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Case 1:00-cv-00697-JFM

Document 340

Filed 09/05/2007

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No. 00-697C (Senior Judge Merow)

DEFENDANT'S REVISED APPENDIX A, PARAGRAPH 16 EXHIBIT LIST Pursuant to the Court's June 7, 2007 order granting both parties leave to file supplemental pretrial submissions to reflect the updated costs filed by plaintiff, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, on April 7, 2007, defendant, the United States, files its Revised Appendix A, Paragraph 16 exhibit list. Defendant has included on its supplemental exhibit list documents related to plaintiff's updated cost submission, as well as several other documents which have come to light since defendant submitted its exhibit list on January 26, 2007. This list does not contain exhibits that defendant may choose to use for impeachment or to refresh the recollection of a witness. Defendant reserves the right to amend this list as described in the Court's rules. Defendant also reserves the right to use any exhibit listed on the exhibit list provided by plaintiff, Wisconsin Electric Power Company. Respectfully submitted,

PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General


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OF COUNSEL: JANE K. TAYLOR Office of the General Counsel U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 ALAN J. LO RE Senior Trial Counsel RUSSELL A. SHULTIS SONIA M. ORFIELD STEPHEN FINN Trial Attorneys Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division Department of Justice September 5, 2007

s/ Harold D. Lester, Jr. HAROLD D. LESTER, JR. Assistant Director

s/ Sharon A. Snyder SHARON A. SNYDER Trial Attorney Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division Department of Justice Attn: Classification Unit 8th Floor 1100 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 Tele: (202) 616-0347 Fax: (202) 307-2503 Attorneys for Defendant


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CERTIFICATE OF FILING I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that on September 5, 2007, a copy of this "DEFENDANT'S REVISED APPENDIX A, PARAGRAPH 16 EXHIBIT LIST" was filed electronically. I understand that notice of this filing will be sent to all parties by operation of the Court's electronic filing system. Parties may access this filing through the Court's system.

s/ Sharon A. Snyder

Case 1:00-cv-00697-JFM

Document 340-2

Filed 09/05/2007

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0002 Bates - Begin WISC00013764 Bates - End WISC00013788 Doc Date 10/11/1994 Full Name Testimony of Marlin K. Conry on behalf of Wisconsin Electric Power Company Before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Docket 6630-CE-197 & 209, Point Beach Nuclear Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and Unit 2 Steam Generators Repl. Set of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Certificate Order and Order on Remand From the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin on application to construct and place an ISFSF, and, Replace the Unit 2 Steam Generators at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Statement of Sol Burstein, Vice Chairman Wisconsin Electric Power Company on behalf of EEI, ANEC, UNWMG, EU Co.'s NTG, and, AIF, on Nuclear Waste Disposal before Subcommittee on Energy, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives Statement of T.R. Wilson on Behalf of Wisconsin Electric Power Company Before The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Public Meeting, January 26, 1978 WEPCO Internal Corresp from Fay to Britt & McNeer cc: Feaster, Lipke, Newton, Parker, Zabransky and Zach, Subj: Work Order Requisition - Design, Licensing, Constr. and Oper. of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Point Beach Nuclear Pl. Memo from Nunez, PSNA, to Distrib, Subj: Revised Meeting Minutes, 5/3/89 memo frm Collantes to Nunez tld Request Correction, 04/13/89 agenda tld Revised Meeting Minutes, 4/13/89 agenda tld Attachment 1, 4/13/89 attend list, & distrib list Letter from Fay, Vice President, Nuclear Power, Wisconsin Electric Power Co, to Frizzle, President, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, blind copies to Krieser, Lipke, Maxfield, Newton and Zabransky, titled Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel WEPCO Internal Correspondence from D.K. Zabransky to M. E. Schindhelm, Copy to: Likpe, Palmer and Parker, Subject: Tax-Exempt Financing Information, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Point Beach Nuclear Plant
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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0025 Bates - Begin WISC00010062 Bates - End WISC00010065 Doc Date 01/14/1994 Full Name Portions of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company Nuclear Power Department 1994-1998 Business Plan including a contents page, a page titled Strategy A - High Level Radioactive Waste, and, a page with Strategy 7B, 8A and 8B State of Wisconsin Final Environmental Impact Statement, Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Projects, Proposed by Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Temporary Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Dry Casks, and, Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement State of Wisconsin Final Environmental Impact Statement, Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Projects, Proposed by Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Temporary Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Dry Casks, and, Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement Letter from Roderick Knight, Cost Estimator, NES, Inc., to Kevin Anundson, Sen Engineer, Nuclear Fuel Services, WEPCO, Subj: 1993 Decommissioning Cost Estimate of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, w/attached 1993 Decommission Study of the Point Beach Nuc Plo Ltr Parker WEPCO, to Dums CUB cc: Crosetto & Mougin tld PSCW File No. 05-EI-14-PSCW Investigation of Account Treatmnt-Decommiss Nucl Faclts & Costs of Future SFD CUB Data Request #3 w/Q&A's to an Investigation of Fuel Disposal PSCW Docket No. 05-EI-14 Letter from William Gallo, VP, Transnuclear, Inc, to Eric Meils, Strategic Issues, Nuclear Power Business Unit, WEPCO, re: Transnuclear's approach to help resolve the spent fuel storage issue w/attached paper titled A Dry Spent Fuel Option for Point Beach Letter from Michael B. Sellman, Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, WEPCO, to James P. O'Hanlon, Senior VP, Nuclear, Virginia Power, bcc: Farron, Grigg, Krieser, Meils and Woelfle, concerning alternatives to VSC-24 technology

























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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0034 Bates - Begin WISC00055414 Bates - End WISC00055414 Doc Date 03/16/2000 Full Name Letter from Thomas A. Makowski, Alliance Coordinator, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, to Alan Hanson, President, Transnuclear, Inc., cc: Adams, Gill, Neider, Mason and Hudak, Subject: Notice of Suspension, referring to work on all three TN-32B casks Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Certificate, & Supplemental Order Before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for Application of WEPCO for Authority to Construct Storage Facility at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Two Creeks, Manitowoc County Testimony of Gary M. Krieser on behalf of Wisconsin Electric Power Company Before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Docket 6630-CE-197 & 209, Point Beach Nuclear Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and Unit 2 Steam Generators Repl. WEPCO Internal Correspondence from W.J. Hennessy to S.A. Patulski, Copy To: Cayia, Hennessy, Sasman and Schweitzer, Subject: SFP ISSUES, outlining the evaluations & suitability of the spent fuel pool to accept the full core from the Unit 2 reactor WEPCO Inter Corres from Bratcher to Fay, Boucher, Boston, Britt Copy To: McNeil, Zabransky Subj: RD&D Project Authorization Spent Fuel Storage, w/Authorization for Special Projects form, a proj. proposal, disc. of requirements, disc. of altern. & descr. A Wisconsin Electric Power Company Form 1555A Project Requisition Summary, Budget Item: 840330 Additional Spent Fuel Storage, Coordinator: Shimon, Prepared by Zabransky, and, a Form 1555B Project Requisition Detail Budget, Administrator: Zabransky Letter from Fay, VP - Nuclear Power, WEPCO, to Atkinson, DOE, Procure. and Assistance Mngmnt Directorate, OPO, Blind copies to Messrs. Britt, Burstein, Gorske, Finke, Porter, Zach and Charnoff, titled Spent Fuel Disposal Contract Point Beach Nuclear Plant Letter from C.W. Fay, VP - Nuclear Power, WEPCO, to Charles R. Head, Acting Director, Operations Division, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, DOE, titled Comments on Draft Mission Plan Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program





























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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0047 Bates - Begin CTR0421800 Bates - End CTR0421812 Doc Date 03/14/1985 Full Name Comments by Sol Burstein, Vice Chairman of the Board, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, titled A Utility Perspective on DOE's Implementation of the NWPA, presented at Atomic Industrial Forum Fuel Cycle Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5401, Reactor Name: Point Beach 1, Signed by J.J. Zach, and, four handwritten pages titled 5401/5402 Wisconsin Electric Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5401, Reactor Name: Point Beach 1, Signed by C.W. Fay Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5401, Reactor Name: Point Beach 1, Signed by C.W. Fay Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5401, Reactor Name: Point Beach 1, Signed by C.W. Fay Letter from David K. Porter, Senior VP, WEPCO, to Dennis Dums, Citizens Utility Board, cc: Tsun-Lit, Jenkins, bcc: Abdoo, et , titled Point Beach Nuclear Plant - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, PSCW Docket NO. 6630-CE-197, CUB Data Request #2 WEPCO Internal Correspondence from Bronk to Bulley, Copy To: Bronk, Herrman, Maxfield, Zabransky, Frieling, Krieser, Lipke, Newton, and Zach, Subject: Canisters in the Spent Fuel Pit Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5401, Reactor Name: Point Beach 1, Signed by Michael F. Baumann Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5402, Reactor Name: Point Beach 2, Signed by Michael F. Baumann Letter from Baumann WEPCO to EIA (EI-531), DOE, bcc: Moore, Hughes, Holzmann, titled Transmittal of EIA Nuclear Fuel Data Form (RW-859) Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, and, two Nuclear Fuel Data Survey Forms RW-859 dated 4/4/96 signed by Baumann





0051 0052 0053 0054

HQR3640402 HQR3640348 HQR3640239 WISC00003431

HQR3640430 HQR3640374 HQR3640263 WISC00003438

02/14/1991 01/26/1990 02/03/1989 05/21/1992





0058 0059 0060

HQR3640804 HQR3640871 WISC00001228

HQR3640870 HQR3640913 WISC00001284

03/07/1995 03/07/1995 04/04/1996

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0064 Bates - Begin WISC00000864 Bates - End WISC00000866 Doc Date 02/12/1998 Full Name Letter from Thomas W. Bennet, Jr., Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, Yankee Atomic Electric Company, to Michael F. Baumann, Manager, Nuclear Fuel Services, WEPCO, titled Request for Proposals: Trading Spent Fuel Acceptance Allocations Letter from Bennet, VP, Treas and CFO, Yankee Atomic Electric Co, to Baumann, Mngr, NFS, WEPCO, concerning trading of spent fuel allocations w/attached Table 2, Table 3.1, 2 DOE Allocation Schedules & list of Yankee Spent Fuel Discharges to be Exchanged Testimony of Michael F. Baumann before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin In Response to Lake Michigan Coalition Testimony Letter frm Krieser, Mngr WEPCO to Hagman, Public Service Commission of WI, cc: Baumann et al captioned Response to PSCW Questions in June 23, 1995, Letter, w/attach PSC Questions (Part 1 & 2), Outage Plan, Fuel Cycle charts & 7/15/95 Responses to PSCW ltr Letter frm Grigg, Pres, COO & CNO, WEPCO, to Tomasoni, Office of P&A, DOE, cc: Chief, Logis & Utlty Interface Branch, OCRWM, bcc: Cartwright et al, re: Final Delivery Schedules for Point Beach, w/attach Final Delivery Schedules for WEPCO's Point Beach Memo from Mike Holzmann to Jim Schweitzer, Copy To: Patulski, Baumann, et al, Subject: Fabrication of additional MSBs using Carbo Zinc 11 WEPCO Internal Correspondence from Krieser to Meils, Schultz, Kaminskas, Gill and Bartel, Copy To: Sellman, Reddemann, Farron, Sasman, Boldt, Mende, Peterson, et al, Subject: TN-32 Project Summary and Charter, w/attached 7/98 project summary and charter Letter from Carl J. Paperiello, Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to Michael Sellman, Chief Nuclear Officer, WEPCO, Subject: Closeout of Confirmatory Action Letter 97-7-004A








No Date






WISC00000691, WISC00003441

WISC00000691, WISC00003460














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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0078 Bates - Begin Bates - End Doc Date 09/12/1997 Full Name Letter signed by Caldwell for Beach, Regional Administrator, to Grigg, Pres and COO, WEPCO Subj: Closure of Point Beach Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) RIII-96-0005 and the Supplement CAL 3-96-005A cc: Patulski et al, bcc: Thompson et al ISFSI Plan View, and, ISFSI Plan View Legend, Source: Jim Becka, NMC Supervising Engineer Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law, Certificate, Order and Interim Order re: Application of WEPCO for Authority to Construct and Place Spent Fuel Storage Facility [&] Replace Steam Generators at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Before the PSC of WI Letter from Martin, Quarles & Brady, to Grzezinski cc: James, Jenkins & Dums, Re: WEPCO Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Docket No. 6630-CE-197 w/enclosed WEPCO's responses to LMF's April 18, 1994 discovery requests numbered 21, 22, 23, 26 & 31 Letter from Martin, Quarles & Brady, to Grzezinski cc: James, Jenkins & Dums, Re: WEPCO Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Docket No. 6630-CE-197 w/enclosed WEPCO's responses to LMF's April 18, 1994 discovery requests numbered 21, 22, 23, 26 & 31 WEPCO Int Corres from Zabransky to Link Subject: Preliminary Projection of Spent Fuel Acceptance Rate Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Copy To: Fieldhack, Krieser, Parker, and Rauh, w/attached Preliminary Projection of Point Beach Spent Fuel Acceptance Contract for Delivery of the Ventilated Storage Cask to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Between Sierra Nuclear Corporation and Wisconsin Electric Power Company with two attachments, signed 11/9/92 by Massey, President, Sierra Nuclear Corporation, Inc. Wisconsin Electric Purchase Order, PO Number 4500082711, to Aikens & Tombras, Attention: Alex Fischer, with a total net value excluding tax of $37,500.00

0080 0082

KRGWE002705 WISC00011681

KRGWE002706 WISC00011715

12/04/2004 02/09/1995




















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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0093 Bates - Begin WISC00041024 Bates - End WISC00041027 Doc Date Full Name Letter frm Snedeker, Projects, BNFL Fuel Solutions Corp, to Schlutz, (sic) (Schultz) WEPCO cc: Redley & Moeckel, Subj: WE right to fabricate VSC-24's, w/attach Schedule 1 The Compromise, &, Contract WEP-01 Revision 1 signed by Massey 11/14/98 & Fay 11/16 Letter from Rod Knight, Cost Engineer, NES, Inc., to Dave Weaver, Sr. Project Specialist, WEPCO, Subject: Transmittal of the "1998 Decomissioning Study of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant" Final Report NES Document No. 82A9126 w/enclosed Decommission Study Signed Final Decision of the PSC of WI regarding the application of WEPCO for authority to construct and place in service up to 36 additional dry cask storage units at its Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant, w/attached Status of PSCW Approved Project Letter frm Reddemann, Nuclear Management Company, LLC, to Karas, NRC, cc: Cayia, Peveler, et al, Subject: Assignment of Review Priority for Application for Amendment No. 5 of NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask Letter frm Reddemann, Nuclear Management Company, LLC, to Karas, NRC, bcc: Anderson, Cayia, et al, Subject: Assignment of Review Priority for Application for Amendment No. 5 of NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Dry Spent Fuel Storage Casks Letter from David Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager, WEPCO, to Alan Hanson, President, Transnuclear, Inc., Subject: Sale of TN-32 Casks, and, 5/17/01 email with marginalia from Eric Meils to Dave Weaver, Subject: Letter to TN Chart with pages titled PBNP Operation and Reload Assumptions, and, Dry Storage Requirements 12/26/1991 Nuclear Power Department Project Administrator's Manual from Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Revision 0





















0106 0107

WISC00059424 WISC00054812

WISC00059455 WISC00054917

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0108 0109 0113 Bates - Begin WISC00055012 WISC00054918 WISC00020297 Bates - End WISC00055106 WISC00055011 WISC00020297 Doc Date 02/17/1998 12/16/2002 08/08/1988 Full Name Impact Costing Manual, Version 1.0, maintained by the Financial Service Center (FSC) Nuclear Documentation (Following Redesign for ESSBASE Reporting) WEPCO Internal Correspondence from P.D. Bronk to J.J. Zach copy to: P.D. Bronk, R.C. Zyduck, T.J. Koehler, R.A. Newton and E.J. Lipke, Subject: Annual Inventory of Fuel Assemblies and Other Devices WEPCO Internal Correspondence from P.D. Bronk to J.J. Zach, Copy To: P.D. Bronk, R.C. Zyduck, T.J. Koehler, G.J. Maxfield, R.A. Newton and E.J. Lipke, Subject: Annual Inventory of Fuel Assemblies and Other Devices WEPCO Internal Correspondence from P.D. Bronk to G.J. Maxfield, Copy To: T.J. Koehler, P.D. Bronk, W.J. Herrman, J.J. Zach, E.J. Lipke and R.A. Newton, Subject: Annual Inventory of Fuel Assemblies and Other Devices State of Wisconsin Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Projects, Proposed by Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Temporary Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Dry Casks, and, Unit 2 Steam Generator Replacement Letter frm Link WEPCO to Strand DOE, re: Standard Contract for the Disposal of Spent Nuc Fuel &/or HLRW Contract DE-CR01-83NE44425, cc: Chief, L&U Interface Branch, DOE, bcc: Bulley, Hughes, Maxfield & Peccarelli, &, 9 2/1/93 DCS Letter from Porter WEPCO to Dums, Citizens Utility Board, cc: Tsun-Lit, Jenkins, bcc: Abdoo et al, titled Point Beach Nuclear Plant - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation CUB Data Request #1 PSCW Docket NO. 6630-CE-197, &, a 6/16/83 K w/attachments Letter from Parker, WEPCO, to Jenkins, PSCW, re: Point Beach Nuclear Plant - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation PSCW File No. 6630-CE-197 w/enclosed WEPCO Property Additions for Nuclear Accounts Year 1978 thur 1991, &, architectural floor plans
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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0132 Bates - Begin WISC00011065 Bates - End WISC00011073 Doc Date 03/10/1993 Full Name Letter from Martin, Quarles & Brady, to Singh, Tellus Institute, cc: Dums, Parker & Jenkins, bcc: Abdoo, et al, Re: WEPCO Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility Dkt. No. 6630-CE-197, w/enclosed CUB Data Request prepared by Tellus Institute (#2) Letter from Porter, WEPCO, to Dorr, PSCW, cc: Dums, Shillinglaw, Jenkins, Johnson & Tsun-Lit, bcc: Abdoo, et al, re: project costs of Point Beach Nuclear Plant - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation PSCW Docket No. 6630-CE-197 Letter from Parker, WEPCO, to Jenkins, PSCW, bcc: Baker, et al, re: Point Beach Nuc Pl - Indep Spent Fuel Storage Installation PSCW File No. 6630-CE-197, w/attach Typical Fuel Cycle Data, Fuel Assembly Design Info, &, Historical/Projected Fuel Cycle Data Letter from Parker WEPCO to Jablonski, Attorney, cc: Boeshaar, et al, bcc: Anundson, et al, re: Point Beach Nuc Pl - Indep Spent Fuel Storage Installation and Unit 2 Steam Generators Replace, PSCW File Nos. 6630-CE-197 and 6630-CE-209 & attached responses Letter from Larry Salustro, Vice President, WEPCO, to Lynda Dorr, Secretary to the Commission, PSCW, cc: Kitsembel, Jenkins, Loock, Norcross, Zuelsdorff, bcc: Abdoo, et al, re: Application For Additional Dry Fuel Storage Casks Point Beach Nuclear Plant WEPCO Internal Correspondence from D.K. Zabransky to G.J. Maxfield, Subject: Safety Evaluation Report Ventilated Concrete Spent Fuel Storage Cask Letter from Bob Link, Vice President, Nuclear Power, WEPCO, to Alan Brownstein, OCRWM, DOE, bcc: Anundson, Baumann, Krieser and Maxfield, Re: DOE Notice of Inquiry Regarding Waste Acceptance Issues Letter from Eric Meils, WEPCO, to Jim Hobbs, Sierra Nuclear Corp, Subject: Request for Expression of Interest - Dry Cask Storage Systems for Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP), with attached outline titled Attachment A Requested Information, &, SFP Sketch





























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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0151 Bates - Begin WPS0017379; WISC00003750 Bates - End WPS0017384; WISC00003751 Doc Date 05/04/1998 Full Name Letter from Martin, Quarles & Brady, to Ludwig, Div Counsel, PSC, cc: Loock & Krieser, Re: Dry Cask Storage, Docket No. 6630-CE-197, w/attached 5/1/98 Assessment of the FEIS, Attachment 1 Transnuclear Cask Comparison, &, chart w/bates of WISC00003750-51 Email from Anundson to Krieser, Bronk, Callahan, Gill, Mayer, Baumann, Vervooren, Michaelson, Grasso, Schultz, Anundson, Koch, Jessessky, Wagner, et al, Purpose: To further define what WEPCo labor hours should be charged to the Dry Storage Project Wisconsin Electric Power Company purchase order, PO number 4500170358, to Transnuclear Inc., Attention: Bill Gallo Standard Contract between Wisconsin Electric Power Co. and the DOE Letter frm Britt, Pres & COO, WEPCO, to Keefe, DOE, P&A Mngmnt Directrte, OPO, blind copies: Burstein, Goetsch, Fay, Donahue, Dundas, Conlin, Porter, titled Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste w/attached contrac Letter from Fay, Director, Nuclear Power Depart WEPCO to Simpson, Dir, Spent Fuel Project Office, DOE, Copy to: Burstein, Reed & Porter, titled Spent Fuel Storage Survey Point Beach Nuclear Plant, w/attach survey & 5/31/79 letter from Simpson to Burstein Letter from Porter, (WEPCO) to Reynolds, (PSCW) RE: application for authority to construct, and Exhibit A, a diagram of a Ventilated Storage Cask, B, a map of Point Beach, and C, an Environmental Screening Report of 11/91 for the Point Beach NPP Letter from Porter, Sen VP, WEPCO, to Dorr, Assis Secr, PSCW, cc: Jenkins, Poon, Smith & Sprenger, bcc: Abdoo, et al, concerning application to replace Unit 2 steam generators at Point Beach in Two Creeks, w/attached exhibits





0161 0169 0169A

WISC00064001 KRGWE002118 KRGWE002117

WISC00064084 KRGWE002199 KRGWE002199

05/07/1998 06/16/1983 06/16/1983













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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0174 Bates - Begin WISC00003415 Bates - End WISC00003430 Doc Date 02/18/1993 Full Name Letter from Martin, Q&B, to Singh, Tellus Institute, cc: Dums, Parker & Jenkins, bcc: Abdoo, Baker, et al, Re: Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facility Dkt. No. 6630-CE-197 w/attach 2/18/93 Schedule A, CUB Data Request Letter from Martin, Q&B, to Dums, CUB, cc: Porter, Parker, Cullen & Paske, bcc: Anundson, et al, Re: Point Beach Steam Generator/ISFSI Projects - Dkt. No. 6630-CE-197 and Dkt. No. 6630-209, w/attach CUB's discovery requests & WEPCO's responses Notice of Reopening to Comply with Remand Order, Incorporation of Supplemental EIS and Notice of Further Hearing, Docket 6630-CE-197, Announcement of Second Supplemental EIS and Notice of Further Hearing Docket 6630-CE-209 before the PSC of WI, & a map Transcript of David Porter's testimony before the PSC of WI for the application of WEPCO for the Authority to Procure Sufficient Additional Dry Spent Fuel Storage Casks for Placement at the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant ISFSI Memo from R.A. Newton Approved by T.R. Wilson, Projects Administrator, to Sol Burstein, titled Spent Fuel Storage Alternatives Memo from R.A. Newton approved by T.R. Wilson, Projects Administrator, to Sol Burstein, cc: G.A. Reed, titled Spent Fuel Pool Rerack Recommendation Point Beach Nuclear Plant 03/19/1986 WEPCO Internal Correspondence with marginalia from N.L. Pitterle to E.J. Lipke, R.A. Newton & N.L. Pitterle, cc: J.J. Zach, titled Spent Fuel Pit Capacity Document titled Wisconsin Electric Power Company Proposal for a Nuclear Waste Repository List of personnel involved in dry cask loading from August 30 to September 9, 1998, titled Dry Cask Load WMSB-04













0181 0182

WISC00052506 WISC00052534

WISC00052507 WISC00052534





0185 0189

WISC00003313 WISC00080004

WISC00003342 WISC00080005

06/1995 08/30/1988

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0192 Bates - Begin WISC00077729 Bates - End WISC00077730 Doc Date 08/16/1996 Full Name Ltr frm Link, Nuclear Power, to Doc Control Desk, US NRC, titled Dockets 72-005, Dockets 50-266 & 50-301, Response to Confirmatory Action Letter RIII-96-005, Response to NRC Bulletin 96-04, Chemical Galvanic or Other Reactions in Spent Fuel Storage Casks Dry Fuel Storage Update Sr. Team Meeting Outline pages of various dates from December 19, 1997 to October 20, 1998 all titled Dry Storage Update Memo to identify the issues currently existing to complete the fabrication of MSBs 9 through 12, and the impacts on the plant Wisconsin Electric Power Company's Proposed Bilateral Modification and Request for Equitable Adjustment Under DOE Contract No. DE-CR01-83NE44425 WEPCO Int Corres from Anundson to Maxfield, Copy To: Lipke & Zach, Subject: Boraflex Surveillance Program w/attach 8/91 Holtec report Blackness Testing of Boraflex in Selected Cells of the Spent Fuel Storage Racks of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Notes of Point Beach Nuc Pl Mangr's Supervisory Staff Meeting Held on 10/3/95 by Koudelka apprvd by Cayia, cc: Link, et al, w/Current SFP Status 9/21/95 chart, list of administrative items, Document Serial Reviews & 9/21/95 MSS Subcommittee Meeting report Letter from Jeffery Kitsembel, PSCW, to Jeffry Patzke, PSCW, RE: Application of Wisconsin Electric Power Company w/enclosed Public Service Commission of Wisconsin's Briefing Memorandum and Decision Matrix Letters from Richard Grigg WEPCO to Beth Tomasoni DOE, re: transmittal of Final Delivery Schedules for Wisconsin Electric Power Company's Point Beach Nuclear Plant, and, re: certification that the SNF described in Final Delivery Schedule is owned by WEPCO Wisconsin Energy Corporation Minutes of the October 30, 2001 Nuclear Oversight Committee Meeting
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0193 0200 0201 0204

WISC00059465 WISC0079945 WISC00078223 WISC00002124, WISC00002232 WISC00040883

WISC00059466 WISC0079961 WISC00078224 WISC00002127, WISC00002235 WISC00040977

03/19/1997 01/05/1998 05/1999 08/21/1998



















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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0231 Bates - Begin WISC00075318 Bates - End WISC00075319 Doc Date 02/11/2002 Full Name Eml frm Weaver to Farron cc: Finke Krieser Meils RE: Action plan for sale of TN-32 casks; 2/8/2 eml frm Farron to Meils, cc: Weaver Finke & Krieser; & 2/7/2 emls frm Meils to Farron Weaver & Finke frm Farron to Meils, & frm Weaver to Meils Finke & Farron Memo to Abdoo, Chairman, Pres and CEO, WEPCO, from Beach, Regional Administrator, NRC, cc: Patulski, Cayia, Kanable, Parrino, RE: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2 Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties, w/enclosed Notice Letter from Hugh Thompson, Acting Executive Director for Operations, NRC, to Richard Abdoo, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, WEPCO, cc: Jordan, McCree, Lieberman, re: January 14, 15, and 17, 1997 meeting of senior NRC managers Faxed letter from Grigg, Pres. & COO, WEPCO, to Beach, RA, Region III, NRC, cc: NRC Document Control Desk, NRC RI, & NRC PM, titled Docket 50-301 Identification of Actions Required for Restart Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 w/attach Commitment List Faxed letter from Bill Beach, Regional Administrator, NRC, to Richard Grigg, Pres. & COO, WEPCO, cc: Patulski, Cayia, Kanable, Parrino, Docket File: Beach, Axelson, Clayton, Subject: Confirmatory Action Letter Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Printout from titled Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, D. C. 20549 Form 10-Q Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 1997 Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, D. C. 20549 Form 10-K Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1997 Email from Jim Becka, NMCCO, to Suzanne L. LeBlanc cc: Dave Weaver, RE: Delivery of DSCs 7 and 8 to PBNP





















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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0254 Bates - Begin Various Bates - End Various Doc Date No Date Full Name Various Point Beach Nuclear Plant Invoices/purchase orders with Transnuclear, Inc., with the bates ranges of WISC00015567-72, 19291-301, 19288-90, 19276-87, 19268-71, 19265-67, 19262-64, 19247-61, 19242-46, 19228-37, 19219-27, 19209-18 Letter from Christopher Leach, BNFL Fuel Solutions, to Jim Becka, WEPCO, RE: Proposal for Cost Sharing Arrangement for VSC-24 Fuel Specification Amendment with attached VSC-24 SAR Fuel Specification Amendment Work Scope Description MSB Fabrication-Work Project Plan 11/01/2004 Wisconsin Energy Corporation document titled Sub Process Narrative Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5401, Reactor Name: Point Beach 1, Signed by Bob Link, another Nuclear Fuel Data Form, Reactor Code 5402, Reactor Name: Point Beach 2, Signed by Bob Link Testimony of Robert E. Link on behalf of Wisconsin Electric Power Company Before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Docket 6630-CE-197 & 209, Point Beach Nuclear Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and Unit 2 Steam Generators Repl. Letter from Richard A. Abdoo, Chairman of the Board & CEO, WEPCO, to the Honorable Hazel R. O'Leary, Secretary, DOE, cc: Cheryl Parrino, John Coughlin, & Scott Neitzel refering to the March 11, 1993 letter from the Commissioners of the PSCW to DOE Letter from Beth Tomasoni, Contracting Officer, Office of Placement and Administration, DOE, to Bob Link, VP, Nuclear Power Department, WEPCO, w/enclosed DOE Delivery Commitment Schedule (DCS) form and general and specific instructions Ltr frm Link WEPCO to DOE tld Standard K for Disposal of SNF, 12/92 Ltr Strand DOE to Link, 2/1/93 Ltr Link to Strand, 7/2/93 Ltr Tomasoni to Link, 7/16/93 Ltr Link to DOE, 9/22/93 Ltr Tomasoni to Link, &, 21 DOE Appendix C - DCS's K # DE-CR01-83NE44425





0261 0268 0274

WISC00079451 WISC00070131

WISC00079458 WISC00070143

MOV.19970714.0 MOV.19970714.0 02/05/1993 101 101















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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0280 Bates - Begin WISC00010175 Bates - End WISC00010175 Doc Date 05/20/1994 Full Name Letter from Bob Link, VP, Nuclear Power, WEPCO, to Congressman Scott Klug, refering to meeting with the Congressman and Michael Nix on May 18, 1994 Letter from Bob Link, VP, Nuclear Power, WEPCO, to Congressman Joe Skeen, refering to meeting with the Congressman and Michael Nix on May 18, 1994 Letter from Bob Link, VP, Nuclear Power, WEPCO, to Congressman Thomas Petri, refering to meeting with the Congressman and Michael Nix on May 18, 1994 Wisconsin Electric article from Synergy titled Spent Fuel; What Happens When the Pool is Full? Executive Summary from Craig to Link, Maxfield, Cayia, Patulski, Anthony, Reimer, Krieser, Ulmer, Bevelacqua and Straub, Copy To: Baumann, Hughes, Hoelscher, and Winget, Subject: Extended Fuel Cycle Financial Assumptions 05/05/1994 Fax from Supko, Energy Resources International, Inc., to Zabransky, WEPO, w/cover page, Description of the Methodology For The Projection Of Point Beach Spent Fuel Discharges And DOE Acceptance Priority Ranking, & Table 1 Preliminary Projection Email from Eric L. Meils, to Glenn Adams, WEPCO, Subject: TN-32, w/attached TN Cancellation document begins w/Scope of Storage Services & ends w/small spreadsheet Letter frm Neider, VP - Engineering, Transnuclear, Inc., to Taylor, Precision Components Corp., Subj: TN Project 1087 Wisconsin Order, cc: Giantelli & Meils, w/attached table titled Material Coupon Specification TN-32 with Single Failure Proof Trunnions Letter frm Neider, VP - Engineering, Transnuclear, Inc., to Ross-Lee, NRC, cc: Meils & Hanson, Subject: Fabrication of the TN-32 with Single Failure Proof Trunnions for Wisconsin Electric, Reference: TN-32 Dry Storage Cask, Docket No. 72-1021









0283 0285

WISC00011135 WISC00010301

WISC00011142 WISC00010302

















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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0309 Bates - Begin WISC00073465 Bates - End WISC00073465 Doc Date 11/13/1998 Full Name Ltr frm Giantelli, Project Engineer, Transnuclear to Ross-Lee, NRC, Subj: Exemption to 10 CFR 72.234 (C) for the TN-32 Dry Storage Cask, Docket 72-1021 (TAC No. L22608), Reference: Letter from June 2, 1998 from W.F. Kane, NRC, to T.J. Neider, Transnuclear TN-X Owners' Group Meeting Minutes Email with marginalia from Dave Weaver to Jim Becka, Norm Hoefert, M. Baumann, Dave Weaver, and Eric Meils, Subject: Updated: Discuss Sale of TN-32 Casks to Dominion, Excel Email titled Weaver.Dave from Eric Meils to Rob Hubert, cc: Weaver, Becka, Gill & Forsha, Subj: RE: Company Names, 6/1/01 email from Rob Hubert to Eric Meils, Subj: FW: Company Names, &, 5/30/01 email from Peg Jacobs to Rob Hubert Subj: Company Names Undated handwritten page with the name Dave Jones at the top, and, a 10/31/01 email from Dave Weaver to Fred Stratton, Subject: Current completion plan for TN-32 dry fuel storage casks Email from Eric Meils to Dave Weaver, Subject: FW: Duke Assessment of TN-32Bs, &, original message from David C. Jones to Eric Meils, Subject: Duke Assessment of TN-32Bs w/attach Duke Energy - Summary Assessment of Potential Acquisitions of 3 TN-32B Casks Six pages of PBNPP Fuel Storage spreadsheets Paper titled Work Activity Definitions Two pages of accounting records titled NMC Count of Personnel number, and, Count of Personnel number 05/27/99 Two copies of a Department of Energy Presentation, one faxed from PECO NUC GROUP on 6/4/99, WEPCO Draft Responses to DOE Questions, and, a spreadsheet titled PBNP Spent Nuclear Fuel Distribution (Assuming 12 VSC-24s and DOE Take Title per APR) Spreadsheet titled Settlement Rules

0310 0311

WEP0460396 WISC00075328

WEP0460398 WISC00075328

01/12/1999 04/10/2001













0318 0321 0322 0323

WISC00123954 WISC00085606 WISC00085107, WISC00085141 WISC00000250

WISC00123959 WISC00085624 WISC00085107, WISC00085141 WISC00000255





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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0332 Bates - Begin WISC00084269 Bates - End WISC00084300 Doc Date Various Full Name Two pages of printout of computer screen from a WEPCO SAP accounting system followed by various types of printout reports provided in litigation including Previous Employment Reports Spreadsheet titled PBNP Functional Areas 08/18/2003 11/15/2005 10/30/1989 Report Run Off of the MSA System for Project 33664 for the year 1995 Another Report Run Off of the MSA System for Project 33664 for the year 1995 Int Corres from Rappl to Piltz & Fish, Copy To: McLenahan, Musinsky, Szymanski, Woodward & Yonko, Subject: 1989 - Fourth Quarter Billing Overhead Study; similiar 10/29/90, 11/6/91, 11/2/92, 11/8/93, 11/7/94, 8/12/94 & 11/8/95 int corres & related docs Spreadsheet listing all standard rates for Nuclear Power Business Unit between years 1996 and 2004, with NMC Activity Codes Organizational hierarchy and SAP for nuclear as of 1/1/05 07/20/2000 Five page fax with a cover page from Farron, WEPCO, to Kitsembel, PSCW, with a May 26, 2000, Economic Analysis Supplement, Point Beach - Dry Storage Project - Docket 6630-CE-275, a Point Beach Nuclear Plant Analysis, &, two handwritten pages Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Wisconsin Michigan Power Company, Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant, Units No. 1 and 2, Evaluation of the Spent Fuel Pool to Accommodate the Proposed 2360 KIPS Fuel Load, Job No. 10447-004, Rev 1, by Bechtel Power Corp A Wisconsin Electric Power Company Form 1555A Project Requisition Summary, Budget Item: 840330 Additional Spent Fuel Storage, Coordinator: Shimon, Prepared by Zabransky, and, a Form 1555B Project Requisition Detail Budget, Administrator: Zabransky Nuclear Fuel Data Form, section I-1 thru III.A-1, Reactor Code 5402, Reactor Name: Point Beach 2, Signed by J.J. Zach

0335 0336 0337 0338

WISC00085605 WISC00008555 WISC00070314 WISC00065050

WISC00085605 WISC00008562 WISC00070320 WISC00065118

0340 0341 0344

WISC00085108 WISC00070150 WISC00012837

WISC00085136 WISC00070158 WISC00012841













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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0388 0391 0392 0393 0394 Bates - Begin WISC00126912 WXE0110001 WXE0040001 WXE0100001 SMUD0061249 Bates - End WISC00126912 WXE0110060 WXE0040081 WXE0100205 SMUD0061250 Doc Date Full Name Holtec Cost Program Printouts [Restricted to Holtec Protective Order] Expert Witness Report of Warren K. Brewer Expert Witness Report of Cliff Hamal Expert Witness Report of Stephen Kiraly Letter from David K. Zabransky, Team Leader, Waste Acceptance and Transportation, DOE, to Steve Redeker, Manager, Plant Closure and Decommissioning, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, referring to letter from Redeker of January 22, 2001 Letter from Supko, ERI, Inc., to Zabransky, WEPCO, w/attach 3/90 E.R. Johnson Associates Review of ORNL Report "Supplement to ORNL/Sub/86-SA094/1 On Use Of Transportable Storage Casks in the Nuclear Waste Mngmnt System" ORNL/Sub/86-SA094/4, JAI-315 EEI, Utility Nuclear Waste & Transportation Program's Universal Container Systems Concept Paper, Prepared for Universal Container Systems Task Force Utility Nuclear Waste & Transportation Program, Prepared by ERI, Inc., Under the Direction of Jordan, PM Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Spent Fuel Storage Expansion, Revision 2 Comments to SMP #345, Phase 8 North Pool Rack Installation 12-04-79 to 12-14-19 Wachter Installation Report and Notes Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Fiscal Year 1994 Annual Report to Congress, DOE/RW-0464 Cask Loading Progress Update Cask Loading Progress Update Cask Loading Progress Update
Page 18 of 40

06/30/2006 06/30/2006 06/30/2006 04/06/2001









0397 0398 0399 0400 0401 0402 0403

WISC00025246 WISC00051685 WISC00051676 WISC00124521 WISC00073781 WISC00073780 WISC00073775

WISC00025362 WISC00051692 WISC00051684 WISC00124638 WISC00073781 WISC00073780 WISC00073775

09/29/1978 01/02/1980 01/07/1980 05/1995 12/12/1995 12/13/1995 12/14/1995

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0404 0405 0406 0407 0408 0409 0410 0411 0413 0414 0414A 0415 0416 0417 0418 0419 0420 Bates - Begin WISC00073772 WISC00064497 WISC00055107 WISC00055169 WXE0013190 WISC00059354 HQR2470208 WXE0015257 WXE0015110 WXE0015056 WXE0015127 WXE0013252 WXE0016108 WXE0013229 WXE0015517 WXE0016076 WXE0015549 Bates - End WISC00073772 WISC00064509 WISC00055153 WISC00055222 WXE0013192 WISC00059420 HQR2470236 WXE0015516 WXE0015125 WXE0015109 WXE0015152 WXE0013289 WXE0016138 WXE0013251 WXE0015542 WXE0016107 WXE0015593 Doc Date 12/15/1995 01/05/1998 05/30/2000 09/05/2000 05/21/2001 02/03/2003 11/06/2001 03/2005 06/26/1985 05/13/1981 08/28/1989 02/29/2000 11/21/2005 10/31/2005 07/09/2004 07/10/1998 11/26/2002 Full Name Cask Loading Progress Update Letter from Wachter, William J. to Farron, Paul Re: Modification of Cask Containment Assembley Certificate of Compliance for VSC-24 - Amendment 1 Certificate of Compliance for VSC-24 - Amendment 2 Certificate of Compliance for VSC-24 - Amendment 3 Certificate of Compliance for VSC-24 - Amendment 4 Spent Fuel Project Office, Interim Staff Guidance - 17, Interim Storage of Greater Than Class C Waste Shipping and Storage Cask Data for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel, JAI Corporation Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Prairie Island 1985 Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Prairie Island 1981 Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Prairie Island 1989 (ML022200584) Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Davis Bessie (ML003692685) Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Diablo Canyon (ML05290270) Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Clinton (ML053070593) Temporary Rack Application/Amendments St. Lucie (ML041910257) Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Waterford (ML021790559) Temporary Rack Application/Amendments Turkey Point (ML023540521)

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0422 Bates - Begin WXE0013084 Bates - End WXE0013189 Doc Date Various Full Name 10 CFR 171, (1-1-99 edition through 1-1-06 edition), Annual Fees for Reactor Operating Licenses, And Fuel Cycle Licenses and Material Licenses, Including Holders of Certificates of Compliance. Registrations. And Quality Assurance Program Approvals 10 CFR 170, Fees for Facilities, Materials, Import and Export Licenses, and Other Regulatory Services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended. VSC-24 FSAR NUHOMS 32PT FSAR Holtec HiStorm FSAR PBNP Spent Fuel Storage Testimony of James Keller on behalf of WEPCO PSCW letter on Ability of Point Beach and Kewaunee Plants to cool the spent fuel pools during full core offloads Memo from Krieser to WEPCO Nuclear Power Department PCC Invoice showing delivery of Cask #4 PCC Milestone Invoice Dry Storage Team Meeting MSB 9-12 Fabrication Start Up Cost Invoice, Invoice Number 99093 BIll of Lading for Delivery MSB 9 BIll of Lading for Delivery MSB 11 BIll of Lading for Delivery MSB 12 Minutes and Informal Instructions of the Open Meeting PSCW Order on Recovering Revenue from the DOE Document titled "Dry Storage Q&A" 1985 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 1
Page 20 of 40





0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0436 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441

WXE0015600 WXE0014827 WXE0013408 WISC00052526 WISC00010227 WXE0080389 WISC00010076 WISC00009437 WISC00004411 WISC00080044 WISC00006439 WISC00006459 WISC00006462 WISC00006456 WXE0080600 WISC00123295 WISC00000655 HQR3640001

WXE0016074 WXE0015038 WXE0014826 WISC00052533 WISC00010257 WXE0080391 WISC00010076 WISC00009437 WISC00004411 WISC00080045 WISC00006439 WISC00006459 WISC00006462 WISC00006456 WXE0080600 WISC00123296 WISC00000655 HQR3640025

06/30/2005 02/2003 No Date 07/22/1977 10/11/1994 04/16/1996 09/05/1996 10/02/1996 02/10/1998 04/30/1998 09/23/1999 02/18/2000 03/06/2000 03/07/2000 01/13/2005 01/18/2005 06/1993 03/06/1986

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 Bates - Begin HQR3640026 HQR3640041 HQR3640057 HQR3640071 HQR3640100 HQR3640264 HQR3640375 HQR3640431 HQR3640683 HQR3640761 HQR3640914 WXE0016146 HQR3640967 WEP0720001 WISC00011143 HQR0442620 WPS0021664 Bates - End HQR3640040 HQR3640056 HQR3640070 HQR3640099 HQR3640126 HQR3640292 HQR3640401 HQR3640459 HQR3640760 HQR3640802 HQR3640963 WXE0016146 HQR3640968 WEP0720053 WISC00011144 HQR0442630 WPS0021693 Doc Date 03/06/1986 02/09/1987 02/09/1987 02/08/1988 02/08/1988 02/03/1990 01/26/1990 02/14/1991 02/10/1994 02/10/1994 No Date 2002 12/31/2002 No Date No Date 05/1990 09/26/1991 Full Name 1985 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1986 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 1 1986 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1987 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 1 1987 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1988 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1989 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1990 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1993 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 1 1993 RW-859 Data for Point Beach 2 1995 RW-859S PBNP Unit 1 and 1995 RW-859 PBNP Unit 2 Forms (Nuclear Data Survey Supplement, Form RW-859) DOE 2002 RW-859 Data RW-859 2002 Data Description Site Photos WEPCO Answers to Your Questions - Dry Storage of Nuclear Fuel NAC Report: Facility Interface Capability Assessment (FICA) Project Cask-Handling Assessment Point Beach Units 1 and 2 NAC Report: Near-Site Transportation Infrastructure Project Report and Assessment, Point Beach Nuclear Plant (Wisconsin Electric Power Company) Mantowac County, Wisconsin; for Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. Memorandum from David Zabransky, EEI, to Members, EEI/UWASTE Executive Committee, re: Issue Resolution and the Universal Container System





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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0460 Bates - Begin Bates - End Doc Date HQV.940228.002 HQV.940228.002 12/1993 1 1 Full Name Point Beach Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Wisconsin Electric Power Company Site and Facility Waste Transportation Services Planning Document; Completed by: The Transportation Operations Project Office Oak Ridge, TN WEPCO's Reply Brief in re: Application before the PSC of Wisconsin for Construction and Operation of an ISFSI Brief of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin in re: Upper Great Lakes Green Network v. PSC, Case No. 95-CV-127 and Citizen's Utility Board et al. v. PSC, Case No. 95-CV-676 WEPCO's Brief in Opposition to Petition for Review in re: Citizens' Utility Board , et al. v. PSC of Wisconsin, Case NO. 95-CV-0676 and Upper Great Lakes Green Network v. PSC of Wisconsin, Case NO. 95-CV-127 (Fond du Lac) WEPCO's Proposed Bilateral Modification and Request for Equitable Adjustment Under DOE Contract No. DE-CR01-83NE44425 Letter from Bob LInk, WEPCO, to DOE enclosing ten Delivery Commitment Schedules Letter from Linda Strand, DOE, to Bob Link, WEPCO, enclosing nine disapproved Delivery Commitment Schedules and one approved Delivery Commitment Schedule Letter from Bob Link, WEPCO, to Linda Strand, DOE, enclosing nine Delivery Commitment Schedules Letter from Beth Tomasoni, DOE, to Bob Link, WEPCO, enclosing nine approved Delivery Commitment Schedules Letter from Beth Tomasoni, DOE, to Bob Link, WEPCO, re: request for revised Delivery Commitment Schedule for Year 7 Letter from Bob Link, WEPCO, to DOE enclosing revised Delivery Commitment Schedule for Year 7 Letter from Beth Tomasoni, DOE, to Bob Link, WEPCO, enclosing approved revised Delivery Commitment Schedule for Year 7
Page 22 of 40

0461 0462

WISC00013217 WPS0017930

WISC00013238 WPS0017972

12/16/1994 06/20/1995





0465 0466




CTR0062240, 2269, 2273, 2277, 09/21/1992 2253, 2257, 2261, 2283, 2287, 2291 2265 HQR3870002 HQR3870013 12/1992


0468 0469 0470 0471 0472

WISC00000713 WISC00000910 HQR3870001 WISC00000875 WXE0012148

WISC00000722 WISC00000919 HQR3870001 WISC00000876 WXE0012149

02/01/1993 03/10/1993 07/02/1993 07/16/1993 09/22/1993

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0473 Bates - Begin WISC00123601 Bates - End WISC00123642 Doc Date 03/10/1980 Full Name Trust Agreement between H&W Resources, Incorporated, Trustor, and Empire National Bank and Newton I. Waldman, Esq., Trustees, Wisconsin Electric Fuel Trust Second Amended and Restated Nuclear Fuel Lease Dated as of November 1, 2004, Between Wisconsin Electric Fuel Trust, as Lessor, and Wisconsin Electric Power Company as Lessee 03/30/1994 03/30/1995 03/28/1996 03/27/1997 03/30/1998 03/25/1999 01/27/1999 03/29/2000 03/29/2001 03/22/2002 02/28/2003 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending December 31,1993 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 1994 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 1995 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 1996 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending December 30, 1997 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 1998 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K/A, Amendment No. 1, Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 1998 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/1999 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/2000 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/2001 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/2002




0475 0476 0477 0478 0479 0480 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485

WTK0010001 WTK0010072 WTK0010172 WTK0010353 WTK0010452 WTK0010547 WTK0010637 WTK0010652 WTK0010764 WTK0010820 WTK0010903

WTK0010071 WTK0010171 WTK0010352 WTK0010451 WTK0010546 WTK0010636 WTK0010651 WTK0010763 WTK0010819 WTK0010902 WTK0010987

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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0486 0487 0488 0489 0490 Bates - Begin WTK0010988 WTK0011083 WTK0011175 WISC00012680 YMP0011435 Bates - End WTK0011082 WTK001174 WTK0011282 WISC00012683 YMP0011475 Doc Date 03/08/2004 03/11/2005 03/06/2006 12/20/2000 07/09/1984 Full Name Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/2003 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/2004 Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Form 10-K Filing with the SEC for the Fiscal Year ending 12/31/2005 Direct Testimony of Michael Baumann before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Letter from John J. Kearney, EEI, to Charles R. Read, DOE, OCRWM, re: Draft Mission Plan for the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program (April 1984) Letter from Henri Gueron, Con. Ed., to Christopher T. Jedrey, DOE, re: Article II of the Standard Contract Letter from Roger Gale, DOE, to Henri Gueron, Con. Ed., in response to Gueron's letter of April 26, 1985 Proceedings of the 1983 Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Information Meeting, December 12-15, 1983, Program Overview No Date 12/03/1992 10/13/1992 Memo from F. Killar to Distribution re: Americans on Roadwaste Disposal (ACORD) Early Draft ACORD HLW Goals for Mid-1993 Letter from Eileen Supko, ERI, to Michael Alissi, UWASTE, Edison Electric Institute enclosing attached draft Issue Papers for Standard Rulemaking Contract Discussions Letter from M. Detmer, Contracting Officer, DOE, to C.W. Fay, Wisconsin Electric, enclosing Instructions for Completing Delivery Commitment Schedule Forms, Copies to Lipke and Zabransky Assessment of Damages Prepared by The Kenrich Group, LLC

0491 0492 0493 0494 0495 0496

COF0090456 COF0261543 SN069588 SSM0463385 PPGE0013346 ERINSP02787

COF0090457 COF0261544 SN070014 SSM0463397 PPGE0013351 ERINSP02798

04/26/1985 07/08/1985









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Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0501 Bates - Begin ARC0010001 Bates - End ARC0010055 Doc Date 03/03/1983 Full Name Administrative Record-Standard Contract: Public Hearing on the Standard Contact for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High Level Radioactive Waste Federal Register Notice Part IV re: Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High Level Radioactive Waste Federal Register Notice Part II re: Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High Level Radioactive Waste Response to request for comments on Standard Contract for Disposal of SNF and/or HLW Letter from Hunton & Williams to NWPA-Project Office, DOE Letter from Southern California Edison Company to NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for Disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from H.B. Tucker, Duke Power Company, to NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for Disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste - Preliminary Comments Letter from the Virginia State Corporation Commission Division of Energy Regulation to NWPA - Project Office re: Standard Contract: Proposed Rulemaking Letter from San Diego Gas & Electric to NWPA-Project Office re: Request for Comments on Standard Contract - Federal Register Notice Statement before the Public Hearing on DOE's Draft Statement of E. Linn Draper, Jr., Senior Vice President- External Affairs Gulf States Utilities Company on behalf of the Edison Electric Institute, The Utility Nuclear Waste Management Group Public Hearing Comments from Dr. William M. Jacobi, General Manager, Nuclear Fuel Division, Westinghouse Electric Corp.

0501.01 0501.02 0501.03 0501.04 0501.05

ARC0010056 ARC0010071 ARC0010091 ARC0010102 ARC0010121

ARC0010070 ARC0010090 ARC0010101 ARC0010120 ARC0010125

02/04/1983 04/18/1983 02/04/1983 02/08/1983 02/07/1983













0501.09 0501.10

ARC0010141 ARC0010149

ARC0010148 ARC0010156

03/03/1983 No Date





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Case 1:00-cv-00697-JFM

Document 340-2

Filed 09/05/2007

Page 26 of 57

Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0501.12 Bates - Begin ARC0010164 Bates - End ARC0010168 Doc Date 03/03/1983 Full Name Letter from D. H. Peterson, Northern State Power Co., to NWPA-Project Office re: Comments on the Draft Waste Disposal Contract Omaha Public Power District's Comments concerning draft standard contract for the disposal of SNF Letter from the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company re: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on standard contract for disposal of SNF to NWPA-Project Office Comments by Consumers Power Company on Contract for disposal of SNF Letter from H.L. Brey, Public Service Company of Colorado to NWPA-Project Office re: Proposed standard contract for disposal of SNF Comments from the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company re: Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Comments from the Gulf States Utility re: Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Comments by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation; Contract for the disposal of SNF and/or High Level Radioactive Waste Letter from the Iowa Department of Transportation to NWPA-Project Office re: Proposed DOE Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from the Public Service of New Hampshire to NWPA-Project Office re: Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from GPU Services to NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Yankee Atomic Electric Company, A.R. Soucy to NWPA-Project Office re: Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste
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0501.13 0501.14

ARC0010169 ARC0010176

ARC0010175 ARC0010187

No Date 03/04/1983

0501.15 0501.16

ARC0010188 ARC0010207

ARC0010206 ARC0010211

No Date 03/03/1983

0501.17 0501.18 0501.19 0501.20

ARC0010212 ARC0010225 ARC0010236 ARC0010240

ARC0010224 ARC0010235 ARC0010239 ARC0010241

03/04/1983 No Date 03/03/1983 03/04/1983





0501.22 0501.23

ARC0010246 ARC0010250

ARC0010249 ARC0010254

03/04/1983 03/04/1983

Case 1:00-cv-00697-JFM

Document 340-2

Filed 09/05/2007

Page 27 of 57

Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0501.24 Bates - Begin ARC0010255 Bates - End ARC0010259 Doc Date 03/03/1983 Full Name Letter from Richard Fryling, PSE&G, to NWPA-Project Office re: Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 10 CFR Part 961, 48 F.R. No. 25 at pp. 5458, et seq. Letter from the Long Island Lighting Company, W.J. Tunney, to NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Northeast Utilities, B.W. Erk, to NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Southern Company Services, Inc., Ruble A. Thomas, to Robert Morgan, NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for Disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Alabama Power, F.L. Clayton, to Robert Morgan, NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for Disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Standard Contract Administrative Record Final Comments from Duke Power Company; Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Kansas Gas and Electric Company to NWPA-Project Office re: Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Iowa Electric Light and Power Company to NWPA-Project Office re: Comments on the proposed DOE Waste Disposal Services Contract J-70 Letter from the Mississippi Power and Light Company to NWPA-Project re: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 file: 0321/15162/N155.0/L860.0 Comments re: Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste; Notice of Proposed Rule





0501.26 0501.27

ARC0010263 ARC0010269

ARC0010268 ARC0010273

03/03/1983 03/04/1983





















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Case 1:00-cv-00697-JFM

Document 340-2

Filed 09/05/2007

Page 28 of 57

Wisconsin Electric Power Company v. United States, No. 00-697C
Defendant's Revised Will Use Exhibit List Wepco Def. Exh. # 0501.33 Bates - Begin ARC0010316 Bates - End ARC0010324 Doc Date 03/04/1983 Full Name Letter from Portland General Electric Company, J.T. Owens to NWPA- Project Office re: Comments and Recommendation concerning DOE's Draft Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste vb (per HDL 05/05/06) Letter from Edison Electric Institute to Robert Morgan, NWPA-Project Office re: Standard Contract for Disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from Atlantic Electric to NWPA-Project Office re: Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Letter from Detroit Edison to NWPA-Project Office re: comments on Standard Contract for disposal of SNF and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste Letter from the State of Iowa, Dept. of Public Defense-Disaster Services to NWPA-Project Office r