Free USCA Scheduling Order - District Court of Connecticut - Connecticut

File Size: 78.5 kB
Pages: 2
Date: March 29, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Connecticut
Category: District Court of Connecticut
Author: unknown
Word Count: 719 Words, 4,034 Characters
Page Size: 612.72 x 1008 pts

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Preview USCA Scheduling Order - District Court of Connecticut
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i ` Case 2:90-cr-00018-AHN Document 227 Filed 03/27/2006 Page 1 of f I
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Roscann B. MacK h ' _
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Docket Number: 06-0410-cr g 0 il 2006 ’
Short Title: USA v. Milano (Pugliano) 4:,, i Q I
g DC Docket Number?390-cr-18 2* _ grrr. M¤at.m¤'*° I DC: DISTRICT (LUN AA- · A $0gND g\F\0°°
y DC Judge: Honorable Al · q E
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ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO (212) 857 - 8515 V 3 l
The Court having continued John Thompson , ret as counsel of record for the appellant Louis Pug]- inc I
and noting that the notice of appeal was filed on 01/23/2006. g
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the docketing fee shall be paid to the Clerk of District Court wi ten i
(10) days after the filing of the notice of appeal, in default of which the appeal shall be dismissed.
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the court reporter shall tile with the Clerk of the District Court w' in l
36 days fmmn reemtpit of the mraurscript order those transcripts ordered pursuant tc FRA.? 10·{b)(I.). · r y N
- - jilIO*illk')Il1hBlI`§¢’fill¥n€ court reporter to extend the time to file the transcripts shall be rnade not than '/ r1..ys
'llreforre ttllte transcripts are: due, unless exceptional circumstances exist. l
IT IES `EURTHER ORDERED that counsel shall forward a copy of any amendment, correction, or
supplement to the initial transcript order to this court and to the Clerk of the District Court forthwi I
IT lI.'S.Fl1iRTHER ORDERED that within I0 days ofthe filing ofthe notice of appeal, counsel shall t el
arch stregpsaa my the necessary to enable the Clerk of the District Court to assemble and transit the r ·COI
ami indlex ifortmmsmisaon. bmdex to the record on appeal, a certified copy ofthe docket entrie , and
the clerlcls eertiitieate simll be filed before 02/2.1!2006. The documents constituting the record whi
shall not be trarrsnztitxed until requested by this Court, but will be required within 24 hours of such I 1
request. I
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I ' IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that ten (10) copies of the appellant’s brief and appendix be served filed
l on or before 03/23/2006 . `
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in the event of default by appellant in timely filing the record or rief
_ and appendix or upon default by appellant in complying with any other provision of this order, the peal
I shall be dismissed. Counsel should be aware that defaulting a criminal case could result in sanctio
S directed to the attorney. y
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the United States shall serve and file ten (10) copies of its brief or
l before 04/24/2006, except that a response to a brief filed pursuant to Anders v. California, 386 U. 738
H (1967) shall be served and tiled in lieu of a brief by not later than 04/14/2006.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the argument of the appeal shall be heard no earlier than the w e of
06/05/2006, except that an appeal in which an Anders brief has been filed shall be ready to be he I
immediately following the receipt of the response of the appellee. All counsel should immediatel l
advise the Clerk by letter of the dates thereafter that they are unavailable for oral argument. The t e I
and place of oral argument shall be separately noticed by the Clerk to counsel.
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Dated: 2/1/2006 Ralph Oba i
Deputy Clerk, USCA
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