of me~f~n~sh,~ter ~o ~r Ugh~ess, inlegdtyof seals. and PART2 PRODUCTS Preven{ ~n~ w~materials wh~may~usedls~lo~on or s~in~ng.

P~e-Coa~ G~l~nize~Steel: ASTM A~6, Grade~ minimum zinc ~at~ng; 2~ Ggo gauge coresleel, pre~oaled Coloni~ (or equivalent). Thesele~ed Red produc[musl approved ~e Con~c~ing prior to installalion. by O~cer B. Pro-Coated Ga~a~ed S!eel Panels: Minimum ~nc ~fing; 24 gauge, predated GgO Colonial Red{or equivalen ~e selecledproductmustbe approved ~e Con~cting by o, O~pdorto ins~lla~on. WSA Metal Roof P~e~s: VarcmPmden S/~ding Seam ~P SSR),24 ~uge, shop R~f R pane ~II bepainledwith 1 coal vinyl wash, coatlaIex mealpalmer 2 ~a~ s 1 and ac~icfinish.

C. D.

PaintMal~ialsfor Sheet Me~al RooTing B. 2.3 PainD Fiber-reinforced aluminum. Color: Mat~exis~ng

ACCESSORIES Fasleners: Galvanized steel, same matedat finish as flashingme~l, and wibhsoft neoprene ,,,rashers.

$ B. C. D.

Underlayment: D226, 30 asphaltsaturated ASTM No. roofing FiasCoCemen~ ASTM D4586,Type Eave(ice Dam) Prolection: AS~e D~6, Drip Edge:Galv~zed, gauge, 24 minimum (152ram)slret~oul underroof material. 5"

,~.~ . F G.

Region: Sud~mounted ~pe, ga~an~z~ sleel. WSASub-Pud~ns: Z-shape, x 4" x 2" (50 x 101x 50ram) 2"


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SoSc~don Nmnb~r F48608-0 l-It.-000] Conics: Nm'abt.~ ~48608-01-D-0008 WSA- Insulaltan: 3" (76 ram)Bali insulation. ! WSA* SeamingMachine: Machineto seamSSRpanels closed. WSA Rake Clssure: Prefinished, 24 gaugeehae]I metal, fastened as per manufacturer's racommendaUona. K. L WSADownspout: Prefnishad, size and gaugeto matchexi~'n g. WSA Ridge Cap: Prefiniehed, tastaned as per manufacturer's recommendaUons ~ ensurewater[ighl seal WSAFascia: Prafinished, fastened as per manufacturer's recommendations ensura to watsrfight seal. WSA Fasteners: #10 z l" (25 mm) SelF-tspping sheet metal screwswith large t~eoprene coated washer.


~r N.

PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Inspect roof deckto verify deckis clean andsmooth,free. of depressions, waves,or projections,properlyslopedto dra/ns, valley, or eaves. Vedfydeckis dry andfree of snow ice. Verffy joints iq wood or deckare sotidly suppodedand fastened. -- C. D. 3.2 Ver~roof openings, curbs,p ip e-% sleeves,ducts, or ventsthroughroof are solidly sol, re gr.,e, ts ~rein place,andnaitthgs#ips located. Verify roofing terminationand baseflashings are in place, sealed, andsecure.

PREPARATION A. ~- Be C. Install sternerandedge stdps, andcleatsbefore -t=~tinginslalJation. s thstatl surfacemounted regrets t~ueto lines andlevels. Sealtop of regrels with sealant. Replacedamaged sheathingwhere required to increasethe sl~,uctural capacity for the new roofing material. Replace wilh similar lhickness ofCDX p]y.vood.


INSTALLATION EA'v'E (ICE DAM) PROTECTION A. Place eaveedgeand gable edgemetal flashir~s tight with facia boards. Weather lap joints 2" (50 mm) seal with plastic cemeot.Secure and flange with naiis spaced (152 6"

B. C.

Apply lap cementat rate recommended manufacturer. by Extandeaveprolecfion membrane minimum (609 mrs) upslepebeyondinterior [ace 2' exterior wall. 01700-50



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Contact ~u~5~ IF48608-0] -D-g008

Conform drawing 1o details included~n the msnufecturer's iest,'uctfons. Applyunderlaymen! s~qg/e layer [aid peq)sndicuJar slope; wea~r edges2" (50 in to lap ram) andnail in place. Minim~e nail quan#~. Stagger ~nsve~e join~ of ~ofing sheels. Provide integ~ getters, do~spo~s, fasd~s, and flashings. Sheet meal roof ~s shall be painted in a~rdance ~ pain~ man~acture£s

B. C.

Replaceand refasten seb-pudinsas needed,Weld4' (1219 rnm) o.c. Place3" (76 turn) Bal~insulation.




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pART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. B. 1.2 GalvanizedSheetMetal Flashing and Acxessor~es, CopperMetal Flashing and Accessories.


SecSon 07510- Built-Up Roofing Syslems. D, Sec~on 07530- Single-Ply Roo,Sng (EPDM),

typical maiedaIand 5n/sh. (Flashing SubmifleJ#2g)


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PART 2 PRODUCTS 2_1 SHEET MATERIALS A. B. C. D. 2.2 Copper: ~370, rolled 16oz; naluralfinish. ASTM cold Galvanized Sleet: ASTM A446,Grade minimum commercial A, Gg0 ,Snishzinc aoafJng; 26gauge steel, 0.90oz persquare (tota~of baf.hsides). core loot Ridge Cap: Screw fastened, 2-'iY2 inc,h~/63mm) Dia., 2Sgauge. Drip Edge: gauge, 24 minimum"(152ram)exlensinn 6 under roofing material, 1-ti2 inches ram)minimum, ~omalch (38 bu~ e,,ds~ng.


in-placeDensriy Condu¢~i~

ASTM D-816


ShearS~eng[h FlashPoint

AS~ E-9~

~ 8N/am minimum 590~F (310"C)


One-pad Polyurethane Sealanl:Except o~e~,iae as indicated, providemanufacturer's sealantcomplying either ASTM with c920,type S, Class25Grade or FSTT-SNS OO 543A, ~, Class type, nonsag. A

D412) ~ v. "~T ~-

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Nonporous-Bond Type: Wheresea/anl-bond sun'eces ere nonporousand ~mp~b~wi~ ac~d-~e se~a~ ~rovide m~quf~c~ref~ ~cid-~pe wi~ "mid-tohigh" ~H cured modulusof e~s~ not ~ceeding 75 psl, Shore A hardness of 25 ~o 35, mi~mum etongat~on of 500%~d minlm~~ens~e s~eng~ of t50 psi (ASTM 0412); ,~ adhesioa in p~el of 20lb, per into ~d 10%m~imum ~oss band subs~te (AS~ C7~a~d tear resistance of nor ~ss ~an 30 ~b, per inch

Roof Vents: S~e and space by ~de ~o allow sdequa~even~tafion. Preman~c~red ~o replace exis~ng when approved by Civ~ Eng~e~ng and ~e Contacting ~cer. 2.3 FABRICATION- PROCESS Form sections ~rue fo shape,ec.oJratein size, square, an~free from ~fsto~on or B, C, Fabd~te dea~ of same male~al ~ shegL ~lerl~b~e with sheeL Fo~ p~ecesin longest poss~ble Hem exposed edg~ on underside t~ ~ (12 ram); rafter ~d seam comers.

Fabricate vedical feces w~ bo~om ~ge fo~ed a~ard 1/4 ~n~ (~ ram) and hemmed fo~ drip. to

Step ~a~h~ng: x 8" (304 x 203 ram), 2S gauge. 12"

Ventilator: 18 gaugegalvanized me~,2' (.61 m) ~], 4'x 5' (1~ x 1.52 m) bas~ F+ Twoappli~[ions: Up ~ 3' (.9~4 m) ~n ~ ~d 3'1o 8' (.91~ ~ t.~m) h length.

Crickets:Cor,sl~cal to fit each indk, idual usege. T~vo applications:Upto 3' (.914 m) in Iengthand3' to 6" (.914 ~ 1.829m)in length. B, Vetteys: M~nimurn (609 ram) wide, standard ~ shape. 24"

I. Cornerand Eeve: Minimum (152 rnm} extension under roofing meleriel. 6" D. E. Surface Mount Flashing: 6" (152 ram} fete, mechanicallyfeslerled. StepFlashin_os: 12" x 8" (304x 203ram),


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PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ~.AMINATION VeridJ roof openings,cu~s, pip~, sleeve% ducts, or vents ~rou.chroof are ~oIidly set, regreIs in place, and naming s#ips lolled. B. 3.2 Ver~ roo~ng termination and base ~ngs are in pl~ce, sealed, and secure.

PREP~TION Inslall all fl~shings and~cc~sod~ fl~h andsecureto the ~of deckand/or fascia prior 1o i~tal~ng s~der and edges~ps. B. Install surface mounted regrels ~e lo lin~ and levels. Seal lop of ~gre~w~ sealant

pe~ed, by Ckil B. C.

~£ineedng and ~ cen~ac~g

~ply pla~ic ~menl~mpound betweenmel~ flashinge and felt flashings. Fit flashings ~ght in place. Make~m~square, ~Eaces and straight in planes, ~e

join~ ~inimum (dO ram). Nail in place ~inimum 2" 18" edge. G. Ridge Cap: Screwin pta~ minimum (6~ ram) o.c., bo~ side. 24" ~ Comer EaveFlashing: Na~in place minimum24 (609 ram) o.c. and S~ep~ashing: Fasten al a minimum 24" (~9 ram) o.c., wi~ conc~led faslene~. of


Roof V~nts: Spaceby code. Pl~c~ prior Io ~hing work so roof ranis ~n be adequalely s~led for waledigh~ess. Venli]ators: ~ into place ~lh c~ne. F~ensecurely for Io~tion and Nnctional~y of


Melal Fas~aon LowPa~p~tFlal Roofs: Mealfascia installed on lhe exlerior of #arapel dire~d by ;he Con~cSn90~c~r ~ minimum of ~


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During (he tooling or" rnasonryjoinls, enlarge voids andhofas, exceptweep holes, and cornpietely 511w'~h rnor',.ar. Point-upjoin~,(hctudingcomers, openings, adjacent and conslm~Jon, providea neat, uniform r, ppearance. to Prepare jo(hts for the application the sealanl. ]ns~allalion of pre-com.~ressed expending-foam sealant Prepare surfacesfor (he ins[alfalion of sealantby removing delelerious all all materials suchas loose debris, og and grease.

S o ~-r~s andFascia shal! beinstalled to match existing R. thsta]l polyurethanejoint sealant in accordance with manufacturer'srecommendations

SECTION07631 G~RS .aND DOWNSPOUTS P.~J~T 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. B. C. D. 1.2 Pro-coated GalvanizedSteel and A]uminuraGuflers and Downspouts. Fab~cated Gut~s and Downspouts. EPDM gu~er liners. Accessories other items required. and

RELATED SECTIONS Section 07311-Asphalt Shingles, S. Section 07320- Roofing T~es. So.ion 07510- Built-Up Roofing Systems. D. E_ F. Section 07530- Sing]~Ply Roofing (EPDM). Section 07611- Custam Sheet Metal Roofin§. Section 07620 SheetMetal Flashing, Tdrn, and Accessories. -



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ASTM A446 Slaal Sheet, Zinc Coa~ed, (Galvanized) by the Hol-Dip Process, Structural (Physical)Qualily. ASTM B209 - Aluminumand AluminumAlloy Shoal and Plale. FS TT.C-494.Coaling Compound, Bituminous, SoNenlType, Acid Resistant. SMACNAArchftactural Shoal Metal -

B. C.


SUBMITTALS A. B. C. Submffall Submittalsin accordance v4~hSection 01000,1.11. Producl Data: Provide data on prefabricated components. ( Submittal #30) Samples: Submitone sample,24" (609 ram} long gtust,~ting any fabr~ated component design,finish, color, andconfiguration. (Gutter Subrnifial #31)

¯ 1.5

REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform apglicablecodefor siz~ andm~hod rafn.'~,'a ter discharge, ta of

PART 2 PRODUCTS 2,1 MATERIALS pro-CoatedGalvanizedStaehASTM A446, GradeA, zinc coated; 26 gaugecore sleet' shoppro-coaledwith coaling of color ~.s severedby C~vil Engineering Contracting and o~cer. Aluminum SheetASTM B209,0.02 inch (0.5 ram) thick; shop pre-c.oated with coating color as solacedby Civ~Engineering Contractingofi3cer. and C. D, E. F. G, H. I. J. 2,2 Faclory Palnled "}C' Style Galvanized Steel Gufle~. 5 inch (127 rnrn) 26 gauge, Faclory PaintedBoxSlyle Galvanized Sleel G u~er:. 8 inch (203 ram) 24 gauge. Foolery Painted 1/2Round Style Galvanized Steel Gu~er:. 5 inch (127 ram) 26 gauge. Factory Paiotad Downspout, Square,Corrugated:2" x 3" (51 x 76 ram), 26 gauge. Faclery Paintad Downspout, Square,Corrugated: 2" x 4" (51 x 102 ram), 26 gauge. Factory Painted Downspout, Round,Cerrugaled: 3" die. (76 rnrn), 26 gauge. Factory Painted Downsgoul, Round,Corrugaled: 4" die. (102 ram}, 26 gauge. Factory Paintad Downspou[, Open-Faced, Non-Corrugatad,vadoussizes, 26 gauge.

COMPONENTS A. B. Gutters: SMACNA profile to malchexisting. Dovmspauls: SMACNA pro~I~ [o malch

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C. D.

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Gu~er liner. Uncured EPDM, mR, nssistan(,adhered splice adhesive. 60 UV wHh Gutter guard mesh: Galvanized welded {hardy;ire w/re cloth) wffh~ thr..h openings cover gutters. all

B. C.

GuHer Suppoffs: Brackets Do~'cnspout Suppods: Brackets Slr~ps ma{ch or to existing.

P.~RT3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION E~xamina substrata andcondi~ons underwhichwork/s 1o be peffo~ed.DDnol pro~edun~l unsat~fa~o~condi~onsa~ ~ecled. 3.2 pREP~TION Remove do not us~damaged, and de~edo~led, ~sted, or olhe~iseunsalisfa~o~ materials.

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INSTALL&TION A. lea{all gu&ers, do~.,nspou[s, a~esso~es ac~rdance manuf~c{urefs aa# in wilh Maa~actureCs pffn{ed ~s~c~en~ delays. and Sh~p drawings.

(1) (2)

D. E.

Rive~ solder, caulkor a~emble fieldjo~ as required. Seal workas necessa~ wale~t ias~ta~on, for


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Joe Yazbeck From: Mgcons~303@aoLcom Sent: Wednesday, October 2004 ~3, 7:~2 ~kM To: [email protected] Subject: subject) (no October 13434 dear this {s all totalodblds,done i start this chanche bit butthis is Jo since lit bid.# workorderyearroof system gravelremoval? aqrs, sqrs epdm 19003 2002epdm yes 47 47 1909 2002 3 epdm yes 45 45 1933 2002 3 epdm yes 47 47 65 6 2002 epdm yes34 34 12844 2002epdm yea 269 969 12845 2002epdm yes 016 816 1200 2002 6 epdm no 0 272 7206 2002 epdm no 0 152 O0 O0 1284 2003epdm yes 448 1 448 12508 2003epdm yes 725 725 92102003 tiles 50no0 clay 762 2003 tiles 20no(3 clay 00 7227 2004epdm no 0 425 3411 2004 shingles200no 0 3151 2004 shingles133no0 1521 2004 shingles no 0 107 224t 2004 shingles103no0 total sqrs38930 t~tal sqra on (3ravel remova~--~ 2431 total sqrsgrave[removal times~50,00 243100 total of times1.50364,650.00 or sf Jo I was ableto wdte yourletter to giveyousome not on sugastions, thinkis the program usedonot let I you me, will call you,I thinklooksgood, I followroy spread sheet doal~the numbers to

pAGE _/_0~" 10/19/2004
