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Date: April 20, 2007
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 889 Words, 5,636 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 792 pts

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Case 1:07-mj-00074-IVIPT Document 2 Filed 04/19/2007 Page 1 of 4
United States District Court
APH l 9 2007
T Q 1 A L YJ D
V. » lt __,ll_Q.,
Criminal Complaint
(Name and Address of Defendant) I
I, the undersigned complainant, being duly swom, state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
On or about April 17, 2007, in the State and District of Delaware, DefendantANlPARO VEGA-CORTEZ, an alien and subject of Mexico
was found in the United States, after having been removed therefrom on or about November 23, 1999, at or near Laredo, TX, and on or abou"
September 18, 1996, at or near Brownsville, TX, and defendant was knowingly in the United States unlawfully, and prior to his reembarkatio
at a place outside the United States, neither the United States Attorney General nor the Undersecretary for Border and Transportation Security
Department of Homeland Security, expressly consented to Defendant’s reapplying for admission to the United States; in violation of 8 U.S.C. §
I further state that I am a(n) Special Agent, Department of Homeland Securig, ICE and that this complaint is based
Ofhclal Title
on the following facts:
See attached Affidavit.
Continued on the attached sheet and made a part hereof: A _
Signature of Complainant
. Patrick McCall
' Special Agent, ICE
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,
April 19, 2007 at Wilmington, DE
Date City and S » · ‘ ,
Honorable Mary Pat Thynge
United States Magistrate Judge Y 41:.A.o
Name & Title of Judicial Officer Signature of Judicial O /

B if Case 1:07-mj-;0O074-IVIPT Document2 Filed O4/19/2007 Page 2 of4
Your affiant is a Special Agent of the United States Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and has been so employed for
approximately eighteen and one half (18 1/2) years. Being duly sworn, your afliant
deposes and says as follows:
1. On July 28, 2006, your afliant received information from Pennsylvania State
Police Trooper Maurice NADACHOVVSKI in Avondale, Pennsylvania regarding Amparo
VEGA-CORTEZ and his deportation from the United States. At this time, Trooper
NADACHOWSKI stated that he had received information that VEGA—CORTEZ had
reentered the United States following his deportation from the United States and was
, currently residing in Wilmington, Delaware. Trooper NADACHOWSKI stated that
l AMPARO-VEGA has been arrested for Criminal Attempted Homicide in Avondale,
Pennsylvania and provided this writer with a description of VEGA-CORTEZ, vehicles he
operated, and a current employer in Elsmere, Delaware.
- 2. On April 17, 2007, Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ was encountered by this writer
Q and the New Castle County Police Department at 9 Germay Drive, Wilmington, Delaware.
Z At this time, VEGA-CORTEZ was in possession of a Delaware Identification card and

Case 1:07-mj-00074-MPT Document 2 Filed 04/19/2007 Page 3 of 4
Social Security card in the name of Gustavo CORTES—VEGA. CORTES-VEGA, aka:
` Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ, admitted to being in the United States illegally and was taken
into custody.
3. The fingerprints of Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ were searched through the
Immigration Automated identification Fingerprint System (IAFIS) and matched the
Federal Bureau of Investigation Identification Record of Amparo CORTEZ
(FBl#169474CB1). Your afliant retrieved and reviewed the FBI Identification Record of
Amparo VEGA. This record shows arrests by the United States Immigration and
Naturalization Service in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania under immigration tile number A73
520 588 on November 10, 1999.
3. The immigration tile of Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ (A73 520 588) was retrieved
by your afhant and revealed that VEGA—CORTEZ was a native and citizen of Mexico by
birth and had been deported from the United States on September 18, 1996 at
Brownsville, Texas and on November 23, 1999 at Laredo, Texas.
4. On April 18, 2007, your affiant interviewed Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ pursuant to
his arrest and deportation from the United States. After advising him of his
L rights, VEGA-CORTEZ waived his rights agreed to speak without the presence of an
Q attorney. He stated that he was a native and citizen of Mexico by birth on -
. 1974 and admitted to having been deported from the United States in 1999. AMPARO-
-2- h

Case 1:O7—mj-00074-MPT Document 2 Filed 04/19/2007 Page 4 of 4
CORTEZ further admitted that he entered the United States illegally at Nogales, Arizona
h in February of 2000 and never Hling for permission to reenter the United States after his
deportation, VEGA-CORTEZ provided a written statement relating to these facts.
5. You affiant has reviewed the immigration file of Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ and
found a Certificate of Non—Existence of Record for filing of an Application for Permission
to Reapply for admission to the United States After Deportation, in the case of Amparo
VEGA-CORTEZ, born in Mexico.
Your afliant avers that there is probable cause to believe that on or about April 17, 2007
in Wilmington, Delaware, in the District of Delaware, that Amparo VEGA-CORTEZ, a
native and subject of Mexico, reentered or was found in the United States, after having
T been deported there from on September 18, 1996 and on November 23, 1999 at Texas.
, gee no- {YlcQq,,,o
` Special Agent
l U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
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