Free Contractor Proposal Agreement
This Contractor Proposal Agreement sets out a proposal to a client. This agreement includes the name of the contractor, the project and the estimated time and cost of the project. This Contractor Proposal Agreement also contains a list of other projects which the contractor has successfully completed.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
Contractor Proposal Agreement
I, _____________________________________ of ____________________________________ would like to offer my services to you for the following purpose: ________________________
I would like to bring to your notice that previously I have been awarded contracts for various projects which I have completed successfully. Some projects of mine include: ______________
The total estimated cost of your project will be $ _____________. This cost shall cover all items of any nature whatsoever needed to perform the work called for by your proposal. The estimated time the project may take is ______________ months.
I assure you that I always hire skilled labor for any project.
I hereby represents that all statements made by me in this Agreement are complete and correct.
Hope to work with you soon.
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