Free Statement of Facts - District Court of Federal Claims - federal

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Date: December 31, 1969
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Case 1:91-cv-01362-CFL

Document 195-8

Filed 07/27/2006

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Department of Energy Rocky Flats Office


Daily Report for Rocky Flats Office Admiz-alJames D. Wat_kins,Secretary Office of the Secretary, S-I, HQ Ed Goldberg ard larry We/net will attend a luncheon meeting with Congressman David H. Skaggs and local community leaders on 6/39/89 to discuss efforts to guarantee a safe water supply for local communities.A--represen~ative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,Omaha District, also has been irrvited to atterd. Building 771 closed d~n all operations today in preparation for a plant wide ma/ntenance steam outage that will occur over the weekend. Production will resume with the midnight shift on Mc~dayo ~he major lines that will be running next week include hydrofluorination, reduction, spray leach and

anion exd~nge.
Rockwell is preparing to sample ponds A-3, A-4, B-5 and C-2 in conjunction with the EPA on Monday, June 19, 1989. Sample~ will be collected by a ~i subcontractor and will be split with the EPA. EPA has requested to videotape the sampling for record. The samples will be analyzed in aocordance with a Clean Water Act Section 308 Order add re~llts will be required prior to EPA authorizationto discharge offsite is ~btained. The Inspector General ~ notified that a Rockwell employee has admitted to the embezzlement of funds ~ the accounting department. ~he excavat/on j~b s~uth of Bu/Iding 123 that was shut d~wn by DOE on 6/13/89 was ir~ by DOE Safety representatives on 6/16/89. As a result of the inspection,DOE has given R~_J
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~ wat,kJ_z'~


JUN 6 '~g89 ~l

~ne InfoLzmation Systems Manag~m~nt ~ ~mplet-~_ the "Waste and Enviror~entalMar~g~ment System" and is now in the data oollection phase. ~Inis.. c~puterizedsystem will provide wa-~te trackingand environmental monitorinq electronic database and report preparation capabilitiesfor the plant when all the data are loaded. The Mechanical Interactive Graphics Imp!e~en~ationteam was assembled and t_he kick-off meeting was held this w~ek. The team, consistirg of I]KM and IAockwell I~ternatior~lpersonr~_l,will brir~ the ne~ CAD/CAM syst~ int~ production by the end of Jitly. CATIA, the II~ CAD/CAM system, will replaoe the current Control beta system. CAT/A t%se~ 3-D models to drive production of weapons parts. It will r~volLrhionizethe way parts are manufactured at Rc~ky Flats since all machine tools and coordinate m~uring machines will be driven directly from geomet~ created by the I~plementationof an on-line real-time ClassifiedDmzument ~Control ~ys~em for improving traceability and inventory control has begun. ~he new system enables individual custodians to originate, copy and transfer documents immediately. %~e system will further enhance productivity, timeliness and control.

Team mambers participatedin negotiationswith Governor Rcm~-r and Department of Health representativesregarding a formal agreement between the State and DOE. The agr~m~2~ calls for DOE to perform, a number of envir~r~entaland health-related activities, and provide finar~zial assistance to support the m~zitoring and oversight activities of the towns

EP._A/NEICsa/~ling is p _~_'_. at a faste~, p~.~ceo Over I00 samples have be~n have been collected. Splits for a ma3ority of the samples have been provided to DOE and shipped to IIqEL for analysis. Medical Department staff routinely 0Jsp~=e of out, f-date drugs in the toilet. ~lis is not a good practice and should be stopped immediately. A new procedure for disposal of out-of-date drugs will be developed by ~ for the DOE Office M~nager's review and approval. An air m~nitoring specialist from K-25 arrived on 6/15 t~ soope out the mmzitoring specialists ~ K-25 will arrive on 6/19.

s. C~idberg

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~pa~tment of Energy RockyFlats Office


OAP[O:GjW DailyReportfor Rocky FlatsOffice AdmiralOames Do Watklns.Secretary Officeof the Secretary, S-1, HQ Construction work on top of the 776/777roof has ba(~n stoppedpending resolution reported of toxic vaporson the roof de6ailed a Colorado in Department Health reportby Al HaZleoIt appearsthat engine exhaust of from compressors the north side of the building~ay be one sourceof on carbon monoxideand a sickeningsmall.There is also a processvent which has descaling agents in the exhauststream,Workershave complain= ed of dizzinessand nausea while workingon the root Rockwellhas been directedto take corrective actionwhich ~e will review priorto author= Izlng restart.: On July ~0, two GloveboxOverheat Alarmswere received fro~ the s~me point in Building771, Room 114, 50 minutes apart, The alarms ~re the resultof a detector probe which was defective due ~;o corrosion. Line 3 is out-of=service in the processof being removed=The faulty probe and was Jumpered out of servicesince thereare threeo':herdetectors the in line. Five minutesafter the second alarm,about 8;~5, a Boulder DailyCamerareporter who had monitored our radiot.'ansmisslons calledto find out about the problem. In january1989 RFAO suggested Rockwell employee JamesKofferbe nominated to competefor the DOE In-HouseEner~ ~nageme~t{IHE~) A~ards Program. ~Innersof these awards would represent DOE in compatltlon for the Federal=wide Ener~ Efficiencyawards.Mr. James K)ffer has been selected to receivean Individual Award from the FederalInteragency Energy PolicyCommittee. The Award recognizes the con~ribjtion made to the efficient use of energy withinthe FederalsectordJrlng IgBBo This year. the FederalEnergyEfflc~ency Awardswill be presented 15 indlto vlduals~ organizatlons~ one speclalawardeeat a luncheon 15 and ceremony to be held duringEnergyAwareness I(onthoThe ceremony will begin at 12:00 noon on Friday, October 27, 1989, in the Caucus Room32S of the RussellSenate OfficeBuildingin ~ashlngtono IRo Hr. Kofferis being notified and invitedto attendthe ceremony and receivethe Award° The foundry/fabrlcation, moltensalt extraction, and pyrochemistry Braes continue be shutdown to for inventory° ~u~ to the need to ~in~mlz~TRU waste 9~naretio~ some r~tor~ti~nl

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;11 i





recovery lean residues of (combustibles, etc.) has ))een curtailed because these materials producea large waste volume=Hist,)rical TRU waste generation rates have been on the order of 50 cu= yd./month; currently, the allocation Building771 is 18 cu. yd=/montho to The audit team is scheduled completethe onsite portionof the NEPA to reviewand will providea verbaldebrief/closeout RFO management for on Wednesday (?/12). The sampling team is currently performing fieldrec,)nnaissance potenof tial sedimentsamplinglocations be sampledthis week= Stack and vent to samplingfor volatileorganicchemicals was startedtoday° The aerialradiological .surveytea~ has flo~ north*south lines from IndianaStreet(2 miles east of the plant center)westwardto the water tower at the west side of the plant site= Prelimln,~ry resultso~ ~he in~tlalportionsof the 2 week helicopter surveywill start to be compiledand made available DOE on Wednesday Thursday° to or

ActingArea~nag=.~r cc: a. Tuck, S-3, HQ To Eo ~ade~ DP-I~ HQ R° W, Starosteckl, EH=30,HQ Ro Eo Erlckson, DP=23,HQ B. G. Twining, OOMo AL

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United States Government

OAMO :GOW DailyReport for RockyFlatsOffice

Department Energl Rocky FqatsOffic~

JohnL, Meinhardt, Acting Assistant Secretary, Defense Programs, DP=IoHQ The finalcontractor outage for the Environmental Hazard Elimination project was conducted July I for ¢ransformer 707-4° Thisproject was initiated remove to all PCB-containing tranaformers~ cleanup any spillage (withEPA approvals), install transformers are PCBand new that free.The PlantPowergroupwill needone moreobtage 707 to remove at by-pass cables theyinstalled 707-Zand 707=5, at Thiscomp]etes all majorconstruction the project= contractor currently for The is working minor punchlist items. Authorization issued startEngineerlng was to Sciences, BOA contracthe tor,working TitleII design on activities the Remedial for Action 881 Hillside project° Thisproject will treatand reinject contaminated all ground waterin the 881 hillside area°PhaseI construction package for the new building scheduled completion Is for August 15. PhaseII construction package the ion exchange for system and ~he remainder the of project scheduled completion is for November PhaseI construction 29. ma~ startas earl~ September as IgBg. The fixedpricecontractor started design has the phaseon the TRUPACT Shipping Facility, review The package scheduled__for is delivery da.vs Z8 afterawardof contract, July ~3o Also,the contractor starting or is to bring personnel onslte for training preliminary work, and site The second and finalpourwas completed June29 for the Building Hot 865 Isostatic Press(HP)pad,The H~P move-in and majorcomponent assembly is scheduled commence to July~5. J, A. Jonesplanned contractlng on thisphaseof the HIP project a heavyequipment to rigging millright and contractor, However,~ threecontractors previously who expressed ~nterest havenow declined to adverse due publicity, Ao Jonesw~llno~ lease J, the needed equipment complete unloadlng~ and the moveoln majorcomand ponent assembly withJ. A, Jonespersonnel. On July~0, the Colorado WaterQuality Control Co~mission adopted water quality control standards application Walnut for to and Woman Creeks whichdrainthe RockyFlatsPlantand are tributary GreatWestern to Reservoir (prior Broomfield's to construction ~n e~rthen of diverslom

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canal) and Standley Lake,respectively, stand.~rds The are:I) an u~grade the stream to classification thatfor pJblic to watersupply use~ 2) statewide organic standards thatwerepreviousl./ proposed~ only 3) agricultural standards fivemetal, organic for 4) chemical standards basedon fishtoxicity radiologlcal B) standards basedon concentration guides agreed in the CDH/DOE to Agreement Principle, in Thesemeasures wereadopted usingpublic health and safety provisions the State's of Administrative Procedures and can be petitioned ar~ytime°The DOE Act at and the CDH are meeting Ouly13 to discuss on implementation these of measures theirimpact an agreement and on regarding sampling onslte of holding ponds, The environmental completed team duplicate (State an~ DOE)volatile organic chemical sampling the I, i, I trichloroethane on degreasing tank exhaust stackon the westoutside wallo~ Building and the main ~44 plenum Building of 774°The team alsopulled duplicate tedlar bag samples and performed pre-and post=sampllng velocity profiles° A moisture gas analysis and testwas alsorun on stackgas. The Airborne Measurement System (AHS)helicopter surveyed has approxlmately 30% of the facility, helicopter experiencing lossof The is a navigational signal due to interference the vicinity the water in of toweron the plan~° The helicopter movedto otherareasincluding has the westbuffer zoneand areas4-? mileseastof the sitepending loca~ tionand suspension the interfering of signal, Our office received inquiries froma few localcitizens residing the areaseastof the in siteregarding helicopter the fly-overs, individual One saidthe helicopter not flying was 250 feetintervals had flownthe samepath but overher homeaboutsix times, provided We Inforn~ation the surveys on and apologized any inconvenience. for The environmental revlewed~uildlng a p(sticide team 367, storage building, found release liquid and a of materials inside the building. The released material dimethyl was thiuron disulfide concentrated in form,The release was cleaned by chemical up operations personnel approximatelyhoursafter~iscovery. ~ Current storage practices in are extremely sloppy, Thereis no inspection schedule released and material leakfromthe building may before discov(~ry, auditteamis The working withpermanent staffto address Situation. RPO the Todaywe faxeda copyof a proposed pressrelease ChrisSankey, on to CP, the settlement agreement expect signwithRockwell the Stateof we to and Colorado Thursday Friday, intend on or We this wes$release be to onlyannouncement the settlement on agreement do not intend and to respond any further to mediainquiries. expect release We tO the announcement it is signed DOE (Ed Goldber!] when b3 willbe %he lastpar%x

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to sign the agreement), CP~s review and co~ents are required later no thanCOB Thursdayp ~uly13o

Edward Goldber-g/~ $o Acting AreaMana,ge~ J, Ro R, Bo Tuck,S-3,HQ W, Starostecki, EHo30, HQ Eo Erickson, DPo23, HQ Go Twining~ OOH,AL

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United States Government

July 13, 1989 OAJ~O:GJW Daily Reportfor Rocky Flats Office

Department of Energy Rocky Fiats Office

John L. Meinhardt, Actg Asst Secretary for DefensePrograms° DP-I= HQ Volatile organicsampleswere collected from a stack/vent Building in 460. The samplingevent was conductedwith CDH oversight.Duplicate/ split sampleswere providedto the State.Preliminary analytical results of the first set of ambientair monitoring sampleshave been receivedand are being reviewed the team. by The aerial radiological helicopter surveyis now 65% complete.The ~roblem with interference with the helicopter's navigational aid is not yet resolved(will experiment with turningoff pagingsystem).A °hot spot" was noted off-site the cornerof Highway93 and [.eydenRoad (verified at visually mine waste). as The audit team ~s continuing documentthe audit findingsidentified to over the last five weeks of investigation. The first bi-weekly reportfrom Rockwell International attachedas per is agreement. The U. S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE)will be conducting =Periodic a = of Rocky Flatsdams,beginning July ;!4 and concluding Inspection on July 26, 1989. Periodicinspections occur-atfive (5) year intervalswith "annualinspections" conducted every year betweenthe =Periodic Inspec= tions"oThe "Periodic Inspection is more detailed than the =Annual = Inspection and includes reportcontaining a such items as as-built draw° ings, construction history, construction materials, hydrologic descriptions,geologicdescriptions, operation, maintenance and inspection histories, and reco~nendations correctdeficiencies to conductmore to or detailed investigations. Sally Lewis,the State Engineer, Division WaterResources, of will attend the USACE openingmeetingon Monday.She will also inspectthe Landfill Dam on M~ndayand will attendthe Wednesday exit briefing the Corps. of Ms. Lewis advisedus that the Stateis planning lower the to classification ratingo.f all of the seriesA, B, and C dams to Category

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IV except for the three primarydams A-4, B-5o and C-2. (For Category dams the State does not requireannualinspection°)

Acting Area ~lanager ~ Attachment cc ~/att: Jo Tuck, S-3, HQ Ro Wo Starostecki, EH-30, HQ Ro Eo Erickson,DP-23~HQ B° Go Twining~ OOMo AL

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United States Government

Department Energy of Rocky Flats Office

July 24, 1989

OAMO:GJW Daily Report for Rocky Flats Office

John L. Meinhardt, Actg Asst Secretary for Defense Programs, DP-I, HQ RFO and Rockwell representatives are n~etIng wlth Governor Romer~s Scientific Advisory Panel thls afternoon to provide Information and get further acquainted. Rama Sastry of EH-341 arrived today to review the Indicator Pilot Program wlth RFO. Stream sediment samples were collected on July 7 in Walnut Creek upstream and downstream of the Rocky Flats site by represertatives of the Rocky Mountain News and Channel 9. Analysis of the samples by a commercial laboratory in Boulder "found no recordable levels of organic chemicals, no dangerous levels of toxic metals, and no high levels of radloactlvltyo" These findings were reported In the Rocky Mc.unta]n News of July 23, 1989, page 7o Elevated levels of lead downstream of the slte near Indiana Street were attributed to exhaust from automobiles using leaded gasolInes~ See attachment. A third scientist from Los Alamos National Laboratory has arrived at the RFO to assist In technical programs. Robert Behrens, who Is an expert in dissolution technology, arrived today and will as~,Ist In basellnlng the PRMP technology and will support enhancement of PL recovery operations In Building 771. Two ATMX raIlcars of TRU waste were shipped on Thursday, July 20° These arrived at Salt Lake City at about 1:30 pm, on Friday, and were to be switched to another train for movement to INEL. l'he two cars arrived at INEL at 6:00 am, July 23. Future Governor Roy Romer wlll visit Rocky Flats Plant the afternoon of August 4. He IS scheduled to visit Buildings 371, 771, end 776. His topiCS of interest include residue storage, stack sampling, and the recovery Incinerator.

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Admiral M. J. Barr will visit Rocky Flats Plant on July 27~ He wlll be briefed on Pu recovery operations Including a discussion of the incinerator head-end process, waste opera#Ions, and status and issues In ES&M, Following the briefings, he will tour Buildlngs 707 (manufacturing>and 77| (recovery>.

~d~ward S. Gold~rg Acting Area Menager Attachmen~ CC w/att: J. Tuck, S-3, HQ Ro'W. Starosteckl,EH-30, HQ R. E. Erlckson, DP-23, HQ B. G. Twlnlng, OOM, AL Ro Po Berube, EH-20, HQ

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United States Govemrnenl:

Department ot' Energy Rock~ Fiats Office

DailyReportfor Rock,Y FlatsOffice John L. MeinhdrdL, Actg Asst Secretar~ for DefensePrograms, DP Utilities personnel suspecta major leak in the fuel oil day tank at ~Ulldlflg 011 443. whichit will be inspected determine to the sourceof the leak. At 3:15 on AugustI, one wire of the three phase 13.8 KV feed at H frame 515/516-i behindBuilding 771 burnedapartand fell to the roa~wayo Power to Building 771[ was lost. Personnel were asked to leave the RadiationControl AreaO~ Bu11~Ing 77~ ~II~~|t;-!.~uil,Ii,~ nn mmergen¢~ power 9 ua~ thH alarm~. R~palrs were c~pleted and powcr rc3~orcdIn ~ i/~ hours, An Unplanned £ven~ Notification made. ua~ RFP has received the official cancellation noticefor the SPa31,and has begunshutdown activities that program. on The finalTool Made Sample(.TMS)for the $P9495was concluded July 27, on 1989 and was highly ~uc¢~ful."Th~ ~ana~= qu=liTi¢~ti~n Team c~mplimented an excell~iiL jub. Productionwelding on thc ~ w111 oon~inue a~ full pace based on these favorable results. apparentweld contamination problems. N~w low sulfurweld wir~ 5eing u~ed at RFP appearsto be the culprit.SNLL approvedthe use of this material and even performed TMS reviewon this produc~, a bu~ have subsequently ...wStbbeld..t~ic_ap#roval analytical when test resultsof the weld wire were c~mple~ed~n~ pr~nt~H tn the lab by Rockwell, Thc~c fifty two unite are on hol~ at S@V~ nn~h Rivmr ~til furthertesting By SNLL~ff~ROaRW~ll ~gl'LalllS LIIH IlllpaLL uF Lh~ Weld ¢ontmmlnotion~ , RoGkwell attempting ra~.Rtschedule is to requirements supplying by addition-

Edward S: Goldberg A~Ling Ar~a Manager

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j. Tuck, S-3, HQ R. W. Starostecki, EH-30, HQ ~. ~. ~,~,~kson, D~o~3o H~ B. G. Twining, OOM, AL Ro P. Berube, EH-20, HQ Ro W. Barber, EH-34, HQ

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United States Government

Department Energy of Rocky Flats Office

August4, 1989

OAMO:8JW DailyReportfor Rocky FlatsOffice John Lo Meinhardt, Actg Asst Secretary for DefensePrograms~ DP-I~ HQ Governor Romer visitedthe Rocky FlatsPlant tod~y and received tours of Building371 and 771, Discussion topicsincluded~tack sampling, RCRA regulated storage, recoverable residuestorage, and recovery processing including the recovery incinerator Building in 771., State HealthDepartment personnel were providedw%h a copy of the draft DOE Assessment Environmental of Conditions the Rocky FlatsPlant for at review. RFO and Rockwell personnel met with Broomfield and Westminster water qual= ity personnel discusstheiruse of a sampling to p('otocol similarto that which was agreedto by DOE and the State HealthDepartment. The community personnel will be invitedto observethe groundwater monitoring wells of alongIndianaStreet. The DOE, EPA and State negotiating teamsmet Augus:3 in the firstnegotiating sessionon the DOE FederalFacility Agree~en': for Rocky Flats.The identification assignment individual and of waste units to RCRA or CERCLA jurisdiction was discussed. Allparties agreed to review the Hartfordsite Agreement identify to and extractusableportions that document of for incorporation into the Rocky Flats Agreement. EPA is considering alternatfves allowing to State involvement CERCLAactivities in througha memorandum agreement. of DOE counselopposedthis approachbecauseit was not consistent with EPA policyand furthermore statutes not permit the do EPA to delegate this authority a state.Today':~ to discussions will focus on the Hartford protocol. Yesterday's item notingcompletion Tractor#24 ,~as premature. of Final Acceptance Tractor24244 was deniedAugust3, 1989, by DOE RFO QA and of Rockwell Final ProductAcceptance (FPA)due to nonzonformance with Sandia QualityOperations Instructions DrawingSpecifications. and The following discrepancies were noted; Glad hand modifications the streetside of the tractorwere not to accomplished°


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2 The properseal was not installed required Drawing$97556, as by Incorrect issue of Recordof Assembly (ROA)was used. Numerous pen and ink changesto the top drawings were not deviated by a Modification CenterChangeOrder (MCCO). Administrative errorsin the documentation the ROA compounded of the problems associated with the rejection thls equipment. of The Conventional TractorUpgradeto the Marmontractors at midis point of the contract, and the numberof problems that have been encountered with the acceptance the last four tractors of are almos~ identical the problems to listedabove. On August3, 1989, machining operations Module"C" of Building in 707 were shut down by Rockwell due to the drain linesbeing cloggedwith chips in these processing modules°This is a potential nuclearsafety concern° FUTURE Governor's Scientific Panelwas invitedto visit the Rocky FlatsPlant in orderto receiveinformation firsthand on the environmental monitoring programs conducted onsite.The date for this visit is being neBotiatedo

~clward Goldberg So ActingArea Manager J. R, Ro B, R, R, Tuck,S-3, HQ W. Starostecki, EH-30,HQ E, Erickson, DP-23,HQ G, Twining, OOM, AL P. Berube,EH-20,HQ W, Barber,EH-34,HQ

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United States Government

August 1989 g,

Department Energ~ of Rocky Fiats Offic~

O/LMO:GJW DailyRepor~ for Rocky FlatsOffice JohnLo Melnhardt= ACtgo ASStoSecretary Defense for Programs, DP=I, HQ The annual Security Survey the Rocky of FlatsPlant the DOE Albuquerque~ by Security Nuclear and Safeguards Division (DOE/AL, SNSD)scheduled for August 14, 1989, has beentemporarily delayed allow to resolution some of safeguards situations, survey tentatively The is scheduled beginon to September 1989,withthe exact 11, schedule be negotiated to between Rocky Flats and Albuquerque offices, The LANLRocky FlatsTechnology Office assisting Safeguards is the and Securit~ Branch forming teamof specialists support in a to Rockwell the in evaluation somespecific of areas concern the materials of in control area,It is anticipated thisteamwillbe formed that and holda "kick-off" meeting latenextweek,withan anticipated startdateof late August witha completion of November 1989, date Io Edward Goldberg RFO staff and met withthe Governor Colorado of and Colorado Department Health of stafftodayat the StateCapitol, topic The of discussion validation Stateinformation WaS of supporting Notice a of Violation characterizing storing in and certain classes materials of containing recoverable quantities plutonium, Stateis asserting of The authorit~ regulation for under provisions the Colorado of Hazardous Waste Act all residues thatare not in-process secondary materials an~which possess hazardous waste characteristicscontain or listed hazardous materials, copy of the Notice attached= second A is A issue~as clarification our plansfor treatment discharge water of and of fromPond B-5,as discusse~ xesterda~'s in DailyReport, to impress themthe and on urgency the s~tuation of given the level water thatdetention of in pond,

Acting Area Manage~

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August 18, 1989 AAM: GJW Daily Report for ~k~ Flats Office

Rocky Flats Office

John L. Meinhardt,

Actg. Asst. Secretary for Defense Programs, DP-I, HQ

The Annual Securfty Survey of the Rocky Flats Plant by the DOEAlbuquerque, Security and Nuclear Safeguards Division (DOE/AL-SNSD) has been rescheduled for September 11, 1989. The Rocky Flats Technology Office is assisting theRocky Flats Office, Safeguards and Securi~y Division in the support of a Rockwell study to evaluate some specific areas of concern in the materials control area. This team held fts initial organization meeting today and will be continuing this effort with .~ full team meeting now scheduled for the week of September 18, 1989. OOE/HQ-OSS, DOE/RFO,Rockwell, and Los Alamos were represented at the meating. K. E, Dennison from DOE/HQ-OCDP will be arriving in early September for one month to assist the S&S Division in setting up a classification training and awareness program. Also, B. Smith from OPM(Denver Office) will arrive 8/ZI/89 for one month to assist S&S Division in reducing the backlog of security clearance interviews. While switching the water supply from tank storage to pumpedsupply, a pressure surge damagedthe plant water main at three locations, After isolating the three known breaks, the system was tested for its ability to hold pressure. It a;pears that due to the age of the system, the pressure surges from the pump may cause more damage. The system has been returned to tank storage, RFOhas asked for an analysis of system reliability. The Denver Post today printed an editorial castigatlng DOEfor delaying construction of the supercompactor in order to prepare an Environmental Assessment. The edlt.orial~ which was faxed to Press Services this morning, said an EA is not needed and that DOEis just using it as an excuse to delay startup of the compactor. FUTURE Representatives the AhearneCommittee of will visit RFP on September to I reviewprocedures and operations leadingto certification waste destined of for the WIPP repository.

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Membersof the Secretary's blue-rlbbon panel on WIPP are scheduled visit to RFP the week of September11. We are planningan agenda similarto that for the Ahearnegrout,

/EdwardS~f.~oldberg ~" Acting AAda Manager

J. R. R. B. R. Ro

Tuck, S-3, HQ W. Starostecki, El(-30, E. Erickson: DP-23, HQ G. Twining, OOM,AL P. Berube, EH-20, HQ W. Barber, EH-34, HQ

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United States Government


Department Energy of Rocky Flats Office

August21, 1989 AAM:GJW Daily Reportfor RockyFlats Offlce John Lo Meinhardt, Actg. Asst, Secretary for DefeqsePrograms, DP-I, HQ On Saturday, August19, two demonstrators arrivedat the west accessroad and Highway 93. They departed after 30 minutes without incident.Again on Sunday,ten demonstrators arrivedat the west accessroad and HighwKy 93° They stayedfor I 1/2 hoursand departed w-it-hno problems reported° On A~gust 20, a laboratory furnacecoolantline separated Building in 881 causlngminor floodingof the mezzanine and rooms 317~ 293, and 15g, The SOE closedtwo supplyvalvesand was able to stop the flow of coolant, but not before an estimated25 gallonsof liquidran onto the floor. Custodial personnel responded the plant to take care of the cleanupand the coolo to ant was disposedof in a processdrain,per Instructions from Utilities and RCRA personnel. Discussions with RFO, Rockwell, and ColoradoDepartment Health(CDH) are of underway this afternoon regarding the'status the Building of 374 process |iquidwaste evaporator. Rockwellhas requestedwrittenconcurrence from CDH for operation the evaporator of before restarting operations. In response a CDH requestfor information the purityof the condensate to on water,we are providing data from 1987 which was done as part of the waste streamcharacterization study, We have not routinely sampledthe condensate water° As reportedearlier,plant operations will have to be shut down by Wednesday unless the evaporator restarted, is Headquarters staff were not able to providean interpretation the RCRA that would eliminate of potential liability for continued operations.

EdwardS. 6oldberg ActingArea Manager

J. R, Ro Bo Ro R~

Tuck, S-3, HQ Wo Starostecki, EH-30,HQ Eo Erickson. DP-23~HQ $o Twining~ OOM, AL ~o Berube.EH-20,HQ ~o B~rber~ EH~34~HQ

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Daily ReporI: ~'or RocI~vFlats Office Admiral James ~a:tktns, Secretary D, Office of the Secretary° $-1o Hq Plans establish Los Alamos to a National Laboratory Technical Office in the RFO are beingfinalized. first the initial The of LA~Lcadre. Mr. Wolfgang D~orzak, arriving is July11. Mro D~orzak willleadthe technologyintegration effort for the Plutonium Recovery Modification Project (PRMP)o On July7, a maintenance electrician momentarlly was exposed nitric to acidfumes whenshe was investigatingoverheat, an problem an acidtank on in Building 460,Room158 (Cleaning Area), The fumescaused a11erglc an reaction the electrician, reported Medical was released for She to and = afterrestand inhalation oxygen. faulty of The heater was "redtagged and repalred today, After completing OSHAtraining overthe weekend,Rockwell inspecting is eachof the maintenance construction involving and Jobs trenching or heights excels ~6 feetfor safety in of compllan~e. Jobsare leased whenthe inspection confirms thatappropriate safety health and measures in place. are The shutdown affected installation DOE office of trailers stacksampling and points for the Environmental Audi~o In anticipation ~ FOIArequest o? fromRockwell a11 DOE documents for seized the FBI,RFO allowed by Rock~ell retain to the documents whenthe FBI leftthe siteand to makea ~py whichwillbe Rockwell's copyif the FOIArequest is approved, At the request the Colorado of Department Health member the of a of envlronmental madea presentation Frlda2 the RockyFlats team on to Environmental Monitoring Council, Health Effects Subcommittee, Pacific on ~orth~est Laborato~/'s experience setting a technical in up steering con~ittee dose~econstructiono co~a~ttee provided abbreo for The was an viated cop~of the latest Hartford ~nvironmental Reconstruction Dose Work Plan and a copy of ~:he Ha}, Monthly Report, The validity the air effluent of radlologlcal monitoring is In quesdata tlonbecause ~ealcnesses probe of in placement calibration monitor= and of ing equipment. addition° validity the ambient radlolOglcal In the of air monitoring system in question Is because sampling the sys%ems old and are

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require frequent me;lntenance, samplersdo not have ?lo~ recorders and a study by the site has shownthat there is no correlation b~tweentotal longoltved alpha me:asurements plutonium concentrations ?or ambient and air monitoring, auditteamis ~orklng The withRFO permanent sta?fto address this situation, Somequantity 1~,w-level of waste has beenmisclassIFied ?RU-mixed as wastes because the limited of number waste of codeswhich can ~e usedin the segmented drumcounter, Rockwell developed budget has a request for the additional memcry required acco~odate to additional wastecodes, The audit teamhas beenableto better define quantity low-level the of waste whichhas beenmisclassifled TRU waste as and shipped INELo to (Seeattached Summary Report), FUTURE We havebeennotified that$clentech, ~illstart Inc. the nuclear safety appraisal RockyFlatson July17, W. W, Kinney EH-33~ at of willbe the HQ monitor. Stateof Colorado yet to nameits representatives, The has $cientech working is withDP to attain clearance status for three its of nineteammembers are not Qoclearedo who In response an RFO request, System to the Safety Development Center of EG~G, Idaho, ~illbe conducting HORT/AI a Workshop August through 21 Sept~ber in Denver, ~ RFO intends thatthe entire classwi]1be comprised RFO and Rock~ell of personne]o

$o Goldberg ActingArea ~nager Attachment cc Jo Tuck, So3~HQ To Eo ~de, DP-1, HQ Ro W, Starosteckl, EH-30, HQ Ro E, Eritkson, 0P-23, HQ Bo Go Twinlng~ OOH, AL

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~partrnant of Energy' Rocky Fiats Offic~

~eekly Highlights 1:or RockyFlats Office Admiral James W~~tklns, D. Secretary Office the Secretary~ HQ of Soi, The Rocky FlatsOffice (RFO) directed Rockwell suspend constructo all tionRroJects involving workin trenches abovethe ground. or Despite recent ~orkstoppa(les correspondencethe sub~ect~ and on violations of goodsafety practices construction havecontinued, in work Rockwell is to demonstrate that. theyhavecontrol oversafety construction at sites before authorization restart to willbe given. On ~uly3, David Skaggs spent about three hours RocKy at Flats touring Buil¢~ings and 374,His specific 37~ interests werenot expressed priorto his arrival, topics interest The of turned out to be (I) the "large amount" Pu residue slte~ of on (2) the locations where the residue stored is z=ndthe conditions under ~hich is stored~ wheth= it (3) er someof the residues really are economically recoverable given they havebeenin storable so long, for (4) the amount Pu in waste of VSo the amount contained residue, the sources contents waste i~; (5) of of containers residue VSo contalners, the procedure determining (6) for and Identlf~Ing whethera container goesto waste is retained resldue~ or as I and(7) whether the.plant could/wou]d ]imlt the amount material of putsin a drumso t.hat the dru~~ould ¢lasslfled vs. TRU waste, be LLW The Rocky Flats Ple=nt (RFO).approved proposal the submitted the by U. $, Ar~yCorps Engineers of (USACE) studies options preventfor of to RockyF]atssiterunoff fromentering GreatWestern reservoir, Great Western reservoir partof the domestic is water supply system for the Cityof Broomfieldo USACEwillsubmit theirdetailed scopeof work,cost estimate, schedule and within days, 10 Rockwell briefed Rock~ ~he FlatsOffice (RFO)staff the status the on of supercompactor facility. areapreparation has beencompleted The work on schedule, includin~i setting foundation clearing the and obstacles the in existing building, supsrcompactor The equipment expected be deis to livered July14~ IgBg~ on and the on-alia construction contractor is s~andlng to begininstallation. delivery auxiliary by The of equipment is now projected be delayed ~eeks, to two although Rockwel~ a onsite projectmanager working is withthe vendor daily expedite to delivery. Because thisequipment construed "hazardous is as wastetreatment" under ~he RCRAla~,a Par~B permit r~quest in preparation submittal is for to

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the Colorado Depaetment Health {CDH)by August 1, 1989. The project of ts currentl~ on schedule for completion b.v April 15, 1990. A Settlement Agree~entand ComplianceOrder on consent was negotiated wtth CDH close out any questions regarding the intert~ status of the to low-level radioactive mixed waste and transurantc mixed waste (hazardous waste) aanagement .areas at the Rocky Flats Plant. Approval to execute the agreementhas been requested from the Secretary's office. If approval is received the agreementshould be in place b~ July 11, 1989.

On August Z=3~Rob,~rt Clvlak, OHB,~11lvisit RFP fororientation a and tourof production fac(litieso

J~. a $. o eg Acting Area~anager ~, Tuck, S=3, HQ To Eo ~de, DP=I, 19 Ro WoStarostecki, EHo30= HQ Ro EoEr~ckson, DP..23, HQ AL Bo GoTw~ning,'OOH,.

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RFO:6oldberg:320-2025 Considerations Regarding Operation Rocky of Rats John Tuck ACT 5TATEMEiTi" ION Thereis a serious concernregardingthe adequacy contractor management of of the Rocky Flats Plant to assurecontinued safe operations.At present, there is lnoufflctent formality of operations be surethat the chance to of majoreventoccurringhas been precluded Lhosystem place. by In Hanagement not demanded formality. A ~clslon must be made has that regardingthe mosteffect|Ye wayto tnsUtutea majorchshOe the in contractormanagement philosophy related to the operationof this faC1|ltg. Di$CL~$10N havelost confidence Rockwell In management's ability to manage this f~cility becsuse there is considerable evidence of e lack of clear 11nee responelbflltgfor safe operations of a lac~ adequate of procedures toassure operations safe lack of conformance procedures to ~ lack adequate of mental discipline theworkforce. work within The athlc Inqueetion. isnot uniform Is There a ati~itude ofwIlllngnese towork hardto do it Mght because "that's whatwestandfor." s lack of interest in improvement. Therete a strongcultural sense that the plant hasoperated ~7 gearsandthat there is no reason for to change. goals andr~aeons change New for havenot beeneffectively conveyed managemenL. by e lack of an adequate training program lack adequate of on-Moor supervision

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The following tnctdents/~ituotto~

provtde e~ple~:


I. TheBu|Idlng ftltm" incidenton Juno |. 771 2 beenI 1¯ months ~]~ t~g werelast ch~nge~ e the entire chaln-of-comman~ In the wee ~new If and whomt~ ~qut~m~to change ~ 6 months w~ specified ~ge~ing t~ ~ed to, or ec~ule f~, ~tng the filter, e t~ Butld]~ ~r, after over e yosr of Rockwell institute e tots] ~sponsfbt]lt9c~ept, Is still not In cont~l of his butldt~. H~Is still not respo~lblef~ sofa opo~t]ons, 2. TwoconstrucUon Jobs wereshut ~wnon June14 and 21 due to s.fety violations - excavations shored,spoils ton close to the t~nch, not ~ Inadequateescapel~dd~, ~d ~dequate b~cades,Theseo~ *s~mple ope~Uons which present ve~ ~al ~sks to wo~e~ end ot~r plant e~toyees. OneJob w~ bel~ dana by Rockwell melnten~cef~es and other b~ o Rockwell ~bcontrector.Roc~we]l not Incont~i In either wee lost time lnJurg curTentlgocsur~evenj8.7 workday~l 4. ThenftMcacid spill In Building771duringreschlgMng inspection on April 13 andnumerous other tank overflowIncidents(most notab]~l the chromic acid apt1] on Feb~o~ indicate operatorsnet being sure that 28) their equipment procedures readyfor safe operations. and are 5. Five gearsof fellurs tO develop cMteriafor newplutonium recovery capability meet that safety, efflcienc waste minimization 9,and objectives, Operating staff are still notInvolved oversight the in of Installation of PROVE equipment in the optimizationof PRMP or technologies. 6. A uniform, plant=wides~stem managing for TRLVmtxod wastedoes notexist. A newculture cleaMy Is needed, beginning management wlth recognition of the philosophyrequirements and for safs'oper~tlen plant, of th~s b~t

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needed providethe physical~tor~tlen~ to enO

I E5

and/or responetbt|tttes couldIn Itself cause deOr~laUon a of operatlons and mmn accident. en ®if weelect to shut down, need h~defined criteria to we to the ®it must recognized a nuclear be that facility a~Its critical systems never ere "shutdown." ~ergoperations Those whlcll contrli~ute slonlflcantlgto unplanned events, ne~nely utilities and malnter~nce, would beleastaffected a shutdown. bg OPTIONS There appear bethree options elf actingthe management to for restructuMng an~ lncreosed ~Isclpilneof operations: I.AccamPtish the changes the while plant continues toope~te. 2. Shut dawn nuclear p~tton o~tions anddo nut sta~ up again ~til the change~have been o~lt~. ~. Shutdown plant ope~ttons donot ~ta~upegelnuntil the all and changes be~n have accomplished. Each these of Options could accomplished Re.well the be with ae contractor with a new or contractor.